6.0 Sedimentation
6.0 Sedimentation
6.0 Sedimentation
Separation Process –
Settling & Sedimentation
- process by which particulates settle to the bottom of a liquid and
form a sediment
- any particulate matter that can be transported by fluid flow and
which eventually is deposited as a layer of solid particles on the
bed or bottom of a body of water or other liquid
- the deposition by settling of a suspended material
- the separation of a dilute slurry or suspension by gravity settling
into a clear fluid and a slurry of higher solids content
In settling and sedimentation, the particles are separated from the fluid by
gravitational forces acting on the particles
When a particle is at a sufficient distance from the walls of the container and
from other particles so that its fall is not affected by them, the process is called
free settling
When the particles are crowded, the settle at lower rate and is called hindered
Theory of Particle Movement Through a Fluid
1. Derivation of basic equations for rigid spheres
• Whenever a particle is moving through a fluid, a number of forces will be acting on
the particle
• A density difference is needed between the particle and the fluid. Therefore, an
external force of gravity is needed to impart motion to the particle. When the densities
is equal, the buoyant force will counterbalance the external force
• Forces for a rigid particle moving in a fluid that acting on the body : gravity acting
downward, buoyant force acting upward, and resistance or drag force acting in
opposite direction to the particle motion
• The density of solid particle is ρp kg/m3 solid and the liquid is ρ kg/m3 liquid. The
buoyant force Fb in N on the particle of mass m kg falling at a velocity v m/s relative
to the fluid is:
where m/ρp is the volume Vp, in m3 of the particle and g is the gravitational
acceleration in m/s2.
Theory of Particle Movement Through a Fluid
• The drag force FD on a body in N may be derived from the fact that, as in flow
of fluids, the drag force or frictional resistance is proportional to the velocity
head v2/2 of the fluid displaced by the moving body. This must be multiplied
by the density of the fluid and by a significant area A, such as the projected
area of the particle.
the drag coefficient CD is the
(3) proportionality constant and is
Theory of Particle Movement Through a Fluid
• The resultant force on the body is the Fg-Fb-FD. This resultant force must equal
the force due the acceleration:
• When the moment of the body is released from its position of rest, the falling of
the body consist of two periods: the period of accelerated fall and the period of
constant-velocity fall.
Theory of Particle Movement Through a Fluid
• The initial acceleration is very short. So, the period of constant-velocity fall is the
important one. It is called the free settling velocity or terminal velocity vt
• To solve the terminal velocity in Eq. (5), dv/dt = 0 and the equation becomes
• For spherical particles m = πDp3ρp/6 and A = πDp2/4. Substituting these into Eq. (6),
for spherical particles:
where vt is m/s (ft/s), ρ is kg/m3 (Ibm/ft3), g is 9.80665 m/s2 (32.174 ft/s2), and is m (ft).
Theory of Particle Movement Through a Fluid
2. Drag coefficient for rigid spheres
• The drag coefficient for rigid spheres has been shown to be a function of the Reynolds
number Dpvρ/µ of the sphere
• In laminar-flow region, called the Stokes’ law region for NRe<1, the drag coefficient is:
Theory of Particle Movement Through a Fluid
Sedimentation is very often used in the food industry for separating dirt
and debris from incoming raw material, crystals from their mother liquor
and dust or product particles from air streams.
vm = D2g(ρp - ρf)/18µ
Stokes' Law applies only to cases in which settling is free, that is where the motion
of one particle is unaffected by the motion of other particles. Where particles are in
concentrated suspensions, an appreciable upward motion of the fluid accompanies
the motion of particles downward. So the particles interfere with the flow patterns
around one another as they fall. Stokes' Law predicts velocities proportional to the
square of the particle diameters. In concentrated suspensions, it is found that all
particles appear to settle at a uniform velocity once a sufficiently high level of
concentration has been reached. Where the size range of the particles is not much
greater than 10:1, all the particles tend to settle at the same rate. This rate lies
between the rates that would be expected from Stokes' Law for the largest and for
the smallest particles. In practical cases, in which Stoke's Law or simple extensions
of it cannot be applied, probably the only satisfactory method of obtaining settling
rates is by experiment.
Hindered settling
Particles will not settle as perfect spheres at their terminal velocity
under a variety of conditions:
• For hindered flow, the settling velocity is less than would be calculated from Eq. (9) for
Stokes’ law
• The true drag force is greater in the suspension because of the interference of the other
• The higher effective viscosity of the mixture µm is equal to the actual viscosity of the
liquid itself, µ, divided by an empirical correction factor, Ψp, which depends upon ε, the
volume fraction of the slurry mixture occupied by the liquid:
Hindered Settling
• The density of the fluid phase effectively become the bulk density of the
slurry ρm, which is as follows:
Hindered Settling
• substituting mixture properties of µm from Eq. (12) for µ in Eq. (9), (ρp-ρm), from Eq.
(15) for (ρp-ρ), and multiplying the result by ε for the relative-velocity effect, Eq. (9)
becomes, for laminar settling,
• This is the velocity calculated from Eq. (9), multiplied by the correction factor (ε2Ψp) .
• The Reynolds number is then based on the velocity relative to the fluid and is
• When the Reynolds number is less then 1, the settling is in the Stokes’ law range
Wall Effect on Free Settling
• When the diameter Dp of the particle becomes appreciable with respect to the
diameter Dw of the container in which the settling is occurring, a retarding effect
known as the wall effect is exerted on the particle.
• The terminal settling velocity is reduced
• In the case of settling in the Stokes’ law regime, the computed terminal velocity can
be multiplied by the following to allow the wall effect for Dp/Dw <0.05:
Example : Settling velocity of dust particles
Calculate the settling velocity of dust particles of (a) 60 mm and (b)10 mm diameter in
air at 21°C and 100 kPa pressure. Assume that the particles are spherical and of
density 1280 kg m-3, and that the viscosity of air = 1.8 x 10-5 N s m-2 and density of air
= 1.2 kg m-3.
For 60 mm particle:
vm = (60 x 10-6)2 x 9.81 x (1280 - 1.2)
(18 x 1.8 x 10-5)
= 0.14 m s-1
vm = 0.14 x (10/60)2
= 3.9 x 10-3 m s-1.
(Re) = (Dvρb/µ)
= (60 x 10-6 x 0.14 x 1.2) / (1.8 x 10-5)
= 0.56
Gravitational Sedimentation of Particles in a
Solids will settle in a liquid whose density is less than their own. At low
concentration, Stokes' Law will apply but in many practical instances the
concentrations are too high.
In a cylinder in which a uniform suspension is allowed to settle, various quite well-
defined zones appear as the settling proceeds. At the top is a zone of clear liquid.
Below this is a zone of more or less constant composition, constant because of the
uniform settling velocity of all sizes of particles. At the bottom of the cylinder is a
zone of sediment, with the larger particles lower down. If the size range of the
particles is wide, the zone of constant composition near the top will not occur and an
extended zone of variable composition will replace it.
In a continuous thickener, with settling proceeding as the material flows through, and in
which clarified liquid is being taken from the top and sludge from the bottom, these same
zones occur. The minimum area necessary for a continuous thickener can be calculated by
equating the rate of sedimentation in a particular zone to the counter-flow velocity of the
rising fluid. In this case we have:
vu = (F - L)(dw/dt)/Aρ
where vu is the upward velocity of the flow of the liquid, F is the mass ratio of liquid to
solid in the feed, L is the mass ratio of liquid to solid in the underflow liquid, dw/dt is the
mass rate of feed of the solids, ρ is the density of the liquid and A is the settling area in the
If the settling velocity of the particles is v, then vu = v and, therefore:
A = (F - L)(dw/dt)/vρ
A = 4 x 200/(0.77 x 1000)
= 1.0 m2
Differential settling and separations
• For particles of equal settling velocities, vtA = vtB, by equating Eq. (20) to (21), canceling terms, and
squaring both sides.
Differential settling and separations
• For particles that are essentially spheres at very high Reynolds numbers in the turbulent
Newton’s law region, CD is constant and CDA = CDB, giving
• For laminar Stokes’ law settling
• Substituting Eq. (25) into Eq. (23) and rearranging for Stokes’ law settling, where vtA =
• For particle settling in the turbulent range, Eq. (24) holds for equal settling velocities.
Differential settling and separations
• For particles CDA = CDB and settling is in the turbulent Newton’s law region, containing
Eq. (20) and (21),
• If both A and B particles are settling in the same medium, then Eq. (24) and (28) can be
used to make the plots given in Fig. 1 for the relation of velocity to diameter A and B.
1. Mechanisms of sedimentation
• When a dilute slurry is settled by gravity into a clear fluid and a slurry of higher
solids concentration, the process is called sedimentation or sometimes thickening.
• To illustrate the method for determining settling velocities and the mechanisms of
settling, a batch settling test is carried out by placing uniform concentration of slurry
in a graduated cylinder
Sedimentation and Thickening
• At the start, all the particles settle by free settling in suspension zone B.
• The particles zone B settle at a uniform rate at the start, and a clear liquid zone A appears.
The height of z drops at a constant rate.
• Zone D also begins to appear, which contains the settled particles at the bottom and zone C
is a transition layer whose solids content varies from that in zone B to that in zone D.
• After further settling, zone B and C disappear. Then compression first appears; this moment
is called the critical point
• During compression, liquid is expelled upward from zone D and the thickness of zone D
• The concentrated c1 is therefore, the average concentration of the suspension if zi is the height
of the slurry. This is calculated by
• This is repeated for other times, and a plot of settling velocity versus concentration is made
Equipment for Settling and Sedimentation
1. Simple gravity settling tank
• In Fig. (a), a simple gravity is shown for removing by settling a dispersed liquid phase
from another phase
• The velocity horizontally to the right must be slow enough to allow time for the smallest
droplets to rise from the bottom to the interface or form the top down to the interface and
• In Fig (b), dust-laden air enters at one end of a large, boxlike chamber.
• Particles settle toward the floor at their terminal settling velocities.
• The air must remain in the chamber a sufficient length of time (residence time) so that
particles reach the floor of the chamber
• The vertical height of the chamber must be small enough that this height, divided by
settling velocity, gives a time less than the residence time of the air
Equipment for Settling and Sedimentation
• 14.3-1
• 14.3-2
• 14.3-3