Outcomes-Based EducationMatching Intentions With Accomplishments
Outcomes-Based EducationMatching Intentions With Accomplishments
Outcomes-Based EducationMatching Intentions With Accomplishments
What is OBE or Outcomes-Based Education?
• Outcome-Based Education means clearly focusing and organizing everything in an
educational system around what is essential for all students to be able to do
successfully at the end of their learning experiences.
• It is a system where all the essential parts of education are focused on the outcomes
of the course.
• is a model of education that rejects the traditional focus on what the school should
give or provide to the students
Should be focused on :
• Outcomes not Inputs
• Criteria not Norms
"Inputs" such as how many hours students spend in school, or what textbooks are provided are
less emphasized.
• It also includes what are the technologies that we use in the teaching-learning environment,
and what teaching strategies and techniques are we going to utilize.
"Outcomes" on the other hand, may include a range of skills and knowledge that should be
concretely measurable.
• This is where the writing of Learning Outcomes (LO) takes place. In writing the LO or
Learning outcomes/objectives, it must be SMART
- students are assessed against absolute objectives, instead of reporting the student's
achievement compared to that of their classmates.
• This means that the "grading on the curve" or references testing is NOT done in OBE.
-student is awarded "level", which indicates that the teacher believes the student has learned
enough of the current material to be able to succeed in the next level of work.
• Meaning, that in OBE there are no "Failing Students". If a students were not able to attain
the intended outcomes that we have set for them or in that particular level, the student
will REVIEW that level together with his classmates.
The four (4) Principles of OBE (by Spady,1994)
1. Clarity of Focus- learners are certain about their goals and are always given significant, culminating
• Every action that we do must be firmly centered on the knowledge, comprehension, and skills we want
our students to have or attain at the end of their learning experience. In other words, we should
concentrate on helping our students to obtain the information, abilities, and qualities that will allow
them to accomplish the clearly stated intended outcomes.
2. Designing Backwards. Using the major learning outcomes as the focus and linking all planning,
teaching, and assessment decisions directly to these outcomes.
• "Design down from where you want to end up"
• This second principle is based on the first principle. It implies that a clear specification of the targeted
outcomes that students are to acquire by the end of the subject, course, or discussion must be used as
the foundation for the curriculum design.
• The Outcomes are now your basis for making your lesson plan.
The four (4) Principles of OBE (by Spady,1994)
3. Consistent high expectations of success- helping students to succeed by providing them encouragement to
engage deeply with the issues they are learning and to achieve the set of highly challenging standards
• To encourage the students to become fully engaged in their studies. It means that we, teachers should set
high, demanding expectations of achievement.
• High expectations= High-quality performance
4. Expanded Opportunities- developing a curriculum that allows every learner to progress at his or her own pace
and that caters to individual needs and differences.
• Teachers must strive to provide expanded opportunities for all students because not all learners that not
every student can acquire knowledge in the same way or at the same pace as other students.
• It is essential to put in mind that everything that we provide, perform or do inside the classroom and the
teaching and learning activities that we provide to them must be something relevant and meaningful that
would allow the learners to succeed and progress in the class.
Outcomes-Based Education: Matching intentions and Accomplishment
OBE is the new educational perspective that changes the educational focus from content to
outcomes which put the students are the center of the educational process, faculty-driven, and
• It is student-centered
• It is faculty-driven
• It is meaningful
Outcomes-Based Education: Matching intentions and Accomplishment
• It is student-centered- it places the students at the center of the process by focusing on the SLO or the
Student learning outcomes.
• It is student-centered because everything that we do and provides inside the classroom is directed to
the learners.
• It is faculty-driven- It promotes teacher accountability for teaching, evaluation of successful
implementation, and student engagement
• The faculty are the ones to control the conditions for success. Meaning they prepare the syllabus,
rubrics, and such, and are the facilitator of learning.
• It is meaningful- It gives information to help and guide teachers to make accurate, valid, and ongoing
improvements to their lessons and assessment procedures.
• OBE motivates teachers to design learning that will be effective and meaningful to their learners.
Traditional vs. OBE
• Learners are active
• Learners are passive.
• Learners are assessed on an ongoing basis.
• The approach is exam-driven.
• Critical thinking, reasoning, reflection, and action are
• Rote-learning is encouraged. encouraged.
• The syllabus is content-based and divided • Content is integrated and learning is relevant and connected
into subjects. to real-life situations
• Learning is textbook/worksheet-bound and • Learning is learner-centered, the teacher facilitates and
teacher-centered constantly applies group work and teamwork to consolidate
• The teacher sees the syllabus as rigid and the new approach.
nonnegotiable • Learning programs are seen as guides that allow teachers to
• Teachers are responsible for learning and be innovative and creative in designing their programs.
• Learners take
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To implement Outcomes-based Education on the subject or course level, the
following procedure is recommended:
1. Identification of the educational objectives of the subject/ course.
The educational objectives are the broad goals that the subject expects to achieve and define in general
terms the knowledge, skills, and attitude that the teacher will help the students to attain.