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Construction Supervision of Bridge Projects

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Prepared by:
Engineer III, OIC Assistant Chief
Planning and Design Division


1. Control Matrix for Construction

This matrix provides the items of work,

material test requirements and inspection items
for all types of bridge structures in the “Typical
Design Drawings” and is generally consistent
with the DPWH Standard Specifications.
No. Kind of Structure Item No. Type of Work Material Test Required Checklist Item to be Measurement Remarks

    Item 405 Structural -For every 2000 bags of cement      
    Concrete or fraction thereof,      
    -for every 1,500 m3 of      
Annex 2.1 Control Matrix for Revetment
Fine aggregates or fraction
Thereof,1-Q and
    Legend : Q-Quality Test; G-Grading; P-Plasticity
-for every 75 m3 of fine or Liquid Limitplacing
Furnishing, Test; and
The quantity ofFDT- Field  Density Test
    aggregate, 1-G finishing concrete in structural concrete to Generally, the extent of the Structural concrete
    Coarse Aggregates: allstructures and its be paid for will be the is the deepest riverbed level/computed scour
    -for every 1,500 m3, 1-Q conformances to the final quality placed and level
    And for nevery 75 m3,1-G. lines, grades and accepted in the
  Grouted Riprap Water: 1-Certificate from dimension as shown in completed structure
  (Wall Type) Project Engineer, the Plans.
R-5 Note: Applicable 1-Q if source is questionable.
for steep bank Concrete:
slopes from 0.5:1 -for every 75 m3 or each pouring
to 1.5:1 day, compressive strength test of
1 set of three concrete cylinder

Item 404 Reinforcing -For every 10,000 kgs or Furnishing, bending,    
Steel fraction thereof of fabricating and placing The quantity of  
reinforcing steel bars for of steel reinforcement reinforcing steel to be Reinforcement steel shall meet the requirements
each size, (including splicing and paid for will be the final of Item 710.
1-Q for bending, tension and lapping) of the type, quantity placed and
chemical analysis size,shape and grade accepted in the
  required in accordance completed structure.
and in conformance as
shown in the Plans.
2. Monitoring Control for Construction

The Matrix provides a guide for dimension

measurement with recommended tolerances. It
includes samples of bridge structures in the
“Typical Design Drawings” with the
corresponding illustrations for easier monitoring
and management of dimensions of the
3.Delegated Authorities of Activities/ Documents
for Construction Supervision

This provides the delegated authorities of the DPWH

officials and staff on various activities, preparation and
approval of official documents. Department Order No.
54 s 2011,
Revised Limits of Responsibilities and Authorities of
Concerned DPWH Officials in the
Conduct of Pre-Procurement, Procurement, and
Implementation for Locally Funded Projects.
4. DPWH Rules and Regulations

The list of rules and regulations related to the

implementation of infrastructure projects.
Updated department issuances, memorandum
and orders.
4. Rules and Regulations
The implementation/construction of
infrastructure projects in the DPWH either
by contract or by administration are
governed by the implementing rules and
regulations of RA 9184 and related
Department issuances.
The governing principles on government
procurement including the implementation of
procurement contracts are as follows:

a.) Transparency in the procurement process

and in the implementation procurement
b.) Competitiveness by extending equal
opportunity to enable private contracting parties
who are eligible and qualified to participate in
public bidding.

c.) Streamlined procurement process that will

uniformly apply to all government procurement.
The procurement process shall be simple and
made adaptable to advances in modern
technology in order to ensure an effective and
efficient method.
d.) System of accountability where both the
public officials directly or indirectly involved in
the procurement process as well as in the
implementation of procurement contracts and
private parties that deal with government are,
when warranted by circumstances, investigated
and held liable for their actions relative thereto.
e. Public monitoring of the procurement
process and the implementation of awarded
contracts with the end in view of guaranteeing
that these contracts are awarded pursuant to
the provisions of the Act and its implementing
rules and regulations, and that all these
contracts are performed strictly according to
The stages of implementation (Pre-
construction, Construction and Completion
Stages) of projects undertaken by the ROs
and DEO.
The DPWH Implementing Office (DPWH-RO or
DPWH-DEO) shall organize/designate the
construction supervision team before or upon
approval of the contract for the project and the
issuance of Notice to Proceed (NTP).
The Project Engineer, Project Inspector and
Materials Engineer are core members of the
construction supervision team. Their duties and
responsibilities are as follows:
b.) Ensure that materials and workmanship are
at all times in accordance with the approved
plans and specifications.
c.) Responsible for the sampling, testing,
inspection and submission of data and to fully
acquaint himself with the standard procedures
of the same.
d.) Recommend to the Project Engineer
remedial measures for the correction and
unsatisfactory conditions of materials.
e.) Prepare design mixes for concrete and
bituminous mixtures.
f.) Ensure that the field laboratory is adequately
equipped so that the progress of work will not
be impeded to laboratory testing and that non-
performance of tests should not be caused of
delay in the prosecution of the work.
g.) Keep record of the daily activities for
inspection anytime.
h.) Submit within the required time frame test
reports and other pertinent papers to the
Regional/District Engineering Office concerned.
i.) Recommend corrective measures to improve
the quality of completed works.
j.) Recommend acceptance of completed
Project Inspector (as per D.O. No. 73,s.1998
a. Assist the Project Engineer in the overall
direction and supervision of field
b. Ensure that the works being inspected
are in accordance with the approved
plans and specifications.
c. Witness critical activities of the project.
d. Notify the project engineer in case there
are deviations from approved plans and
e. Conduct and monitor daily activities
including weather conditions and maintain
logbook to record such activities.
f. Prepare and submit statement of work
g. Prepare and submit physical/financial
status to the Project Engineer.
h. Carry out instructions/orders of the
Project Engineer.
Materials Engineer

a. Ascertain that all materials

incorporated into the work pass the
requirements of the DPWH Standard
Specifications for Highways, Bridges and
b. Advice the Project Engineer on the
acceptance or rejection of
construction materials intended for use
in the project, based on test results.

c. Responsible for the sampling, testing,

inspection and submission of data and
to fully acquaint himself with the
standard procedures of the same.
d. Recommend to the Project Engineer
remedial measures for the correction of
unsatisfactorily conditions of materials.
e. Prepare design mixes for concrete and
bituminous mixtures.
f. Ensure that the field laboratory is
adequately equipped so that the progress
of work will not be impeded to laboratory
testing and that non-performance of tests
should not be a cause of delay in the
prosecution of the work.
g. Keep record of the daily activities ready
for inspection anytime.
h. Submit within the required time frame
test reports and other pertinent papers
to the Regional/District Office concerned.
i. Recommend corrective measures to
improve the quality of completed works.
j. Recommend acceptance of completed

The concerned Regional Director, District

Engineer, Project Engineers, and Project
Inspectors and Materials Engineers are
accountable for the success and failure of the
project implementation. The above DPWH
officials and employees shall be meted the
corresponding administrative sanctions for
failure to perform their assigned duties and
responsibilities, including non-compliance to
the rules and regulations .
Among the main reasons that administrative
1. sanctions/penalties may be imposed are
the violation of material provisions of
2. negative slippage incurred by projects and
delay in document processing.
Provisions of Contract:
In accordance with Department Order No.
193, Series of 1992 regarding “Liability of
Contractors and Sub-Contractors including
Public Officials for Violations of P.D. No 1759”,
any public official who, by reason of the duties
of his office, shall consent, or through
abandonment or negligence, permit the
contractor or Sub-contractor to violate any
material provisions of contracts involving public
work projects, either as to materials, quality and
quantity or work, resulting to the prejudice of
the government, shall suffer the penalty from
twelve (12) years to life imprisonment and
perpetual disqualification to hold public office.
Physical Accomplishment:
In accordance with the Department
Memorandum dated 19 January 2004
regarding “Additional Guidelines on the
Imposition of Administrative Sanctions on
Erring DPWH Officials and Employees Involved
in the Project Implementation and Processing
of Project Documents”, sanction shall be
imposed on the project engineer and project
inspector, if any given reporting period:
a.)He fails to initial calibrated actions (in
accordance with D.O. 102, s.1988) on a
project/projects under his supervision with a
negative slippage; and
b.) He gets ten (10) points or greater based on
the values shown.
Document Processing:

In line with the Department’s thrust to fast

tract the completion of projects and to be
transparent in its operation, all offices involved
in the processing of documents on the
procurement and implementation of local and
foreign-assisted civil works undertaken shall
utilize the Documents Tracking System (Do
TS), per D.O. No.159, Series of 2004.
General Description:
Activities to be undertaken by the Project
Engineer prior to start of construction:
a.) Familiarization with approved plans,
specifications and contract documents.
b.) Conduct of pre-construction conference.
c. Conduct of as-stake survey.
d. Preparation and processing of
variation order, if any.

More organized and coordinated

implementation of the project with the
DPWH engineers and the

The Project Engineer shall familiarize with the

Approved Plans, Specifications and Contract
Documents to have a grasp of the basic
information on how to effectively manage the
implementation of the project.
a.) Conditions of the Contract
Duties and responsibilities of each the
Implementing Office and the Contractor shall
be emphasized and the detailed functions of
each party shall be discussed during the Pre-
Construction Conference. The conditions of
Contract basically contains the following items:
1. Name and location of the Project
2. General Description of the Project
3. Station limits
4. Scope of work
5. Quantities
6. Contract Amount
7. Contract Duration (Calendar Days)
8. Advance Payment
9. Liquidated Damages
10. Progress Payment
11. Retention Money
12.Suspension of Work
13. Extension of Contract Time
14. Contract Price Escalation
PERT-CM shows the sequence of project
activities/events giving emphasis on the
activities along the critical path for the
completion of the project within the contract
c.) S-Curve
S-Curve is one of the monitoring tools in
determining if the project is ahead or behind
schedule, showing the quantities and duration
of each item of work.
d.) Construction Methodology
The practicability of the construction
methodology submitted by the Contractor shall
be assessed considering the equal site
condition and tools and equipment available for
the project. Methodology shall conform with the
approved PERT-CPM of the project.
e.) Specifications
The DPWH Standard Specifications for
Bridge Structures and other special provisions
shall be used in the project.
f.) Manpower and Equipment Requirement
The Project Engineer shall check whether
the minimum manpower and equipment
requirement committed by the Contractor for
the execution of the project is complied with.
Likewise, equipment shall be inspected to
determine whether the equipment provided are
in their A-1 condition.
The Project Engineer shall conduct a pre-
construction conference with the Contractor and
clarify the following:
a.) Introduction of Officials and Personnel
Involved in the Project
Project Organization identifying the
relationship of personnel of both the
Implementing Office and the Contractor shall be
discussed and agreed upon to ensure smooth
project implementation. These personnel include:
1. Head of Implementing Office and
Contractor/Contractor’s representative
2. Project Engineers
3. Project Inspectors
4. Quantity Engineers
5. Materials Engineers
6. Administrative Staff
b. Responsibilities of Personnel of the
Contractor and the Implementing
Function shall be clearly defined in order
to ensure smooth implementation, such
1. Conduct of joint as-stake survey
2. Preparation of letters and memos
(e.g., request for inspection, billing, etc.)
3. Measurement of work accomplished
4. Preparation and submission of
progress of work
5. Preparation and approval of construction
6. Materials testing
7. Other activities
c. Approved Program of Work
The POW shall be discussed.

1. Facilitation of Field Office

a. date completion of field office
b. provision of office equipment
and furniture including
2. Mobilization of Manpower and
Confirmation shall be made on the
required number and schedule of
manpower and equipment to be provided
by the Contractor.
3. Construction Methodology
Explanation shall be made by the
Contractor on any deviation from the
construction methodology he is
d. Design Drawings

1. Shall be presented by the Implementing

Office as reference in the conduct of
joint as-stake survey and stake plan
2. Information required the location or
establishment of horizontal and vert.
ground controls points as indicated in
the topographic plan shall be clarified.
e. Safety Management
The contractor is required to submit
Construction Safety and Health
Program in accordance with D.O.L.E
The contractor shall identify potential
hazards in and around the project site
to come up with necessary
countermeasures to avoid accident.
f. Quality Control Program (QCP)
DPWH Material Engineer shall present
and discuss the approved QCP with
the Contractor.
g. Contractor’s All Risk Insurance ( CARI)
The Contractor is required to submit the
CARI before mobilization.
h. Photographs
Photographs for before, during and
after the project activities.
The Project Engineer shall monitor the
conduct of joint as-stake survey, which includes
the establishment of project limits, horizontal
and vertical ground control points in
accordance with the approved plan and
specifications. The contractor shall ensure the
correctness of the project limits and the
preservation of all stakes and marks.
After completion of the joint as-stake survey,
the contractor shall prepare and submit the
necessary as-staked plan to the Project
Engineer for his review and approval by the
Head of Implementing Office. In case of
deviation from the design drawings, the Project
Engineer shall report such deviation to the
Head of Implementing Office for the decision on
whether a variation order is appropriate.
E”, Section 1)
Variation Orders may be used by the procuring
entity to cover any increase/decrease in
quantities, including the introduction of new work
items that are not included in the original contract
or reclassification of work items that are either
due to change of plans, design or alignment to
suit actual field conditions resulting in disparity
between the preconstruction plans used for
purposes of bidding and the “as staked plans” or
construction drawings prepared after a joint
survey by the contractor and the Government
after award of the contract, provided that the
cumulative amount of the Variation Order does
not exceed ten per cent (10%) of the original
project cost. The addition/deletion of work
should be within the general scope of the
project as bid and awarded. A Variation Order
may either be in the form of a change order or
extra work order.
This outlines the standard system adopted for
the Construction Stage of bridge and related
projects of the DPWH, covering all aspects
within the scope of the specifications and
pertinent provisions.
All engineers are advised to familiarize
themselves with ensuing process, as well as
the specifications.

2.1 Construction Drawing

Construction drawings shall form part of the
Contract Documents, and any
modification/revision shall be dully approves
prior to implementation of construction work.
In case of discrepancy, conflict of ambiguity on the
plans, specifications and special provisions, the
following rules shall govern;
a.) Special provisions shall govern all the plans
and specification
b.) Plans shall govern all specifications
c.) Supplemental specifications govern over
original specifications, on all plans
d.) Figure dimension, unless obviously incorrect,
shall govern in the case of any discrepancy between
figured dimensions and scaled dimensions.
2.2 Review and Approval of Shop Drawings

If required by the Project Engineer, shop

drawings shall be prepared by the Contractor to
supplement the construction drawings. Shop
drawings are prepared in cases where there is a
need for a more detailed presentation of the
works to be implemented. Drawings shall be
furnished by the Contractor for the approval of
the Project Engineer without causing delay to the
Project and shall consist of the required details.
2.3Conformity with Plans and Specifications

The Project Engineer shall make sure that all

works performed shall be in accordance with
the required specification and in conformity with
the lines, grades, thickness and typical cross
sections shown on the plans or as established
by the Engineer. All materials furnished shall
have passed all testing requirements prior to
incorporation in the project.
2.4 Project Coordination Meetings
The Project Engineer shall make sure that
Project Coordination Meetings are held once a
month, at least or as often as necessary, to
discuss any of the following:
a.) Project Accomplishment
b.) Construction Schedule
c.) Materials Quality Control
d.) Construction Method
e.)Traffic Management
f.) Social – Environmental Issues
g. Other matters
2.5 Construction Schedule
To realize the need to improve Construction
Management Techniques in light of the massive
infrastructure program and in order that
performance discipline in the field could be
endured and easy reporting system could be
made to facilitate the monitoring, inspection
and completion of infrastructure projects, the
application and usage of PERT-CPM
(Project Evaluation & Review Technique/Critical
Path Method) network is required.
PERT/CPM is a management technique that
enables the Project Engineer to predict when the
activities involved in the project are expected to
occur. It is a set of tools that uses actual
conditions in a continuous process of schedule
revision and improvement. The Contractor shall
furnish the Project Engineer an approved
Construction Schedule (PERT/CPM) indicating
the order in which the various sequences of
works are to be implemented, the planned
rates of progress, and the estimated periods of
time for execution and completion, as well as
the corresponding cash flow.
The Contractor shall also submit a weekly work
schedule that includes the main work items to
be accomplished during the succeeding week.
The Project Engineer shall prepare a Weekly
Work Accomplishment report based on the
daily accomplishments recorded in Project
2.6 Manpower and Equipment Utilization
The Manpower Schedule is a chart showing
the schedule of monthly labor force that the
Contractor proposes to employ for the works. The
Project Engineer or his representative/s shall
make sure that the contractor complies or is
complying with the number of manpower at site
based on the Manpower Schedule submitted by
Equipment Utilization Schedule is a chart
showing the minimum equipment required for
the project. The Project Engineer shall make
sure that the contractor is maintaining the
minimum number of equipment
required/committed to the project until its
2.7 Quantity Control
Quantity Control is one of the primary
responsibilities of the project
inspector under the supervision of
the Project Engineer. This includes
measurement of the area, thickness,
width and/or other dimensions.
Quantities accomplished by the contractor
shall be paid but not to exceed the
established Bill of Quantities (BOQ)
as specified in the bid documents
and/or proposed/variation order.
2.8 Monitoring and Inspection of Work
The Project Engineer or his representatives
shall be responsible for the monitoring and
inspection of all parts of the work at all times.
The Contractor shall furnish information and
assistance as may be required by the Project
Engineer to make a complete
and detailed inspection.
Inspections are carried out to ensure that
requirements stipulated in contract documents
are executed; hence, the quality of materials
and workmanship should be evaluated at the
time of installation. Workmanship shall be in
conformity with the plans and specifications,
subject to the approval of the Project Engineer.
The Project Engineer shall monitor the
progress of work strictly at all times. Should the
project incur negative slippage at its early
stage, the Project Engineer shall require the
Contractor, in writing, to make the necessary
measures to cope with the approved
construction schedule. Should the project incur
a negative slippage of the five percent (5%) or
more, Department Order No. 102, Series of
1988, concerning the “Calibrated Actions on
Contracts with Negative Slippage”.
The Project Engineer shall also prepare a Daily
Work Accomplishment record to effectively
monitor the progress of construction based on
the weekly schedule.
Please note that the critical point refers to
the inspection that must be performed for a
specific work prior to continuing with the
next phase of the construction.
2.9 Monthly Progress Report
The Monthly Progress Report covers the
percentage of physical works accomplished as of
the end of a reporting period based on the
approved PERT-CPM/S-Curve.
The following information shall be provided in
the Monthly Progress Report:
a.) General description of the work performed
b.) Manpower
c.) Quantity of the construction materials
delivered and incorporated during the reporting
d.) Inventory of equipment and construction
e.) List of payments received as of the end of
reporting period
f.) List of monthly invoices submitted but not yet
g.) List of claims during the reporting period,
including claim amounts and the extension of
time claimed
h.) Latest Status of Work Accomplished
i.) Slippages incurred (negative/positive)
j.) Progress Photos
3.0 Proper Maintenance and Care of
Completed Work during Construction
The Contractor shall exercise proper
maintenance and care to protect the
accomplished work items during construction
and until the project is finally accepted. Such
completed structures shall be kept in
satisfactory condition at all times.
3.1 Work Suspension Order (IRR of RA 9184,
Annex “E”, Section 9)
The procuring entity shall have the authority
to suspend the work wholly or party by written
order for such period as may be deemed
a. due to force majeure or any fortuitous
b. failure on the part of the contractor to correct
bad conditions which are unsafe for workers
or for the general public
c. to carry out valid orders given by the
procuring entity or to perform any
provisions of the contract
d. due to adjustment of plans to suit
field conditions.
The contractor or its duly authorized
representative shall have the right to suspend
work operation on any or all projects/activities
along the critical path of activities, as the case
maybe, due to the following:

a. right of way problems

b. non-issuance of construction plan
c. peace and order, approved by PNP
and confirmed by DILG Regional Director
d. failure on the part of procuring entity
to deliver government furnished materials
and equipment as stipulated in the contract
e. delay in the payment of the contractor’s
for progress billing beyond 45 calendar
In the case of total suspension of activities
along the critical path, which is not due to any
fault of the contractor, adjust the contract
time accordingly.
3.2 Extension of Contract Time (IRR of RA
9184, Annex “E”, Section 10)

Extension of contract may be granted:

1. when affected activities fall within the
critical path of the PERT/CPM network
2. rainy/unworkable days considered
unfavorable for the prosecution of the work
3. major calamities
5. shortage of construction materials
6. general strike
7. peace and order problems
The following are the documents required
by DPWH in the processing/evaluation of
Contract Time Extension.
a.) Executive Summary, Routine Slip,
b.) Request for Contract Time Extension of the
c. Request for Contract Time Extension of the
Contractor; office, together with the Breakdown
of Calculation of the requested time extension
and their respective inclusive dates.
d.) Complete Contractual Data;
e.) Suspension and Resume Orders;
f.) Monthly Suspension Report duly signed;
g.) Bar Chart/Straight Line Diagram showing the
critical activities affected;
h.) Contractor’s performance efficiency
i.) Contractual Straight line Diagram;
j.) Conformity of the Performance Security.
k.) Previously Approved Time Extension and
Variation Order with Time Extension.
l.) Copy of Original Contract.
m.) Copy of the latest approved PERT/CPM
Network Diagram prior to the request for
contract time extension;
n.) Certification of Contractor’s Quit Claim
o.) Conformity of Contractor’s Bondsman
p.) Supporting Documents:
1. Due to Bad Weather Conditions
- Certification/Monthly Weather Report
- Pictures
- Weather Site Conditions signed by the
Project Engineer
- Certification from the Head of
implementing Office that the pre-
determined/scheduled rainy days
provided in the original contracts has
been exhausted.
- Project logbook
2. Due to Peace and Order Condition
- Certification from the Provincial
Commander, Philippine National Police,
of the Peace and Order Condition and
inclusive periods
- Project logbook
3. Due to inaccessibility to Project
- Pictures
- Verified reports
4. Due to Right-of-Way Problems
- Pictures
- Verified Reports/Documents
5. Due to Delayed Payments
- Transmittal of Partial Billings/Vouchers
showing the date o f transmittal,
together with all required documents,
from the Head of Implementing Office
to the DPWH Accounting Division for
appropriate action.
- Certification from the DPWH Accounting
Division of pending payments
- Copy of vouchers/billings of partial
- Statement of Work Accomplished (SWA)
- Certification from the DPWH Accountant
of payment for the work accomplished
as per partial billing
6. Due to Obstructions
- Exhibit Photos of Obstruction such as
aerial and underground utilities/facilities
- Information on the inclusive dates
- Relevant documents such as permit, etc.
4. Control of Materials
Effective quality control is essential from the
start of the project until its completion. Materials
Quality Control ensures the highest quality of
work, minimizes cost of maintenance, and
facilitates realization of the design life of the
Quality Material Control is the primary
responsibility over the sampling, testing,
inspection, and submittal of data, and
recommendations on whether the quality of
materials to be used is acceptable or not and,
If not acceptable, whatever corrective
measures may be done to improve the quality
and make the materials acceptable.
4a. Quality Control
Quality control is checking for conformity to
the requirements or conformance to materials
specs. and methods of construction, or
The following procedures shall be considered in the
implementation of the project:

Quality Control Program

this program prepared by DPWH Material
Engineer based on Schedule of Minimum
Testing Requirements Governing Items of
Work of the DPWH Standard Specifications.
The program should include provision
on how the work and materials should
be inspected and the nature and amount
or frequency of the testing work to be done.
The Project Engineer shall assign a
team to monitor the quality control activities
(sampling, testing, laboratory procedures,
equipment calibration and qlty control report.
The Project Engineer shall ascertain that the
Materials Engineer has implemented the
minimum testing requirements based on the
approved Quality Control Program and that
all the materials incorporated in the project
has passed the DPWH Standard
4b. Selection of Materials

Materials to procured or obtained from

approved materials sources should be known in
advance so that the required tests can be made
or arrangements for testing the materials
involved may be done to avoid unnecessary
delays in construction due to rejection of
unacceptable quality of materials.
4c. Handling and Storage of Materials

Handling and Storage of delivered

construction materials should be planned
carefully and properly to avoid damage and to
maintain the desired quality. The materials
should be placed or deposited in a safe place
protected from contamination or the action of
4d. Sampling, Testing and Inspection
The Project Engineer shall ensue that the
materials to be incorporated into the
construction works should first undertake tests
and quality control must have passed the
DPWH Standard Specifications.
The Contractor at his own expense, shall
perform the sampling and testing, as well as
any other check tests to verify the quality of
materials under the direct supervision of the
Project Engineer or the Materials Engineer.
Sampling is a process of selecting a part
(sample), which will be used to judge the whole
(lot). It is simply because it is not possible or
practical to test all materials to be incorporated
in the project.
refers to the process of making tests
to determine the degree of compliance
of delivered or constructed materials
with the specification. The project
engineer can require more test if he is
in doubt of the quality of materials.
Sampling and testing is to determine the
course of action-reject or accept the work.
Inspection –is dine to ensure that the materials
and workmanship provided by the contractor
comply with the requirements of the Project.
Project Inspectors assigned in the field should
be competent, experienced and committed to
public service. They should also be familiar with
the approved plans and specifications and
various DPWH issuances relative to quality
control and construction.
4e. Acceptance/Rejection of Materials

The Project Engineer has the authority to reject

or accept construction materials intended for
use in the project upon the recommendation of
the Materials Engineer based on the test
Guidelines in the acceptance and
rejection of materials:

1. no material shall be incorporated

into the work unless tested and
found satisfactory
2. approval of preliminary samples
shall not considered a guarantee of
3. any material has been sampled and
passed the specs. may be re-sampled
and re-tested anytime before, during
and after incorporation into the work.
The Project Engineer has the authority to
request the contractor, At the Contractor’s own
expense, to remove reject materials form the
site, and replace them with proper and suitable
4f. Concrete Pouring Permit
The Contractor or his duly authorized
representative shall submit a written request at
least one (1) day prior to the scheduled
concrete pouring.
It is the responsibility of the Project Engineer to
ensure that all the necessary preparations and
procedures have been taken in accordance
with the approved plans and specifications
before the issuance and approval of the
Pouring Permit.
The Project Engineer shall now allow any
concreting work without the dully approved and
issued Pouring Permit
4g. Accomplishment of Materials
Quality Control Logbook

1. daily entries of activities undertaken

at the laboratory such as sampling,
testing, inspection of materials to
be used and other quality control
2. any comment or observation relevant
to materials quality control should
be included in the logbook
3. logbook must be kept available at all
times during inspection
4. after completion of the project,
logbook shall be submitted to the
head of the implementing office
4h. Monthly Materials Report
The Materials Engineer shall prepare and
submit to the Project Engineer a Monthly
Materials Report containing the tests conducted
and their results on the materials placed or
incorporated based on the Quality Control
Program. The report shall include a summary of
field and laboratory tests, photographs and
inspection reports covering materials used
during the month.
4i. Quality Control Laboratory Program and
The Contractor shall provide a laboratory with
the necessary minimum testing apparatus (if
stipulated in the contract) and equipment in the
construction site.
The Contractor shall assign a duly accredited
Materials Engineer and qualified laboratory
staff who shall be responsible for sampling,
testing and submission of data as required
in the QCP.
The Contractor shall prepare and submit
schedules of field-testing and supply of testing
samples to the Project Engineer through the
Materials Engineer for the laboratory tests,
taking into account the work progress schedule.
Certificate of Materials Quality Test
It should be emphasized that quality control is
the responsibility of the Contractor and quality
assurance is the responsibility of the
implementing Office, in order to verify that the
woek and materials used are in conformity with
the standard specifications.
Likewise, to ensure the proper and effective
materials quality control in projects, it is
necessary to augment quality control tests with
actual inspection should complement each
other for quality assurance. Moreover, a
Certificate of Quality Test (see Annex 7.4) shall
be accomplished during the progress of work
as one of the required documents when
requesting for payment of progress billings.
Accreditation of Testing Laboratories
The Bureau of Research and Standards (BRS)
of the DPWH, the Department of Science and
Technology (DOST) or the Department of Trade
and Industry (DTI), shall accredit, in
accordance with the industry guidelines, the
testing laboratories whose services are
engaged in infrastructure projects, in order to
help ensure the quality of materials being used
or to be used in such projects.
Contractors who do not have adequate testing
capability shall first utilize the services of the BRS
of DPWH or the Regional and District
Laboratories of DPWH in the testing of samples of
Construction Materials. The Contractor upon
advice, may avail of the services of DPWH-
Accredited private testing laboratories; provided
that s certification shall be obtained from the
Regional and District Laboratories of the DPWH
or the BRS that the Contractor does not have the
capability to conduct test because of the absence
of testing apparatus and equipment or due to
other reasons beyond his
Control; provided further, that the testing shall be
witnessed both by the authorized
representatives of the concerned Implementing
Office, the Contractor and the private laboratory.
The following subsections present the important
documentation required during construction and
even after compilation of the project.
a.) Project Logbook/Field Book
The Project Engineer shall accomplish the
prescribe project Logbook Format (see
Annex 7.5) preferably hardbound or book
bound, to keep a permanent record of
complete daily entries duly signed by the
Project Engineer and concurred by the
Contractor. The Project Logbook shall
contain the following:
1. Name and Location of the Project
2. Date and Weather Conditions
3. Contractor’s manpower and equipment
4. Construction activities in progress
5. Daily Accomplishment including
quantity and stationing
6. Site Instructions (if any)
7. Remarks
-observation/comment and details
discussed with Project Inspectors
- Problems Encountered and Action Taken
on the Site Instruction Issued
The Project Information/Profile shall be
written at the first page of the logbook
(Date project started, Target date of
completion, Project cost, etc.)
b.) Progress Photographs
Photographs for Progress Billings shall be
taken on the same location at the same angle
before, during and after the completion of each
major component of the works and at other
times and places as required and directed by
the Project Engineer. The photographs shall be
adequate in number to record and show the
exact progress of works. Additional prints
be submitted if required.
Structures to be photographed shall make
of black board or white board for proper
identification of the location, type of work,
and date when the photograph was taken.
Photographs serve as proof or evidence of:
1. Structures particularly of construction
details that are covered/buried; such as
foundation, layers of embankment prior to
the placement of the next layer, etc.
2. Materials (as per standard specifications)
incorporated during the construction;
3. These photographs shall be attached to
progress reports and progress billings to
show that all work items including conduct
of quality control tests, delivery of
materials, implementation of safety
programs and activities specified in the
contract were undertaken.
c.) Progress Video
It is stipulated in the Contract, the
Contractor, throughout period, shall take
video that shows the works in progress,
construction details and the part of works
that will be buried under the ground or by
concrete, etc.
Narration is also required to the extent
d.) Weather Chart
A weather chart is a chart record daily
weather conditions. It serves as a
reference for evaluating requests for
suspension of work and the corresponding
time extensions.
e.) Construction Progress Report
A progress report shall be accomplished at
least once a month, showing the progress
of each item of work of the project.
f.) Quantity Computation Forms
Quantity computation/calculation forms
shall be filled up for each item of work
completed or accomplished, showing the
calculations carried out leading to the
stated quantity.
g.) Concrete Pouring Requests
Prior to the concrete pouring activity, the
contractor shall be required to submit a
written request for concrete pouring as
required in Section 4.3.4 for certain
activities, e.g., field density test results,
availability of beam/cylinder molds,
availability of concrete vibrators, curing
materials, slump, line and grade, rebar
installation, sizes and pacing, barricades,
etc. The Project Engineer, prior to concrete
pouring activities, may approve the
Contractor’s requests or issue a permit for
the concrete pouring. These documents
shall be complied and kept by the Project
engineer for future reference
h.) Daily Inspection Report and Request for
The Project Engineer or Project Inspector
shall conduct inspection of all on-going
activities at the site and shall record them
on a daily basis. For critical activities, a
written request for inspection shall be
submitted by the Contractor in advance,
prior to placing or execution of succeeding
i.) Contractor’s Manpower and Equipment
The Project Engineer shall monitor and
record the number of manpower and
equipment at the project site. It shall be
counter-checked with the approved
Manpower and Equipment Schedule.
j.) Laboratory Test Summary and Test Reports
Laboratory and field test results or reports
of all material incorporated in the project
shall be complied and summarized by the
Contractor and submitted to the Project
Engineer for the evidence of quality
control and for future reference.
Section 4).
The procuring entity shall, upon written request
of the contractor which shall be submitted as a
contract document, make an advance payment
to the contractor in an amount equal to fifteen
percent (15 %) of the total contract price to be
made in lump sum, or at most two, instalments
according to a schedule specified in the
Instructions to Bidders and other relevant Tender
The advance payment shall be made only upon
the submission to and acceptance by the
procuring entity of a irrevocable standby letter
of credit of equivalent value from a commercial
bank, a bank guarantee or a surely bond
callable upon demand, issued by a surety or
insurance company duly licensed by the
Insurance Commission and confirmed by the
procuring entity.
The advance payment shall be repaid by the
contractor by deducting fifteen percent (15)
from his periodic progress payments.
The contractor shall reduce his standby letter of
credit or guarantee instrument by the amounts
refunded by the Monthly Certificates in the
advance payment.
The following are the documents required by
the DPWH in the progressing/evaluation of
request for advance payment (in case of two
(2) instalments):
First Release of Advance Payment
a.)Letter-Request of Contractor
b.) Advance Payment Security in the form of
Bank Guarantee, Letter of Credit, or
Surety Bond
c.) Performance Security in the form of Bank
Guarantee, Letter of Credit, or Surety Bond
d.) Copy of approved Contract
e.) Notice to Proceed
Final Release of Advance Payment
In addition to above items b to e, the following
documents are required:
a.) Letter-Request of Contractor (See Annex
b.) Certification that Minimum Equipment
requirement has fully Mobilized, signed by
the Project Engineer and issued by the
Implementing Office (see Annex 7.7)
c.) Pictures
Annex “E”, Section 5)
Once a month the contractor may submit a
request for payment for work accomplished.
Such request for payment shall be verified and
certified by the Government project engineer
concerned. Except as otherwise stipulated in
the Instruction to Bidders, materials and
equipment delivered on the site but not
completely put in place shall not be included for
The procuring entity shall have the right to
deduct from the contractor’s progress billing
such amount as may be necessary to cover
third party liabilities as well as uncorrected
discovered defects in the project.
The following are the documents required by
the DPWH in the processing/evaluation of
request for progress payment:
a.) Letter-request of Contractor for Release of
Progress Payment of the Contractor.
b.) Monthly Certificate of Payment
c.) Statement of Work Accomplished
d.) Statement of Time Elapsed and Work
e.) Contractor’s Affidavit
f.) Certification of Clearance on Labor and
Materials Payment
g.) Certification of Clearance for Equipment
Rentals and/or Lease
h.) Cover Letter Request for Payment of
Materials-On-Hand by the contractor
-Manufactured by the Contractor
- Request for Payment of Materials-On-
i.) Certificate of Materials Quality Test
j.) Detailed Quantity Calculation
k.) Approved Extra Work Order
l.) Suspension of Work Order/Resume Order
m.) Approved Variation Order/Time Extension
(if any)
n.) Photocopy of pages of logbook for the
inclusive period
o.) Pictures
*No payment of Materials-on-Hand shall be
made if not specified in the Approved Contract.
RETENTION MONEY (IRR of RA9184, Annex “E”,
Section 6)
Progress payments are subject to retention of ten
percent(10%) referred to as the “retention
money”. Such retention shall be based on the
amount due o contractor prior to any deduction
and shall be retained on from every progress
payment until fifty percent 50%) of the value of
works, as determined by the procuring entity, are
completed, If after fifty percent (50%) completion,
the work is satisfactorily done and on schedule,
no additional retention shall be
made; otherwise, the ten percent (10%) retention
shall be imposed.
The total ”retention money” shall be due for
release upon final acceptance of the works. He
contractor may, however request the substitution
of the retention money for each progress billing
with irrevocable standby letters of credit from a
commercial bank, bank guarantees or surely
bonds callable on demand, of amounts equivalent
to the retention money substituted for an
acceptable to Government, provided that the
project is on schedule and is
Satisfactorily undertaken. Otherwise the ten
percent (10%) retention shall be made. Said
irrevocable standby letters of credit, bank
guarantees and/or surety bonds, to be posted
in favor of the Government shall be valid for a
duration to be determined by the concerned
implementing office/agency or procuring entity
and will answer for the purpose for which the
10 percent (10%) retention is intended, i.e., to
cover uncorrected discovered defects and third
party liabilities.
Construction Safety Management
The Contractor, under the supervision of the
Project Engineer, shall ensure the following
safety concerns during the construction stage:
a.) Protection and welfare of workers employed
b.) Protection and welfare of the general public
within and around the immediate vicinity
of any construction worksite.
c.) Promotion of harmonious Employer-
Employee relationship within the construction
Moreover, the following items shall be provided
by the Contractor to ensure safety during the
construction work:
a.) Signage
The Contractor shall provide Construction
Safety Signage to warn the workers and
the public for hazards existing in the work
The signage shall be posted at a strategic
location and as far as practicable, be in
the language understandable to most of the
workers employed and the public.
b.) Lights
The Contractor shall provide adequate
lights at night on project construction at
the following points:
1. At the ends of the section where work is
on-going as to illuminate the warning signs
2. At all points where caution is required,
such as turns or sharp curves, temporary
approaches, and sudden or grade changes,
to illuminate the corresponding signs;
3. Stockpiling or other obstructions within
three (3) meters of the roadway;
4. At barricades
c.) Personnel Protective Equipment
The Contractor shall, at his own expense,
furnish all his works with protective
equipment for eyes, face, hands, feet,
lifeline, safety belt/harness, protective
shield and barriers whenever necessary by
reason of hazardous work processes or
environment, chemical, radiological, or
other mechanical irritants or hazards
capable of causing injury or impairment in
the function of any part of the body
through absorption, inhalation or physical
d.) Occupational Health Personnel and Facilities
The Project Engineer shall make sure that
the Contractor employs and provides
or employing and providing, competent
emergency health personnel within the
worksite duly complemented by adequate
medical supplies, equipment and facilities
at all times.
Traffic Management
The Contractor shall construct and maintain
detours whenever the construction work will
interfere with the existing traffic over which
there is a public and private right-of-way until
such time as all permanent diversions are
completed. The Contractor shall appoint, in
coordination with the Project Engineer, a
responsible member of this staff to inspect on a
daily basis warning signs/barricades and to
maintain their effectiveness at all times.
The Project Engineer shall coordinate with the
concerned agencies/authorities regarding
closure of roads etc.
Labor Management
The contractor shall undertake daily meetings
with workers and their respective supervisors
for purposed of instruction, discussion and
proper briefing on the planned work, the
possibility or actual occurrence of accidents at
the site, tips and suggestions on how to prevent
accidents, and other related matters.
Environmental Management
The Project Engineer shall likewise supervise
the site and its surroundings from adverse
environmental pollution through environmental
survey and evaluation to be carried out by the
The Project Engineer shall monitor any
changes, which might arise during construction.
The Project Engineer is responsible in the
monitoring of environmental conditions before,
During and after construction, which shall
include, among others, the following points and
items of survey
a. Water pollution
b) Air Pollution
c.) Noise and Vibration
d.) Solid Waste Management
e.) Others
The Project Engineer, in close coordination with
the concerned Government agencies shall
strictly monitor the compliance of the Project to
Conditions of the Environmental Compliance
Certificate (ECC) throughout the project period.
Project Billboard
The Project Engineer shall direct the installation
of the prescribed Project Billboard at
conspicuous locations in all project sites. (Refer
to Department Order No. 86, Series of 2002,
“Installation of Project Billboards”)
General Description
Prior to the completion and final acceptance of
the project, the Project Engineer shall ensure
the quality and workmanship of the construction
works. This could be attained mainly through
monitoring, inspection and rectification of any
deficiency observed or noted.
The Project Engineer shall require the
Contractor to submit as-built plans of all
permanent works that have been executed
under the Contract. As built-plans shall be
certified as to correctness by both the Project
Engineer and the Contractor, to serve as
convenient and reliable reference material for
future maintenance, repair work an other
related activities.
The as-built shall be first approved by the
Regional Director/District Engineer prior to the
issuance of the Certificate of Completion.
Once the project reaches an accomplishment
of ninety five percent (95%), The Project
Engineer shall facilitate the conduct of a pre-
final inspection with the Contractor. After the
conduct of pre-final inspection, the Project
Engineer shall prepare a punch-list of all
observed work deficiencies and the necessary
corrections (if any), and instruct the Contractor
of effect the necessary rectification works.
Examples of work deficiency as follows:
a.) Hairline cracks/surface defects
b.) Stagnant water (for drainage)
c.) Insufficient compaction
d.)Erosion of soil materials (earthworks)
e.) Non-provision of mortar collar for pipes
f.) Scouring of riprap
g.) Non-compliance with standard
requirements for the type/class of builders (for
h.) Insufficient mortar for grouted riprap
i.) Severe cracks and settlement of structures
j.) Others
The Project Engineer should ensure that the
Contractor have complied with the
requirements set forth in the punch-list.
Upon completion of the remaining works and
rectification of defects/deficiencies
observed/noted during the Pre-Final Inspection,
The Contractor shall submit a written request to
the Head of Implementing Office through the
Project Engineer for the Final Inspection of the
Prior to Final Inspection, The Project Engineer
shall furnish the Inspection Team of the
Implementing Office copies of the following
documents for evaluation.
a.)Approved Plans and Specifications, as well
as contract documents
b.) Program of Work
c.) Approval Variation Orders, if any
d.) Project Inspection Report
e.) Certificate of Quality Control Assurance
f.) Monthly Materials Report
g.) Pre-Final Inspection Reports
h.) As-built Plans
i.) Project log books and quality control log
j.) Pictures
The Inspection Team shall then prepare and
submit to the Head of Implementing Office an
inspection report of its findings and
recommendations. It is recommended that the
inspection report include the approximate
number of work days needed to rectify the
works. The Implementing Office shall then
require the Contractor, at his own expense to
rectify all noted defects/deficiencies within the
prescribed period from the date of notification.
The Project Engineer shall prepare and
recommend issuance of Certificate of
Completion to the Contractor based on the
report of the Inspection Team that the project is
100% completed and has been satisfactorily
completed in accordance with the plans and
specifications of the Contract.
The Final Billing represents the claim of the
Contractor for payment of the remaining
amount payable under the Contract (including
payment of approved variation orders, if any).
The following are the documents required for
the Contractor’s billing for final payment:
a.) Letter-Request of the Contractor
b.) Statement of Work Accomplished
c.) Monthly Certificate of Payment
d.) Statement of Time Elapsed
e.) Contractor’s Affidavit
f.) Certification on Clearance of Labor and
Materials Payment
g.) Certification of Clearance on Equipment
h.) As-Bill Quantity/Final Change Order, if any
i.) Inventory of Office Equipment, Building,
Surveying Instrument and Service Vehicles
(Turn-over of Equipment Bought Out of Project
j.) Turn-over of Laboratory Equipment to BRS if
k.) Regional Equipment Clearance
l.) Property Clearance
m.) Certificate of Completion
n.) DPWH Final Inspection Report
o.) Report for COA Final Inspection Duly
Received by COA
p.) Pictures
q.) Approval Time Extensions and/or Suspension
and Resume Orders, if any
r.) BIR Form 2555
s.) Back-up Computation
t.) As-Built Plans/Drawings
In the event that the Contractor refuse or fails to
satisfactorily complete the work within the
specified contract time, plus any time extension
duly granted, the Contractor shall pay liquidated
damages to the Implementing Office. In such a
case, the Project engineer shall recommend the
Head of Implementing Office the deduction
from any money due or which may become due
the Contractor under the contract and/or collect
such liquidated damages from the retention
money or other securities posted by the
Contractor. The Project Engineer shall
evaluate, verify and certify the Contractor’s
billing for final payment. (Refer to the IRR od
RA 9184 for detailed computation of liquidated
The defects liability period for all infrastructure
projects shall be one (1) year from project
completion up to final acceptance. During this
period, the Contractor shall undertake the
repair works, at his own expense, of any
damages on account of the use of materials of
inferior quality, within ninety (90) days from the
time the Head of the Implementing Office has
issued an order to undertake repair. In case of
failure or refusal to comply with the order, the
Implementing Office shall undertake such
repair works and shall be
entitled to full reimbursement by the Contractor
of all expenses incurred upon demand.
The Project Engineer shall facilitate the
consolidation and compliance of all necessary
documents for the inspection of COA and future
reference, to wit:
a.) Approval Budget Cost for the Contract
b.) Statement of Work Accomplished
c.) As-Built Plans
d.) Certificate of Completion
e.) Inspection Team/QUA Report
f.) Certification that Rectification Works have
been completed as per QAU Report
g.) Other documents required by COA
Joint Final Report of Acceptance shall be
requested by the Contractor after the defects
liability period. All defects and failures that
occurred during the warranty period shall be
rectified by the Contractor at his own expense
and duly certified by the Project Engineer. Re-
inspection of the works shall be conducted after
said rectification.
After the submission of a Final Inspection
Report for Acceptance by the Inspectorate
Team , the Certificate of Acceptance shall be
issued. Upon issuance of the certificate, the
total retention money deducted for the
Contractor’s billing shall be due to release.
Section 62.2.2)
After final acceptance of the project, the
Contractor shall be held responsible fro
structural defects and/or failure of the
completed project within the warranty periods
prescribed in RA9184, except those occasion
by force majeure (natural calamities or
unavoidable events) and those caused by other

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