FINA 615 Islamic Financial Contracts - Ijarah
FINA 615 Islamic Financial Contracts - Ijarah
FINA 615 Islamic Financial Contracts - Ijarah
Learning Objective 3.3
Concept of Service-Based Contract Understand how service-
based contracts are used as
financial instruments in
Islamic finance
$ 3 $
Customer Bank
Learning Objective 3.3
Understand how service-
Concept of Service-Based Contract based contracts are used as
financial instruments in
Islamic finance
3 2
Vendor Client Bank
4 6
1. Agreement of mutual promise between Bank and Client whereby the Bank promises to lease and
the Client promises to take on lease the asset against predetermined rentals for a definite time
period; 2. Bank appoints Client as its Agent; 3. Client identifies the vendor, selects the asset on
behalf of the bank and advises its particulars, including the vendor's name and its purchase price to
the bank in writing; 4. Vendor makes physical delivery of asset to Agent (Client) of Bank; trained
staff from bank oversee the process of client taking physical possession of asset; 5. Bank makes
arrangement for payment of purchase price to Vendor; 6. The agency contract comes to an end;
Bank leases the asset on the basis of the agreement of mutual promise, transfers possession and
right of specified use to Client; 7. Client pays known rentals over future (known) time period(s).
8. Bank transfers ownership of asset to client at the end of ijara period either through a gift or sale.
Learning Objective 3.3
Understand how service-based contracts are
Concept of Service-Based used as financial instruments in Islamic
• Risk and Return : the leased asset remains in the risk of the lessor throughout the ijara
period, in the sense that any loss, damage or loss caused by the factors beyond the
control of the lessee shall be borne by the lessor.
• Fixed and Floating Rates : i.e 3/6-Month Libor/Eibor plus a spread called margin for
each Ijara period.
• Default Risk and its Mitigation : The bank is not allowed to charge an additional amount
in case of delays in payment of the rentals. It may however, ask the client-lessee to
undertake to contribute a certain sum to a charity fund maintained by itself, should
there be a default or delinquency.
Conventional VS. Islamic Lease
Conventional Islamic
Murabaha Ijarah
Comparison- Murabaha and Ijarah
Murabaha Ijarah
The terms and profit are not changeable The period and rental may be adjusted
No obligation for rebate for early payment Obligation to give discount possible
Conventional VS Islamic Home
Conventional mortgage finance Islamic home finance
Ownership with the customer · Structured only as an operating lease where ·
where the financier holds the ownership of the asset remains with the
mortgage over the asset financier
Late payment penalties or penal · No late payment penalties – no income for ·
interest is levied the lessor (A flat fee to cover collection
charges can be levied)
Early settlement fees and · terminationor fees settlementearlyNo ·
termination charges are charges
by borne cost Insurance · Only Life Insurance paid by the customer or ·
the by the Company and recovered from the
customer customer - either as a lump sum or with
monthly installments (i.e. customer
No recovery on premium under · Insurance to be under Takaful whereby the ·
conventional insurance customer may be able to recover a certain
portion of the premium in case th e Islamic
insurance company makes profits
Home Finance Based on Ijara Wa Iqtina – 5
Example of Home finance where the total cost of the asset is USD 1.2 Million.
The Customer makes a downpayment of USD 200 000 and the Islamic Bank finances the
Bank will lease the asset to the client for a period of 5 years rent against monthly rentals
including the rent against the usufruct and the payment towards the bank’s finance.
Rent is calculated on the Net Asset Value of the leased asset and a 5 % p.a profit margin.
Home Finance Based on Ijara Wa Iqtina – 5
Home Finance Based on Ijara Wa Iqtina – 5
Example of Home finance with floating rate, where the total cost of the asset is USD 1.2
The Customer makes a down payment of USD 200 000 and the Islamic Bank finances the
Bank will lease the asset to the client for a period of 5 years rent against monthly rentals
including the rent against the usufruct and the payment towards the bank’s finance.
Rent is calculated on the Net Asset Value of the leased asset and a 2 % + USD 12 Months
LIBOR + 150 basis points p.a profit margin.
Given the USD 12 Months LIBOR for the next fives years are : 1, 1.5, 2, 0, 0.5,
6 – Ijara : Syndication
Learning Objective 3.3
Understand how service-
Concept of Service-Based Contract based contracts are used as
financial instruments in
Islamic finance
Ujrah (Fees)