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Lecture 6

 Each character is assigned a unique integer value (code)
between 32 and 127
 The code of a character is represented by an 8-bit unit.
 Since an 8-bit unit can hold a total of 28=256 values and the
computer character set is much smaller than that, some values of
this 8-bit unit do not correspond to visible characters
 But not a good idea to remember exact ASCII codes while
programming. Use the facts that
 C stores characters as integers
 Ascii codes of some important characters are contiguous
(digits, lowercase alphabets, uppercase alphabets)
Decimal Hex Binary Character     Decimal Hex Binary Character
32 20 00100000 SPACE     80 50 01010000 P
33 21 00100001 !     81 51 01010001 Q
34 22 00100010 "     82 52 01010010 R
35 23 00100011 #     83 53 01010011 S
36 24 00100100 $     84 54 01010100 T
37 25 00100101 %     85 55 01010101 U
38 26 00100110 &     86 56 01010110 V
39 27 00100111 '     87 57 01010111 W
40 28 00101000 (     88 58 01011000 X
41 29 00101001 )     89 59 01011001 Y
42 2a 00101010 *     90 5a 01011010 Z
43 2b 00101011 +     91 5b 01011011 [
44 2c 00101100 ,     92 5c 01011100 \
45 2d 00101101 -     93 5d 01011101 ]
46 2e 00101110 .     94 5e 01011110 ^
47 2f 00101111 /     95 5f 01011111 _
48 30 00110000 0     96 60 01100000 `
49 31 00110001 1     97 61 01100001 a
50 32 00110010 2     98 62 01100010 b
51 33 00110011 3     99 63 01100011 c
52 34 00110100 4     100 64 01100100 d
53 35 00110101 5     101 65 01100101 e
54 36 00110110 6     102 66 01100110 f
55 37 00110111 7     103 67 01100111 g
56 38 00111000 8     104 68 01101000 h
57 39 00111001 9     105 69 01101001 i
58 3a 00111010 :     106 6a 01101010 j
59 3b 00111011 ;     107 6b 01101011 k
60 3c 00111100 <     108 6c 01101100 l
61 3d 00111101 =     109 6d 01101101 m
62 3e 00111110 >     110 6e 01101110 n
63 3f 00111111 ?     111 6f 01101111 o
64 40 01000000 @     112 70 01110000 p
65 41 01000001 A     113 71 01110001 q
66 42 01000010 B     114 72 01110010 r
67 43 01000011 C     115 73 01110011 s
68 44 01000100 D     116 74 01110100 t
69 45 01000101 E     117 75 01110101 u
70 46 01000110 F     118 76 01110110 v
71 47 01000111 G     119 77 01110111 w
72 48 01001000 H     120 78 01111000 x
73 49 01001001 I     121 79 01111001 y
74 4a 01001010 J     122 7a 01111010 z
75 4b 01001011 K     123 7b 01111011 {
76 4c 01001100 L     124 7c 01111100 |
77 4d 01001101 M     125 7d 01111101 }
78 4e 01001110 N     126 7e 01111110 ~
79 4f 01001111 O     127 7f 01111111 DELETE

Expression Value?

‘9’ >= ‘0’ 1 (true)

‘a’ < ‘e’ 1 (true)

‘Z’ == ‘z’ 0 (false)

‘a’ <= ‘A’ 0 (false)

Example: checking if a character is a lowercase alphabet
int main()
{ /* Read a character and display whether it is lower case or upper case */
char c1;
scanf(“%c”, &c1);
/* the ascii code of c1 must lie between the
ascii codes of ‘a’ and ‘z’ */
if (c1 >= ‘a’ && c1<= ‘z’)
printf(“%c is a lowercase alphabet\n”, c1);
else printf(“%c is not a lowercase alphabet\n”, c1);
return 0;
} 7
Example: converting a character from lowercase to uppercase
int main()
char c1;
scanf(“%c”, &c1);
/* convert to uppercase if lowercase, else leave as it is */
if (c1 >= ‘a’ && c1<= ‘z’)
/* since ascii codes of uppercase letters are contiguous, the
uppercase version of c1 will be as far away from the ascii code
of ‘A’ as it is from the ascii code of ‘a’ */
c1 = ‘A’ + (c1 – ‘a’);
printf((“The letter is %c\n”, c1);
return 0;

 Write a program that:

 When the user enters a or A, displays “First letter”
 When the user enters z or Z, displays “last letter”.
 For any other letter entered by the user it displays
“middle letter”.

Switching with char type
char letter;
scanf(“%c”, &letter);
switch ( letter ) {
case 'A':
printf ("First letter \n");
case 'Z':
printf ("Last letter \n"); Will print this statement
break; for all letters other than
default : A or Z
printf ("Middle letter \n");
Switching with char type
char letter;
scanf(“%c”, &letter);
switch ( letter ) {
case 'A’:
case ‘a’:
printf ("First letter \n");
case 'Z’:
case ‘z’:
printf ("Last letter \n");
default :
printf ("Middle letter \n");
char letter;
Switching with char type
scanf(“%c”, &letter);
switch ( letter ) {
case 'A':
printf ("First letter \n");
case 'Z':
printf ("Last letter \n");
default :
printf ("Middle letter \n");
Will print this statement
} for all letters other than
A or Z
Another Example
switch (choice = getchar()) {
case ‘r’ :
case ‘R’: printf(“Red”);
case ‘b’ :
case ‘B’ : printf(“Blue”);
case ‘g’ :
case ‘G’: printf(“Green”);
default: printf(“Black”);
Another Example
switch (choice = getchar()) {
case ‘r’ :
case ‘R’: printf(“Red”);
case ‘b’ :
case ‘B’ : printf(“Blue”);
case ‘g’ :
case ‘G’: printf(“Green”);
default: printf(“Black”);
Evaluating expressions
int main () { case ‘-’ :
int operand1, operand2; result=operand1-operand2;
int result = 0; case ‘*’ :
char operation ; result=operand1*operand2;
/* Get the input values */ break;
case ‘/’ :
printf (“Enter operand1 :”);
if (operand2 !=0)
scanf(“%d”,&operand1) ; result=operand1/operand2;
printf (“Enter operation :”); else
printf(“Divide by 0 error”);
scanf (“\n%c”,&operation);
printf (“Enter operand 2 :”); default:
scanf (“%d”, &operand2); printf(“Invalid operation\n”);
switch (operation) { return;
case ‘+’ : printf (“The answer is %d\n”,result);
result=operand1+operand2; return 0;
break; } 15
Practice Problems
1. Read in 3 integers and print a message if any one of them is equal to the sum of the other two.

2. Read in the coordinates of two points and print the equation of the line joining them in y = mx +c form.

3. Read in the coordinates of 3 points in 2-d plane and check if they are collinear. Print a suitable

4. Read in the coordinates of a point, and the center and radius of a circle. Check and print if the point is
inside or outside the circle.

5. Read in the coefficients a, b, c of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, and print its roots nicely (for
imaginary roots, print in x + iy form)

6. Suppose the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 are mapped to the lowercase letters a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j

respectively. Read in a single digit integer as a character (using %c in scanf) and print its
corresponding lowercase letter. Do this both using switch and without using switch (two programs). Do
not use any ascii code value directly.

7. Suppose that you have to print the grades of a student, with >= 90 marks getting EX, 80-89 getting A,
70-79 getting B, 60-69 getting C, 50-59 getting D, 35-49 getting P and <30 getting F. Read in the
marks of a student and print his/her grade.
Lecture 7


 Group of statements that are executed repeatedly while some condition remains true
 Each execution of the group of statements is called an iteration of the loop
 Examples:
 Keep on dividing a number by two and display the remainder until the number becomes 1 or 0.
 Multiply a number with itself n times.
 Keep on reading a number from key board and adding, until the user enters 0.

counter ← 1, sum ← 0

counter < 6
Read 5 integers
input n
and display the
their sum sum ← sum + n

counter = counter + 1

output sum

Read exam marks as input, display the appropriate
message based on the rules below:
 If marks is greater than 49, display “PASS”,
otherwise display “FAIL”

 However, for input outside the 0-100 range, display

“WRONG INPUT” and prompt the user to input again
until a valid input is entered…

input m

m<0 || m>100

input m

m>49 “PASS”

input m
m<0 || m>100

input m

m>49 “PASS”

Types of Loops

 Loops are controlled by boolean expressions

 C has three kinds of loops:
 while loop
 do loop
 for loop
while (expression) Looping: while statement

while (expression) {
Block of statements;
The condition to be tested is a logical expression enclosed in
parentheses. The expression is evaluated, and if its value is non-zero,
the statement is executed. Then the expression is evaluated again and
the same thing repeats. The loop terminates when the expression
evaluates to 0.
Looping: while statement

while (expression) False

while (expression) {
Block of statements; statement
(loop body)

Looping: while statement
while (expression)
statement; True

while (expression) {
Block of statements; (loop body)

The condition to be tested is any expression enclosed in parentheses.

The expression is evaluated, and if its value is non-zero, the
statement is executed. Then the expression is evaluated again and
the same thing repeats. The loop terminates when the expression
evaluates to 0. 27
Example Output

int main(){ 4
Line no : 1
int i = 1, n; Line no : 2
scanf(“%d”, &n); Line no : 3
Line no : 4
while (i <= n) {
printf (“Line no : %d\n”,i);
i = i + 1;
Example: Exercise Till Lose Weight
int weight;
scanf(“%d”, &weight);
printf (“Weight is: %d\n“, weight);
while ( weight > 65 ) {
printf ("Go, exercise, ");
printf ("then come back… \n");
printf (“Measure and Enter your weight: ");
scanf ("%d", &weight);
Sum of first N natural numbers
int main() {
int N, count, sum; Output
scanf (“%d”, &N) ;
sum = 0; 9
count = 1; Sum of first 9 numbers = 45
while (count <= N) {
sum = sum + count;
count = count + 1;
printf (“Sum = %d\n”, sum) ;
return 0;
SUM = 12 + 22 + 32 + …+ N2
int main() {
int N, count, sum;
scanf (“%d”, &N) ;
sum = 0;
count = 1;
while (count <= N) {
sum = sum + count  count;
count = count + 1;
printf (“Sum = %d\n”, sum) ;
return 0;
 Suppose your Rs 10000 is earning interest at 1% per month.
How many months for your money to double?
int main() { Time to
double my_money = 10000.0; double
int n=0; your
while (my_money < 20000.0) {
money in
my_money = my_money * 1.01;
n++; bank…
printf (“My money will double in %d months.\n”,n);
return 0;
int main() {
double max = 0.0, next;
printf (“Enter positive numbers only, end with 0 or a negative number\
scanf(“%lf”, &next);
while (next > 0) { Maximum
if (next > max) max = next; of positive
scanf(“%lf”, &next); numbers
} entered
printf (“The maximum number is %lf\n”, max) ;
return 0;


Enter positive numbers only, end with 0 or a negative number

The maximum number is 45.000000

Find the sum of digits of a number
int main(){
int n, sum=0; Output
scanf (“%d”, &n);
while (n != 0) { The sum of digits is 26
sum = sum + (n % 10);
n = n / 10;
printf (“The sum of digits is %d \n”, sum);
return 0;

int main() {
Compute GCD of two numbers
int A, B, temp; 12 ) 45 ( 3
scanf (“%d %d”, &A, &B); 36
if (A > B) { 9 ) 12 ( 1
temp = A; A = B; B = temp; 9
3 ) 9 ( 3
while ((B % A) != 0) {
temp = B % A;
B = A;Euclid’s Algorithm
A = temp;
Initial: A=12, B=45
Iteration 1: temp=9, B=12,A=9
printf (“The GCD is %d”, A); Iteration 2: temp=3, B=9, A=3
return 0; B % A = 0  GCD is 3
 Write a program to determine the most
significant digit of the value stored in an
integer variable num.

 For example:
 If num=457138, your program should
display 4.

Find the most significant digit of a number
int main(){
int n, msdigit=0;
scanf (“%d”, &n);
while (n != 0) {
msdigit = n % 10;
n = n / 10;
printf (“Most significant digit is %d \n”, msdigit);
return 0;

Lecture 8

Looping: for Statement
 Most commonly used looping structure in C
expr1 (init) : initialize parameters
for ( expr1; expr2; expr3)
statement; expr2 (test): test condition, loop continues if
expression is non-0

for ( expr1; expr2; expr3){ expr3 (update): used to alter the value of the
Block of statements; parameters after each iteration
} statement (body): body of loop

 For loop has three parts: For Loop
 initial value of the control variable.
 condition that tests whether control variable has
reached the desired value.
 increment (or decrement) the control variable.
for ( initialization; loop condition; loop update )
// loop body
for ( expr1; expr2; expr3)
expr1 statement;
for ( expr1; expr2; expr3){
Block of statements;
expr2 False


First Example: Display 1 to 10
int counter =1; /* initialization */

while (counter <= 10) { /* repetition condition*/

printf( "%d\n", counter );
++counter; /* increment *
While Loop Version
int counter;
for (counter=1;counter<=10;counter++)
For Loop version
Example 2: Compute Factorial
int main () { Output
int N, count, prod; 7
scanf (“%d”, &N) ; Factorial = 5040
prod = 1;
for (count = 1;count <= N; ++count)
prod = prod * count;
printf (“Factorial = %d\n”, prod) ;
return 0;
} 44
Computing ex series up to N terms
int main () {
float x, term, sum; Output
int n, count; 2.3
scanf (“%f”, &x); 10
scanf (“%d”, &n);
The series sum is 7.506626
term = 1.0; sum = 0;
for (count = 1; count <= n; ++count) {
sum += term;
term = x/count;
printf (“%f\n”, sum);
return 0;
Computing ex series up to 4 decimal places
int main() {
float x, term, sum;
int cnt;
scanf (“%f”, &x) ;
term = 1.0; sum = 0;
for (cnt = 1; term >= 0.0001; ++cnt) {
sum += term;
term *= x/cnt;
printf (“%f\n”, sum);
return 0;
 The comma operator
 Wecan give several statements
separated by commas in an
for (fact=1, i=1; i<=10; i++)
fact = fact * i;

for (sum=0, i=1; i<=N, i++)

sum = sum + i * i;
Equivalence of for and while
for ( expr1; expr2; expr3)

Same as
while (expr2) {
} 48
Sum of first N Natural Numbers
int main () { int main () {
int N, count, sum; int N, count, sum;
scanf (“%d”, &N) ; scanf (“%d”, &N) ;
sum = 0; sum = 0;
count = 1; for (count=1; count <= N; ++count)
while (count <= N) { sum = sum + count;
sum = sum + count; printf (“%d\n”, sum) ;
count = count + 1; return 0;
} }
printf (“%d\n”, sum) ;
return 0;
 Convert while Loop into for loop
int volume = 25;
int barrelSize = 200;
while(volume < barrelSize) {
printf("The barrel is not full.\n");
volume = volume +25;

Some observations on for
 Initialization, loop-continuation test, and update can
contain arithmetic expressions
for ( k = x; k <= 4 * x * y; k += y / x )
 Update may be negative (decrement)
for (digit = 9; digit >= 0; --digit)
 If loop continuation test is initially 0 (false)
 Body of for structure not performed
 No statement executed for (count=1; 0; ++count)
sum = sum + count;
 Program proceeds with statement after for structure
Programming Exercise

 Display all even numbers from 0 to 20

int i;
printf(“%d\n”, i);
Looping: do-while statement

statement; statement

while (expression);

do { expression False

Block of
statements; True
} while (expression);
Problem: Prompt user to input “month” value, keep prompting
until a valid month value is given as input…

do {
printf (“Please input month {1-12}”);
scanf (“%d”, &month);
} while ((month < 1) || (month > 12));

Decimal to binary conversion (prints binary in
reverse order) Output
int main() {
int dec;
scanf (“%d”, &dec);
printf (“%2d”, (dec % 2));
dec = dec / 2;
} while (dec != 0);
printf (“\n”);
return 0;

Echo characters typed on screen until end of line
int main () {
This is a test line
char echo ; This is a test line
do {
scanf (“%c”, &echo);
printf (“%c”,echo);
} while (echo != ‘\n’) ;
return 0;
Specifying “Infinite Loop”

while (1) { for (; ;)


do {
} while (1);
The break Statement
 Break out of the loop body { }
 can use with while, do while, for, switch
 does not work with if, else
 Causes immediate exit from a while, do/while, for or
switch structure
 Program execution continues with the first
statement after the structure
An Example
int main() {
int fact, i;
fact = 1; i = 1;
while ( i<10 ) { /* run loop –break when fact >100*/
fact = fact * i;
if ( fact > 100 ) {
printf ("Factorial of %d above 100", i);
break; /* break out of the while loop */
return 0;
Test if a number is prime or not
int main() {
int n, i=2;
scanf (“%d”, &n);
limit = sqrt(n);
for (i = 2, i <= limit; i++) {
if (n % i == 0) {
printf (“%d is not a prime \n”, n);
if (i > limit) printf (“%d is a prime \n”, n);
return 0;
Another Way
int main() {
int n, i = 2, flag = 0;
double limit;
scanf (“%d”, &n);
limit = sqrt(n);
while (i <= limit) {
if (n % i == 0) {
printf (“%d is not a prime \n”, n);
flag = 1; break;
i = i + 1;
if (flag == 0) printf (“%d is a prime \n”, n);
return 0;

The continue Statement
 Skips the remaining statements in the body of a while,
for or do/while structure
 Proceeds with the next iteration of the loop
 while and do/while loop
 Loop-continuation test is evaluated immediately after the
continue statement is executed
 for loop
 expr3 is evaluated, then expr2 is evaluated
Example with break and continue: Add positive numbers
until a 0 is typed, but ignore any negative numbers typed
int main() { Output
int sum = 0, next; 10
while (1) { -20
scanf(“%d”, &next); 30
if (next < 0) continue; 40
else if (next == 0) break; -5
sum = sum + next; 10
} 0
printf (“Sum = %d\n”, sum) ; Sum = 90
return 0;
} 63
Loops: Some Common Mistakes

while (sum <= NUM) ; for (i=0; i<=NUM; ++i);

sum = sum+2; sum = sum+i;

for (i=1; i!=10; i=i+2)

sum = sum+i;
double x;
for (x=0.0; x != 2.0; x=x+0.2)
printf(“%.18f\n”, x);
Nested Loops: Printing a 2-D Figure
 How would you print the following diagram?

repeat 3 times repeat 5 times

print a row of 5 *’s printing *

Display pattern: Configurable number of rows and columns

const int ROWS = 3; row = 1;

const int COLS = 5; while (row <= ROWS) {
/* print a row of 5 *’s */ outer
... loop
row = 1; col = 1;
while (row <= ROWS) { while (col <= COLS) {
/* print a row of 5 *’s */ printf (“* “); inner
col++; loop
++row; }
} printf(“\n”);
2-D Figure: with for loop
Print const int ROWS = 3;
const int COLS = 5;
***** ....
***** for (row=1; row<=ROWS; ++row) {
for (col=1; col<=COLS; ++col) {
printf(“* ”);
Another 2-D Figure
Print const int ROWS = 5;
* ....
** int row, col;
*** for (row=1; row<=ROWS; ++row) {
for (col=1; col<=row; ++col) {
printf(“* ”);
***** }
} 68
Yet Another One
const int ROWS = 5;
Print ....
***** int row, col;
**** for (row=0; row<ROWS; ++row) {
*** for (col=1; col<=row; ++col)
** printf(" ");
* for (col=1; col<=ROWS-row; ++col)
printf("* ");
printf ("\n");
} 69
break and continue with nested loops
 For nested loops, break and continue are matched with
the nearest loops (for, while, do-while)
 Example:
while (i < n) {
for (k=1; k < m; ++k) {
if (k % i == 0) break;
i = i + 1; Breaks to here

} 70
int main() Example
int low, high, desired, i, flag = 0;
scanf(“%d %d %d”, &low, &high, &desired);
i = low;
while (i < high) {
for (j = i+1; j <= high; ++j) {
if (j % i == desired) {
flag = 1;
if (flag == 1) break; Breaks to here
i = i + 1;
return 0;
Breaks to here

Practice Problems (do each with both for and while loops separately)
1. Read in an integer N. Then print the sum of the squares of the first N natural numbers
2. Read in an integer N. Then read in N numbers and print their maximum and second
maximum (do not use arrays even if you know it)
3. Read in an integer N. Then read in N numbers and print the number of integers between 0
and 10 (including both), between 11 and 20, and > 20. (do not use arrays even if you know it)
4. Repeat 3, but this time print the average of the numbers in each range.
5. Read in a positive integer N. If the user enters a negative integer or 0, print a message asking
the user to enter the integer again. When the user enters a positive integer N finally, find the
sum of the logarithmic series (loge(1+x)) upto the first N terms
6. Read in an integer N. Then read in integers, and find the sum of the first N positive integers
read. Ignore any negative integers or 0 read (so you may actually read in more than N
integers, just find the sum with only the positive integers and stop when N such positive
integers are read)
7. Read in characters until the ‘\n’ character is typed. Count and print the number of lowercase
letters, the number of uppercase letters, and the number of digits entered.

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