Book building is a process by which companies determine the price and quantity of shares to be issued in an IPO. Investors submit bids indicating the price they are willing to pay and the quantity of shares wanted. The lead manager collects these bids and sets the issue price, usually at a level where demand matches the quantity of shares issued. Shares are then allotted to successful bidders at the issue price. The process involves appointing a lead manager, filing prospectus documents, collecting bids, setting the price, and allotting shares. It allows companies to gauge market demand and price shares appropriately.
Book building is a process by which companies determine the price and quantity of shares to be issued in an IPO. Investors submit bids indicating the price they are willing to pay and the quantity of shares wanted. The lead manager collects these bids and sets the issue price, usually at a level where demand matches the quantity of shares issued. Shares are then allotted to successful bidders at the issue price. The process involves appointing a lead manager, filing prospectus documents, collecting bids, setting the price, and allotting shares. It allows companies to gauge market demand and price shares appropriately.
Book building is a process by which companies determine the price and quantity of shares to be issued in an IPO. Investors submit bids indicating the price they are willing to pay and the quantity of shares wanted. The lead manager collects these bids and sets the issue price, usually at a level where demand matches the quantity of shares issued. Shares are then allotted to successful bidders at the issue price. The process involves appointing a lead manager, filing prospectus documents, collecting bids, setting the price, and allotting shares. It allows companies to gauge market demand and price shares appropriately.
Book building is a process by which companies determine the price and quantity of shares to be issued in an IPO. Investors submit bids indicating the price they are willing to pay and the quantity of shares wanted. The lead manager collects these bids and sets the issue price, usually at a level where demand matches the quantity of shares issued. Shares are then allotted to successful bidders at the issue price. The process involves appointing a lead manager, filing prospectus documents, collecting bids, setting the price, and allotting shares. It allows companies to gauge market demand and price shares appropriately.
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Book Building
Concept and the Processes.
Introduction Book Building is a process by which the Corporates determine the demand and the price of a proposed issue on the basis of the price book-built. Once the price and the quantum of the issue has been determined by the issuer, the issue may be offered under the private placement or public offer or both as per the SEBI regulations. Characteristics Tendering Process : Eligible investors are required to place their bids for the number of shares to be issued and the price at which they are willing to invest, with the lead manager running the book. At the end of the cut-off period, the lead manager determines the response to the issue in terms of the quantum of shares and the highest price at which the demand is sufficient to match the size of the issue. Characteristics Floor Price: It is the min. price set by the lead manager in consultation with the issuer. This is the price at which the issue is open for subscription. Investors are free to place a bid at any higher price than the floor price. Characteristics Price Band: The range of price( The highest and the lowest) at which offer for subscription of securities is made. Investors are free to bid any price within the price band. Bid:
Investor can place a bid with the authorized lead
manage-merchant banker. Characteristics Bids Contd. In case of the equity shares usually banks and some leading stock brokers are also authorized by the lead manager.. Investor can give bid for up to three optional prices. The price and demand options submitted by the bidder are treated as optional demands and are not cumulated. Characteristics Allotment: Lead Manager, in consultation with the issuer decides the price at which the issue will be subscribed and proceeds to allot shares to investors who have bid at or above the fixed price. All investors are allotted shares at the same fixed price. For any allottee, the price would be equal to or less than the price bid. Characteristics Participants: Generally, all investors including individuals are eligible to invest in a particular issue of securities and can participate in book- building process. However if the issue is restricted to Qualified Institutional Investors, as in the case of g sec., then only those eligible can participate. Book Building Process Process of Book- Building is as under: a) Earmarking Securities b) Finding Price Band c) Filing Red-herring prospectus d) Filing Draft Prospectus e) Appointment of Book-Runners f) Collecting Price Bids g) Price Setting Book Building Process h) Public Subscription i) Underwriting j) Bank Account k) Allotment l) Listing m) SEBI Inspection Book Building Process A) 75 percent Book Building. The 75% book building option of securities is offered on a firm basis where a minimum of 25 % 0f the securities is offered to the public. Following steps are involved: i) Eligibility : All Companies eligible for public shares are eligible for raising capital through the book building process. Book Building Process ii) Earmarking of Securities: The securities to be separately marked as placement portion category and balance as net offer to the public. iii)Draft Prospectus: A DP containing all information with indicative price band to be filed with SEBI. Within 2 days of finalizing issue price, DP is to be filed with the ROC. Book Building Process iv) Appointment of Book Runner. Issuing Co. appoints a Merchant Banker as the Book Runner. BR circulates a copy of the Draft Prospectus to Institutional Buyers who are eligible for firm allotment and to the intermediaries who are eligible to act as underwriters, inviting them to subscribe to the issue. Role Of Book Runner The Book Runner maintains a record of the names and no. of securities ordered by intermediary buyers and the price at which they are willing to subscribe the issue under the placement portion.
The Book Runner collects information about the
subscriptions received from underwriters and other intermediaries. After the stipulated time period, the Book Runner aggregates the subscriptions so received. The underwriters are required to make a payment of the total amount for subscription of issues. Role of Book Runner The Book Runner collects payments from the underwriters and institutional buyers a day prior to the opening of the issue to the public, which includes application money for all the applications through which securities were subscribed by them Price Setting Based on the data collected from intermediaries relating to the total orders received, the issuing Co. and the Book Runner, set an appropriate price of the issue for offer to the public. The issue price is determined on the basis of Bids received through members of the syndicate formed under the lead book runner. This would be the issue price for both the private placement and the public category. The no. of securities to be issued is decided on the basis of the amount and the issue price and is expressed as under:
No. of securities: Amt of issue/price per security.
Underwriting The members of the syndicate fully underwrite the offer to the extent that is not offered to the promoters, permanent employees and shareholders. For this purpose, the syndicate members enter into an underwriting agreement which specifies the quantum and price of shares that would be underwritten for book building. Underwriting Underwriting is mandatory for issues that are earmarked as net offer to the public. Underwriters maintain a record for the subscriptions received by them for the issue in the placement portion and forward these records to the book runner. In the event of the underwriters not being in a position to take up the shares as committed, the book runners have to subscribe to the issues committed for by the underwriters. Bank Account Bank Account: The issuer Company opens two Accounts, one for collection of the applications Towards the private placement and the other for The offer of the 25 % of the total issue to the Public. Allotment All those intermediaries who have offered their Bid price at and above the now determined price Will become eligible for allotment .Once the eligibility is decided ,intimation will be sent to them for subscription and payment. Although, the allotment un the private placement category has to be made two days prior to the date of closure of the issue, the issuer may choose Allotment to allot securities under the process for both under private placement and under the public category on the same day in accordance with SEBI guidelines. In the event of any under subscription to the public offer category, orders in the private placement category can be utilized to fill public subscription .While doing so preference should be given to individual investors. Allotment Similarly, when there is a deficient subscription in the private placement category, a spill over is allowed from public offer category. Interest is payable by the issuer between the date of closure to the date of allotment. Listing When all the committed money has been collected from the underwriters by the 11 th day of closure of the issue, the shares allotted in the private placement category and public offer become eligible for listing. However securities offered online over the internet are not listed. Inspection SEBI serves as the chief regulator supervising the Book building process. It has the powers to carry out the inspection of books and records Maintained by intermediaries such as the book- Runner, the underwriters and others. 100 % Book Building It is an option of book-building process of the Securities whereby 100% of the securities is offered on a firm basis, or is reserved for the Promoters, permanent employees of the issuer Company. It may also be offered to the share Holders on a competitive basis or on a firm allotment basis.. 100% Book Building Conditions: a) Min. capital to be raised is Rs. 25 Cr. b) Reservation of firm allotment to promoters and permanent employees only as per SEBI guidelines and in case of new companies to the permanent employees of the promoting co. c) Allotment can be made on firm or competitive basis to shareholders of promoting co. and group companies. d) Eligible merchant bankers to be appointed as the lead book runners and their names to be stated in the prospectus to be filed with SEBI. Lead Book Runner This is an essential requirement. Lead Book Runners is responsible for book Building in order to determine the appropriate Price and quantum of issue. For this purpose A syndicate is formed consisting of SEBI registered underwriters and other eligible merchant members. In the event of any under subscription, Lead Bank Runner the lead merchant bankers have to fill the shortfall. The Book Runners are responsible for maintenance of records and for incorporating any changes in the draft prospectus as suggested by SEBI, besides maintenance of records of Book building process which may be inspected By SEBI. Draft Prospectus The lead Book Runner files a draft prospectus with SEBI. This document contains all the required disclosures such as the total size etc. in accordance with SEBI norms. Any modification In the draft prospectus are to be intimated by the Co. to SEBI within 21 days after receipt of the Draft Prospectus by SEBI. Essential Disclosures Details of: Syndicate members selected by the lead book runner for the purpose pf bidding of the issue. b) Registrars and Bankers to the issue. c) Basis of issue price d) Accounting ratios such as pre issue EPS, P/E etc e) NAV per share based on the last B/S. Advertisement a) The issuer, after obtaining the revised prospectus from SEBI, advertises in leading newspapers. b) The advertisement contains all the features of the final offer document. (Sec 2A Co Act) c) It is incumbent for the issuer to offer at least 10% of the total issue to the public. Stock Brokers SEBI registered stock brokers are appointed for placing orders with the Co. by the stock exchange that would act as collection centers. These stock brokers must be capable of taking up the issue in the event of any failure. The issuer pays them commission for their services. Bidding Process a) Advertisement is issued regarding bidding ,date of opening ,closing, name and address of syndicate members , bidding terminals and the method of bidding, b) Bidding takes place on-line electronically by the members present at designated centers. c) No. of collection centers and bidding centers is as per SEBI guidelines. Bidding Process d) Individuals and institutions who are not the members can bid through the syndicate members. e) Bidding is done in the prescribed form giving information on investor, price and quantum of securities. f) The Serial No of bidding form is system generated and stamped automatically. Bidding Process g) The Bidding form is made in duplicate and is counter signed by the book runner/syndicate member. Allotment Process a) Min. 15% reserved for allotment to individual investors to a max. of 10 trade able lots through the syndicate member. b) Min. of 10% is reserved to individual investors who have not participated in the book building process. c) Allotment to individual investors to be on the basis of a proportionate allotment system. Allotment Process d) In event of under subscription of issue reserved for individual investors, issuer may make allotment as it deems fit. e) Allotment to other categories shall be decided by the Book Runner on the basis of price commitment, investor category, price quoted etc. f) Allotment is to be made within 15 days of closure. Interest @ 15 % in event of default. Issue to remain open for at least 21 days. Refund The refunds shall be made by the brokers to unsuccessful applicants within 3 days of the receipt of the allocation. The details of amount received from successful applicants shall be furnished to the stock exchange in electronic medium. Issue of Share Certificates Once all the formalities for subscription are allotment are completed, the registrars to the issue will post the share Certificates to the successful candidate or arrange to have the shares to the applicants in demat form. Conclusion