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Boiler Light Up

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Boiler Light-up

Kumar Rupesh
Date: 03-Sep-13

 Boiler Light-up Sequence – Brief Overview

 Electrical System Charging – General Note
 Establishing Mechanical Systems - General Note
 Boiler Light-up Activities – Descriptive View
 Miscellaneous Topics

2/5/23 Footer text 2

Boiler Light-up Sequence

Boiler Light-up Sequence

1. Electrical System Line-up and charging

2. DG Set Trial and synchronization with station supply

3. Auxiliary Steam Supply Charging (conditional)

4. Establish Circulation of Cooling Water System

5. Establish ACW System

6. Establish DM Transfer and CST make-up system

7. Establish DMCW System

Boiler Light-up Sequence contd.

Boiler Light-up Sequence

8. Establish Compressed Air System

9. Establish main condensate system into operation

10. Normalize LP Dosing System

11. Establish Feed water system into operation

12. Initial Boiler Filling line-up

13. Boiler Drum Filling with BFP

14. Establish BCW Pumps into operation

2/5/23 Footer text 4

Boiler Light-up Sequence contd.

Boiler Light-up Sequence

15. Starting and warm-up of fuel oil system

16. Line-up of Flue Gas path

17. Establish APHs into operation

18. Put ID Fans into operation

19. Put FD Fans into operation

20. Furnace Purging

2/5/23 Footer text 5

Boiler Light-up Sequence contd.

Boiler Light-up Sequence

21. Rechecking Boiler line-up for light-up

22. Boiler Light-up with LDO

23. Boiler Pressure raising with HFO

General note on electrical system charging

Pre- Charging Checks

Before charging of any Bus following minimum checks should be completed:
1. All PTWs and cross PTWs on Bus, Transformer and Incomers are cancelled.
(What are PTWs and cross PTWs?)

2. A physical verification of system condition is made to ensure no isolation tags

are there and no maintenance/ operation person is working on the system
under question.

3. Permission is available from Electrical maintenance team for charging of the

system (the presence of electrical maintenance team is favorable). IR
healthiness and other tests have been conducted by the EM team. The bus
coupler and normal incomers interlock checking has been done. The relays
are set/ tested for faithful behavior as per OEM settings/ system

2/5/23 Footer text 7

General note on electrical system charging

Pre- Charging Checks

4. The bus earthing rods are in retracted position.

5. None of the breakers are in closed condition. This can be checked from
mechanical indicator available at Breaker. (What will happen if some of the
breakers are in closed condition)

6. None of the breaker relays are in operated condition (for the breakers not under

7. DC Supply is available with the bus.

8. All the breakers are in racked-in and in service/ test position (conditional).

9. All the breakers doors are locked.

2/5/23 Footer text 8

General note on electrical system charging

Charging Sequence:
 Transformer charging –
a. Simultaneous charging of two or more transformers on same bus are not
recommended to avoid very high magnetization inrush current and hence
system upset (On what parameters of system transformer magnetization
inrush current depends).

b. The transformer should be charged on no load i.e. from primary side only.

c. For first charging of transformer after major overhaul or breakdown

maintenance, the transformer should be kept charged on no load for some
duration to monitor its parameters like oil temperature, winding temperature etc.

d. Paralleling of transformers is not allowed (What will happen during

paralleling of transformers)

2/5/23 Footer text 9

General note on electrical system charging

Charging Sequence:
 Transformer Magnetizing Current

 Induction Motor Current

I = VZ1/ (r2/s + jX2)

2/5/23 Footer text 10

General note on electrical system charging

2/5/23 Footer text 11

General note on electrical system charging

Charging Sequence:
 Normal Incomer charging to Bus –
a. The voltage parameter of all three phases of the bus after bus charging should
be observed. Any discrepancy should be immediately informed to EMD.

b. The incomer breaker relays should be checked for normal position.

c. This way the other incomer also should be charged for Bus having two

2/5/23 Footer text 12

General note on electrical system charging

Charging Sequence:
 Incomer/ Bus Coupler Interlock checking – The interlock opening and
closing of bus coupler on failure and restoration respectively of normal incomer
should be checked for healthiness.

 The loads on bus (drives and transformers) should be charged last. Here,
also simultaneous charging of transformers from same bus is not
recommended. Also, simultaneous starting of motors should not be allowed to
avoid system upset due to high starting current
(why motor starting current is so high and on what parameters it

 Note: For HT drives frequent start and stop is strictly prohibited in view of
safeguarding the insulation from very high temperature rise.

2/5/23 Footer text 13

Electrical System Charging and DG set

1. Electrical System Charging

 The complete charging sequence depends upon the topology of the

 In general topology following is the charging sequence:

• 400KV/ 220KV switchyard buses back charging through transmission/ start-

up power line.

• Station Transformers Charging

• 11/ 6.6/ 3.3 KV station Buses charging

• 11/ 6.6/ 3.3 KV unit buses charging through ties

2/5/23 Footer text 14

Electrical System Charging and DG set

1. Electrical System Charging and

• 415V station service switchgear charging

• 415V unit service switchgears charging

• Offsite transformers and buses charging

 The bus voltages may be maintained using tap changers available with
station transformers. (why is it intended to maintain bus voltage)

2. DG set synchronization
Once charging is complete it is always advisable to ensure availability of
DG set. The DG set is started and DG supply is synchronized with
Emergency switchgear normal supply from station source.

2/5/23 Footer text 15

General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment – The basic definitions

Permissives, Protections and Interlocks - Definition

 Permissives are set of conditions required to be satisfied before start of an
activity to safeguard the system/ equipment/ process. Thus, permissives are
implemented in series.

 Once an activity starts based on system parameters, Protections are set of

conditions that initiate the closure/ stoppage of that activity to safeguard the
system/ equipment/ process. As any condition in the set should stop the
activity, they are implemented in parallel.

 Interlocks, as the name itself suggests, are the set of condition for an
activity, where one activity initiates another activity to safeguard the system/
equipment/ process.

2/5/23 Footer text 16

General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment – The basic definitions

Permissives, Protections and Interlocks - Definition

 To understand the line-up and start-up sequence of mechanical systems,
rationale of permissive, protections and interlocks for the system should be
understood in detail.

 Once understood for one type of system, the same can be implemented to
various systems of same category.

2/5/23 Footer text 17

General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment contd. – Water System

Water System
Note: It is worthwhile to understand that most of the water systems shall
be governed by principle of operation of centrifugal pumps. (what are the
characteristics of centrifugal pumps)
 Source water tank level adequate - minimum flow and churning

 Suction valve open – minimum flow and churning

 Discharge valve closed at starting – motor protection

 Recirculation valve full open – minimum flow and churning

2/5/23 Footer text 18

General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment contd. – Water System

Water System
 Bearing temperature normal – oil viscous properties and babbit damage

 Motor winding temperature normal – insulation protection

 Lube Oil Pressure adequate – Oil film and babbit damage

 Suction strainer DP normal – minimum flow and churning

 Suction Pressure Adequate – NPSH and Cavitation

2/5/23 Footer text 19

General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment contd. – Water System

 Source water tank level Lo-Lo - minimum flow and churning

 Suction Flow Lo-Lo – minimum flow and churning

 Pump started and Discharge valve not opened (open limit switch) in specified
time – minimum flow and churning

 Bearing temperature Hi-Hi – oil viscous properties and babbit damage

 Motor winding temperature Hi-Hi – insulation protection

 Lube Oil Pressure Lo-Lo – Oil film and babbit damage

 Suction strainer DP Hi-Hi – minimum flow and churning

2/5/23 Footer text 20

General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment contd. – Water System

 Suction Pressure Lo-LO – NPSH and Cavitation

 Bearing Vibration Hi-Hi – Bearing and equipment damage

 Pump running and discharge pressure Lo-Lo – Various reasons

 Pump started and discharge valve open command (Integral bypass valve)

 Pump stopped and discharge valve closing command

 Pump started and cooling water valve open command

 Auxiliary/ stand-by lube oil pump start on lube oil pressure lo

 Auxiliary pump start on discharge header pressure lo

2/5/23 Footer text 21
General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment contd. – Water System

Mechanical line-up
1. Close all drain valves in the system

2. Filling of source tank and putting make-up system on auto

3. Open suction valve

4. Check suction DP of strainers for normalcy, cleaning if required

5. Close discharge valve

6. Open recirculation valve

2/5/23 Footer text 22

General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment contd. – Water System

Mechanical line-up

7. Ensure all the manual isolation valves downstream is opened.

8. System venting – system includes suction line, pump casing and

discharge line – This is done to avoid mechanical hammering and
pump cavitation. The system is provided with number of vents at
aforesaid locations, the same should be opened and kept open till
water comes out after initial bubbling. Suction side venting is done
before start-up and discharge side venting after start-up.

9. Start lube oil pump and put other on auto stand by

10. Ensure all permissives are fulfilled

2/5/23 Footer text 23

General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment contd. – Water System

Start-up and post start-up observation

1. Start the pump and record discharge pressure and starting current.
Starting current should come down immediately after current shoot-up
(1-2 sec), if it does not shut down the pump immediately. Discharge
pressure should be adequate, if not close the pump immediately.

2. Observe that, the discharge valve and integral bypass valve follow auto

3. Observe that the cooling water line valve opens on auto.

4. Observe that auxiliary oil pump stops on auto after a time delay (if

2/5/23 Footer text 24

General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment contd. – Water System

Start-up and post start-up observation

5. Record the normal running, current, pressure and flow.

6. Record the bearing and winding temperatures.

7. Record bearing vibrations.

2/5/23 Footer text 25

General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment contd. – Lube Oil System

Lube Oil System

Note: It is worthwhile to understand that most of the lube oil systems shall
be governed by principle of operation of positive displacement pumps.
(what are the characteristics of PD pumps)
 Source oil tank level adequate – minimum flow and churning

 Suction valve opened – minimum flow and churning

 Discharge valve opened (generally manual) – motor protection

 Bearing temperature normal – oil viscous properties and babbit damage

2/5/23 Footer text 26

General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment contd. – Lube Oil System

Lube Oil System

 Motor winding temperature normal – insulation protection

 Suction strainer DP normal – minimum flow and churning

Practically the PD pumps do not have any protection except the electrical
motor protection which may have origin in its mechanical parameter
 Bearing temperature hi-hi

 Bearing vibration hi-hi

 Motor winding temperature hi-hi

2/5/23 Footer text 27

General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment contd. – Lube Oil System

 Stand-by Pump start on discharge header pressure lo-lo
Mechanical line-up
1. Close all drain valves in the system

2. Filling of source tank and putting make-up system on auto

3. Open suction valve

4. Check suction DP of strainers for normalcy, cleaning if required

5. Open discharge valve

2/5/23 Footer text 28

General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment contd. – Lube Oil System

Mechanical line-up
6. Open recirculation valve (if applicable)

7. Ensure relief valve is adjusted and through

8. Ensure all the manual isolation valves downstream is opened.

9. System venting – system includes suction line, pump casing and discharge
line – This is done to avoid mechanical hammering. The system is provided
with number of vents, the same should be opened and kept open till oil
comes out after initial bubbling. Suction side venting is done before start-up
and discharge venting after start-up.

10. Start the pump and put other on auto stand by.

2/5/23 Footer text 29

General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment contd. – Lube Oil System

Start-up and post start-up observation

1. Start the pump and record discharge pressure and starting current.
Starting current should come down immediately after current shoot-up
(1-2 sec), if it does not shut down the pump immediately. Discharge
pressure should be adequate, if not close the pump immediately.

2. Record the normal running, current, pressure and flow.

3. Record the bearing and winding temperatures.

4. Record bearing vibrations.

2/5/23 Footer text 30

General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment contd. – Air System

Air System
Note: It is worthwhile to understand that most of the air systems shall be
governed by principle of operation of radial and axial fans. They have
similar characteristics to the centrifugal pumps (what are the
characteristics of radial and axial fans)
 Suction damper/ gate open – minimum flow and churning

 Discharge damper/ gate closed at starting – motor protection

 Bearing temperature normal – oil viscous properties and babbit damage

 Motor winding temperature normal – insulation protection

2/5/23 Footer text 31

General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment contd. – Air System

Air System

 Motor winding temperature normal – insulation protection

 Lube Oil Pressure adequate – Oil film and babbit damage

 Control oil pressure adequate – process requirement and flow modulation

 Inlet Guide Vane minimum – Motor protection

2/5/23 Footer text 32

General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment contd. – Air System

 Fan started and Discharge gate not opened (open limit switch) in specified time
– minimum flow and churning

 Bearing temperature Hi-Hi – oil viscous properties and babbit damage

 Motor winding temperature Hi-Hi – insulation protection

 Lube Oil Pressure Lo-Lo – Oil film and babbit damage

 Bearing Vibration Hi-Hi – Bearing and equipment damage

2/5/23 Footer text 33

General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment contd. – Air System

 Fan started and discharge valve open command

 Fan stopped and discharge valve closing command

 Fan started and cooling water valve open command

 Auxiliary/ stand-by lube oil pump start on lube oil pressure lo

 Stand-by fan start on discharge header pressure lo

2/5/23 Footer text 34

General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment contd. – Air System

Mechanical line-up
1. Open suction gate/ damper

2. Close discharge gate/ damper

3. Ensure all the manual/ actuated isolation gates/ dampers downstream are

4. Start lube oil pump and put other on auto stand by

5. Ensure all permissives are fulfilled

2/5/23 Footer text 35

General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment contd. – Air System

Start-up and post start-up observation

1. Start the fan and record discharge pressure and starting current. Starting current
should come down immediately after current shoot-up (1-4 sec), if it does not
shut down the pump immediately. Discharge pressure should be adequate, if not
close the pump immediately.

2. Observe that, the discharge gate opening sequence is followed.

3. Observe that the cooling water line valve opens on auto.

4. Record the normal running, current, pressure and flow.

5. Record the bearing and winding temperatures.

6. Record bearing vibrations.

2/5/23 Footer text 36

General note on mechanical system line-up and
establishment contd. – Steam lines
Mechanical line-up
1. Open drain and close only when steam starts coming out of it for sufficient time.

2. Open vents and close when steam starts coming out of it for sufficient time.

3. Keep all the supply branch lines in isolated condition.

4. Open the feed line valve slowly to avoid thermal hammering. If available, utilize
the integral bypass valve for the purpose.

5. Open the branch lines as per requirement.

2/5/23 Footer text 37

Boiler Light-up - Mechanical System

Boiler Light-up
3. Auxiliary Steam Supply Charging (conditional) – If the other unit is
operational or start-up boiler is available. Otherwise, this activity is taken up
after Boiler light-up with LDO and steam source taken from MS line.

Auxiliary Steam – HFO heating and steam atomization, Vacuum Pulling,

Deaerator pegging etc.

4. Establish Circulation of Cooling Water System – As per note – Single source

of water supply.

5. Establish ACW System – As per note – Cooling of DMCW system

6. Establish DM Transfer and CST make-up system – As per note – Unit DM

make-up system

2/5/23 Footer text 38

Boiler Light-up - Mechanical System

Boiler Light-up
7. Establish DMCW System – as per note – Equipment cooling water system

8. Establish Compressed Air System – as per note – instrument air supply

9. Establish main condensate system into operation – as per note

10. Normalize LP Dosing System – as per note – BFP suction dozing of NH 3 and
N2H4 (mechanical and chemical deaeration)

11. Establish Feed water system into operation – as per note

2/5/23 Footer text 39

Boiler Filling

12. Initial Boiler Filling

A. Pre-start checks
 Boiler water circulating pumps motor cavity is properly filled and vented.

 Sufficient quantity of DM water is available.

 DM Make-up system is available for LP/ HP chemical mixing and diluting.

 Sufficient quantity of chemicals is available.

 Local drum gauge glass and Hydrastep are available.

 Unit equipment cooling water is in service.

2/5/23 Footer text 40

Boiler Filling

12. Initial Boiler Filling Line-up

A. Pre-start checks
 At least one CEP is in service through LPHs bypass valves.

 MDBFP with its auxiliaries is available and in service through HPHs bypass

 Hotwell make-up system is available and lined-up.

 Instrument air is available to the controllers.

2/5/23 Footer text 41

Boiler Filling contd.

12. Initial Boiler Filling Line-up

B. Boiler Filling Line-up
Note: All the drains in Boiler water circuit should be closed, all the vents of
boiler should be opened, all the drains in steam circuit shall be open
 Close boiler low point drain valve to IBD tank and economiser header drain

 Ensure that CBD and EBD valves are closed.

 Ensure that BCW pumps casing drains are closed.

 Ensure SH and RH fill valve at low point drains are closed.

 Ensure that SF and RH spray block valves are closed.

 Open all the suction spool vent valves of BCW pumps.

 Open all the vents in Boiler water circuit viz. Economiser and drum vents.
2/5/23 Footer text 42
Boiler Filling contd.

13. Initial Boiler Filling

The Boiler filling rate shall be so chosen that the drum top-bottom level
difference is always <50 DegC and feed water and drum bottom metal
temperature difference is < 30 Deg C.
 Open the Economiser inlet and recirculation valve.

 Open low range isolation valves and close high range isolation valve. (DP
Control vs. Scoop Control)

 Start LP dozing system for chemical feeding.

 Gradually open the low range feed control valve to start boiler filling. Ensure
condensate cycle make-up comes on auto for make-up requirement. Ensure that
level rise is observed in hydrasteps.

2/5/23 Footer text 43

Boiler Filling contd.

13. Initial Boiler Filling

 Close the BCW pumps’ vents when bubble free water start coming out of it.
Likewise, close the economiser header vents when bubble free water comes out.
Keep the drum vent open. Keep the steam circuit drains and vents open.

 Close the low range feed control valve when drum level reaches NWL + 50-100
mm. Take proper care that water does not enter SH circuit. Use emergency drain
valve if required.

 Stop chemical dozing pump.

 Ensure that the BCW cooling water lines are lined-up and the pump’s discharge
valves are full open.

2/5/23 Footer text 44

Boiler Filling contd.

13. Initial Boiler Filling

 Start the first BCW pump and ensure that its motor current, motor cavity
temperature and DP across pump are normal.

 It is to be noted that when the drum filling is started with BFP, the riser tubes are
not filled as they are at higher elevation than drum required level. They are filled
only when BCW pump is started. Thus, start of first BCW pump depresses the
drum level a lot. Take fresh feed to maintain drum level.

 Similarly, take second and third BCW pumps also in service. The drum level
depression with second and third pump is not that severe.

2/5/23 Footer text 45

Establishing Boiler Air and Flue Gas Systems

15. Starting and warm-up of fuel oil system – as per note – If the auxiliary
steam is not available, this activity can only be taken-up after boiler light-up
and auxiliary steam charging through MS source. The HFO temperature is to
be maintained at 120 Deg C using HFO heaters.

16. Line-up of Flue Gas path and putting APH in operation

Additional checks
 APH peepholes and manholes are closed.

 APH fire water system is charged.

 APH fire sensing system is available.

 APH soot blowers are available and in retracted condition.

 The PA, SA and FG inlet and outlet dampers for APH are closed.

2/5/23 Footer text 46

Establishing Boiler Air and Flue Gas Systems

16. Line-up of Flue Gas path and putting APH in operation

APH Operation
 The lube oil system line-up and start-up as per note.

 Start the APH with air motor. This is done to avoid starting of APH main motor
on load.

 Start APH main motor and ensure that the air motor cuts out on auto.

 Flue gas and secondary air inlet and outlet dampers may be opened.

2/5/23 Footer text 47

Establishing Boiler Air and Flue Gas Systems

18. Putting ID Fan into operation

Lube Oil system and air system checks – as per note
Additional checks
Note: The ID Fan suction damper/ gate works has the same function as
the FD Fan discharge damper/ gate i.e. fan loading.
 The slag bath is filled and trough seal over flow is established. The
corresponding HP/ LP ash water pumps are running.

 The economiser ash hoppers flushing apparatus is filled with water.

 The ESP hoppers gates are closed tight.

 Boiler observation and access doors are closed. One or two access doors
may be kept open to give suction to ID Fan. Alternatively, the FD Fan circuit
may be kept through for giving suction path to ID Fan.

 The access doors cooling water is in charged condition.

2/5/23 Footer text 48
Establishing Boiler Air and Flue Gas Systems

18. Putting ID Fan into operation

ID Fan operation
 Start the fan and observe its parameters like starting current, motor and
bearing temperatures, vibrations etc. Modulate the IGV for fan loading and
maintaining negative pressure in Furnace.

2/5/23 Footer text 49

Establishing Boiler Air and Flue Gas Systems

19. Putting FD Fan into operation

Lube Oil system and air system checks – as per note
Additional checks
 One ID Fan is running.

 Windbox manhole doors are closed. SADs are available and modulating from

FD Fan operation
 Start the fan and observe its parameters like starting current, motor and
bearing temperatures, vibrations etc. Modulate the BP of FD and IGV of ID fan
for fan loading and maintaining negative pressure in Furnace.

 Open the scanner air fan inlet dampers.

 Putting Scanner Air Fans into operation – as per note

2/5/23 Footer text 50

Furnace Purging

20. Furnace Purging

Furnace purging is done before boiler light-up to ensure that any
incombustibles in the Furnace and APH are removed from the circuit to
avoid furnace explosion due to unwarranted and uncontrolled burning of
these left out combustibles when fuel supply is given for light-up.

Furnace Purging Permissives

 Burner Tilt Horizontal and air flow < 40%

 PA Fans OFF.

 Drum Level normal.

 Air Flow > 30%.

 All Feeders off.

2/5/23 Footer text 51

Furnace Purging

20. Furnace Purging

Furnace Purging Permissives
 All LONVs and HONVs closed.

 Windbox to Furnace DP satisfactory.

 No Boiler trip command.

 Aux Air dampers modulating

 All hot air gates of mills closed.

 All scanners sensing no flame.

 All pulverisers are off.

 HO trip valve is closed.

2/5/23 Footer text 52

Furnace Purging

20. Furnace Purging

Furnace Purging Operation
 As these permissives are satisfied, purge ready lamp goes on. Push the Push
to Purge button to start purging cycle of 5 minutes. Ensure that none of the
permissives are lost during the purging else the cycle will be disrupted.

 As the purging cycle is completed, Boiler MFT can be made to reset.

 The Boiler is ready to be lighted-up. The HOTV and LOTV may be opened to
proceed for Boiler light-up.

2/5/23 Footer text 53

Line-up for Boiler light-up – Additional Checks

21. Boiler Line-up for Light-up

Additional Checks
 All the wall blowers and LRSBs are available and in retracted condition.

 Furnace temperature probes are available.

 Boiler spring loaded safety valves are in gagged condition if light-up is done
before safety valve setting. If safety valve setting has already been done, the
gagging should be removed (Safety valve set reset pressure).

 Bottom ash equipment such as clinker grinder, hydraulic pumps, jet pumps
etc. are available.

2/5/23 Footer text 54

Line-up for Boiler light-up – Additional Checks

21. Boiler Line-up for Light-up

Additional Checks

 Again ensure that Boiler water circuit drains are closed. All Boiler vents are
open. All Boiler steam circuit drains are opened.

 Ensure that Boiler stop valves along with IBVs are closed.

 Start-up vents are open full.

 The SCAPH is charged. If the aux steam is not available, this activity to be
taken after Boiler light-up. (Purpose of SCAPH and cold end corrosion).

2/5/23 Footer text 55

Boiler Light-up – Oil Firing

22. Boiler Light-up operation – Taking Oil Guns in service

 Increase the LDO and HFO pressure to set value. Wait till HFO temperature
reaches 110 Deg C (if aux steam is available).

 Insert the furnace probe till it advances 80-100%.

Note: The HFO should be taken in service only if the furnace

temperature reaches > 200 Deg C. The light-up should start with LDO
guns only..

2/5/23 Footer text 56

Boiler Light-up – Oil Firing

22. Boiler Light-up operation – Taking Oil Guns in service

 Press pair 1-3 start button for LDO/ HFO and observe the following sequence:

• AB-1 oil gun advances

• The spark rod advances.

• The ignitor is ignited for 15 secs.

• The atomising steam/ air valve opens.

• LONV/ HONV valve opens.

• Discriminating scanner senses flame.

• HEA ignitor is retracted after 15 secs.

• AB-3 oil gun advances after a time delay of 30 secs.

2/5/23 Footer text 57
Boiler Light-up – Oil Firing contd.

22. Boiler Light-up operation – Taking Oil Guns in service

Note: it is advisable to start the gun after scavenging first. The

scavenging is done to ensure gun nozzle cleaning and dislodge any oil
accumulation in the gun and hence choking. The scavenging sequence
has following steps:
• Press corner gun scavenge button.
• Oil gun advances
• The spark rod advances.
• The igniter is ignited for 15 secs.
• LONV/ HONV valve remains closed.
• Atomizing steam/ air valve opens.
• Scavenging valve opens.
• Scavenging valve closes after 15 secs.
• Atomizing air/ steam valve closes.
• HEA igniters is retracted after 15 secs.

2/5/23 Footer text 58

Boiler Pressure Raising

23. Boiler Pressure Raising

 With the corner gun taking in service the corresponding corner SAD shall also
be opened.

 After establishing the AB elevation LDO/ HFO guns as indicated by

discriminating scanner, the next elevation HFO guns may be taken in service.

 The rate of rise of Boiler metal temperature should be maintained as per

OEM guidelines. For, very cold start-up it is advisable to maintain rate of
rise of drum metal temperature at 1.5-2 Deg C / minute and rate of rise of
steam temperature at 5.0 Deg C/ minute.

 HFO guns should be taken only when furnace temperature as indicated by

temperature probes reaches > 200 DegC.

2/5/23 Footer text 59

Boiler Pressure Raising contd.

23. Boiler Pressure Raising

 The gun shall start in the same sequence as described earlier.

 As the guns are taken furnace pressure may become slightly positive. Adjust
the ID fan IGV to maintain -10 mmwc furnace pressure. Alternatively, the
Furnace pressure control can be kept on auto.

 As the guns are taken into service, Oil header pressure drops, maintain the
header pressure at recommended value. In case of HFO, the temperature
also may drop, maintain the temperature by adjusting the heater input steam

 At drum pressure of 2 KSC the drum vents are to be closed.

2/5/23 Footer text 60

Boiler Pressure Raising contd.

23. Boiler Pressure Raising

 The CBD opening and HP dosing should be done as per chemistry
recommendation. (Drum Pressure Restriction)

 The manual SH vents also shall be closed at drum pressure of 12 KSC or MS

pressure of > 2KSC. The start-up vent shall remain full open.

 Ensure that the Furnace temperature does not exceed 540 Deg C, in view of
no steam flow in Reheater section, as HP/ LP bypass is not charged.

 The elevation fire is proven once 3 / 4 scanners are proven. The flame failure
protection is armed. In the event of 1 or no scanners sensing flame, the
elevation will vote for Boiler Flame Failure Protection.

2/5/23 Footer text 61

Boiler Pressure Raising contd.

23. Boiler Pressure Raising

Note on Silica
a. Reactive i.e. slightly ionised – dissolved form – Ion exchanger
b. Non Reactive – non – ionized –
undissolved colloidal form – Ultra –Filtration, Carbon filter etc.
Silica – Silicic Acid (Cation Bed) – Silica Removal in anion exchanger

2/5/23 Footer text 62

Boiler Pressure Raising contd.

23. Boiler Pressure Raising

Note on Silica – Drum Pressure vs. Recommended Silica

2/5/23 Footer text 63

Boiler Pressure Raising contd.

23. Boiler Pressure Raising

 In case of Aux steam not available, once the main steam pressure reaches
12-16 KSC, the aux steam header shall be charged from MS source. The
HFO gun shall then be taken into service after HFO heating.

 Before putting HFO gun into service, APH steam blowing shall be necessarily
started to avoid any oil accumulation and unwarranted fire at later stage when
APH inlet temperature approaches 200 Deg C.

 When sudden steam flow is taken from drum viz. MS stop valve opens, HP
Bypass opens, drum swelling can take place. Avoid ingress of water in SH
circuit by reducing the flow first. The drum swelling is followed by fast level
depression. Avoid water starvation by increasing the FW flow fast. (What is
Drum Swelling and Sinking, Drum Swelling and role of TDS).

2/5/23 Footer text 64

Boiler Pressure Raising contd.

23. Boiler Pressure Raising

 Once furnace temperature approaches 400 Deg C, we can start with putting
mills into operation.

 If auxiliary steam was available before light-up, the parallel activity of vacuum
pulling and HP/ LP bypass charging could be carried out. If it was not
available, Boiler must maintain oil firing to cater Aux steam header charging
and condenser vacuum pulling. After vacuum pulling only HP/ LP bypass can
be charged. (Why)

 After LP bypass charging only, reheater steam flow is established. Proceed

with Mill firing.

2/5/23 Footer text 65

Why Coal Pulverization and Coal Pulverizers

 Any solid or liquid combustible can burn on its surface only as oxidant is
available at its surface itself.
 Thus, increasing surface area of the combustible material of same volume
will expedite quick burning and high heat release.
 To increase the surface area of a solid volume it should be broken in number
of particles.
 This is what done in Pulverizers. The breaking of particles with smaller pre
defined size is called coal pulverization.
 Higher flue gas velocities are also related with high heat release and hence
slender boiler with smaller footprints can be made.
 Higher flue gas velocities demand smaller coal particles which are provided
by Coal Pulverizers.
 Further, the coal containing moisture is supplied with Hot air to remove
moisture and avoid coal pipe choking. It also improves pulverization action.
 Thus to achieve these intended results coal pulverizers do coal drying,
grinding, classification and transportation.
Type of Coal Mills

The mill controls depend upon type of coal mills.

Type of Coal Mills

 Slow speed mills – Ball and tube mills - Used for coals ranging from
sub-bituminous to anthracite

 Medium speed mills – Bowl, Ball and race, Roller mills- Used for coals
ranging from sub-bituminous to anthracite

 High speed impact mill - Used mainly for lignite coal

We will take-up briefly the low speed Ball and tube mills and medium
speed mills for better understanding.

2/5/23 Footer text 67

Ball and Tube Mills
Ball and Tube Mills

Ball and Tube Mills

 This mill consists of a horizontal heavy cylinder lined up with wear resistant
liners and filled up to 25-30% with balls of different sizes (generally 30mm,
40mm and 50mm).

 The rotational speed is 80% of that at which centrifugal forces would

overcome gravity and cause the balls to cling to the shell wall. Hence the balls
fall back and collide with each other.

 The grinding happens with coal particles trapped between the tumbling balls.

 They may be either single or double ended i.e. fed from one or both ends.

 The coal residence time in the mill is higher, which makes it preferably
suitable for harder coals.

We will take-up briefly the low speed Ball and tube mills and medium speed
mills for better understanding.
2/5/23 Footer text 69
Ball and Tube Mills

Ball and Tube Mills

 In such mills classifiers are external to the mills and oversize material is fed
back to the mill with raw feed. Mill reject can not be taken out. They do not
develop fluidized bed in the classifier section and hence not very effective in
particle distribution.

 Coals with very high moisture > 20% can not be used as poor intrinsic coal air
mixing capability.

 They are more difficult to control.

 They are most suitable with highly abrasive and difficult to grind coals.

2/5/23 Footer text 70

Ball and Tube Mills

Ball and Tube Mills

Operational Aspects
 Due to very heavy weight of the mill they are provided with slowing motor to
start with this first at very slow RPM (2-3 RPM).

 They are provided with jacking oil at these low RPMs as hydrodynamic films
are not sufficient to safeguard bearings.

 For the same reason they are kept on hot stand-by by keeping under rotation
with slowing motor.

 They are more prone to mill fire especially at low loading due to presence of
very high volume of coal under suspension, the ignition source and high % of
oxygen in the mill. (The fire triangle)

 Thus, generally they are provided with steam inerting device which come on
auto on start and stoppage of mill.

2/5/23 Footer text 71

Ball and Tube Mills

Tube Mill Controls

 Mill Jacking Oil Pressure adequate – Oil film and babbit damage
 Mill Lube Oil Pressure adequate - Oil film and babbit damage
 Reducing Gear Oil Pump ON – Gear cooling and lubrication
 Mill motor cooling air fan ON – Motor cooling and insulation protection
 Primary Air to Furnace DP not Low – Proper coal transportation
 Seal Air to PA DP is normal – Bearing coal ingress protection
 Mill Bearings temp normal - oil viscous properties and babbit damage
 Mill Motor Winding Temp Normal – Insulation Protection
 Mill Outlet temperature is normal and discharge MOVs closed – Furnace backfire
and mill fire protection.

2/5/23 Footer text 72

Ball and Tube Mills

Tube Mill Controls

 Boiler MFT – The mill stops and its discharge gates close.
 Motor/ Mill Bearing Temperature Hi- Hi - oil viscous properties and babbit damage
 Mill Outlet Temperature Hi – Depends upon type of coal
 Elevation Flame Failure (1/4 or no scanners sense flame) – Unhealthy burning
 Coal Feeder Stopped (TD – 15 minutes) – Mill outlet temperature Hi and seal
 Mill running and mill discharge gate closed (TD – 30 Secs) – Mill choking
 Mill running and mill primary air damper closed - Mill choking
 PA to seal DP Lo-Lo – Bearing coal ingress
 All PA fans stopped or DP between PA header press and WB Lo – Coal/ Air
 Lube Oil Pressure Lo-Lo – Babbit damage

2/5/23 Footer text 73

Ball and Tube Mills

Mill Controls
 Loop-1: Boiler Master – Fuel Master – Air Dampers.
 Loop-2: Mill Level – Mill DP – Coal Feeder Speed
 Loop-3: Mill outlet temperature – Mill Cold Air Damper
 The basic difference between tube mill control and roller/ bowl mill control is
that for tube mill, the coal output increases with air input flow but for Bowl mill it
happens with feeder speed. The difference is related with residence time of coal
in mills.
Mill Operation Sequence (if on auto)
 Steam inerting for 5 minutes to contain low load condition fires
 Purge Air damper opens for 2 minutes for Coal Pipe cleaning
 Mill outlet gates open
 Mill mix air gate opens
 Mill main motor starts

2/5/23 Footer text 74

Ball and Tube Mills

 Open cold air gate, hot air gate and capacity air dampers for mill warming.
 Start the coal feeder when mill outlet temperature reaches 80 Deg C (depends
upon VM of coal fed).
 Observe that coal scanners sense flame. When 3/4 scanners sense flame,
elevation flame failure protection is armed.
 Load the mill slowly by increasing coal feeder speed and air dampers. As the
mill loading increases, the coal level in mill increases. This is reflected by Mill
 Put Mill DP control, mill capacity air control, mill outlet temperature controls on

2/5/23 Footer text 75

Miscellaneous Discussions

HP/ LP Bypass
 Why are generally systems designed for 60% HP/ LP Bypass capacity?

 How are the set points for HP and LP bypass given?

 During Turbine Loading from IP to HIP changeover, why due to sudden HP

Bypass closure Load reduces than to improve?

 The operation regime – Turbine Follow Boiler mode or Boiler Follow

Turbine mode?

2/5/23 Footer text 76

Miscellaneous Discussions

Part Load Operation

 Turbine Operation on Part Load – Governing Equations

 Equation of Power

2/5/23 Footer text 77

Miscellaneous Discussions

Part Load Operation

 Turbine Operation on Part Load – Governing Equations

 Heat Drop and Pressure Ratio

2/5/23 Footer text 78

Miscellaneous Discussions

Part Load Operation

 Turbine Operation on Part Load – Governing Equations

 Heat Drop and Pressure Ratio

2/5/23 Footer text 79

Miscellaneous Discussions

Part Load Operation

 Turbine Operation on Part Load – Governing Equations

 Heat Drop and Pressure Ratio

 Thus it may easily be correlated with Loss of Power due to vacuum drop

2/5/23 Footer text 80

Miscellaneous Discussions

Part Load Operation

 Turbine Operation on Part Load – Governing Equations

 Law of Squares

2/5/23 Footer text 81

Miscellaneous Discussions

Part Load Operation

 Turbine Operation on Part Load – Governing Equations

2/5/23 Footer text 82

Miscellaneous Discussions

Part Load Operation

 Turbine Operation on Part Load – Governing Equations

2/5/23 Footer text 83

Miscellaneous Discussions

Part Load Operation

 Turbine Operation on Part Load – Governing Equations
 Thus, we can see the last few LP stages are operating with negligible pressure
ratios. This means that the blades are unable to accelerate the steam or
produce useful work.

 The blades are therefore paddling in steam causing steam temperature to rise
by a process known as windage heating.

 The steam density in last stages is dependent upon condenser pressure.

2/5/23 Footer text 84

Miscellaneous Discussions

Part Load Operation

 Turbine Operation on Part Load – Governing Equations
 The heat generated in one row of last stage blade at 3000 RPM and condenser
pressure of 0.07 bara can be of order of 4 MW for blades of 1000 mm long.
 Thus to control this exhaust spray nozzles are given, a part of which sprays
water towards blade, another to casing and a lot to steam (water evaporation
and heat loss).
 The valve should never be throttled as it will reduce pressure drop across
nozzle and correct atomisation of water may not happen.

2/5/23 Footer text 85

Thank You

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