Product Metrics
Product Metrics
Product Metrics
What is it?
Software engineers use product metrics to help them build higher-quality software.
Why is it important?
Product metrics provide a basis from which analysis, design, coding, and testing
can be conducted more objectively and assessed more quantitatively.
What are the steps?
• The first step in the measurement process is to derive the software
measures and metrics that are appropriate for the representation of
software that is being considered.
• The results of the analysis are interpreted to gain insight into the
quality of the software, and the results of the interpretation lead to
modification of requirements and design models, source code, or test
• Measurement occurs as the result of the collection of one or more data points
(e.g., a number of component reviews and unit tests are investigated to
collect measures of the number of errors for each).
• A software metric relates the individual measures in some way (e.g., the
average number of errors found per review or the average number of errors
found per unit test).
Measurement Principles