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Republic of the Philippines



DATE : 12/09/2021
TIME : 1:00- 2:00 PM
1. Understand that a shift in speech context, style, act and
communicative strategy affects the following:
a. language form
b. duration of interaction
c. relationship of speaker
d. role and responsibilities of the speaker
e. message
f. delivery
2. Use appropriate language in a given situation.
3. Communicate effectively in different situations.
Indicate the communicative strategy shown in the following dialogues or statements
1.“ Hello everyone! Nice to see all of us back! “
2. “ Kindly repeat your suggestion Ms. Cruz. I did not get it well.”
3.” What can you suggest to solve it? “
4.“ What about you? How did you spend your vacation? “
5.“ Good bye mother. See you later.”
6.“ But before you continue your story, let’s hear more of Khobie’s
experiences in Ilocos.”
7.I called for this short meeting to inform you that our enrolment
number as of today is 1,857.
8. What a nice expectation, Khobie ! How about the rest ? Any
9.I will call for another meeting about this matter. That’s all for now.
See you tomorrow.
10. I would like to give you not more than 20 seconds to share
something about your expectations in this class.
Speech Context

is the way that people use to communicate and transmit message

orally or verbally.

A. Intrapersonal
B. Interpersonal
1. Dyad 3. Public
2. Small Group 4. Mass Communication
Speech Style

Form of language which is the speaker uses and it depends on the

degree of formality.

Speech according to purpose- informative/expository, persuasive,


Speech according to delivery- manuscript, memorized,

extemporaneous, impromptu.
A type of act that can be performed by speaking meaning that
one is doing so.

1. Locutionary
2. Illocutionary
3. Perlocutionary Speech Act

Classification of Speech Act

4. Assertive 4. Expressive
5. Directive 5. Declaration
6. Commissive
I. Reread carefully the conversation and determine all applied shifts in each statement given below.
FORM refers to the shape and structure. It can also mean the organization,
placement and relationship between texts.

Duration refers to the length of time that something lasts. TOPIC 1

Interaction is a mutual or reciprocal action.

Duration of interaction is the length of time in a given conversation.

As we shift or change our manner of communication (speech style), the way that
people use in communication (speech context), the purpose and intention (speech
acts) and our communicative strategies, the duration of interaction is most likely
II. Determine which among the situations has a longer and shorter duration of
1. A consultative talk between a parent and a teacher.
or B. A friendly talk of a parent and a teacher who happened to be high school friends.
2. A mother directing her daughter to find the correct answer.
or B. A daughter apologizing to her mother after giving the wrong answer.

3. A teacher introducing a new topic to her students.

Or B. A teacher re-explaining the topic being misunderstood.

4. A arriving tourist asking you for highly recommended hotel in your area.
Or B. A returning tourist asking for newly opened hotel within your area.
Relationship means the way in which two or more people or groups regard and
behave toward each other; the state of being connected.

Degree refers to the extent which something happens.
III. Read the following statements. Do their expressions sound familiar? Identify the
personas being referred to based on their utterances.
1. “For me, you are the sunshine that lights up the whole world. I
can’t imagine the future without you.”
2. “As long as we are here. You don’t need to worry of the turbulence, we
will land safely to our final destination. We can guarantee your safety.
3. “Please spare me a bite or a few coin. I have not eaten
anything for the whole day ”.
4. It’s ironic. We have been building almost every man’s house
in the neighborhood but we haven’t built ours”.
5. “Each performance and somersault I do on the trampoline
makes the audience amazed.”

Role means a function played or assumed by a person or thing in a

particular situation.
Responsibility means the state of having a duty to deal with something or of
having control over someone
An individual who participates in any communication process has roles and
responsibilities. He or She may be the speaker (sender of information) or a
receiver (listener /audience listening to the information).
Situation: Telling my mother about a school

My role in the communication process:

Speaker/Sender of information

Speech Context Used: Interpersonal

Speech Style Used: Intimate

Situation: Listening to my Oral Com teacher’s

My role in the communication process:

Listener/Receiver of information

Speech Context Used: Interpersonal

Speech Style Used: Formal

Situation: Being a participant in the Barangay
Anti Drug Symposium

My role in the communication process:

Speech Context Used:

Speech Style Used:

Message is the information that the speaker wants to relay to the receiver. The
message can be delivered verbally or non-verbally.
Verbal messages are in the form of words, phrases, sentences or any
form of utterances.

Non-verbal messages include signs, symbols, touch, eye contact, voice, space, body
language and posture, facial expressions and gestures
The message conveyed by the speaker depends on the speaking situations he/she
participates in. The message will be affected when there is a shift to the
communicative strategies.

The message should be clear to avoid communication breakdown.

Identify what particular occasion do you hear the speech?
Identify what particular occasion do you hear the speech or conversation?
We want our message or information to be understood by others so we
can maintain a smooth and a meaningful flow of the communication

Delivery is the means by which a message is delivered.


Message delivery varies in different communication processes.

The delivery of message should be simple and clear.
Analyze the given picture and identify what is going on in the
communication situations.


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