Financial Engineering & Risk Management
Financial Engineering & Risk Management
Financial Engineering & Risk Management
Meaning of Risk
Riskis the potential that a chosen action or activity will lead to a loss (an undesirableoutcome).Thenotionimpliesthatachoicehavinganinfluenceonthe outcomeexists.Potentiallossesthemselvesmayalsobecalled"risks In one definition, "risks" are simply future issues that can be avoided or mitigated,ratherthanpresentproblemsthatmustbeimmediatelyaddressed. Thesimplefactisthatriskisalwaysaprobabilityissue.Possibilityisabinary conditioneithersomethingispossible,oritsnot100%or0%. OHSAS(OccupationalHealth&SafetyAdvisoryServices)definesriskasthe product of the probability of a hazard resulting in an adverse event, times the severityoftheevent
Types of Risk
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
1.2 Definition Of Derivatives:According to L C Gupta committee:The term "derivative" indicates that it has no independent value, i.e. its value is entirely "derived" from the value of the cash asset. A derivative contract or product, or simply "derivative", is to be sharply distinguished from the underlying cash asset, i.e. the asset bought/sold in the cash market on normal delivery terms. A general definition of "derivative" may be suggested here as follows: "Derivative" means forward, future or option contract of pre-determined fixed duration, linked for the purpose of contract fulfillment to the value of specified real or financial asset or to index of securities. A derivative is an instrument whose value depends on the values of other more basic underlying assets. A derivative is a financial instrument whose value depends on is derived from the value of some other financial instrument, called the underlying asset
November18,1996-L.C.GuptaCommitteesetuptodraftapolicyframeworkfor introducingderivatives. May11,1998-L.C.Guptacommitteesubmitsitsreportonthepolicyframework. May25,2000-SEBIallowsexchangestotradeinindexfutures June12,2000-TradingonNiftyfuturescommencesontheNSE June4,2001-TradingforNiftyoptionscommencesontheNSE July2,2001-TradingonStockoptionscommencesontheNSE November9,2001-TradingonStockfuturescommencesontheNSE August29,2008-CurrencyderivativestradingcommencesontheNSE August31,2009-InterestratederivativestradingcommencesontheNSE