Proposal Quantitative
Proposal Quantitative
Proposal Quantitative
Background of The Study
Shiamaa (2006) states that speaking is a two–way process involving a true
communication of ideas, information or feelings.
Jessie (2016) states that speaking is a productive skill to express words orally,
coherently, fluently, and appropriately in a given meaningful context using correct
pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary
Marian (2018) states that in speaking there is a number of sub competencies, one of
them is discourse competence.
The high level of anxiety affected directly to the speaking achievement of the second
year students.
This were connected with the anxiety level that they felt while speaking in speaking
Therefore, the researcher wants to know scientifically the correlation between the
anxiety level and the speaking ability.
Formulation of the Research
This study is conducted to find out:
The Hypothesis
The correlation between the anxiety
level and the speaking ability of the
second year students of English The hypothesis of this research is:
study Program Tarbiyah UIN SUSKA There is no significant correlation
RIAU between the anxiety level and the
speaking speaking ability of the
second year students of English
Study Program Tarbiyah UIN SUSKA
The Definitions of Key Terms
The Nature of Anxiety
The Place and Time of the Research
The research will conduct at English Study Program Language Tarbiyah UIN SUSKA
RIAU. Also, the research activities held within the period of January 2023 – June
The Research Design
The population of this research is the The cluster random sampling technique
second year students of English Study can be defined as the process of selecting a
Program Tarbiyah UIN SUSKA RIAU. sample randomly with similar
characteristics (Gay and Peter, 2012).
There were five classes of the second
year students: 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, and 3E. In this case, the chairman of Class 3A has
Each class consisted of 31-36 students. been chosen as the sample with 35
The total number of the population is students in total.
The Data and Instrument
Questionnaire is Speaking Test
designed to
Test can be defined as
a sequence of
questions or exercises,
which can be
which is used to
measure skill,
subsequently as
data for analysis
intelligence and ability
(Martyn, 2010).
of individual or group
(Sugiyono, 2017).
The Validity and Reliability of the Instrument
The validity of the Instruments In this research, the instrument that is used to analyze
the anxiety level is adapted questionnaire of PSCAS
(Public Speaking Anxiety Scale).
The data need to be validated using factor analysis by
correlating between score per item of the instrument.
Hence, the data in this research were analyzed using excel
program by comparing the r value and r table.
The Reliability of the Instruments In this research, the reliability of the instruments will
analyze using internal consistency. This is due to the fact
that the data of the questionnaire will calculated and
analyzed by comparing r value and r product moment.
𝒌 { 𝒔𝒕 − ∑ 𝒑𝒊𝒒𝒊 }
𝒓𝒊= 𝟐
( 𝒌 −𝟏 ) 𝒔𝒕
The Data Collection Technique
Speaking Performances
1. In this research, the speaking performances of the students were
recorded in classroom. The speaking test will analyze by three raters,
those who validate the speaking test.
2. The total points from them determined the result of speaking
achievement. Also, there are six components of speaking to be scored;
pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension and task as
Brown (2004) has stated.
The Data Analysis Technique
The Corellation
1. To find out the correlation between anxiety of students (X) as a whole
and their speaking achievement (Y)
2. From this formula, the correlation coefficient value (r) of the two
variables will got. Those variables consist of variable X as the level
anxiety of students and variable Y as the speaking score of students. By
the interpretation table, the data will conclude to determine the strength
of the correlation
Thank You