Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
3: International Financial
Markets and Instruments
Foreign Portfolio Investment. International Bond & Equity market.
3. Global Bonds. Apart from foreign bonds and euro bonds, some companies,
though rarely, issue global bonds. In global bonds, bonds are issued in
multiple countries at a go and often in multiple currencies. Usually, large
multinational corporations issue global bonds.
International Bond Markets
NASDAQ for the US and HKEx for Hongkong. Retail investors, institutional investors,
and firms invest in public companies for buying their equity shares/stakes. The aim is
to take up a share of the company’s equity capital to earn and grow with the growth
of the company and/or become a partner of the company. For this purpose, there are
instruments through which an investor sitting in the US can invest funds in London
Stock Exchange. Moreover, such an opportunity has widened the scope of capital flows
Instruments of the International Equity Market
Even US firms will now expand their purview and raise funds from different parts of the world. The idea is to raise
money for international projects at low costs and commissions. Likewise, there are many ways for investors to
invest in international equity markets:
1. Direct Investment
The international investment process is now quite eased out. And the investors these days can directly invest in the
international market through local apps and websites. Therefore, the process is easy and accessible to retail
investors. Retail investors can use various apps, sitting in the comfort of their houses to invest in the equity of
companies based in various parts of the world.
receipt gives investors the opportunity to hold shares in the equity of foreign
hold shares in the equity of other countries. One of the most common types of DRs is
the American depositary receipt (ADR), which has been offering companies,
American bank suggesting the number of shares of a foreign company that can be
traded in US.
Volkswagen, a German company trades on New York Stock Exchange. The investor in
America can easily invest into the German company, through the stock exchange.
Volkswagen is listed on the American stock exchange after complying the required
domestic country and US. In GDR, an overseas depository bank i.e. bank outside
outside the domestic territory. Such shares are in the form of depository receipt or
A floating-rate note (FRN) is a debt instrument with a variable interest rate. The
interest rate for an FRN is tied to a benchmark rate. Benchmarks include the U.S.
Treasury note rate, the Federal Reserve funds rate—known as the Fed funds rate—the
London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), or the prime rate.
1. Debt instrument
2. Issue price
3. Coupon rate is not fixed
4. Maturity period
5. Coupon rate depending on benchmark index
Zero coupon bonds are bonds that do not pay interest during the life of the
bonds. Instead, investors buy zero coupon bonds at a deep discount from their
face value, which is the amount the investor will receive when the bond
its face value. It is also called a pure discount bond or deep discount
Less Maturity
Liquidity period
Features of
Pays no