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Chapter 3: Properties of A Pure Substance: Thermodynamics

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Chapter 3: Properties of a

Pure Substance

Thermodynamics 1
Steam Power Plant

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 2
Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 3
Jet Engine

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 4
Pure Substance
A pure substance is one that has a homogeneous and
invariable chemical composition and it may exist in
more than one phase but the chemical composition is
the same in all phases.
1. Water (solid, liquid, and vapor phases)
2. Carbon dioxide, CO2
3. Nitrogen, N2
4. Mixtures of gases, such as air, as long as there is
no change of phase.

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 5
Nitrogen and gaseous air are pure substances.

A mixture of liquid and gaseous water are pure

substances, but a mixture of liquid and gaseous air
is not.
Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 6
 In this text the emphasis will be on simple
compressible substances.
 Simple compressible substances are substances
whose surface effects, magnetic effects, and
electrical effects are insignificant when dealing
with the substances.
 But changes in volume, such as those associated
with the expansion of a gas in a cylinder, are very
 We will refer to a system consisting of a simple
compressible substance as a simple compressible
Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 7
Vapor –Liquid – Solid – Phase
Equilibrium in a Pure Substance
Consider as a system 1 kg of water. The piston and
weight maintain a pressure of 0.1 MPa in the cylinder
and that the initial temperature is 20oC.

Constant – pressure change from liquid to vapor phase for a

pure substance

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 8
The temperature at which vaporization takes place at
a given pressure is called saturation temperature.
This pressure is called the saturation pressure for
the given temperature.

A typical curve is called vapor-pressure curve.

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 9
If the temperature of the liquid is lower than the
saturation temperature for the existing pressure, it
called either a subcooled liquid or a compressed

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 10
Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 11
Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 12
Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 13
Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 14
Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 15
If the substance exists as liquid at the saturation
temperature and pressure is called a saturated

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 16
When a substance exists as part liquid and part
vapor at the saturation temperature, its quality (x) is
defined as the ratio of the mass of vapor to the total

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 17
If a substance exists as vapor at the saturation
temperature and pressure is called saturated vapor.

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 18
When the vapor is at a temperature greater than the
saturation temperature, it is said to exist as
superheated vapor.

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 19
Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 20
Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 21
Temperature – Volume diagram for the heating process of
water at constant pressure

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 22




Temperature – Volume diagram for water

showing liquid and vapor phases

Line NJFB represents the saturated-liquid line and

line NKGC represents the saturated-vapor line.
Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 23
Critical Point:
It is defined as the
point at which the
saturated liquid and
saturated vapor states
are identical (co-
 At pressures
above the critical
pressure, there is
not a distinct

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 24
 The specific volume of the substance
continually increases, and all times there is only
one phase present.
 Eventually, it resembles a vapor, but we can
never tell when the change has occurred.
 Above the critical state, there is no line
separates the compressed liquid region and the
superheated vapor region.
 However, it is customary to refer the substance
as superheated vapor at temperatures above the
critical temperature and as compressed liquid at
temperatures below the critical temperatures.

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 25
Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 26
Explaining the Critical Point

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 27
Temperature – Volume diagram for water
showing liquid and vapor phases

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 28
Pressure – Volume diagram for water showing
liquid and vapor phases

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 29
Conditions for Compressed or Sub-cooled liquid state

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 30
Conditions for Saturated or Mixture State

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 31
Conditions for Superheated Vapour State

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 32
Saturated Liquid-Vapor Mixture
The specific volume of a two-phase liquid-vapor
mixture can be determined by using the saturation
tables and the definition of quality (x).

m f  mg
f used to designate a
property of saturated
liquid and g property
of a saturated vapor.

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 33
 During a vaporization process, a substance exists
as part liquid and part vapor. That is, it is a
mixture of saturated liquid and saturated vapor.
 The properties of the saturated liquid are the same
whether it exists alone or in a mixture with
saturated vapor.
 During vaporization process, only the amount of
saturated liquid changes, not its properties. The
same can be said about a saturated vapor.

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 34
 The amount of mass for each phase is usually not
known. Therefore, it is often more convenient to
imagine that the two phases are mixed very well,
forming a homogenous mixture.
 Then the properties of this mixture will simply be
the average properties of the saturated liquid-vapor
mixture under consideration.

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 35
V  Vliq  Vvap  V f  Vg

V  mv  mt vavg  m f v f  mg vg
mf v f mg vg
 mf   mg 
vavg     v f    vg
mt mt  mt   mt 
v  (1  x)v f  xvg  v f  x(vg  v f )

v  v f  xv fg Where v fg  vg  v f
Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 36
v  v f  xv fg
v  v f AB
x 
v fg AC

Quality is related to the horizontal distance on P-v

and T-v diagrams.
Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 37
Page No:674/702 (24)

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 38
(E3.1) Determine the phase for each of the
following water states.
a. 120oC, 500 kPa

Enter table B.1.1(Page No: 22) with 120o C

Enter table B.1.2(Page No: 26) with 500 kPa

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 39
Page No: 22

Psat @120o C  198.5kPa  Since Psat < 500Kpa

 state is compressed liquid
Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 40
Page No: 26

Tsat@500kPa  151.86o C Since Tsat > 120o C  

 state is subcooled liquid
Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 41
Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 42
(E3.1) Determine the phase for each of the
following water states.
b. 120oC, 0.5 m3/kg

Enter table B.1.1 (Page No: 22) with 120oC

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 43
Page No: 22

v f  0.001060m /kg
vg  0.89186m /kg
v  v f  x vg  v f 
x  0.56
3 3
v f  0.00106  v  0.5 m /kg  vg  0.89186 m /kg
so the state is a mixture of liquid and vapor.
Psat @120 C  198.5kPa 

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 44
Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 45
(E3.2) Determine the phase for each of the
following states.
a. Ammonia 30oC, 1000 kPa
b. R-22 200 kPa, 0.15 m3/kg

a.Enter table B.2.1 (Page No: 40) with 30oC.

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 46
a. Ammonia 30oC, 1000 kPa

B.2.1 (Page No: 40) with 30oC

Psat = 1167 kPa > P = 1000 kPa

it is superheated vapor state.

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 47
a. Ammonia 30oC, 1000 kPa
B.2.2 (Page No: 44) with 30oC

It is superheated by 5oC

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 48

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 49
b)R-22 200 kPa, 0.15 m3/kg
enter table B.4.2 (Page No: 52) with 200 kPa.

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 50
b) R-22 200 kPa, 0.15 m3/kg Page No:52

v  vg  0.11237 m /kg
it is superheated

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 51
(E3.3) Determine the temperature and quality (if
defined) for water at a pressure of 300 kPa and
at each of these specific volumes:
a. 0.5 m3/kg b. 1.0 m3/kg

a. 300 kPa, 0.5 m3/kg refer table

B.1.2 (Page No:26)

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 52
Page No:26

3 3
v f  0.001073  v  0.5 m /kg  vg  0.60582 m /kg
so the state is a mixture of liquid and vapor

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 53
a. 300 kPa, 0.5 m3/kg (B.1.2 Page No:26)

Tsat@300 kPa  133.6 C
v f  0.001073m /kg
vg  0.60582m /kg
v fg  0.60475m /kg
v  v f  xv fg

vf vg x  0.825

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 54
b. 300 kPa,1.0 m3/kg  table B.1.2 Page No:26

3 3
v  1.0 m /kg  vg  0.60582 m /kg
so the state is superheated vapor
 The quality(x) is undefined

b. 300 kPa,1.0 m3/kg  table B.1.3 Page No:31

b. 300 kPa,1.0 m3/kg
In this case, T is found by linear interpolation
between the 300 kPa specific volume values at
300oC and 400oC
T  T1 T2  T1
Slope 
v  v1 v2  v1
 v  v1 
T  T1    T2  T1 
 v2  v1 
 1.0  0.8753 
T  300     400  300 
 1.0315  0.8753 
 379.8 C

(E3.7) Determine the pressure for water at 200oC
with v = 0.4 m3/kg.

Table B.1.1 (Page No:24) with 200oC

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 58
H2O at 200oC, v = 0.4 m3/kg Table B.1.1 (Page No:24)

Since v  vg  0.12736 m /kg
 it is superheated

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 59
Water at 200oC with v = 0.4 m3/kg (Page No:31)

A linear interpolation between these

500 kPa  v  0.42492 m /kg two pressures is done to get P at the
600 kPa  v  0.35202 m3 /kg desired v  0.4 m3 / kg

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 60
 v  v1 
P  P1     P2  P1 
 v2  v1 
 0.4  0.42492 
P  500     600  500   534.2 kPa
 0.35202  0.42492 

Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 61
Thermodynamics – Chapter 3 62

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