Padma Multipurpose Bridge
Padma Multipurpose Bridge
Padma Multipurpose Bridge
Introduction to Computing
2.1 LOCATION.........................................................................................................................4
2.3 CONSTRUCTION................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER-8: RECOMMMENDATION..............................................................................................17
CHAPTER-9: CONCLUSION............................................................................................................18
FIGURE 1:PADMA BRIDGE...............................................................................................................4
FIGURE 2:LOCATION OF PADMA BRIDGE.......................................................................................5
FIGURE 3:DONOR'S CONTRUBUTION IN PADMA BIDGE................................................................6
FIGURE 4:DREAMY BRIDGE FOR THE PEOPLE OF BANGLADESH..................................................14
An Assignment on
1. Introduction:
The Padma Bridge is a multipurpose road-rail bridge across the Padma River to be constructed
in Bangladesh. When completed it will be the largest bridge in Bangladesh and the first fixed
river crossing for road traffic. It will connect Louhajong, Munshiganj to Shariatpur and
Madaripur, linking the south-west of the country, to northern and eastern regions. The project
will include 6.15 km long and 21.10 m wide bridge, 15.1 km of approach roads, toll plazas and
service areas. The bridge will contribute significantly towards facilitating the social, economic
and industrial development of this relatively underdeveloped region with a population of over
30 million. The area of influence of the direct benefit of the project is about 44,000 km2 or
29% of the total area of Bangladesh. Therefore, the project is viewed as very important
infrastructure towards improving the transportation network and regional economic
development of the country. The bridge has provisions for rail, gas, electric line and fiber optic
cable for future expansion. . In this term paper I discussed the importance of Padma Bridge in
Bangladesh context & also discuss the following questions for conducting my term paper.
The central research questions are> Why WB’s loan is important in Padma bridge project?
> Why good governance fail in Padma bridge proj ect?
> What measures should be taken to revive WB’s loan policy?
Figure 1: Padma Bridge.
2. Padma Bridge:
2.1 Location:
The Projected area is located in the south-central part (Munshiganj, Shariatpur, and
Madaripur Districts) of Bangladesh. The left bank (north bank) on Mawa side is located in
Lauhajang upazila of Munshiganj District whereas the right bank (south bank) on Janjira side
located in the Janjira upazila of Shariatpur District and Shibchar upazila of Madaripur
Alternatives for Project Location: Feasibility Study has identified following four possible
sites for the bridge construction and recommended Site 3: Mawa - Janira as the preferred
alignment but their also other alternatives side & these are:
S Site 1: Paturia - Goalundo S Site
2: Dohar - Charbhadrasan S Site 3:
Chandpur - Bhedarganj
Figure-2: location of Padma Bridge.
2.3 Construction:
3.1 WB’s contribution:
The World Bank is established to provide loan to developing countries at lower interest rate.
WB mainly gives loan to reduce poverty & infrastructural development. From our
independence WB is part & parcel of our development process. It gives loan to our
infrastructural development it had contributed to construct Jamuna Bridge & also wants to
contribute Padma Bridge. In Padma bridge project (February 2011) The WB board approves
the $1.2 billion financing out of a total cost of $2.9 billion. It contributes half of the total
project at a lower interest rate. The World Bank was supposed to provide $1.2 billion at an
interest rate of 0.75 percent to be repaid in 40 years with a 10 year grace period. If the normal
loan amortization schedule applied, the government would have had to pay $249 million in
interest in 40 years. This interest is very low in contrast to other proposal. For this WB’s
contribution is very important.
Early June 2012 in a letter to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, WB Vice President Isabel Guerrer
gives the government “five conditions” to take to get WB funding for the massive project. The
conditions are:
3.3 WB's policy about Padma Bridge:
Because of corruption WB adopted structural adjustment policy in 1980. Under this policy
WB raised strong policy against corruption. Under this policy in February 2011, The WB
board approves the $1.2 billion financing out of a total cost of $2.9 billion. But WB cancelled
its loan because of corruption. In September 21, 2011: The WB sends a letter to the finance
minister alleging that then the communications minister Syed Abul Hossain and high officials
of SAHCO had pressed for the appointment of SAHCO as a “commission agent” regarding
the selection of contractors’ pre-qualification for the main bridge’s construction. The lender
also suspends financing. WB request RCMP to investigate against SNC -lavalin & by
investigation they see the presence of corruption in this project. After that a long time
bargaining WB decides to re-engage in this project & gives strict policies & tells to the govt
to implement these policies. Policies are-
• to place all public officials suspected of involvement in the corruption scheme on leave
from government employment until an investigation is complete;
• to appoint a special inquiry and prosecution team within the ACC to handle the
investigation; and
• To grant access to all investigative information to an external panel of internationally
recognized experts who will advise the Bank and co-financiers on the credibility of the
government’s investigations.
Bangladesh has been maintaining a congenial relationship with the World Bank (WB) for
more than 40 years as this institution started financing different development programmes in
this region even before the emergence of Bangladesh. Bangladesh became a member of the
World Bank in 1972 and till June 2012, it received US$ 16.80 billion as financial assistance
from the Bank. Bangladesh received US$ 3.10 billion from the Bank in FY 2011 which was
the highest quantum of assistance for any particular year. Currently, the World Bank is
financing 41 projects/programs worth US$ 4.23 billion. These projects/programmes are at
various stages of implementation. Bangladesh also received commitments for US$ 1.55
billion from the World Bank in FY2012. In fact, the World Bank is the largest financier
among the development partners. In this long journey with the World Bank, the government
had differences of opinion, but, eventually it found the Bank a progressive and close associate.
At times, the World Bank did not approve procurement or expenditure proposals for different
projects and also decreased or increased their level of assistance to different projects. The
cancellation of the loan may have some long term impact on relations between Bangladesh and
the World Bank.
This is important to question that why Bangladesh government urge to WB, as WB is doing
more harm than good for the developing countries? Bangladesh, a developing country, is
always choice WB for infrastructural development. Bangladesh takes support from WB
because the World Bank has been Bangladesh’s development partner since our independence.
It provides a major part of funds for our annual development programs. Most of our major
development projects carried out in last forty years was spearheaded by the bank.
The financial assistance that comes from the World Bank is actually funded by the
international development agency (IDA), the low-cost financing arm of the World Bank group.
The financial assistance, called credit, bears on interest & is repayable over 30-40 years. Each
credit has a small commitment fee. IDA credits are available to low-income countries of the
world. Bangladesh is among fifty or low-income countries that currently receive this type of
assistance. The World Bank assistance for Padma Bridge was also a noninterest credit (.75%)
for $1.2 billion. A major fallout of this cancellation is that we have to seek an alternative
source, but at a higher cost. If we could get the loans from the donors, the country would have
had to pay $505 million. But if we have to get commercial loans, the interest amount would be
$ 4.4 billion. This is why Bangladesh government is always urging to WB loans.
The present government’s electoral pledge embodied in a vision of Bangladesh is to achieve
the status of middle income country. One of the five strategic components of the government’s
election manifesto was a very uncompromising stance against corruption. Present
government’s one most committeemen is to begin the Padma bridge project. The government
want start its construction in 2011 but it is stopped because of cancellation WB’s loan. WB
cancels its loan because of corruption. The World Bank has credible evidence corroborated by
a variety of sources which points to a high-level corruption conspiracy among Bangladeshi
government officials, SNC Lavalin executives, and private individuals in connection with the
Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project. As present government’s most important manifestation is
to stand against corruption, so government must have clear cut policy about Padma bridge
project & the policies areS Uncompromising stance against corruption backed by over a dozen
specific pledges to build capacity to control this menace.
S As WB told about corruption so the government should form trusty board to investigate
S To conduct of a full and fair investigation into evidence of corruption.
S As the bridge has the potential to accelerate growth and transform lives in Southwest
Bangladesh and across the nation. So government must not give interest of many to protect the
interest of few.
S The WB for its part allowed itself to take a controversial decision and miss the opportunity to
continue to engage with the government to assist the investigation process, and keep the credit
open parallel with the investigation process.
S Implement all conditions given by WB & work together with WB.
S Assures to give all types of facilities to ACC commission independently to investigate
S Provide all kinds of facilities to WB team.
Bangladesh government should revive its policies as soon as possible because WB revives its
loan policy but they do not assure to grant loan. Grant of loan mainly depends on the positive
report of the WB investigation team. WB investigation work with the Anti-Corruption
Commission (ACC) so it is needed to give independence of
ACC to work freely together with WB team & government should provide all facilities for
positive report.
In present domestic politics the most talkative issue is the cancellation of WB’s $1.2billion
Padma bridge loan. Politics with the planned Padma Bridge is now live in Bangladesh.
Equations in politics that the planned bridge has generated are complex, multi-dimensional,
and bear deeper implications in more than one level. This dispute has transcended from a socio
economic investment to political issue. In this issue the leaders of both political parties start to
talk is such a way that they think the citizens’ are too naive & can easily be led believing
anything they say.
The ruling party politician are now blaring the slogans that the World Bank did not insult not
only the government but also the 160 million people of Bangladesh. Without understanding the
real scenario, the ruling party leaders started saying that the government constructs this bridge
with their own finance (ADP budget). The government has announced that the Padma bridge
will cost Tk 23,000 crore over 4 years. This year's budget forecasts show that the total Annual
Development Program (ADP) budget for the next 4 years is expected to be more than Tk
300,000 crore. In other words, the Padma Bridge will cost about 8% of the ADP budget. ADP
of the bridge will make it relatively expensive because our ADP budgets are mostly financed
through direct government borrowing from the banking sector at interest rates of up to 11-12%.
It will definitely be more expensive than the 0.75% concessional interest rate that the WB was
offering on its loan. They are saying this to recover their image to the citizen. They do not
think that the corruption is possible in this project.
The opposition party, BNP, has tactical advantage in this issue. They can pressurize the
government to find out the corrupted person but without considering the welfare of the country
they use this issue for their party benefits. They directly are saying that this government is
totally corrupted. We were better than that of the present government. On Saturday, BNP
Chairperson Khaleda Zia alleged that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was involved in
corruption of the much-talked-about Padma Bridge project. “The Padma Bridge couldn’t be
built due to corruption of the Prime Minister and her government.” She branded the present
tenure of the government as an ‘internationally-recognised corrupt regime’. One of the
opposite leader said that “The Prime Minister knew who were involved in corruption in the
Padma bridge project. She had not taken any action in this regard. But, now she is giving her
cell phone numbers and e-mail address to the citizens. Corruption cannot be buried with such
silly tactics”. This is not right the opposite leaders should analyses the real situation& gives the
constructive advice to the government.
corruption in late 80s.before 80s Bangladesh governments receive a lot of loan they can’t used
these properly because of corruption. But now WB is strong against corruption for this they
cancel $1.2 billion loans because of corruption. From the beginning, the World Bank classified
its investment in Bangladesh has “high risk” and expressed concern over a “weak governance
environment.” As such, the project entailed numerous measures to prevent corruption in its
Governance and Accountability Action Plan. WB’s perception about Bangladesh domestic
politics of that it is fully corrupted country & there is no strong mechanism to raised voice
against corruption. Accountability conception is limited, high officials, political leaders, are
not accountable for their activities.
($1.2billion) by saying that corruption is remaining in this project. Without WB’s loan it is
difficult (not impossible) to construct Padma bridge. If finally WB cancels this loan project
then the other donor agencies will not provide loan in this project. So people’s perception is
that the government should communicate the high officials of WB to reconsider this project &
also fulfill the conditions of WB. Peoples think that if we consider receiving loan others than
we have to pay commercial interest of the loan which will affect our national economy (more
like national GDP) & WB’s loan is more like noninterest (0.75%) duration to pay is long. So
peoples’ perception is that at any cost government should agree WB to reengage in this project.
governance (accountability, transparency, rule of law etc) are limited in our administrative
system. Because of limited good governance corruption is possible. Entire nation has to suffer
for the actions of just a few. The cancellation of the $1.2 billion credit for the Padma Bridge
project will have an adverse effect on the Bangladesh economy for years to come. But the
ruling government consistently are saying that there no corruption in Padma bridge project
without inquiring the real situation. Bangladesh has been at, or near, the bottom of a number of
accountability, transparency and corruption indices over the last decade. Corruption is one of
the leading obstacles to political, economic and social development. On top of endemic
corruption, the rule of law is weak, and there is limited bureaucratic transparency. It has
undermined the rule of law and has weakened the institutional basis for good governance.
Good governance fails because the ruling government is not willing to strong the mechanism
of the characteristics of good governance but good governance is preconditions for all kinds of
development. If the ruling government took measures at initial stage of WB’s claim then there
is to solve this uncertain situation. Good governance fails mainly the unwillingness of the
government to raise voice against corruptions.
7. Experts’ views:
From beginning to present experts’ express very important analysis about Padma bridge issues.
When WB cancel their approved loan because the corruption then the experts gives advice to
government what the government should do in this crisis situation.
corruption. The proposed committee should be bestowed with full powers, independence and
technical support to investigate into the matter and recommend action in accord with the
relevant laws within a specific deadline. While an investigation on alleged corruption
continues in Bangladesh and Canada, to which WB should provide full support, it should
review the decision and find ways to provide the credit by sharing the responsibility as a key
fiduciary agent of the project to ensure integrity, transparency and accountability in the
implementation process.”
Ziauddin choudhury said that, “The World Bank may have canceled the IDA Credit because it
thinks this is the best way to respond to our seeming unresponsiveness. But the door need not
be closed forever, if we realize that for the greater good of the country and our people we have
to take some bold and corrective steps. A nation's interest is much more precious and our
people's future is much more important than preserving the interests of an individual or a few
people. I do believe that the government will take steps to reopen the dialogue with the World
Bank. The Bank remains and should remain our development partner.”
Civil servant A Ahmed said that, “we have to reopen our dialogue with the World Bank & this
time with members who enjoy confidence of the people & have a reputation of integrity,
impartiality, & negotiating expertise. The Padma Bridge is a national issue for Bangladesh &
must be above politics. The leader of opposition should stand by the prime minister on this
8. Recommendations:
In present, the most important infrastructural development in our country is to construct
Padma Bridge. The ruling government has taken initiatives but it is stopped because of
uncertainty between government & the World Bank (donor agency). The World Bank cancels
its loan (1.2 billion) because of corruption. As it is the manifesto of ruling government to build
Padma Bridge so the government should communicate WB to revive its loan policy. To
reengage WB’s loan policy should take the following measures (this is mainly my own
S The government should resolve all disputes with the donor agencies and manage aid
coordination in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect.
S The government to set up a fully independent special judicial committee to investigate the
allegations of corruption and ensure exemplary punishment to those found guilty.
S The government should raise its voice against corruption.
S The government should take corruption into consideration & formed a trusted committee to
investigate corruption.
S The government needed to strengthen its procurement system.
S The government should be taken initiatives measures to strengthen the characteristics of
good governance.
S Government should be punished those person who is engaged in corruption.
S Government should be granted the conditions of the World Bank & take effective measures
to fulfill these conditions.
S Government should strengthen anti-corruption commission (ACC) to investigate
S The government should provide all support to the WB team.
S Both ruling party & opposite party should not use this issue for their party interest rather
they should consider it as national issue & work together to solve this problem.
S The overall recommendation for government is that at any cost the government should start
Padma bridge project.
9. Conclusion:
Construction of Padma Bridge is expected to generate welfare to the people of Bangladeshi
general and the people of South West in particular. The benefits are expected to arise from the
greater integration of regional markets within the Bangladeshi national economy. If it is
constructed it will be the largest (6.15) bridge in our country. It will directly impact the
national GDP (1.2%) of our country. In such project the government should not compromise
against corruption. The government should cooperate with WB to find out corruption & to
revive its loan policy. My concern is that this issue should be above from dirty domestic
politics. Here in this issue the ruling & opposites should work together.