DM58 T1 LP EmailMarketing RashiYadav
DM58 T1 LP EmailMarketing RashiYadav
DM58 T1 LP EmailMarketing RashiYadav
Get Response Campaign- Rashi Yadav
Q1. Name of website and the URL
body content
Slide 5
The 3rd email had an open rate of 17.65% and a bounce rate of 0%, it lacked any unique
clicks or leads which amounted to 0%.
The reason I need to optimize this email is that it was a follow-up email to anyone who
missed opening my email and it had a direct link to generating leads/conversions for my
tarot blog and bookings with a promo code.
Campaign Analysis
What measures would you take to optimize this email? How do you think this would
help improve the open rate?