Ssed 11 Module 1 Lesson 1
Ssed 11 Module 1 Lesson 1
Ssed 11 Module 1 Lesson 1
The distinction between needs and wants, however, is not strictly fixed. The wants of
today may become the needs of tomorrow. It is also important to understand that
each person has different needs and wants which keep on changing. There is always
something new that will come out in the market
Society’s Economic Resources (Factors of Production)
Every society – developed or developing, tiny or large – needs four
economic resources, referred to as “the factors of production” to produce
needed goods and services. Economists have put these resources into the
following four categories.
Land: It includes all natural resources used in the production of goods and
services. Any resources that are gifts of the nature rather than creations of
human beings, which can be used in the production process, fall in this category;
for example, unimproved land, forests, minerals, oil deposits, coal, iron ore,
water, etc. The return earned by land owners is referred to as “rent.”
Entrepreneurial Ability: Land, labor, and capital, all by themselves, produce nothing,
unless they are assembled and put in the production process. Therefore, a society needs
someone, with special talents, who would start a business, bring all needed resources
together, and take risks with their own money. Many entrepreneurs have also contributed
to the societies as innovators. Innovation includes developing new products, new
production techniques, or new ways of doing business. Behind the success of many big
businesses are the abilities of their creators to innovate things with new ideas
Ten Principles of Economics
1.People Face Tradeoffs
• To get one thing, we usually have to give up something else.
• Ex. Leisure time vs. work
• When too much money is floating in the economy, there will be higher
demand for goods and services. This will cause firms to increase their price in
the long run causing inflation.
•In the short run, when prices increase, suppliers will want to increase their
production of goods and services. In order to achieve this, they need to hire
more workers to produce those goods and services.
More hiring means lower unemployment while there is still inflation. However,
this is not the case in the long-run.