Mod 1 Microeco
Mod 1 Microeco
Mod 1 Microeco
Scope Firm/Industry National Economy
Viewpoint Business Manager GovtPolicymaker
What to produce? Needs of customers Of buyers and sellers
How much? Max profit, Max prodn,
utility,quality productivity,employmen
t, equity, stability
How? Available resources + Devtobjectives
For whom? Owners/Shareholders Society at large
Goal Competitiveness Sustained Eco Devt
Microeconomic Agents
–Produce and sell goods and services
–Buy inputs (labor, capital & raw materials)
–Buy goods and services
–Sell inputs (labor services, loanable funds)
Efficiency: when society gets the most from its scarce resources
The opportunity costof any item is whatever must be given up to obtain it.
•Rational people
Systematically and purposefully do the best they can to achieve their objectives.
Make decisions by evaluating costs and benefits of marginal changes, incremental
adjustments to an existing plan.
Marginal Analysis
•Marginal benefit
•Marginal cost
•Marginal means “extra”
•Comparison between marginal benefit and marginal cost
Economic Goals
1.Economic Freedom
2.Economic Equity
3.Economic Efficiency
4.Economic Security
5.Economic Stability
6.Economic Growth
Economic Freedom
This goal is about the amount of choice people have in where they work and
live, the type of career they have, what they do with their income and what they
buy or sell.
Economic freedom is restricted in some cases to protect the rights of others,
for example there are laws prohibiting the production, sale and purchase of
illegal drugs.
Economic Equity
Means what is fair. This can be seen as an equality of opportunity or an
equality of outcome
This goal centers on fairness. People's beliefs around what is right or wrong
determine how this goal is achieved.
Issues that involve Economic Equity certainly deal with redistribution of
Economic Security
Protecting consumers, producers, and resource owners from risks that exist in
society. Each society must decide from which uncertainties individuals can and
should be protected
Economic Stability
This goal involves three aspects: sustained growth without large swings in
output or consumption; stable rate of employment; and a stable level of prices
without dramatic inflation or deflation. Most nations with economic freedom
allow for some unemployment and inflation.
Full Employment
Full employment does not mean that no one is jobless in a country; rather full
employment refers to the situation when there is no voluntary unemployment in
the country.
There is always a certain level of unemployment in the country due to
economic instabilities and imperfections. Such level of unemployment is called
the natural rate of unemployment.
But the government tries its best to reduce the level of unemployment in a
country as much as it can. It is one of the most important responsibilities of the
government of a country to create job opportunities for its people.
Price Stability
Inflation means a general increase in price level. Increase in price level results
in an unequal and unfavorable distribution of wealth in an economy.
Due to inflation the growth rate also decreases. It reduces purchasing power
and it also causes a deficit in the balance of payment which effects the
international repute of the country.
Therefore, the government of a country takes a serious and effective step to
overcome inflation and to keep the prices of commodities stable.
The balance of payment
A balance of payment is the statistical record of economic transactions with
the rest of the world.
Economic transactions refer to international trade that includes the import
and export of goods and services. Where imports increase the exports the
balance of payment becomes unfavorable.
If the value of imports is greater than the value of exports, then the balance of
payment is in deficit.
On contrary, if the value of export is greater than the value of imports than
the balance of payment is in surplus.
A balance of payment deficit in disadvantageous to the country. It affects the
credibility, repute, and ranking of the country.
In order to keep the balance of payment favorable, the government imposed
duties on imports and provides subsidies on exports.
PRINCIPLE 9 Prices Rise When the Government Prints Too Much Money
Inflation: increases in the general level of prices.
In the long run, inflation is almost always caused by excessive growth in
the quantity of money, which causes the value of money to fall. (Purchasing
The faster the govtcreates money, the greater the inflation rate.
Department of Economics
The Quantity Theory of Money
Supply of money
•Money Supply
•The amount of money in circulation
Other factors can make this tradeoff more or less favorable, but the tradeoff
is always present.
The principles of interactions among people are:
Trade can be mutually beneficial.
Markets are usually a good way of coordinating trade.
Govtcan potentially improve market outcomes if there is a market failure or if
the market outcome is inequitable.
Economic Interdependence
the key element in any market system
•Prices –
the amounts of money that are charged for different goods and services in a
market economy
Act as signals that influence the behavior of both consumers and producers
of goods and services
In sum,
How consumer behavior affects their revenue.
How production technology and input prices affect their costs.
How the market and regulatory environment in which managers operate
influences their ability to set prices and to respond to the strategies of their
These microeconomic factors exert influence on how managers make