Electrical Wiring Diagram
Electrical Wiring Diagram
Electrical Wiring Diagram
What is a Wiring Diagram?
A wiring diagram is simply a pictorial
representation of all the electrical connections in
a specific circuit. The wiring diagram shows
different components in a circuit via different
shapes and symbols. These diagrams are an
effective way of showing how wires are
interconnected with different components in a
The Usage of Wiring Diagram
Wiring diagrams are mainly used when trying to
show the connection system in a circuit. It is
majorly used by building planners, architects,
and electricians to present the wiring connections
in a building, a room, or even a simple device.
They can be accommodating when determining a
fault in the connections, installing new wires and
devices, locating electrical outlets, etc.
There are four basic types of electrical
1. Schematic Diagrams
2. Wiring diagrams
3. Block diagrams
4. Pictorial diagrams
Schematic Diagrams
The schematic diagram of an electrical circuit shows the
complete electrical connections between components
using their symbols and lines. Unlike wiring diagram, it
does not specify the real location of the components, the
line between the components does not represent real
distance between them.
it helps in showing the series and parallel connection
between the components and the exact terminal
connection between them. One can easily troubleshoot
certain schematic by applying electronic circuit theory.
Wiring diagrams
The wiring diagram shows the relative layout of the
circuit components using the appropriate symbols and
the wire connections. Although a wiring diagram is
the easiest to use for wiring an installation, it is
sometimes difficult to understand circuit operation
and is not as applicable for troubleshooting.
Wiring diagram shows a pictorial view of the
components such that it resembles its electrical
connection, arrangement and position in real circuit.
Block diagrams
is used to describe the sequence of circuit operations. This
diagram indicates by functional descriptions, showing which
components must operate first in order to get a final
outcome. They do not refer to specifics like device symbols or
related wire connections.
Block diagram are easier to design and is the first stage in
designing a complex circuit for any project. It lacks the
information about the wiring and placement of individual
components. It only represents the main components of the
system and ignores any small components. This is why;
electricians do not rely on block diagram.
Pictorial diagrams