Control Systems
Control Systems
Control Systems
In closed loop control, the control action from the controller is dependent on the
process output. In the case of the boiler analogy this would include a thermostat
to monitor the building temperature, and thereby feed back a signal to ensure the
controller maintains the building at the temperature set on the thermostat. A
closed loop controller therefore has a feedback loop which ensures the controller
exerts a control action to give a process output the same as the "reference input"
or "set point". For this reason, closed loop controllers are also called feedback
A closed-loop system like a PID controller includes a feedback control system. This system evaluates
the feedback variable using a fixed point to generate an error signal. Based on that, it alters the
system output. This procedure will continue till the error reaches Zero otherwise the value of the
This controller provides good results as compared with the ON/OFF type controller. In the ON/OFF
type controller, simply two conditions are obtainable to manage the system. Once the process value is
lower than the fixed point, then it will turn ON. Similarly, it will turn OFF once the value is higher
than a fixed value. The output is not stable in this kind of controller and it will swing frequently in the
region of the fixed point. However, this controller is more steady & accurate as compared to the
Due to the limitation of p-controller where
there always exists an offset between the process
variable and setpoint, I-controller is needed,
which provides necessary action to eliminate the
steady-state error. It integrates the error over a
period of time until the error value reaches zero.
It holds the value to the final control device at
which error becomes zero.
Integral control decreases its output when a
negative error takes place. It limits the speed of
response and affects the stability of the system.
mathematically, it adds a pole at origin to the
plant control system transfer function which leads
the root locus trace to shift towards right side
thus, decreasing the stability margin. The speed of
the response is increased by decreasing integral
gain, Ki.
I-controller doesn’t have the capability to predict the future behavior of error.
So it reacts normally once the setpoint is changed. D-controller overcomes
this problem by anticipating the future behavior of the error. Its output
depends on the rate of change of error with respect to time, multiplied by
derivative constant. It gives the kick start for the output thereby increasing
system response.
1)Trial and Error Method: It is a simple method of PID controller tuning. While the system or
controller is working, we can tune the controller. In this method, first, we have to set Ki and Kd
values to zero and increase the proportional term (Kp) until the system reaches oscillating behavior.
Once it is oscillating, adjust Ki (Integral term) so that oscillations stop and finally adjust D to get a
fast response.
2)Ziegler-Nichols method: Zeigler-Nichols proposed closed-loop methods for tuning the PID
controller. Those are the continuous cycling method and damped oscillation method. Procedures for
both methods are the same but oscillation behavior is different. In this, first, we have to set the p-
controller constant, Kp to a particular value while Ki and Kd values are zero. Proportional gain is
increased till the system oscillates at a constant amplitude. After that the gains of I & D blocks are
set accordingly to get a desired control response.
OTV stands for orbiter transfer vehicle. they are a new
breed of propulsion technology that poses the ability to
transfer satellites from one specific orbit to another orbit
on command from a ground station. they are often
being used in modern spy satellites to avoid any
interception attack and also are designed for deorbiting
space debris .
It incorporates a pid controlled satellite attitude yaw-
axis control system to step the angle of the satellite
body via actuating a precise angular position of a DC
motor as quickly and accurately as most optimally
possible. The (PID) controller was advantageously
chosen for its quick transient response and zero
steady-state error.
MPPT Charge Controller