9 ADV-coverage Based Practice
9 ADV-coverage Based Practice
9 ADV-coverage Based Practice
Jaseera Medammal
Al Salamah Girl’s School
Speed of an Action Potential
• Nodes along the axon allow ions to pass through
the myelin layer to the plasma membrane.
• The ions jump from node to node and increase
the speed of the impulse
Reflex Arc: a nerve pathway of sensory neuron interneuron motor neuron
Spinal cord
is involved
Brain is NOT
1. can imitate a
3. can prevent a
neurotransmitter from
leaving a synapse.
4. Drugs can cause an
• Many drugs that
increase in the amount of
a neurotransmitter that is affect the nervous
released into a synapse. system influence
the level of a
called dopamine.
• Normally,
dopamine is
removed from a
Drug synapse by being
reabsorbed by the
neuron that
released it.
Once the neurotransmitters
have done their work, they are
1. destroyed enzymatically,
2. taken back into the terminal Synapse: A small gap between
from which it came the axon of one neuron and the
3. recycled and reused. dendrite of another neuron
Cell body is the portion of the neuron that
Dendrites receive signals contain cell organelles including the nucleus
(impulses) from other
neuron and conduct to the Axon carries impulses from the
cell body cell body to the other neurons and
• The antidiuretic
hormone (ADH)
functions in homeostasis
by regulating water
Location: just above the kidneys
Outer part (cortex)- produce
steroid hormones- aldosterone
and glucocorticoids (e.g. cortisol)
Aldosterone: give signal to
kidney to reabsorb more sodium
Cortisol: raises blood glucose
level and reduces inflammation
Inner part: produce two hormones- Adrenaline/
Epinephrine and Noradrenaline/ Norepinephrine