Unit-1 Operating System Overview
Unit-1 Operating System Overview
Unit-1 Operating System Overview
It is a program running all the times on
computer (kernel)
Goals of Operating System
◦ Provide an environment in which a user can execute
programs conveniently and efficiently
People, machines, other computers
What Operating System Do..
Depends on the point of view
User View:
Users want convenience, ease of use
and good performance
◦ Don’t care about resource utilization
System View :
From Computer system’s Point of view Operating system
should be an efficient resource allocator and should
manage resources efficiently
OS is a control program which manages execution of user
programs to prevent errors and improper use of computer.
Batch Operating System
In the 1970s, Batch processing was very popular.
In this technique, similar types of jobs were
batched together and executed in time. People
were used to having a single computer which was
called a mainframe.
In Batch operating system users submit their
respective jobs to the system for the execution.
The system put all of the jobs in a queue(batch)
on the basis of first come first serve and then
executes the jobs one by one. The users collect
their respective output when all the jobs get
The purpose of this operating system was mainly
to transfer control from one job to another as
soon as the job was completed.
It contained a small set of programs called the
resident monitor that always resided in one part
of the main memory. The remaining part is used
for servicing jobs.
that resource. A server may serve multiple clients at the same time while a
client is in contact with only one server. Both the client and server usually
communicate via a computer network and so they are a part of distributed
Peer to Peer Systems
The peer to peer systems contains nodes that are equal participants in data
sharing. All the tasks are equally divided between all the nodes. The nodes
interact with each other and share resources when required.This is done with
the help of a network.
Advantages of Distributed Systems
Some advantages of Distributed Systems are as follows −
All the nodes in the distributed system are connected to each
other. So nodes can easily share data with other nodes.
More nodes can easily be added to the distributed system i.e.
it can be scaled as required.
Failure of one node does not lead to the failure of the entire
distributed system. Other nodes can still communicate with
each other.
Resources like printers can be shared with multiple nodes
rather than being restricted to just one.
Real Time Systems
A real-time system means that the system is subjected to
real-time, i.e.the response should be guaranteed within a
specified time constraint or the system should meet the
specified deadline. For example flight control systems,
real-time monitoring system etc.
The open-source operating system allows the use of code that is freely distributed and available to anyone and
for commercial purposes. Being an open-source application or program, the program source code of an open-
source OS is available. The user may modify or change those codes and develop new applications according to
the user requirement. Some basic examples of the open-source operating systems are Linux, Open Solaris, Free
RTOS, Open BDS, Free BSD, Minix, etc
There are many benefits of open Source Operating system
1. Interested programmers can contribute to the code by
helping to debug it,analyze it,provide support and suggest
2.Bugs tend to be found and fixed faster because of the
number of people using and viewing the code
3. Learning operating system by examining the actual source
code can be extremely useful
Mobile OS for Handheld Systems
A mobile operating system is an operating
system that helps to run applications on
mobile devices like mobiles,PDAs and Pocket
The operating system found on smartphones