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Unit-1 Operating System Overview

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Unit-1 Operating System Overview

Presented By : Neha Vachani

Lecturer, Computer Engg
Introduction to Operating System
 An operating system acts as an intermediary
between the user of a computer and
computer hardware
 The purpose of an operating system is to

provide an environment in which a user can

execute programs conveniently and efficiently
 It is a software that manages computer

 It is a program running all the times on

computer (kernel)
Goals of Operating System
◦ Provide an environment in which a user can execute
programs conveniently and efficiently

◦ Make the computer system convenient to use

◦ Use computer hardware in an efficient manner and

manage different hardware resources
Most popular Operating systems
 Windows
 Unix
 Linux
 ios
 Mac OS
 Android
Functions/Roles of Operating System
 Booting: Booting is the process of turning on the computer and powering up
the system
 User interface: Also referred to as a UI, this is the part of the OS that allows a
user to enter and receive information. This can be done with typed
commands, code, and other formats
 Loading and execution: Your OS will load, or start up, a program and then
execute the program so that it opens and runs
 Memory management: This feature controls and coordinates the computer
applications while allocating space for programs
 Disk management: This manages all the drives installed in a computer,
including hard drives, optical disk drives, and flash drives. Disk management
can also be used to divide disks, format drives, and more
 Process management: Your OS is designed to allocate resources to different
computer processes, enable the processes to share information, protect
them, and synchronize them
 Device controlling: Your OS will allow you to open or block access to devices
like removable devices, CD/DVDs, data transfer devices, USBs, and more
Components of Computer System
Computer system can be divided into four

Hardware – provides basic computing

CPU, memory, I/O devices

Operating system -Controls and

coordinates use of hardware among
various applications and users

Application programs – define the ways

in which the system resources are used
to solve the computing problems of the
word processors, compilers, web
browsers, database systems, video games

People, machines, other computers
What Operating System Do..
Depends on the point of view
 User View:
Users want convenience, ease of use
and good performance
◦ Don’t care about resource utilization

System View :
From Computer system’s Point of view Operating system
should be an efficient resource allocator and should
manage resources efficiently
OS is a control program which manages execution of user
programs to prevent errors and improper use of computer.
Batch Operating System
 In the 1970s, Batch processing was very popular.
In this technique, similar types of jobs were
batched together and executed in time. People
were used to having a single computer which was
called a mainframe.
 In Batch operating system users submit their
respective jobs to the system for the execution.
 The system put all of the jobs in a queue(batch)
on the basis of first come first serve and then
executes the jobs one by one. The users collect
their respective output when all the jobs get
 The purpose of this operating system was mainly
to transfer control from one job to another as
soon as the job was completed.
 It contained a small set of programs called the
resident monitor that always resided in one part
of the main memory. The remaining part is used
for servicing jobs.

 Disadvantages : starvation , Not Interactive

Multiprogramming System
 Main disadvantage of Batch system was
most of the time CPU was idle
 Multiprogramming is an extension to batch

processing where the CPU is always kept

 In a multiprogramming environment, when

one program does its I/O, The CPU can start

the execution of other program
 Therefore, multiprogramming improves the

efficiency of the system.

 A multiprogramming operating system runs

many programs on a single processor

 If one program waits for an input/output

transfer in a multiprogramming operating

system, the other programs are ready to use
the CPU. As a result, various jobs may share
CPU time.
 The primary goal of multiprogramming is to

manage the entire system's resources

Multitasking Operating system
 Multitasking is a logical extension of multiprogramming
system . In a multitasking OS more than one task is
executed at the same time. In this technique, multiple
tasks, also known as processes, share common
processing resources such as CPU,memory etc.
 The operating system keeps track of where you are in
each of these tasks and allows you to transition between
them without losing data.
 In Multitasking Operating System, memory, hard drive,
and virtual memory are better managed. Processor time is
also well used as the wait time is less.
 Suppose any user is downloading any file from the
internet. Now he can do other tasks on the computer
without waiting for the file to download completely.
 One process cannot change data of another process in the
main memory. Each process can only use his own space
 If any program generates errors then other programs
running on the computer are not affected by it. For
example, if Google chrome crashes then your data in MS
Word is not affected.
Time Sharing System
 Time sharing Operating system is a logical extension of
multiprogramming. In time-sharing, the CPU is switched
among multiple jobs given by different users ,but the
switches occurs so frequently that the users can interact
with each program while its running.
 A time shared operating system  uses CPU scheduling
and multi-programming to provide each user with a
small portion of a shared computer at once. This small
time period during which user gets attention of CPU is
known as time slice or quantum.
 Time sharing requires an interactive computer system
which provides direct communication between user and
the system.
 Computer resources are allocated in a time-dependent
fashion to several programs simultaneously
Advantages of Time Sharing Operating System
 The time-sharing operating system provides effective
utilization and sharing of resources.
 This system reduces CPU idle time and increase
response time.
Multiprocessor System
 In operating systems, to improve the
performance, more than one CPU can be
used within one computer system called
Multiprocessor operating system.
 Multiple CPUs are interconnected so that a
job can be divided among them for faster
 When a job finishes, results from all CPUs
are collected and compiled to give the final
 Jobs needed to share main memory and they
may also share other system resources
among themselves. Multiple CPUs can also
be used to run multiple jobs simultaneously.
 For Example: Unix Operating system is one
of the most widely used multiprocessing
 The basic organization of a typical
multiprocessing system is shown in the
given figure.
Multiprocessor System
 Advantages of multiprocessing operating system are:

 Increased reliability:  Due to the multiprocessing system, processing tasks can be

distributed among several processors. This increases reliability as if one processor fails;
the task can be given to another processor for completion.
 Increased throughput:  As several processors increase, more work can be done in less
 Economy of Scale:  As multiprocessors systems share peripherals, secondary storage
devices, and power supplies, they are relatively cheaper than single-processor systems.

 Disadvantage of Multiprocessing operating System

 Operating system of multiprocessing is more complex and sophisticated as it takes care

of multiple CPUs at the same time.

 Types of multiprocessing systems

 Symmetrical multiprocessing operating system
 Asymmetric multiprocessing operating system
Clustered System
 In clustered system multiple CPUs work
together like multiprocessor system or
parallel system
 However clustered system differ from
multiprocessing is that clustered system
consists of Individual system or nodes
joined together sharing common storage
 The components of clusters are usually
connected using Local area network(LAN),
with each node running its own instance of
an operating system.
 Clustering is used to provide high
availability service
 For making cluster more efficient there exist
two clusters:
 Hardware Cluster, Software Cluster
 Hardware Cluster helps in enabling high-
performance disk sharing between systems,
while the Software Cluster allows all systems
to work together.
Clustered system
 Clustering can be structured asymmetrically or

 In Assymetric clustering,one machine is in hot standby

mode while other is running applications. The hot-
standby host does nothing but monitor the active server
,if that server fails,the hot-standby host becomes active

 In symmetric clustering, two or more hosts are running

applications and monitor each other,this mode is more
efficient as it uses all of the available hardware
Distributed System
Distributed system contains multiple nodes
that are physically separate but linked
together using the network. All the nodes in
this system communicate with each other
and handle processes together in order to
appear as a single coherent system to the

Each of these nodes contains a small part of

the distributed operating system software.

The goal is that together, the system can

maximize resources while preventing
failures, as if one system fails, it won't
affect the availability of the service.
Distributed System
Types of Distributed Systems

The nodes in the distributed systems can be arranged in the form of

client/server systems or peer to peer systems. Details about these are as
follows −
Client/Server Systems
In client server systems, the client requests a resource and the server provides

that resource. A server may serve multiple clients at the same time while a
client is in contact with only one server. Both the client and server usually
communicate via a computer network and so they are a part of distributed
Peer to Peer Systems
The peer to peer systems contains nodes that are equal participants in data

sharing. All the tasks are equally divided between all the nodes. The nodes
interact with each other and share resources when required.This is done with
the help of a network.
Advantages of Distributed Systems
 Some advantages of Distributed Systems are as follows −
 All the nodes in the distributed system are connected to each
other. So nodes can easily share data with other nodes.
 More nodes can easily be added to the distributed system i.e.
it can be scaled as required.
 Failure of one node does not lead to the failure of the entire
distributed system. Other nodes can still communicate with
each other.
 Resources like printers can be shared with multiple nodes
rather than being restricted to just one.
Real Time Systems
 A real-time system means that the system is subjected to
real-time, i.e.the response should be guaranteed within a
specified time constraint or the system should meet the
specified deadline. For example flight control systems,
real-time monitoring system etc. 

 Types of real-time systems based on timing constraints:

 Hard real-time system: This type of system can never

miss its deadline. Missing the deadline may have
disastrous consequences. The usefulness of results
produced by a hard real-time system decreases abruptly
and may become negative if tardiness(delay) increases.
Tardiness means how late a real-time system completes
its task with respect to its deadline. Example: Flight
controller system. 

 Soft real-time system: This type of system can miss its

deadline occasionally with some acceptably low
probability. Missing the deadline have no disastrous
consequences. The usefulness of results produced by a
soft real-time system decreases gradually with an
increase in tardiness. Example: Telephone switches. 
Real time Operating System
 A real-time operating system (RTOS) is a special-purpose operating system
used in computers that has strict time constraints for any job to be
 It is employed mostly in those systems in which the results of the
computations are used to influence a process while it is executing. Whenever
an event external to the computer occurs, it is communicated to the
computer with the help of some sensor used to monitor the event.
 The sensor produces the signal that is interpreted by the operating system as
an interrupt. On receiving an interrupt, the operating system invokes a
specific process or a set of processes to serve the interrupt.

 Applications of Real-time operating system (RTOS):

 RTOS is used in real-time applications that must work within specific
deadlines. Following are the common areas of applications of Real-time
operating systems
Radar gadget, Missile guidance, on line inventory trading,
Medical Imaging Systems, Autopilot travel simulators.
Open source Operating System
 The term "open source" refers to computer software or applications where the owners or copyright holders
enable the users or third parties to use, see, and edit the product's source code. The source code of an open-
source OS is publicly visible and editable. The usually operating systems such as Apple's iOS, Microsoft's
Windows, and Apple's Mac OS are closed operating systems. Open-Source Software is licensed in such a way
that it is permissible to produce as many copies as you want and to use them wherever you like. It generally
uses fewer resources than its commercial counterpart because it lacks any code for licensing, promoting other
products, authentication, attaching advertisements, etc.

 The open-source operating system allows the use of code that is freely distributed and available to anyone and
for commercial purposes. Being an open-source application or program, the program source code of an open-
source OS is available. The user may modify or change those codes and develop new applications according to
the user requirement. Some basic examples of the open-source operating systems are Linux, Open Solaris, Free
RTOS, Open BDS, Free BSD, Minix, etc

 There are many benefits of open Source Operating system
 1. Interested programmers can contribute to the code by
helping to debug it,analyze it,provide support and suggest
 2.Bugs tend to be found and fixed faster because of the
number of people using and viewing the code
 3. Learning operating system by examining the actual source
code can be extremely useful
Mobile OS for Handheld Systems
 A mobile operating system is an operating
system that helps to run applications on
mobile devices like mobiles,PDAs and Pocket
 The operating system found on smartphones

include Symbian OS, iPhone OS, RIM's

BlackBerry, Android etc
 Mobile operating systems combine features

of a personal computer operating system

with other features useful for mobile or
handheld use, and usually including a
wireless inbuilt modem and SIM tray for
telephony and data connection
 Mobile devices, with mobile communications

abilities (e.g.smartphones), contain

operating system divided into two parts.
First is the main user-facing software
platform and is supplemented by a second
low-level proprietary real-time operating
system which operates the radio and other
Mobile Operating System
 Developers of Mobile OS face many challenges due to limited
size of devices,limited memory,slow processor and small display
 Amount of physical memory in handheld device is limited so OS
and applications must manage memory efficiently
 Second issue is processor used in handheld devices.Generally it
is slow processor as compared to computers because faster
processor consume more power which require a larger
battery,therefore Os must be designed accordingly
 Third issue is display ,small display limits output options.Many
tasks such as reading email and browsing web pages must be
condensed into smaller displays

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