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7 Hydrograph

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 The graphical relation between any hydrological

quantity discharge and time is known as a
Parts of Hydrograph
 A hydrograph consists of three parts.

 The rising Limb ‘BC’

 The crest or peak ‘C’.
 The falling Limb or Recession curve ‘CDE’
Parts of Hydrograph
 The shape of the rising limb depends upon the storm
characteristics which are the duration of rainfall,
intensity of rainfall, areal distribution of the rainfall, etc. 
 The crest segment is controlled by the storm
characteristics and the distribution of streams in the
area, which further depends upon geological structure of
the area.
 The falling limb depends upon the control on storage
release, which itself depends upon the geological
ra Basin lag time
o g Peak flow
H y 3
o d

lF o



Discharge (m3/s)



4 Inter flow
1 3

Base flow

0 12 24 36 48 30 72
Hours from start of rain storm
 Lag Time
Time interval from the center of mass of the rainfall-excess to the peak of
the resultant hydrograph.
 Time to Peak
Time interval from the start of the rainfall-excess to the peak of the
resultant hydrograph.
 Rainfall Duration
Time interval from the start to the end of rainfall-excess.
 Time of Concentration
Time interval from the end of the rainfall-excess to the point of inflection
on the hydrograph recession curve or
Time required for runoff to travel from the hydraulically most distant point
on the watershed to the point of interest.
Components of Hydrograph
 Components of Hydrograph
A hydrograph normally consists of the four
• Channel Precipitation.
• Direct Runoff (DRO).
• Inter Flow or Sub-surface Flow.
• Ground or Base Flow.
Hydrograph Analysis (Separation of hydrograph into
its components)

 Hydrograph Analysis means dividing total runoff indicated

by the hydrograph into its components, of which direct
runoff (DRO) and Base Flow are more important.
 The separation of hydrograph components is done by one
of the following four methods.

• Straight Line Method

• Fixed Base Length Method
• Variable Slope Method
• Recession Curve Equation
Hydrograph Analysis (Separation of hydrograph into
its components)

 Straight line method

Let us consider a hydrograph as shown in figure. From point ‘A’
draw a straight horizontal line which meets the falling limb of
hydrograph at point ‘B’. Above line ‘AB’ is the direct runoff and
below this line is the base flow. The volumes of direct runoff and
base flow (i.e. area under the curve) can be calculated by any
suitable method.
The Straight Line Method for separation of hydrograph has the
advantage of producing an extremely long time base for the
direct runoff hydrograph. The time base varies from storm to
storm depending on the flow at the point of rise. It is a
computationally easy method.
Hydrograph Analysis (Separation of hydrograph into
its components)
Hydrograph Analysis (Separation of hydrograph into
its components)

 Fixed Base Length method

Let us consider the hydrograph shown in figure. From point ‘A’ (existing
prior to the storm) extend the curve to point ‘B’ which is vertically
below the peak. Now draw a line from point ‘B’ to point ‘C’ on the
hydrograph equal to a distance on X-axis given by equation below:
N = Length of time in days, and
Ad = Drainage area in square miles
This line will meet the falling limb at, say point ‘C’. Join the point ‘B’ to
‘C’ by a line ‘BC’. Area below ‘ABC’ is the base flow and that above it is
the direct runoff.
Hydrograph Analysis (Separation of hydrograph into
its components)
Hydrograph Analysis (Separation of hydrograph into
its components)
 Variable Slope method
This method is based on the fact that if water rises in the stream the water
level in the stream becomes greater than the adjoining ground water table
level. As a result the flow occurs from the stream to the groundwater and is
stored there as bank storage. 
Refer to figure, below. Take a point ‘A’ on the previous recession curve, and the
line ‘AE’ by extending the previous recession curve. Point ‘E’ is under the peak.
Now take a point ‘B’ on the recession curve and extend it backward. Take a
point ‘C’ on recession curve where the recession curve is changing slope, this
point is called the point of inflection. Draw a vertical line from the point ‘C’. It
cuts the line drawn backward from point ‘B’, at point ‘D’. Join point ‘E’ and
point ‘D’. The area under the line ‘AEDB’ shows the base flow component.
This method is not a well defined one. It depends upon experience, so it may
vary from one expert to another.
Hydrograph Analysis (Separation of hydrograph into
its components)
Hydrograph Analysis (Separation of hydrograph into
its components)
 Recession Curve equation
The recession side of the hydrograph is formed of the surface recession,
interflow recession and base flow recession. Although the interflow, because
of similar characteristics, is taken as part of the surface runoff in the
hydrograph analysis; there are means to separate the three components on
the basis of the exponential recession equation of the form.
Q = Q0 e –δt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6.2
Q0 = initial discharge
Q = discharge a time interval afterwards
δ = recession constant
The equation can be written in a general form.
Q t+1 = Q t e -δt
Hydrograph Analysis (Separation of hydrograph into
its components)

Taking log on bothsides

log ( Qt+1) = log (Q t e -δt)
log Qt+1 = log Qt - δt log e
Graph of this equation for different recession
constants ‘δ’ will give the components of
Factors Affecting Hydrograph Shape

 Hydrograph shape depends on climatic and

catchment characteristics. Among the climatic
characteristics the most important are the rainfall
intensity, duration and weather. Among the
catchment characteristics the topography and
geological conditions are more important. These
are discussed below.
Factors Affecting Hydrograph Shape (cont.)

A. Storm Characteristics
a. Intensity of Rainfall
The intensity of rainfall has a predominant effect
on the shape of the hydrograph. If other
conditions remain the same, a higher intensity
storm will produce a rapid rise in the hydrograph
and a higher peak than that in case of a low
intensity rainfall. Such floods give little warning
time and so are dangerous.
Factors Affecting Hydrograph Shape (cont.)

b. Duration of Rainfall
The duration of rainfall is important if it is greater than the time
of concentration (defined as the time of travel from the
farthest point in the catchment area to the gauging station). In
such a situation, if the rainfall of certain intensity occurs
uniformly, the whole of the catchment area is contributing
runoff at the gauging station and the hydrograph attains its high
peak. The runoff will remain constant at the peak rate if the
rainfall occurs for duration longer than the time of
concentration. If rainfall of the same intensity occurs for
duration less than the time of concentration, the hydrograph
will rise to a smaller peak.
Factors Affecting Hydrograph Shape (cont.)

c. Weather
The shape of the hydrograph greatly depends on the
seasonal distribution of rainfall. During summer losses
due to evaporation may produce a small peak
hydrograph. On the other hand, in winter, losses are
small with the result that even a small intensity storm
may produce a relatively rapid rise and high peak of
the hydrograph. Antecedent soil moisture conditions
(generally being higher in winter) are important as for
high soil moisture; the storm will produce more runoff.
Factors Affecting Hydrograph Shape (cont.)

B. Catchment Characteristics 
a. Size of Catchment 
The catchment area affects the stream-flow in a variety of ways. Even
if the intensity and depth of precipitation is assumed to be constant,
the hydrograph of a smaller catchment rises to its peak and then
recedes more rapidly than that for a larger catchment, because for
the latter, it takes longer for the runoff to reach the gauging station.
The hydrograph of a larger catchment area, therefore, has broader
base than that of a smaller one. Moreover, the larger the area, the
greater will be the heterogeneity in soil and vegetation cover, with a
consequent effect on the stream-flow of each part of the catchment.
The vegetation cover increases the time of concentration.
Factors Affecting Hydrograph Shape (cont.)

b. Shape of the Catchment Area

The shape of the catchment area affects stream-flow by altering the time of
concentration and the pattern of drainage tributaries. If the length of the
catchment along the main stream is less than the width across the same stream,
separate runoff peaks generated by a heavy rainfall are likely to reach the gauging
station at the same time from the tributaries, with the result that the flood peak in
the main stream increases. Thus a hydrograph with a high peak and narrow base is
However, if the length of the catchment along the main stream is larger than width,
the tributaries will be of shorter length and contribution from each tributary area is
likely to reach the gauging stations at intervals. After an intense storm over the
whole of the catchment area there will be some lag between the times at which the
peak from each tributary reaches the gauging station. The hydrograph will
therefore, have a low peak and broader base, because the remote tributaries will
continue contributing for some time even after the rainfall has stopped.
Factors Affecting Hydrograph Shape (cont.)

c. Elevation of the Catchment

The elevation of the catchment also plays an important
role in some hydrologic characteristics of hydrograph,
particularly due to variation in temperature and
precipitation. The temperature reduces with the increase
in elevation with the result that above a certain elevation,
the temperature becomes so low that all precipitation falls
as snow. In the Indo-Pakistan Sub-continent, contribution
from areas at altitude 15,000 ft. above the mean sea level,
is mainly due to snowmelt. The floods from snowmelt are
of usually low peak and broader base.
Factors Affecting Hydrograph Shape (cont.)

d. Catchment Slope
The slope of the catchment affects stream-flow by
reducing the rate of infiltration due to increased
speed of water-movement towards drainage
channels. The steeper the slope, the faster will be
the flow and rise in the hydrograph. The
hydrograph in such a situation will have higher
peak and smaller base.
Estimating Rate of Runoff
 While designing hydraulic structures, we are mostly interested in
estimating maximum probable rate of runoff. Various methods of
estimating maximum probable rate of runoff are as under:
a. Frequency Analysis: The purpose of frequency analysis is to estimate
frequency of occurrence of various hydrologic parameters such as
floods, droughts, or storms of maximum rainfall.
Frequency Analysis is based on statistical methods. Using statistical
techniques, hydrologic parameters are predicted from available record
of data,. Using these parameters, the data is extrapolated for future
An objective of frequency analysis may be the estimation of maximum
possible discharge of a stream or river that will be encountered after a
certain time period. Such information is required for design of hydraulic
structures (dams, barrages, culverts, bridges, etc.), reservoirs, floodways,
irrigation systems, river improvement works, flood protection schemes
and development of water resources.
Estimating Rate of Runoff (cont)
b. Empirical Formulae: Involving various physical
characteristics of the basin
i.e. Q = C I A (Rational Formula)
Where,I = Intensity of rainfall,
C = Constant, and
A = Area of cross-section
Very detailed rainfall-runoff models have been
developed which estimate losses separately and
hence calculate the direct runoff. 
Estimating Rate of Runoff (cont)
c. Flood Routing: Flood Routing is an analytical technique of
determining the flood hydrograph at a particular location in a
channel or a reservoir resulting from a known flood at some
other location upstream. Different techniques have been
developed to route the flood. These are Hydraulic Routing and
Hydrologic Routing. Hydraulic Routing is based on equations of
continuity and momentum whereas Hydrologic Routing is
based on the equation of continuity and an empirical equation.
d. Unit Hydrograph Method: Of the four methods of estimating
maximum probable rate of runoff, the unit hydrograph method
is being discussed in detail here.
Unit Hydrograph
 The T-hour unit hydrograph may be defined as a
hydrograph of direct runoff resulting from unit rainfall-
excess of a duration ‘T’ hours having occurred uniformly
all over the catchment and having a constant rate of
 Physical characteristics of the basin remain relatively
constant. The variable characteristics of the storm cause
variation in the shape of resulting hydrograph. The storm
characteristics as discussed earlier are the rainfall
duration, time-intensity pattern, areal distribution of
rainfall and the amount of rainfall.
Unit Hydrograph
a. Rainfall Duration 
The volume under unit hydrograph is always the same for a given catchment
and is equal to one unit, say one inch of runoff ( note that volume of one inch
of runoff means that one inch of rainfall excess over the whole catchment. The
actual volume will be the catchment area multiplied by one ). Peak value for a
lesser duration unit hydrograph is higher and is sharp, but the peak value for a
higher duration unit hydrograph is lower with larger base length. 
b. Time Intensity Pattern
An infinite number of hydrographs would be required if an attempt is made to
draw separate unit hydrograph for each of the possible time-intensity patterns.
Practically the unit hydrograph may be based only on an assumption of
uniform intensity.
Higher-intensity storms will have higher peak with low base, and vice versa.
Unit Hydrograph
c. Areal Distribution of Rainfall 
The unit hydrograph is based upon uniformly
distributed rainfall over whole of the catchment.
So the actual flood hydrograph has to be estimated
accordingly from the unit hydrograph taking into
account the effect of areal distribution of rainfall.
Derivation of Unit Hydrograph
 The following steps are followed in deriving a unit
• Select an isolated storm, for which reliable rainfall and
runoff data are available.
• Separate the base flow from the total runoff
hydrograph and calculate the volume of direct runoff.
• Divide the ordinates of direct runoff by the effective
rainfall. The resulting hydrograph is a unit hydrograph
for the catchment area for the given duration of
Derivation of Unit Hydrograph
 A unit hydrograph derived from a single storm may
have some error, and it is desirable to average the
unit hydrograph from several storms of the same
 The proper procedure is to compute the average of
the peak flows and time to peak. The average unit
hydrograph is then sketched to conform to those
of the other graphs, passing through the computed
average peak, and having a volume of one-inch.
 From the data given in Table below, derive a 6-hour unit hydrograph, if
this data is obtained from a six-hour duration storm and the catchment
area is 3,200 square kilometers.
Date Time Discharge Base Flow
  (day) (m³/s) (m³/s)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
11-Jan 1st 21 21
12-Jan 2nd 21 21
13-Jan 3rd 21 21
14-Jan 4th 20 20
15-Jan 5th 20 20
16-Jan 6th 20 20
17-Jan 7th 20 20
18-Jan 8th 20 20
19-Jan 9th 521 11
20-Jan 10th 160 21
21-Jan 11th 82 29
22-Jan 12th 63 35
23-Jan 13th 59 47
24-Jan 14th 53 53
25-Jan 15th 47 47
26-Jan 16th 45 45
27-Jan 17th 38 38
Example (cont.)
 Solution:
The calculations are shown in Table below. The
Direct Runoff (DRO) is obtained by subtracting base
flow from discharge values. The DRO is then
multiplied by time interval to get total volume. This
total volume is divided by catchment area to get
depth of effective rainfall in centimeters spread
uniformly over whole catchment. By definition of
unit hydrograph, its ordinates are obtained by
dividing ordinates of DRO by effective rain.
Example (cont.)
Date Time Discharge Base Flow DRO Volume Ordinates of Unit
  (day) (m³/s) (m³/s) (m³/s) (x106 m³) Hydrograph
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)=(3)-(4) (6) (7)=(5)/Eff. Rain
11-Jan 1st 21 21 0 0.00 0.00
12-Jan 2nd 21 21 0 0.00 0.00
13-Jan 3rd 21 21 0 0.00 0.00
14-Jan 4th 20 20 0 0.00 0.00
15-Jan 5th 20 20 0 0.00 0.00
16-Jan 6th 20 20 0 0.00 0.00
17-Jan 7th 20 20 0 0.00 0.00
18-Jan 8th 20 20 0 0.00 0.00
19-Jan 9th 521 11 510 44.06 255.00
20-Jan 10th 160 21 139 12.01 69.50
21-Jan 11th 82 29 53 4.58 26.50
22-Jan 12th 63 35 28 2.42 14.00
23-Jan 13th 59 47 12 1.04 6.00
24-Jan 14th 53 53 0 0.00 0.00
25-Jan 15th 47 47 0 0.00 0.00
26-Jan 16th 45 45 0 0.00 0.00
27-Jan 17th 38 38 0 0.00 0.00
Total Volume 64.11 x106 m³
Area 3200 x106 m² Volume 32.05x106 m³
Effective Rain 2.00cm Effective Rain 1.00 cm
Derivation of Hydrograph from a Unit
 Once the unit hydrograph of certain duration is determined,
it can be used to compute a hydrograph of the same
duration. In order to derive the hydrograph of same
duration as that of the unit hydrograph, we have to proceed
in reverse to the process used to derive unit hydrograph.
The procedure will be as follows:
o The unit hydrograph of a certain duration is given.
o Derive the ordinates of direct runoff hydrograph by
multiplying the unit hydrograph ordinates by effective
o Add base flow to the ordinates of direct runoff hydrograph
to get total runoff hydrograph. The peak of this hydrograph
gives the maximum flow due to the storm.
 Given the unit hydrograph of 4-hour duration, calculate the ordinates of
total runoff hydrograph of same duration from an excess precipitation of
10 cm. Assume constant Base Flow of 14 m3/sec.

Date Time Ordinates of Unit Hydrograph

  (Hours) (m³/s)
(1) (2) (3)
1-Jan 0.00
24 3.00
2-Jan 17.00
24 34.00
3-Jan 51.00
24 17.00
4-Jan 6.00
24 0.00
Example (cont.)
 The rainfall-excess has been reported as 10 cm. The ordinates of unit
hydrograph are simply multiplied by excess rainfall to get ordinates of
Direct Runoff (DRO). Once the ordinates of DRO are obtained, base flow is
added to it to get Total flow ordinates. These computations are given in
table. Date Time Time Ordinates DRO Base Total Flow
  (Hours) (Hours of Unit (m³/s) Flow (m³/s)
) Hydrograp (m³/s)
(5)=(4) x
(1) (2) (3) (4) Excess Rainfall (6)

1-Jan 0 0.00 0 14 14
24 12 3.00 30 14 44
2-Jan 24 17.00 170 14 184
24 48 34.00 340 14 354
3-Jan 60 51.00 510 14 524
24 72 17.00 170 14 184
4-Jan 84 6.00 60 14 74
24 96 0.00 0 14 14
Example (cont.)
S Curve

 The S curve is a hydrograph obtained by summation of infinite

number of unit hydrographs of given duration each lagged by
time interval equal to the duration of the given hydrograph.
The S curve can be used to derive unit hydrograph of any
desired duration. The Derivation of the S curve is very simple.
We keep on adding given unit hydrograph ordinates each
lagged by time equal to the duration of given hydrograph
from the previous one till we obtain a constant value after
addition or it starts fluctuating between some values.
 The procedure of derivation of unit hydrograph from a given
unit hydrograph is explained further in the following example.
 Given is a unit hydrograph of 2 hour duration.
Derive the 2 hours duration ‘S’ curve.
(Hours) Flow (m³/s)
0 0
2 95
4 164
6 121
8 91
10 54
12 18
14 0
Example (cont.)
 The calculations are shown in Table. In this table
ordinates of unit hydrograph of 2-hour duration
are given in column 2. Column 1 is time in hours.
Other columns have ordinates in m³/s. Columns 3
to 14 show lagged unit hydrographs. Column 15 is
the addition which is the ‘S’ curve.
Example (cont.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)

0 0 0
2 95 0 95
4 164 95 0 259
6 121 164 95 0 380
8 91 121 164 95 0 471
10 54 91 121 164 95 0 525
12 18 54 91 121 164 95 0 543
14 0 18 54 91 121 164 95 0 543
16 0 18 54 91 121 164 95 0 543
18 0 18 54 91 121 164 95 0 543
20 0 18 54 91 121 164 95 0 543
22 0 18 54 91 121 164 95 0 543
24 0 18 54 91 121 164 95 0 543
26 0 18 54 91 121 164 95 543
28 0 18 54 91 121 164
30 0 18 54 91 121
32 0 18 54 91
34 0 18 54
36 0 18
38 0
Example (cont.)
Derivation of Any Duration Unit Hydrograph

 The procedure for derivation of any required duration unit hydrograph

from a given-duration unit hydrograph is described below: 
o Derive the S-Curve (as per procedure explained above).
o Offset the position of the S-curve for a period equal to the desired
duration of hydrograph to be derived. This is called the lagged S-curve.
o Subtract the ordinates of lagged S-curve from the original S-curve at
the respective time intervals.
o The ordinates of unit hydrograph of required duration are obtained by
multiplying the difference obtained in Step-3 with the ratio ‘ given
duration over required duration’ (i. e. multiply by the ratio = given
duration/desired duration).
 Given is unit hydrograph of 2-hours duration (previous example). Find 6-
hours unit hydrograph for the same catchment.

 Solution: The derivation of S curve is given in previous example. Using

that S curve the derivation of 6 hours unit hydrograph is given below in
Table .
Example (cont.)
Time 2-hour Unit S-Curve Lagged Difference 6 Hour Unit
Hydrograph S-Curve Hydrograph
Ordinates Ordinates

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)=(3)-(4) = (5) x 2 / 6

0 0 0 0 0
2 95 95 95 32
4 164 259 259 86
6 121 380 0 380 127
8 91 471 95 376 125
10 54 525 259 266 89
12 18 543 380 163 54
14 0 543 471 72 24
16 543 525 18 6
18 543 543 0 0
Example (cont.)
 The given 2-hr hydrograph and developed 6-hr hydrographs are shown in
Figure. It may be noted that increasing the duration of unit hydrograph
has decreased peak flow.
Composite Hydrograph
 The stream-flow hydrograph may be due to more
than one storm. In that case we have to separate
the effect of each storm. This is composite
hydrograph separation.
 Given is hydrograph resulting from two storms
each of 6-hours duration (Table below). The rainfall
intensity of first storm is 0.8 cm and that of second
storm is 0.6 cm each of 6-hr duration. Separate the
hydrograph of both storms and find 6 hr unit
hydrograph for each storm.
Example (cont.)
Date Time Composite Date Time Composite Date Time Composite
(Hours) Hydrograph (Hours) Hydrograph (Hours) Hydrograph
(cumecs) (cumecs) (cumecs)

22-05-65 0 - 60 19,100.00 27-04-65 120 3,300.00

6 750.00 66 15,000.00 126 2,900.00
12 1,400.00 25-04-65 72 11,400.00 132 2,600.00
18 2,300.00 78 9,300.00 138 2,100.00
23-04-65 24 3,000.00 84 7,800.00 28-04-65 144 1,700.00
30 7,000.00 90 6,300.00 150 1,300.00
36 13,000.00 26-04-65 96 5,700.00 156 900.00
42 23,000.00 102 4,800.00 162 600.00
24-04-65 48 29,700.00 108 4,000.00 29-04-65 168 -
54 25,000.00 114 3,700.00
Example (cont.)
 Solution : The following steps illustrate the procedure.
o Total rainfall is 0.8 + 0.6 = 1.4 cm. The contribution of
second storm relative to the first storm is
0.6/0.8=0.75. The ordinates of first hydrograph are,
therefore obtained by subtracting effect of second
hydrograph from composite hydrograph. Since second
storm occurs 6 hours later than the first one, the first
ordinate of composite hydrograph is due to
contribution of first storm. Therefore first ordinate of
first hydrograph is 750 - 0 = 750.
Example (cont.)
o The second ordinate is obtained by subtracting
(0.6/0.8)x750=562.50 from second ordinate of
composite hydrograph i.e. 1400 - 562.50 = 837.50.
The third ordinate of first storm hydrograph is
obtained by subtracting 0.75 x 837.50 = 628.12
from third ordinate of composite hydrograph i.e.
1671.88 and so on. The calculations are shown in
table below.
Example (cont.)
o The ordinates of second hydrograph are obtained
simply by subtracting ordinates of first hydrograph
from composite hydrograph.
o For unit hydrograph, ordinates of each hydrograph
are divided by their respective rainfall intensities.
Date Time Composite First 6 Hour Second 6 Hour 6 Hour Unit 6 Hour Unit
Hydrograph Hydrograph Hydrograph Hydrograph (First Hydrograph
Storm) (Second Storm)
  (Hours) (cumecs) (0.8 cm) (0.6 cm)    
22-04-65 0 - - - -
  6 750.00 750.00 - 937.50 -
  12 1,400.00 837.50 562.50 1,046.88 937.50
  18 2,300.00 1,671.88 628.13 2,089.84 1,046.88
23-04-65 24 3,000.00 1,746.09 1,253.91 2,182.62 2,089.84
  30 7,000.00 5,690.43 1,309.57 7,113.04 2,182.62
  36 13,000.00 8,732.18 4,267.82 10,915.22 7,113.04
  42 23,000.00 16,450.87 6,549.13 20,563.58 10,915.22
24-04-65 48 29,700.00 17,361.85 12,338.15 21,702.31 20,563.58
  54 25,000.00 11,978.61 13,021.39 14,973.27 21,702.31
  60 19,100.00 10,116.04 8,983.96 12,645.05 14,973.27
  66 15,000.00 7,412.97 7,587.03 9,266.21 12,645.05
25-04-65 72 11,400.00 5,840.27 5,559.73 7,300.34 9,266.21
  78 9,300.00 4,919.80 4,380.20 6,149.74 7,300.34
  84 7,800.00 4,110.15 3,689.85 5,137.69 6,149.74
  90 6,300.00 3,217.38 3,082.62 4,021.73 5,137.69
26-04-65 96 5,700.00 3,286.96 2,413.04 4,108.70 4,021.73
  102 4,800.00 2,334.78 2,465.22 2,918.47 4,108.70
  108 4,000.00 2,248.92 1,751.08 2,811.14 2,918.47
  114 3,700.00 2,013.31 1,686.69 2,516.64 2,811.14
27-04-65 120 3,300.00 1,790.02 1,509.98 2,237.52 2,516.64
  126 2,900.00 1,557.49 1,342.51 1,946.86 2,237.52
  132 2,600.00 1,431.88 1,168.12 1,789.85 1,946.86
  138 2,100.00 1,026.09 1,073.91 1,282.61 1,789.85
28-04-65 144 1,700.00 930.43 769.57 1,163.04 1,282.61
  150 1,300.00 602.17 697.83 752.72 1,163.04
  156 900.00 448.37 451.63 560.46 752.72
  162 600.00 263.72 336.28 329.65 560.46
29-04-65 168 - - - - -
Example (cont.)
 Develop a complex hydrograph for the following
data given in Table, Take R1 / R2 = 1.2

Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

q1 0 200 400 1000 2800 1400 900 700 480 200 0

Example (cont.)
 Solution : Table below gives calculations for determination of q2 & Q, in which
ordinates of q2 have been calculated by using a modified but simple formula given
in the table.
n TIME q1 Ordinates of Discharge Q of
q2=(R1/R2)xq1(n-1) complex hydrograph

0 1 0 0
1 2 200 0 200
2 3 400 240 640
3 4 1000 480 1480
4 5 2800 1200 4000
5 6 1400 3360 4760
6 7 900 1680 2580
7 8 700 1080 1780
8 9 480 840 1320
9 10 200 576 776
10 11 0 240 240
11 12 0 0
Example (cont.)
 Develop a complex hydrograph for the following data given below,
Take R1 / R2 = 1.2 and R1 / R3 = 1.5

Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

q1 0 200 400 1000 2800 1400 900 700 480 200 0

Example (cont.)
 Solution : Table below gives calculations for
determination of q2, q3 and Q, in which ordinates of
q2 and q3 have been calculated by using modified
but simple formulae given in the table.
Example (cont.)
n TIME q1 Ordinates of Ordinates of Discharge Q of
q2=(R1/R2)xq1(n-1) q3=(R1/R3)xq1(n-2) complex

(1) (2) (3) (1) + (2) + (3)

0 1 0 0
1 2 200 0 200
2 3 400 240 0 640
3 4 1000 480 300 1780
4 5 2800 1200 600 4600
5 6 1400 3360 1500 6260
6 7 900 1680 4200 6780
7 8 700 1080 2100 3880
8 9 480 840 1350 2670
9 10 200 576 1050 1826
10 11 0 240 720 960
11 12 0 300 300
12 13 0 0
Example (cont.)

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