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Module 4

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Subject Code- BC 2007

No. of Credits- 4
BCA 3rd Semester

Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (Deemed to be University), Bhubaneswar 07/01/2023 1


• Programming the Basic Computer

• Addressing Modes
• Machine Language
• Assembly Language
• Input Output Programming
• Input-Output Organization
• Peripheral Devices
• I/O Interface
• Modes of Data Transfer
• Direct Memory Access

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Addressing Modes– The term addressing modes refers to the way in which the operand of an instruction is specified. The addressing mode
specifies a rule for interpreting or modifying the address field of the instruction before the operand is actually executed.
Addressing modes for 8086 instructions are divided into two categories:
1) Addressing modes for data
2) Addressing modes for branch
The 8086 memory addressing modes provide flexible access to memory, allowing you to easily access variables, arrays, records, pointers,
and other complex data types.  The key to good assembly language programming is the proper use of memory addressing modes.
An assembly language program instruction consists of two parts

The memory address of an operand consists of two components: 

Starting address of memory segment.
Effective address or Offset: An offset is determined by adding any combination of three address elements: displacement, base and index.
Displacement: It is an 8 bit or 16 bit immediate value given in the instruction.
Base: Contents of base register, BX or BP.
Index: Content of index register SI or DI

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According to different ways of specifying an operand by 8086 microprocessor, different addressing modes are used by 8086.
Addressing modes used by 8086 microprocessor are discussed below:
Implied mode:: In implied addressing the operand is specified in the instruction itself. In this mode the data is 8 bits or 16 bits long
and data is the part of instructions. Zero address instruction are designed with implied addressing mode.

Example: CLC (used to reset Carry flag to 0)

Immediate addressing mode (symbol #):In this mode data is present in address field of instruction .Designed like one address
instruction format.
Note:Limitation in the immediate mode is that the range of constants are restricted by size of address field.

Example: MOV AL, 35H (move the data 35H into AL register)

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Register mode: In register addressing the operand is placed in one of 8 bit or 16 bit general purpose registers. The data is in the register that is
specified by the instruction.
Here one register reference is required to access the data.

Example: MOV AX,CX (move the contents of CX register to AX register)

Register Indirect mode: In this addressing the operand’s offset is placed in any one of the registers BX,BP,SI,DI as specified in the instruction.
The effective address of the data is in the base register or an index register that is specified by the instruction.
Here two register reference is required to access the data.

The 8086 CPUs let you access memory indirectly through a register using the register indirect addressing modes.
Example: MOV AX, [BX](move the contents of memory location s
addressed by the register BX to the register AX)

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Auto Indexed (increment mode): Effective address of the operand is the contents of a register specified in the instruction. After accessing the
operand, the contents of this register are automatically incremented to point to the next consecutive memory location.(R1)+.
Here one register reference,one memory reference and one ALU operation is required to access the data.
Add R1, (R2)+ // OR
R1 = R1 +M[R2]
R2 = R2 + d
Useful for stepping through arrays in a loop. R2 – start of array d – size of an element
Auto indexed ( decrement mode): Effective address of the operand is the contents of a register specified in the instruction. Before accessing
the operand, the contents of this register are automatically decremented to point to the previous consecutive memory location. –(R1)
Here one register reference,one memory reference and one ALU operation is required to access the data.
Add R1,-(R2) //OR
R2 = R2-d
R1 = R1 + M[R2]
Auto decrement mode is same as  auto increment mode. Both can also be used to implement a stack as push and pop . Auto increment and Auto
decrement modes are useful for implementing “Last-In-First-Out” data structures.
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Direct addressing/ Absolute addressing Mode (symbol [ ]): The operand’s offset is given in the instruction as an 8 bit or 16 bit
displacement element. In this addressing mode the 16 bit effective address of the data is the part of the instruction.
Here only one memory reference operation is required to access the data.

Example: ADD AL,[0301] //add the contents of offset address 0301 to AL

Indirect addressing Mode (symbol @ or () ):In this mode address field of instruction contains the address of effective address. Here
two references are required.
1st reference to get effective address.
2nd reference to access the data. Based on the availability of Effective address, Indirect mode is of two kind:
Register Indirect: In this mode effective address is in the register, and corresponding register name will be maintained in the
address field of an instruction.
Here one register reference, One memory reference is required to access the data.
Memory Indirect: In this mode effective address is in the memory, and corresponding memory address will be maintained in the
address field of an instruction.
Here two memory reference is required to access the data.

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Indexed addressing mode: The operand’s offset is the sum of the content of an index register SI or DI and an 8 bit or 16 bit displacement.
Example: MOV AX, [SI+05]
Based Indexed Addressing: The operand’s offset is sum of the content of a base register BX or BP and an index register SI or DI.
Example: ADD AX, [BX+SI]
Based on Transfer of control, addressing modes are:
PC relative addressing mode: PC relative addressing mode is used to implement intra segment transfer of control, In this mode effective
address is obtained by adding displacement to PC.
EA= PC + Address field value
PC= PC + Relative value.
Base register addressing mode: Base register addressing mode is used to implement inter segment transfer of control.In this mode effective
address is obtained by adding base register value to address field value.
EA= Base register + Address field value.
PC= Base register + Relative value.
Advantages of Addressing Modes
To give programmers to facilities such as Pointers, counters for loop controls, indexing of data and program relocation.
To reduce the number bits in the addressing field of the Instruction.
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Machine language is the low level programming language. Machine language can only be represented by 0s and
1s. In earlier when we have to create a picture or show data on the screen of the computer then it is very difficult to
draw using only binary digits(0s and 1s). For example: To write 120 in the computer system its representation is
1111000. So it is very difficult to learn. To overcome this problem the assembly language is invented.
Assembly language is the more than low level and less than high-level language so it is intermediary language.
Assembly languages use numbers, symbols, and abbreviations instead of 0s and 1s.For example: For addition,
subtraction and multiplications it uses symbols likes Add, sub and Mul, etc.


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Machine Language Assembly Language

• Assembly language is only understand by human beings not
• Machine language is only understand by the computers.
by the computers.
• In machine language data only represented with the help of • In assembly language data can be represented with the help of
binary format(0s and 1s), hexadecimal and octa decimal. mnemonics such as Mov, Add, Sub, End etc.
• Machine language is very difficult to understand by the • Assembly language is easy to understand by the human being
human beings. as compare to machine language.
• Modifications and error fixing cannot be done in machine • Modifications and error fixing can be done in assembly
language. language.
• Machine language is very difficult to memorize so it is not • Easy to memorize the assembly language because some
possible to learn the machine language. alphabets and mnemonics are used.
• Execution is fast in machine language because all data is
• Execution is slow as compared to machine language.
already present in binary format.
• There is no need of translator.The machine understandable • Assembler is used as translator to convert mnemonics into
form is the machine language. machine understandable form.
• Assembly language is the machine dependent and it is not
• Machine language is hardware dependent.

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Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (Deemed to be University), Bhubaneswar 07/01/2023 12

I N P U T- O U T P U T P R O G R A M M I N G

Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (Deemed to be University), Bhubaneswar 07/01/2023 13

Peripheral Devices
Input or output devices that are connected to computer are called peripheral devices. These devices are designed to read information
into or out of the memory unit upon command from the CPU and are considered to be the part of computer system. These devices are
also called peripherals.
For example: Keyboards, display units and printers are common peripheral devices.
There are three types of peripherals:
• Input peripherals : Allows user input, from the outside world to the computer. Example: Keyboard, Mouse etc.
• Output peripherals: Allows information output, from the computer to the outside world. Example: Printer, Monitor etc
• Input-Output peripherals: Allows both input(from outised world to computer) as well as, output(from computer to the outside
world). Example: Touch screen etc.
Interface is a shared boundary btween two separate components of the computer system which can be used to attach two or more
components to the system for communication purposes.
There are two types of interface:
• CPU Inteface
• I/O Interface
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Input-Output Interface
Peripherals connected to a computer need special communication links for interfacing with CPU. In computer system,
there are special hardware components between the CPU and peripherals to control or manage the input-output
transfers. These components are called input-output interface units because they provide communication links
between processor bus and peripherals. They provide a method for transferring information between internal system
and input-output devices.
Modes of I/O Data Transfer
Data transfer between the central unit and I/O devices can be handled in generally three types of modes which are
given below:
• Programmed I/O
• Interrupt Initiated I/O
• Direct Memory Access

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Programmed I/O
Programmed I/O instructions are the result of I/O instructions written in computer program. Each data item transfer is initiated by the instruction in
the program.
Usually the program controls data transfer to and from CPU and peripheral. Transferring data under programmed I/O requires constant monitoring
of the peripherals by the CPU.
Interrupt Initiated I/O
In the programmed I/O method the CPU stays in the program loop until the I/O unit indicates that it is ready for data transfer. This is time
consuming process because it keeps the processor busy needlessly.
This problem can be overcome by using interrupt initiated I/O. In this when the interface determines that the peripheral is ready for data transfer,
it generates an interrupt. After receiving the interrupt signal, the CPU stops the task which it is processing and service the I/O transfer and then
returns back to its previous processing task.
Direct Memory Access
Removing the CPU from the path and letting the peripheral device manage the memory buses directly would improve the speed of transfer. This
technique is known as DMA.
In this, the interface transfer data to and from the memory through memory bus. A DMA controller manages to transfer data between peripherals and
memory unit.
Many hardware systems use DMA such as disk drive controllers, graphic cards, network cards and sound cards etc. It is also used for intra chip data
transfer in multicore processors. In DMA, CPU would initiate the transfer, do other operations while the transfer is in progress and receive an
interrupt from the DMA controller when the transfer has been completed.
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The data transfer between a fast storage media such as magnetic disk and memory unit is limited by the speed of the
CPU. Thus we can allow the peripherals directly communicate with each other using the memory buses, removing the
intervention of the CPU. This type of data transfer technique is known as DMA or direct memory access. During
DMA the CPU is idle and it has no control over the memory buses. The DMA controller takes over the buses to
manage the transfer directly between the I/O devices and the memory unit.

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Bus Request : It is used by the DMA controller to request the CPU to relinquish the control of the buses.
Bus Grant : It is activated by the CPU to Inform the external DMA controller that the buses are in high impedance state
and the requesting DMA can take control of the buses. Once the DMA has taken the control of the buses it transfers the
data. This transfer can take place in many ways.
Types of DMA transfer using DMA controller:
Burst Transfer :
DMA returns the bus after complete data transfer. A register is used as a byte count,
being decremented for each byte transfer, and upon the byte count reaching zero, the DMAC will
release the bus. When the DMAC operates in burst mode, the CPU is halted for the duration of the data
Steps involved are:
1. Bus grant request time.
2. Transfer the entire block of data at transfer rate of device because the device is usually slow than the
speed at which the data can be transferred to CPU.
3. Release the control of the bus back to CPU
So, total time taken to transfer the N bytes
= Bus grant request time + (N) * (memory transfer rate) + Bus release control time.
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I N P U T - O U T P U T O R G A N I Z A T I O N

X µsec =data transfer time or preparation time (words/block)
Y µsec =memory cycle time or cycle time or transfer time (words/block)
% CPU idle (Blocked)=(Y/X+Y)*100
% CPU Busy=(X/X+Y)*100
Cyclic Stealing :
An alternative method in which DMA controller transfers one word at a time after which it must return the control of
the buses to the CPU. The CPU delays its operation only for one memory cycle to allow the direct memory I/O
transfer to “steal” one memory cycle.
Steps Involved are:
1. Buffer the byte into the buffer
2. Inform the CPU that the device has 1 byte to transfer (i.e. bus grant request)
3. Transfer the byte (at system bus speed)
4. Release the control of the bus back to CPU.

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I N P U T - O U T P U T O R G A N I Z A T I O N

Before moving on transfer next byte of data, device performs step 1 again so that bus isn’t tied up and the transfer won’t
depend upon the transfer rate of device. So, for 1 byte of transfer of data, time taken by using cycle stealing mode (T).
= time required for bus grant + 1 bus cycle to transfer data + time required to release the bus, it will be N x T
In cycle stealing mode we always follow pipelining concept that when one byte is getting transferred then Device is
parallel preparing the next byte. “The fraction of CPU time to the data transfer time” if asked then cycle stealing mode is
X µsec =data transfer time or preparation time
Y µsec =memory cycle time or cycle time or transfer
time (words/block)
% CPU idle (Blocked) =(Y/X)*100
% CPU busy=(X/Y)*100
Interleaved mode: In this technique , the DMA controller takes over the system bus when the microprocessor is not
using it. An alternate half cycle i.e. half cycle DMA + half cycle processor.
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