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1 Routing

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Routing Basics
• The term routing refers to taking a packet from one device and
sending it through the network to another device on a different
• Routers don’t really care about hosts they only care about networks
and the best path to each one of them.
• The logical network address of the destination host is key to get
packets through a routed network.
• It’s the hardware address of the host that’s used to deliver the packet
from a router and ensure it arrives at the correct destination host.
• Routing is irrelevant if your network has no routers because their job
is to route traffic to all the networks in your internetwork,
• Important list of the minimum factors a router must know to be able
to affectively route packets:
• Destination address
• Neighbor routers from which it can learn about remote networks
• Possible routes to all remote networks
• The best route to each remote network
• How to maintain and verify routing information
• The router learns about remote networks from neighboring routers.
• The router then builds a routing table, which is basically a map of the
internetwork, and it describes how to find remote networks.
• If a network is directly connected, then the router already knows
how to get to it.
Default Routing
• This default route is used by IP to forward any packet with a
destination not found in the routing table.
• When no specific route can be determined.
Default Routing
• First up the interfaces.
• Router-A(config)#route
• Router-B(config)#route
• The static routing method requires someone to hand-type all network
locations into the routing table.
1. Used on all but the smallest of networks.
2. Dynamic routing is used, a protocol on one router communicates
with the same protocol running on neighboring routers.
• The routers then update each other about all the networks they know
about and place this information into the routing table.
• If a change occurs in the network, the dynamic routing protocols
automatically inform all routers about the event.
• If static routing is used, the administrator is responsible for updating
all changes by hand onto all routers.
Static Routing
• Static routing is the most secure way of routing. It reduces overhead
from network resources. In this type of routing we manually add
routes in routing table. It is useful where numbers of route are limited.
Like other routing methods static routing also has its pros and cons.
• Advantage of static routing
• It is easy to implement.
• It is most secure way of routing, since no information is shared with
other routers.
• It puts no overhead on resources such as CPU or memory.
Disadvantage of static routing
• It is suitable only for small network.
• If a link fails it cannot reroute the traffic.
• To explain static routing, I will use packet tracer network simulator
software. You can use any network simulator software or can use a
real Cisco devices to follow this guide. There is no difference in output
as long as your selected software contains the commands explained in
this tutorial.
Router(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/0
Router(config-if)#ip address
Router(config-if)#no shutdown
Serial interface needs two additional parameters clock rate and bandwidth. Every
serial cable has two ends DTE and DCE. These parameters are always configured at
DCE end.
• We can use show controllers interface command from privilege mode
to check the cable’s end.

Router#show controllers serial 0/0/0

Interface Serial0/0/0
Hardware is PowerQUICC MPC860
DCE V.35, clock rate 2000000
[Output omitted]
Fourth line of output confirms that DCE end of serial cable is attached. If you see DTE here instead of DCE
skip these parameters.
• Now we have necessary information let’s assign IP address to serial

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