Speaking - Nguyễn Hồng Nhung
Speaking - Nguyễn Hồng Nhung
Speaking - Nguyễn Hồng Nhung
Nguyễn Hồng Nhung
Table of contents
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Micro-skills Macro-skills
The micro-skills refer to The macro-skills imply the
producing smaller chunks of speaker's focus on the larger
language such as phonemes, elements: fluency, discourse,
morphemes, words, function, style, cohesion,
collocations, and phrasal nonverbal communication, and
units. strategic options.
Word and sentence repetition tasks
(L, S)
Scoring scale for repetition tasks:
2 acceptable pronunciation
0 comprehensible, partially, correct pronunciation
1 silence, seriously, incorrect pronunciation
Reading aloud calls on certain specialized oral abilities that may not
indicate one's pragmatic ability to communicate orally in a face-to-
face context.
Sentence/Dialogue Completion Tasks and
Oral Questionnaires
Test-takers are first given time to read through to get
their gist and to think about appropriate lines to fill in. Then
as the ape, teacher, or test administrator produces one part
orally, the test-takers respond:
Test-takers hear:
What kind of strategies have you used to help you learn English?
Tinkertoy game
Crossword puzzles
►Information gap
City maps
As assessments, the key is to specify a set of criteria
and a reasonably practical and reliable scoring method
ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI)
- The test-taker reads the longer texts (dialogue, directions for assembly
products, a synopsis of a story, etc) in the native language and then
translates them into English
+ The advantage: is control of the content, vocabulary, and grammatical
and discourse features.
+ Disadvantage: the translation of longer texts is a highly specialized skill
for which some individuals obtain post-baccalaureate degrees!