Y2YSA5NeVVTIVEUe 9071693721735435
Y2YSA5NeVVTIVEUe 9071693721735435
Y2YSA5NeVVTIVEUe 9071693721735435
Name of the Prospect / Policyholder : Ms. Ekta Gupta
Name of the Product : IndiaFirst Life Mahajeevan Plus Plan
Age : 30
Name of the Life Assured : Ms. Ekta Gupta Tag Line : Non-Linked Participating Money Back Insurance
Age : 30
Unique Identification No. : 143N059V02
Policy Term: 15
Premium Paying Term : 12 GST Rate : For Base Policy:1st Year- 4.5% p.a. 2nd Year
onwards- 2.25% p.a. For Rider:18% p.a.
Amount of Installment Premium : ₹25,000
Mode of Payment of Premium : Yearly
Some benefits are guaranteed and some benefits are variable with returns based on the future performance of the insurer carrying on life insurance business. If your policy offers guaranteed benefits then
these will be clearly marked 'guaranteed' in the illustration table on this page. If your policy offers variable benefits then the illustrations on this page will show two different rates of assumed future
investment returns, of 8% p.a and 4% p.a. These assumed rates of return are not guaranteed and they are not the upper or lower limits of what you might get back, as the value of your policy is dependent
on a number of factors including future investment performance.
Policy Details
Policy Option NA Sum Assured Rs. ₹242,500
Bonus Type Simple Revisionary Bonus Sum Assured on Death (at inception of the ₹250,000
policy) Rs.
Riders Opted NA Term Rider Sum Assured (Rs.) ₹0
WOP Rider Option
Premium Summary
Base Plan Riders Total Installment Premium
Instalment Premium without GST ₹25,000 ₹0 ₹25,000
Instalment Premium with First year GST ₹26,125 ₹0 ₹26,125
Instalment Premium with GST 2nd year Onwards ₹25,562 ₹0 (Amounts in ₹25,562
Non-Guaranteed Benefit @ 4%p.a. Non-Guaranteed Benefit @ 8%p.a. Total Benefits including Guaranteed and Non-Guaranteed Benefits
Guaranteed Benefit
Single / Maturity Benefit Death Benefit
Annualise Total Maturity
Year Total Maturity Benefit, Total Death Benefit Total Death Benefit incl
d Guaranteed Survival Surrender Death Maturity Revisionary Cash Surrender Revisionary Cash Surrender Benefit, incl Terminal
Premium incl Terminal Bonus, if incl Terminal Bonus, Terminal Bonus, ifany
Benefit Benefit Benefit Benefit Bonus Benefit Bonus Benefit Bonus, if any @ 4% any @ 8% (7+11+12) if any @ 4% (6+8+9) @ 8% (6+11+12)
Addition Bonus Bonus (7+8+9)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 25000 0 0 0 250000 0 0 NA 0 6062 NA 0 0 0 250000 250000
2 25000 0 0 15000 250000 0 0 NA 15000 12125 NA 15485 0 0 250000 256062
3 25000 0 25750 26250 250000 0 0 NA 26250 18188 NA 27159 0 0 250000 262125
4 25000 0 0 24250 250000 0 0 NA 24250 24250 NA 25948 0 0 250000 268188
5 25000 0 0 36750 250000 0 0 NA 36750 30312 NA 39478 0 0 250000 274250
6 25000 0 0 49250 250000 0 0 NA 49250 36375 NA 53251 0 0 250000 280312
7 25000 0 25750 61750 250000 0 0 NA 61750 42438 NA 67267 0 0 250000 286375
8 25000 0 0 60500 250000 0 0 NA 60500 48500 NA 67775 0 0 250000 292438
9 25000 0 0 85750 250000 0 0 NA 85750 54562 NA 95026 0 0 250000 298500
10 25000 0 0 116000 262500 0 0 NA 116000 60625 NA 127519 0 0 262500 317062
11 25000 0 25750 149250 288750 0 0 NA 149250 66688 NA 163254 0 0 288750 349375
12 25000 0 0 159750 315000 0 0 NA 159750 72750 NA 176482 0 0 315000 381688
13 0 0 0 174750 315000 0 0 NA 174750 78812 NA 195241 0 0 315000 409575
14 0 0 0 192750 315000 0 0 NA 192750 84875 NA 216515 0 0 315000 417456
15 0 0 0 192750 315000 242500 0 NA 192750 118219 NA 228216 242500 360719 315000 425338
Fund Value
Fund value
ROI Money with 8%
AGE Premium FD LIC Deduction
@8% back compund
of Money