Evaluating Physics Learning
Evaluating Physics Learning
Evaluating Physics Learning
Welcome to our presentation on evaluating physics learning. We'll explore the
process, goals, methods, analysis, and interpretation of evaluation results.
by Carolina Barus
What is evaluation? Why evaluate? What is physics
learning evaluation?
A systematic process of To assess the effectiveness of
collecting and interpreting teaching and learning, guide The process of measuring the
data to make decisions about improvement, and inform acquisition and application of
learning. decision-making. physics concepts and skills.
Goals of Evaluation
1 Measure success 2 Provide feedback
3 Improve understanding
Use evaluation data as Use evaluation data to revise Use evaluation data to
feedback to improve study course content, teaching allocate resources, plan
habits, classroom methods, activities, budget, and evaluate the
performance, laboratory assessments, and alignment overall effectiveness of the
work, and testing results. with learning objectives. school's educational program.
Conclusion and Recommendation for Future
Incorporate formative evaluation Create a supportive environment Evaluation is essential for physics
methods that enable real-time that fosters experimentation to get learning. All stakeholders have a
feedback to improve learning students more involved in the role in the evaluation process,
while it is happening. learning process. from designing a comprehensive
evaluation plan to promoting a
culture of continuous