Module 2
Module 2
Module 2
The leading center for academic and technological excellence and prime
catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino Province and Southern
Cagayan Valley.
Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate appropriate
knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino Province and
Southern Cagayan Valley.
Roles and Ethics of Assessment
1. Determine and identify the roles and ethics of assessment.
I. Roles of Assessment
There are four roles of assessment used in the instructional process. Miller, Linn & Gronlund
(2009) identified these as functional roles of assessment in classroom Instruction. Analogously,
Nitko (1994) enumerated these as instructional decisions supported by tests.
a. Placement Assessment
b. Formative Assessment
The leading center for academic and technological excellence Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate
and prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino appropriate knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino
Province and Southern Cagayan Valley. Province and Southern Cagayan Valley.
“Molding Minds, SHAping Future”
Diffun, 3401 Quirino
Muddiest point is a technique that can be used to address gaps in learning. The
technique consists asking students at the end of a lesson to scribble down their answer
to the question "What is the muddiest point in the lecture, discussion, assignment or
Background knowledge probe which is a short and simple questionnaire given at the
start of a new lesson to uncover students' preconceptions.
From these we can see that formative assessment is used as feedback to enhance teaching
and improve the process of learning. It is an on-going process; hence learners regularly receive
feedback. And how does this work? For instance, a teacher provides his comments and
suggestions to an essay on climate change submitted by one of his/her students. The student
revises his work before being finally assessed.
Results of formative assessment are recorded for the purpose of monitoring students’ learning
progress. However, these are not used as bases for students’ marks.
Black & Wiliam (1998) cited a body of evidence showing that formative assessment can
raise the standards of achievement. Utaberta & Hassanpour (2012) enumerated the positive
effects of formative assessment. They are as follows:
6. Helps students monitor their own progress and develop self-evaluation skills;
Melmer, Burmaster & James (2008) delineated five key attributes of an effective formative
assessment. In order for formative assessment to be effective, it requires the active involvement
of students in the learning process through self- and peer assessment. Through immediate
The leading center for academic and technological excellence Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate
and prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino appropriate knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino
Province and Southern Cagayan Valley. Province and Southern Cagayan Valley.
“Molding Minds, SHAping Future”
Diffun, 3401 Quirino
2. Learning Goals and Criteria for Success. Learning goals and criteria for success
should he clearly identified and communicated to students.
4. Self- and Peer-Assessment. Both self and peer-assessment are important for providing
students an opportunity to think metacognitively about their learning
c. Diagnostic Assessment
It helps to determine why the academic and/or behavioral needs are occurring and
identifies what the student needs to learn. It provides teachers with information about student’s
prior knowledge and misconceptions before beginning a learning activity.
d. Summative Assessment
Summative assessment is done at the end of instruction to determine the extent to which
the students have attained the learning outcomes. It is used for assigning and reporting grades
or certifying mastery of concepts and skills. An example of summative assessment is the written
examination at the end of the school year to determine who passes and who fails.
There is another form of assessment called interim assessment. Interim assessments have
the same purpose as formative assessments, but these are given periodically throughout the
school year. They prepare students for future assessments. For example, to predict which
students are on course to succeed in a national achievement test or high school/college admission
test, the school gives interim tests to students every eight weeks. Interim assessments fall between
formative and summative assessments. They allow comparison of assessment results to aid in
decision-making at the micro (classroom) and meso (school and district) levels. As such, interim
assessments are instructional, predictive and evaluative. They are differentiated from
The leading center for academic and technological excellence Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate
and prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino appropriate knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino
Province and Southern Cagayan Valley. Province and Southern Cagayan Valley.
“Molding Minds, SHAping Future”
Diffun, 3401 Quirino
Racial: saying that all Blacks are good at sports is a stereotype, because it's grouping the
The leading center for academic and technological excellence Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate
and prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino appropriate knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino
Province and Southern Cagayan Valley. Province and Southern Cagayan Valley.
“Molding Minds, SHAping Future”
Diffun, 3401 Quirino
Sexual: any feminine man is gay and any masculine woman is a lesbian. Those who believe
gay stereotypes may also believe that homosexuality is immoral, wrong and an
Gender Remarks
Men are strong and do all the work.
Men are the "backbone."
Women aren't as smart as a man.
Women can't do as good of a job as a man.
Girls are not good at sports.
Guys are messy and unclean.
Men who spend too much time on the computer or read are geeks.
✓ Stereotyping is cause by preconceived judgements of people ones come in contact with
which are sometimes unintended.
✓ It is different from discrimination which involves acting out one’s prejudicial opinions.
✓ Stereotypes may either be positive or negative.
✓ Teachers should avoid terms and examples that may be offensive to students of different
gender, race, religion, culture or nationality.
✓ Stereotypes can affect student’s performance in examinations.
Harms student performance due to test content, not because items are offensive
rather, the content caters to some particular groups from the same economic
class, race, gender, kdpy., leaving other groups at a loss or disadvantage
It causes distortion and greater variation in scores which is not due to differences
in ability.
Substantial variation or disparity in assessment scores between 2 student
✓ Sec. 12 of R.A. 7277, “ An Act Providing for the Rehabilitation, Self-Development, and
Self-Reliance of Disabled Person and their Integration into the Mainstream of Society
and for Other Purposes.”
The leading center for academic and technological excellence Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate
and prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino appropriate knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino
Province and Southern Cagayan Valley. Province and Southern Cagayan Valley.
“Molding Minds, SHAping Future”
Diffun, 3401 Quirino
2. Response
✓ Mark answers in test booklets, permit response via digital recorder or
computer, use reference material like dictionary
3. Setting
✓ Study Carrel, Separate Room, preferential seating, individualized or small
group, special lighting
4. Timing
✓ Extended time, frequent breaks, unlimited time
5. Scheduling
✓ Specific time of the day, subtests in different order, administer test in several
timed session
6. Others
✓ Special Preparation techniques and out-of-level tests
Three Elements
1. Nature and extent of the learner’s disability.
2. Type and format of assessment
3. Competency and content being assessed.
g. Relevance
✓ Assessment should be set in a context that students will find purposeful.
✓ Assessment should reflect the knowledge and skills that are most important for
students to learn.
✓ Assessment should support every student’s opportunity to learn things that are
✓ Assessment should tell teachers and individual students something that they do not
already know.
h. Ethical Issues
✓ Asking pupils to answer sensitive questions like their sexuality or problems in the
family are unwarranted especially without the consent of the parents.
The leading center for academic and technological excellence Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate
and prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino appropriate knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino
Province and Southern Cagayan Valley. Province and Southern Cagayan Valley.
“Molding Minds, SHAping Future”
Diffun, 3401 Quirino
Pastor, G. and Santos Z. (2009) “Psychological Measurement and Evaluation”. Rex Book
Store, Manila
Calmorin, P. (2004). Measurement and Evaluation. National Book Store, Mandaluyong City
Paler-Calmorin, Laurentina (20110. Assessment of Student Learning 1. Rex Book Store, Inc.
Sampaloc, Manila.
The leading center for academic and technological excellence Develop competent and morally upright professionals and generate
and prime catalyst for a progressive and sustainable Quirino appropriate knowledge and technologies to meet the needs of Quirino
Province and Southern Cagayan Valley. Province and Southern Cagayan Valley.
“Molding Minds, SHAping Future”