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Simple Harmonic Motion 1

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Simple Harmonic Motion

Periodic motion: A motion which repeats itself over and over again after a regular
interval of time is referred to as a periodic motion. The time required for each
repetition is called time-period.
Simple Harmonic Motion: Let a particle oscillate along a straight line within some
fixed limits. The magnitude and direction of its displacement y will be changed
periodically and along with displacement the velocity and acceleration of the
particle will also be changed periodically.
Differential equation of Simple Harmonic Motion
If F be the force acting on a particle executing simple harmonic motion and y its
displacement from its mean or equilibrium position, then F = -Ky. Again, according
to newton’s laws of motion, F = ma. Where m is the mass of the particle and a its
Substituting –Ky for F and for a, we can write (F = ma)
-Ky =m or, + y = 0 this equation is called differential equation of motion of a
body executing simple harmonic motion
Also we can write = - y = - = - μy where ω = is the angular velocity of the
particle and μ is a constant equal to . Since = - μ when y = 1, μ may be defined as
the acceleration per unit displacement of the particle. The solution of the equation =
- is written as y = a sin (ωt + φ)
Velocity of a body executing SHM
The displacement of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is given by y = a
sin (ωt + φ)
Hence the velocity of the particle at any instant of time t is
Now sin (ωt + φ) = Therefore, =
= =
From this equation it can be seen that maximum value of velocity, i.e., =
Or, = and occurs when y = 0i.e., when the particle is passing through its mean
Acceleration of a body executing SHM
The acceleration of the particle at any time t is given by
=- =-y=- y
Now the maximum value of acceleration occurs when y is maximum
i.e., the particle is at the position of one of its extreme displacements.
Energy of a body executing Simple Harmonic Motion
The acceleration of a particle and hence the force acting on the particle executing
simple harmonic motion is , as we know, directed towards its mean or equilibrium
position, i.e., opposite to the direction in which the displacement y increases. Work
is, therefore, done during the displacement of the particle. Hence the particle
possesses potential energy (U). As the particle also possesses velocity, it possesses
kinetic energy (K) too. Thus the mechanical energy E of a particle executing simple
harmonic motion is partly kinetic and partly potential. If no non-conservative
forces, such as the force of friction act on the particle. The sum of its kinetic energy
and potential energy remains constant.
Or E = K + U = constant
As the displacement increase, the potential energy increases and the kinetic energy
decreases and vice versa. But the total energy E = K + U is conserved.
Let the displacement of a particle executing simple harmonic motion at any instant
be y. If the mass of the particle be m and its velocity at that instant be v, then its
kinetic energy is
Energy of a body executing Simple Harmonic Motion
The potential energy of the particle at the same instant is the amount of work that
must be done in overcoming the force through a displacement y and is given by the
relation where F is the force required to maintain the displacement and dy is a
small displacement. Now the displacement is given by the relation
y = a sin (ωt + φ) Hence the acceleration = - = - y
Then the force F = mass x acceleration = m. (- y ) = - my
So that the potential energy of the particle is
P.E. = = = =
Ignoring the minus sign in the expression for F, which simply shows that the
direction of the force and displacement are opposite to each other.
Energy of a body executing Simple Harmonic Motion

Now the kinetic energy of the particle is given by

K.E. = = =
The total energy E = +
E = [ + ] = = where =
So that the total energy of a executing simple harmonic motion is proportional to the
square of the amplitude of the motion.
Phase, Time period, Frequency and Angular frequency
Phase and epoch of a particle executing simple harmonic motion:
The total phase of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is made up of the
phase angle t and which is called the initial phase of phase constant or the epoch of
the particle.
Time period (T): The time is required to perform a complete a oscillation.
T = 2π
Frequency (n): The number of oscillations (or vibration) made by the particle per
second (unit time) is called frequency of oscillation. n =
Angular frequency (): Angular frequency is very closely related to the angular
velocity of a circular motion which is associated with simple harmonic motion.
= 2πn =
#1. A spring, hung vertically is found to be stretched by 0.02 m from its equilibrium
position when a force of 4N acts on it. Then a 2Kg body is attached to the end of the
spring and is pulled 0.04 m from its equilibrium position along the vertical line. The
body is then released and it executes simple harmonic motion.
i. What is the force constant of the spring?
ii. What is the force executed by the spring on the 2Kg body just before it is
iii. What is the time period and frequency of oscillation after release?
iv. What is the amplitude of motion?
v. What is the maximum velocity of the oscillating body?
vi. What is the mechanical (total) energy of the oscillating system?
Solution of the example
i. K = = = 200 N per m
ii. The spring is stretched 0.04 m. Hence the force executed by the spring is F = -
Ky = - (200 N/m) (0.04m) = - 8N , the negative sign indicates that the force is
directed opposite to the displacement.
iii. T = 2π = 2π = 0.628 sec
n = = 159 Hz
= 2πn = 10 sec-1
iv. Amplitude is the initial displacement to the body, i.e., 0.04 m
Solution of example#1

v. The maximum velocity occurs when the body passes through the position of
equilibrium, i.e., y = 0.
Hence V = so that the maximum velocity, Vmax =
= (10 sec-1)(0.04 m) = 0.4 m. sec-1

vi. Total energy = P.E. + K.E. =

= = 0.16 joules.

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