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System Programming

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System Programming

System software: an
introduction to
Leland L. Beck, 3rd
Edition, Addison
Wesley, Longman
Inc., 1997.

Fall 2014 CC 215 Data Structures 2

Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction
• What is a System Software ?
Contains collection of programs that support operation of computer.
Helps to run computer hardware and computer system.
 Handles running of computer hardware
– The programs implemented in either software and (or) firmware
that makes the computer hardware usable.
– The system software makes it possible for the users to focus on
an application or other problem to be solved, without needing to
know the details of how the machine works internally.

1.2 System Software and Machine
• System Software vs Application
– One characteristic in which most system software differs from
application software is machine dependency.
– System programs are intended to support the operation and use
of the computer itself, rather than any particular application.
– For example,assemblers translate mnemonic instructions into
machine code;instruction format,addressing modes etc are of
direct concern in assembler design.
• Examples of system software
– Text editor, assembler, compiler, loader or linker, debugger,
macro processors, operating system, database management
systems, software engineering tools, …
1.2 System Software and Machine
• Text editor
– To create and modify the program
• Compiler and assembler
– translate high level programs into machine language
• Loader or linker
– The resulting machine program was loaded into memory
and prepared for execution
• Debugger
– To help detect errors in the program

System Software Concept

Application Program

Utility Program
Debugger Macro Processor Text Editor

Complier Assembler Load and Linker

Memory Process Device Information
Management Management Management Management

Bare Machine (Computer)

• Compiler: is a program whose task is to accept as input a
source program written in a certain high-level language and to
produce as output an object code or assembly code.
• Interpreter: is a program that ultimately performs the same
function as a compiler, but in a different manner. It works by
scanning through the source program instruction by
instruction. As each instruction is encountered, the interpreter
translates it into machine code and executes it directly.
• Assembler: is a program that automatically translates the
source program written in assembly language and to produce
as output an object code written in binary machine code.
• Linker: is a program that takes one or more object codes
generated by compilers and assembles them into a single
executable program.
• Loader: (is a routine that) loads an object program into
memory of the processor and prepares it for execution
• A program whose task is to accept as input a source program written in a certain
high-level language and to produce as output an object code which can be run on
the computer
•A program that automatically translates the source program written in assembly
language and to produce as output an object code written in binary machine code.
•A program that ultimately performs the same function as a compiler, but in a
different manner. It works by scanning through the source program
instruction by instruction. As each instruction is encountered, the interpreter
translates it into m/c code and executes it directly.
Comparison between Compiler and
Compiler Interpreter
Converts the source code Converts each source program
program into m/c code before line into m/c code as it executes,
program execution line by line.
Can be removed from memory Must be continuously resident in
after compilation is finished memory while the program is
being executed
Compilation is faster, translation Interpretation is slower. There is
occurs with program execution no concurrent translation and so
consumes time
Compilation results in an object No object code results for that
code on direct execution can be executed later
More complicated error checking Easier error checking
Is a program that takes one or more objects generated by
compilers and assembles them into a single executable
Figure of the linking process, where object files and static
libraries are assembled into a new library or executable.
System Software and Machine Architecture
• Machine dependent
– Instruction Set, Instruction Format, Addressing
Mode, Assembly language …
• Machine independent
– General design logic/strategy, Two passes
Machine independent
Machine Dependent

1.3 The Simplified Instructional
• Like many other products, SIC comes in two
– The standard model
– An XE version
• “extra equipments”, “extra expensive”
• SIC (Simplified Instructional Computer)
• SIC/XE (Extra Equipment)

1.3 The Simplified Instructional Computer
• Memory:
– Memory consists of 8-bit bytes, 3 consecutive bytes form a
word (24 bits)
– There are a total of 32768 bytes (32 KB) in the computer

• Registers:
– 5 registers, 24 bits in length
Mnemonic Number Special Use
A 0 Accumulator
X 1 Index register
L 2 Linkage register (JSUB)
PC 8 Program counter 16

SW 9 Status word (Condition Code)

1.3.1 SIC Machine Architecture
• Data Formats
– Memory consists of 8 bit bytes
– 3 consecutive bytes form a word.
– Integers are stored as 24-bit binary number
– 2’s complement representation for negative values
– Characters are stored using 8-bit ASCII codes
– No floating-point hardware on the standard version of

1.3.1 SIC Machine Architecture
• Instruction format
– 24-bit format
– The flag bit x is used to indicate addressing mode

8 1 15
opcode x address

• Addressing Modes
– There are two addressing modes available
• Indicated by x bit in the instruction
• (X) represents the contents of register X

1.3.1 SIC Machine Architecture
• Instruction set
– Load and store registers (LDA, LDX, STA, STX, etc.)
– Integer arithmetic operations (ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV)
– Compare instruction (COMP)
– Conditional jump instructions (JLT, JEQ, JGT)
– JSUB jumps to the subroutine, placing the return address
in register L.
– RSUB returns by jumping to the address contained in
register L.

1.3.1 SIC Machine Architecture
• I/O
– I/O are performed by transferring 1 byte at a time to or
from the rightmost 8 bits of register A.
– Each device is assigned a unique 8-bit code as an
– Test Device (TD): tests whether the addressed device is
ready to send or receive
• Condition code (flag)is set to indicate the result of this test.
• < ready = not ready
– Read Data (RD)
– Write Data (WD)
1.3.2 SIC/XE Machine Architecture
• Memory:
-- 1 megabytes (1024 KB) in memory
• Registers:
• 3 additional registers, 24 bits in length
–B 3 Base register; used for addressing
–S 4 General working register
–T 5 General working register
• 1 additional register, 48 bits in length
–F 6 Floating-point accumulator (48
1.3.2 SIC/XE Machine Architecture
• Data format
– 24-bit binary number for integer
– 2’s complement for negative values
– 48-bit floating-point data type
– The exponent is between 0 and 2047
-If the exponent has the value e and the fraction
has value f,the absolute value of the number
represented is f*2(e-1024)
1 11 36

S exponent fraction
1.3.2 SIC/XE Machine Architecture
• Instruction formats
– Relative addressing - format 3 (e=0)
– Extend the address to 20 bits - format 4 (e=1)
– Don’t refer memory at all - formats 1 and 2

1.3.2 SIC/XE Machine Architecture
• Addressing modes
– n i x b p e
– Simple n=0, i=0 (SIC) or n=1, i=1
– Immediate n=0, i=1 TA=Values
– Indirect n=1, i=0 TA=(Operand)
– Base relative b=1, p=0 TA=(B)+disp
0 <= disp <= 4095
– PC relative b=0, p=1 TA=(PC)+disp
-2048 <= disp <= 2047

1.3.2 SIC/XE Machine Architecture
• Addressing mode
– Direct b=0, p=0 TA=disp
– Index x=1 TAnew=TAold+(X)
– Index+Base relative x=1, b=1, p=0 TA=(B)+disp+(X)
– Index+PC relative x=1, b=0, p=1 TA=(PC)+disp+(X)
– Index+Direct x=1, b=0, p=0 TA = DISP + (X)
– Format 4 e=1 TA= address in


Figure 1.1: Example of SIC
Instruction & Addressing

Machine Instruction Target Value

Hex Binary Disp/address Address loaded
op n i x b p e
032600 000000 1 1 0 0 1 0 0110 0000 0000 3600 103000
03C300 000000 1 1 1 1 0 0 0011 0000 0000 6390 00C303
022030 000000 1 0 0 0 1 0 0000 0011 0000 3030 103000
010030 000000 0 1 0 0 0 0 0000 0011 0000 30 000030
003600 000000 0 0 0 0 1 1 0110 0000 0000 3600 103000
0310C303 000000 1 1 0 0 0 1 0000 1100 0011 0000 0011 C303 003030

1.3.2 SIC/XE Machine Architecture
• Instruction set
– Format 1, 2, 3, or 4
– Load and store registers (LDB, STB, etc.)
– Floating-point arithmetic operations (ADDF, SUBF, MULF, DIVF)
– Register-to-register arithmetic operations (ADDR, SUBR, MULR, DIVR)

• I/O
– 1 byte at a time. TD, RD, and WD are used to Test Device, Read
Device, and Write Device.
– SIO, TIO, and HIO are used to start, test, and halt the operation of I/O


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