Kinds of Noun
Kinds of Noun
Kinds of Noun
Grade 4
Rule: When a common noun is used in front of a person’s name as a title, you MUST capitalize it.
Are you ready for a practice?
• 1. Bring out your notebook and pen.
• 2. In one column, write down 10 common nouns. (2 minutes)
• 3. With the signal of your teacher, quietly stand up. Have your pen with
• 4. Exchange the notebook to your seat mate. Write an appropriate proper
noun on the notebook of your seat mate.
• 5. Remember that PROPER NOUNS must be written in a capital letter.
Look at the table below. What do you notice
with their grouping?
What do the nouns in the first column have
in common?
• The nouns in the first
column are what we call
count (countable) nouns
or names of people,
places, things that we can
How about the nouns in the second column?
• Examples:
• A box of cereal Six buckets of water
Lists of counters:
• Cans • You can measure mass nouns using shapes
and portions but the nouns counter takes
• Cartons
the plural form.
• Cups
• Glasses • Example:
• Jars
• Packets • Two pinches of salt
• Liters • Five slices of cake
• Kilos • Fourteen spoonfuls of sugar
Let’s Practice!
Give an appropriate counter for the following nouns.