Ch1 Concept of Algorithm
Ch1 Concept of Algorithm
Ch1 Concept of Algorithm
Asst. Prof. Benjamin E. Bulawit Jr, DIT
Faculty-BS Information Technology
Isabela State University-Angadanan Campus
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
define and explain algorithm
write an algorithm base on the given scenario/problem
What is an ALGORITHM?
• An algorithm is a description of how a specific problem should be solved.
It is a sequence of steps to solve a particular problem or an ordered set
of unambiguous steps that produce results and end in a finite time
(Christodoulou, Szczygiet, Ktapa & Kolarz, 2018)
STEP 2 DEFINE THE VARIABLES: Variables of the algorithm let you use it
for more than one location. We may define two variables as HEIGHT and
WIDTH (or H & W) for the rectangle height and rectangle width.
Note: We should use significant variable name based on its purpose. Example, instead of using H
& W use HEIGHT and WIDTH as variable name. This is for you to easily remember the name when
used in different location of your algorithm.
How to write an algorithm?
computation purpose. For our example finding area of rectangle, multiply the HEIGHT
and WIDTH variable and store the value in new variable like AREA. An algorithm's
operations can take the form of multiple steps and even branch, depending on the
value of the input variables.
Considering the defined algorithm’s operation, if the input variables defined a rectangle
with a HEIGHT of 2 and a WIDTH of 3, the algorithm would output the AREA with
value of 6.
To write these processes to become an
algorithm of finding the area of a rectangle,
it would be as follows:
Pseudo code is a term which is often used in programming and algorithm-based fields. It is a
methodology that allows the programmer to represent the implementation of an algorithm. Simply,
we can say that it’s the cooked-up representation of an algorithm.
Often at times, algorithms are represented with the help of pseudo codes as they can be interpreted
by programmers no matter what their programming background or knowledge is. Pseudo code, as
the name suggests, is a false code or a representation of code which can be understood by even a
layman with some school level programming knowledge.
Algorithm: It’s an organized logical sequence of the actions or the approach towards a particular
problem. A programmer implements an algorithm to solve a problem. Algorithms are expressed
using natural verbal but somewhat technical annotations.
Pseudo code: It’s simply an implementation of an algorithm in the form of annotations and
informative text written in plain English. It has no syntax like any of the programming language and
thus can’t be compiled or interpreted by the computer.
Advantages of Pseudocode
Improves the readability of any approach. It’s one of the best approaches to start
implementation of an algorithm.
Acts as a bridge between the program and the algorithm or flowchart. Also works as a
rough documentation, so the program of one developer can be understood easily when
a pseudo code is written out. In industries, the approach of documentation is essential.
And that’s where a pseudo-code proves vital.
The main goal of a pseudo code is to explain what exactly each line of a program
should do, hence making the code construction phase easier for the programmer.
Disadvantages of Pseudocode
In Pseudocode their is no proper standard very company follow their own standard for
writing the pseudocode.
This program will allow the user to check the number whether it's even or odd.
The way the if-else, for, while loops are indented in a program, indent the statements
likewise, as it helps to comprehend the decision control and execution mechanism. They
also improve the readability to a great extent.
if "1"
print response
"I am case 1"
if "2"
print response
"I am case 2"
Guidelines in Writing Pseudocode
Use appropriate naming conventions. The human tendency follows the approach to
follow what we see. If a programmer goes through a pseudo code, his approach will be
the same as per it, so the naming must be simple and distinct.
Use appropriate sentence casings, such as CamelCase for methods, upper case for
constants and lower case for variables.
Elaborate everything which is going to happen in the actual code. Don’t make the
pseudo code abstract.
Use standard programming structures such as ‘if-then’, ‘for’, ‘while’, ‘cases’ the way we
use it in programming.
Check whether all the sections of a pseudo code is complete, finite and clear to
understand and comprehend.
Don’t write the pseudo code in a complete programmatic manner. It is necessary to be
simple to understand even for a layman or client, hence don’t incorporate too many
technical terms.
4. Getting the number of students who passed and failed in an exam and if 8 or more
students passed show a message that “raise the tuition”.
For looping and selection, The keywords that are to be used include Do While...EndDo; Do Until...End
do; Case...End Case; If...Endif; Call ... with (parameters); Call; Return ....; Return; When; Always use
scope terminators for loops and iteration.
As verbs, use the words Generate, Compute, Process, etc. Words such as set, reset, increment,
compute, calculate, add, sum, multiply, ... print, display, input, output, edit, test , etc. with careful
indentation tend to foster desirable pseudocode.