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3 Steam Sytem

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Energy Conservation and Management

Energy Efficiency in Thermal Utilities Steam

NITT System
What we cover here are
STEAM and its
 Properties ,

 Distribution,

 Efficient Steam Utilization

 Selection , Operation and maintenance of steam trap,

 Performance assessment methods for steam traps

 Efficient steam utilization and Energy saving opportunities s

NITT STEAM : It is a substance contains water in gas phase or sometime aerosol of liquid. This state occurs due to

evaporation or boiling of water

Steam that is saturated or superheated is invisible But the wet or water vapor – a visible mist or aerosol of water
droplets referred to as STEAM

A popular mode of Why it is

conveying energy
popular ?
1 Highest Sp heat
and latent heat
Used for generating
2 Highest Heat transfer
power Co efficient

3 Easy to control and

4Cheap and Inert
Saturated and Supersaturated steam
Saturated steam
When water is heated to a boiling point , it gets vaporized and turning in to saturated state - this
team is saturated steam (desired state)
Application : For Heating purposes

Supersaturated steam : When saturated steam further heated up( above boiling point) dry
steam is created and the moisture gets erased – This state is supersaturated steam

Steam turbines
Application : For Power generation and turbines

Gas turbines

If you need both power generation and heating , then go in for superheating state and
then de superheating back saturated state to meet the requirement
NITT Some properties of steam

Liquid enthalpy (hf) or Sensible heat

• It is the enthalpy in the water when it has been raised to boiling point or Saturation
Temperature to produce steam also known as Sensible heat

Enthalpy of evaporation hfg

• The heat energy to be added to water (when it has been raised to boiling point ) in order to change into
• Here the steam produced is at same temperature as it was water. When the steam condensate
back to water it gives up enthalpy of evaporation ( Heat acquired on changing from water to
Steam Phase Diagram
Use of steam

Right Quality ,
Right Quantity and
Right Pressure required
Steam Generator


Steam User
Steam User
NITT Steam distribution system

Steam Generator
Factors to be considered
1.Max Safe working pressure
2.Min pressure required


During pass through pipes the pressure loss is due to

1.Friction User end
as heat is transferred to environment .
Heat which is released during vapor becomes water is called heat of
How to prevent the pressure drop?
Right Pipe size and Design
Velocity limit to the various types of steam
Super heat 50-70m/s
Saturated 30-40m/s
Wet or exhaust 20-30m/s
NITT Pressure drop calculation
Determining the pipe size
(1.673/7 = 0.239/kg)

Our process requires By using spray nozzle to

Action required is to de spray water in to pipe
only saturated steam
superheating Normally done by auto
For heating purposes control

Note: the temperature of steam after de superheating will be closer to saturation

If Not :
Lengthy warm up period, reduction in
NITT Air venting efficiency and performance, system
temperature affected

How ?

Need to discharge
• Fit automatic air vent
• After shut down or after
(them) air & gases system above the
maintenance condensate level
• First Air is admitted into • Air will exert its own pressure
pipe – there will be full of • So the actual steam pressure
air in the pipe and also and temperature of steam –
some gases air mixture will be lower than
the pressure gauges readings

When steam condensate these

gases accumulate inside the
pipes & exchangers
NIT Air venting :Required for ensuring the plant efficiency &Performance as the air
T affects the temperature as air itself exerts pressure
NITT Efficient Steam utilization

For hot water

Combinations of 2 mechanism

For steam
1Heat transfer within the walls of HE

2Heat transfer from the wall surface of the

HE to the product

So Evaluation will be over all coefficient.

This Coefficient may vary from HE to HE

Still it will be around 1.5 to 2 times of hot


the enthalpy of water at 0 bar g and 100°C is 100 kCal/kg. Another 540 (actual 539.8 kCal) kCal of energy are required to evaporate 1 kg of water at 100°C into 1 kg of steam at

Steam Utilizing

• Compresses this low

pressure by a high
Here we use pressure steam and use
Condensate thermo as medium pressure
With high pressure
compressors steam in the process as
per requirement

Major portion
flashes in to low 1.No condensation loss takes place
pressure and go
2Thermal Efficiency high
as waste
3.No moving parts and maintenance less
4Low space
5.No Major operational Charges
Drying : Liquid (mostly water is removed
from any substance)

How : By heating through or over the


Objective : To form a product that meets the


What to be heated : In most of the cases the

product, the carrying medium may be gas and
the equipment may also need to be heated

Therefore total energy needed are :

Steam Traps
Steam Trap : It is a valve that discharges 1) condensate 2) air from the lines or equipment without
discharging steam
Main Purpose
 To obtain fast heating of the product by keeping the
steam line and equipment free of condensate , air and non condensable gases
Therefore major function of steam traps are
1 To discharge condensate as soon it forms By change in temperature Operated by change in fluid density

2.Not to allow the steam to escape

3 Discharging air and other incondensable gases Types of steam traps

mechanical Thermodynamic
by change in fluid dynamics
NITT Installation of steam traps

2 types of steam trap problems 1.Manufacturing defects 2.In correct installation

The most problems occur in the second case

For trouble free installation , the area to be considered carefully are

Drain point
Pipe sizing
Air venting
Steam locking
Water hammer
Lifting of condensate
NITT Drain point
NITT Pipe sizing, fittings and Dirt

Pipe size is very important

Fitting of valves , bends and Tees close to the trap will get up excessive back pressure some

Dirt : Dirt carried away will jam the trap mechanism

NITT Water hammer
Two ways
1.By the collection of condensate
2.Pipe work picked up by the fast moving steam and carried away
These two collections hit the
bends , valves , traps and other fittings – chances are more
for severe damaging the pipe fittings – resulting leakage from the pipes
If Not :
Lengthy warm up period, reduction in
NITT Air venting efficiency and performance, system
temperature affected

How ?

Need to discharge
• Fit automatic air vent
• After shut down or after
(them) air & gases system above the
maintenance First Air is condensate level
admitted into pipe – • Air will exert its own pressure
there will be full of air in • So the actual steam pressure
the pipe and also some and temperature of steam –
gases air mixture will be lower than
the pressure gauges readings

When steam condensate these

gases accumulate inside the
pipes & exchangers
NITT Energy saving Opportunities

Monitoring and Measuring always give you the best result

1 Monitoring stem traps
2 Avoiding steam leakages
3 Providing dry steam for process
4. Steam utilization at the lowest acceptable pressure
5. Direct Injection of steam
6. Minimizing heat transfer barriers
7.Proper air venting
8.Condensate Recovery
How to minimize the heat transfer barriers?
NITT  Keeping metal wall – Here chance of air film, condensate scale forming
 Agitation of product may eliminate the stagnant film
 Regular Cleaning : It will have good effect . But this may not be always possible

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