AU Module 2 Lesson 2
AU Module 2 Lesson 2
AU Module 2 Lesson 2
The PFT is a set of measures designed to determine a student’s level of physical fitness. It is
intended to test two categories of physical fitness commonly referred to as: Health-Related and
Skill-Related. Health-related component refer to those physical attributes which enable a person
to cope with the requirements of daily living such as cardiovascular endurance or stamina,
muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and the appropriate body mass index (BMI). Skill-
related components are physical abilities that show potential for good performance in certain
skills (usually in sports) like running speed, agility, reaction time or quickness, balance and
Once you start exercising and eating healthy your body transforms, and
scales are usually the go-to tools to measure the changes. But scales do
CONTENT not tell the whole idea. Those tools can only identify how much weight
you have lost or gained. This at-home fitness test is designed to track
your body changes properly and assess the real process you are making.
Test Protocol
Let student record and keep the result of his/her performance in the score
Students should wear appropriate clothing: t-shirt, jogging pants and rubber
shoes, or any suitable sports attire. However when taking the BMI test, it is
recommended that the students wear shorts. Wearing different clothing in all
the testing sessions for BMI could affect the results.
Conduct warm-up and stretching exercises before the tests except for
the 3- Minute Step Test
• Administer the tests in a challenging, encouraging and fun-filled environment.
Prepare the following testing paraphernalia:
First Aid Kit
Drinking Water (and a small towel or bimpo to wipe their perspiration
Individual score cards.
During testing
a. Body Composition – tape measure, bathroom scale, L- square
b. Flexibility – ruler, tape measure
c. Cardiovascular Endurance – stop watch, step box/stairs
Body composition is a method of breaking down the body into its core components: fat, protein, minerals, and body water. It
describes your weight more accurately and provides a better glimpse into your overall health than traditional methods. Body
composition analysis can accurately show changes in fat mass, muscle mass, and body fat percentage.
1. Body Mass Index (BMI)
2. Waist to Hip Ratio
For example, a person who is 183cms tall is 1.83m tall (183cm / 100 = 1.83m).
Using the metric formula is even easier than the imperial method as it is a two-
step process
Multiply your height by itself.
Divide your weight in kilograms by the value calculated in step 1.
Paul weighs 150kgs and is 1.8m tall.
2. Divide Paul's weight by his height in meters ² just calculated: 150 / 3.24 = 46.3
Extreme > 1.00 > 0.90
High 0.95 – 0.85 –
1.00 0.90
Average 0.90 – 0.80 –
0.95 0.85
Good 0.85 – 0.75 –
0.90 0.80
Excellent < 0.85 < 0.75
Target population: This measure is often used to determine the coronary artery disease risk factor associated with
Advantages: The WHR is a simple measure that can be taken at home by anyone to monitor their own body
composition levels.
Pre Test Warm Up
Prior to any fitness assessment, it is important to have the body prepared by following a warm-up procedure. The procedure should
be standardized so that if the test is repeated, the same warm up can be repeated to help maintain consistency with the results.
The actual warm up conducted will depend on the test being performed. Certain tests, such as some variations of the sit and reach
test, specifically require you not to do a warm up beforehand, while other testing regimens have tests in a particular order so that the
earlier tests provide a warm up for the later tests.
If you have completed the home tests in order, you will be well warmed up by the time you are up to the sit and reach test.
Otherwise, go for a jog and do some stretching. Remove your shoes and sit on a flat surface, legs extended in front of the
body, toes pointing up and feet slightly apart, with the soles of the feet against the base of the step (if there is no step, just
any flat surface will do). Place the ruler on the ground between your legs or on the top of the step. Place one hand on top of
the other, reach slowly forward. At the point of your greatest reach, hold for a couple of seconds, and measure how far you
have reached. If you have trouble straightening your legs, get a friend to help by holding the knees down flush with the
ground. See also video demonstrations of the Sit and Reach Test.
Measurement: Mark or take note of your best score, take a measure in cm or inches
beyond the base of your foot, or you did not reach your toes, measure how
far before the feet you were (a negative measurement score).
How did you go?
Compare your results to the table below. Remember, these scores are based
on doing the tests as described, and may not be accurate if the test is modified
at all. Don't worry too much about how you rate - just try and improve your own
cm inches cm inches
Do as many push-ups as possible until exhaustion. Count the total number of push- ups performed. Use the chart below to find out how you
rate. The ratings for women as for using the modified technique, if using the standard push-up technique, your rating will be higher.
How many squats can you do? Stand in front of a chair or bench with your
feet at shoulder's width apart, facing away from it. Place your hands on
your hips. Squat down and lightly touch the chair before standing back up.
A good sized chair is one that makes your knees at right angles when you
are sitting. Keep doing this until you're fatigued.
Step on and off the box for three minutes. Step up with one foot and then the other. Step down with one foot followed by the other foot. Try to maintain
a steady four beat cycle. It's easy to maintain if you say "up, up, down, down". Go at a steady and consistent pace. This is a basic step test procedure.
At the end of three minutes, remain while standing while you immediately check your heart rate.
How did you go?
The lower your heart rate is after the test, the fitter you are. Compare your heart rate results to the table below. Remember, these scores are based on
doing the tests as described, and may not be accurate if the test is modified at all. Don't worry too much about how you rate - just try and improve
your own score.
3-minute Step Test (Men) - Heart Rate B-minute Step Test (Women) - Heart Rate
Age 1B-25 26-35 36-45 46-35 56-65 63+ Age 1B-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 63+
Excellent <T9 <8L <83 <87 <86 <8B Excellent <85 <8B <90 <94 <95 <90
Good 79-B9 81-B9 83-96 87-97 86-97 8B- Good 85-98 8B-99 90-102 94-104 95- 104 90-102
Above 90— 90— 97— 9B— 9B— 97— Above 99—108 100—11 103— 103— 103— 103—
Average 99 99 103 105 103 103 Average 1 110 115 112 113
Average 100— 100— 104— 106— 104— 104 Average 109-117 112-119 111- 116-120 113- 116-122
105 107 112 116 112 — 11B 11B
Below 106— 10B— 113— 117— 113— 114 Below 11B- 120-126 119- 121-129 119- 12B
Average 116 117 119 122 120 — Average 126 12B 12B
120 Poor 127— 127— 129— 130— 129— 129—
Poor 117- 11B- 120- 123- 121- 121-
12B 12B 130 132 129 130 140 13B 140 135 139 134
Very Poor >12B >12B >130 >129 >130 Very Poor >140 >13B >140 >133 >139 >134
Tests-Presentation-1.pdf calculations.php