Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
Psychology as Science
The word science derives from a latin word meaning “knowledge.”
Psychologists insist that their field is a science, and they are often
defensive about it. WHY????
All sciences share common goals: the understanding, prediction,
and control of some phenomenon of interest. Physics addresses
physical matter, chemistry addresses elements of matter, biology
deals with living things, and psychology is concerned with behavior.
The I-O psychologist is particularly interested in understanding,
predicting, and influencing behavior related to the workplace.
Psychology as Science
Statistics and methods are not the most interesting aspects of psychology.
(However, they are probably the most important)
Statistics and methods enable the field of psychology to progress. If
psychologists knew nothing about statistics and research methods,
how would they learn whether a new therapy really improves psychological health?
How would they determine whether a new memory technique really helps people to
How would they discern whether a new plan to reduce prejudice has much chance of
The only way to know is to test such ideas, and that requires an understanding
of statisticsThe
research methods. gather data to test hypotheses
that psychology
is what makes psychology a science.
Theories, Hypotheses, and Science
Theories, Hypotheses, and Science
All sciences also share certain common methods by which they study the
object of interest:
Research Design
Basic Vs Applied Research
Data Analysis
Correlation and Regression
“Correlation coefficient” Statistic assessing the bivariate, linear association between
two variables. Provides information about both the magnitude (numerical value) and
the direction (+or -) of the relationship between two variables.
“Regression line” Straight line that best “fits” the scatterplot and describes the
relationship between the variables in the graph; can also be presented as an equation
that specifies where the line intersects the vertical axis and what the angle or slope of
the line is.correlation” coefficient Statistic that represents the overall linear
association between several variables (e.g., cognitive ability, personality, experience)
on the one hand and a single variable (e.g., job performance) on the other hand.
Meta-analysis Statistical method for combining and analyzing the results from
many studies to draw a general conclusion about relationships among variables.
Data Analysis
Reliabiity & Validity