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• Manager’s Challenge Communication and the Manager’s Job (Ahmed El Taiby )
• Communication among People (Fatima Salama)
• Organizational Communication (Ahmed El Taiby& Heba Mohamed)
• Communication During Turbulent times (Fatima Salama)
• Managing Organizational Communication (Heba Mohamed)
• Manager’s Solution (Heba Mohamed)

Tuesday, February 2, 20XX Sample Footer Text 2

• Effective communication, both within the organization and with people outside the company, is a major challenge
and responsibility for managers. Although in most companies, poor communication doesn’t risk people’s lives, as it
does in hospital operating rooms, ineffective communication can cause significant problems, including poor
employee morale, lack of innovation, decreased performance, and a failure to respond to new threats or
opportunities in the environment. Many managers are trying to improve their communications knowledge and skills.

Manager’s challenge
Our story start at operating room
• During survey over 20 hospital discovering that we could saving 60% of
problems if only we enhance communication between surgeons and
support staff (nurses ,admin,….etc. ).In order to save patients’ lives7
money due to mistakes that could have been prevented
• Managers major challenge and responsibility is
• communication, both within the organization and with
• people outside the company.
• Managers should improve their communications knowledge and skills.
To stay connected with employees and customers and shape company
• Ineffective communication can cause significant problems, including
poor employee morale, lack of innovation, decreased performance, and
a failure to respond to new threats or opportunities in the environment
Communication and the manager’s job
How important is communication ?
• Nonmanagers often are amazed at how much energy successful
executives put into communication.
• Managers spend at least 80 percent of every working day in
direct communication with others(48 Min/Hour) in meetings, on
the telephone, communicating online, or talking informally while
walking around.
thus, can be defined as the process by which
information is exchanged and understood by
two or more people

• Communication is not just sending information

• Management communication is a two-way street that includes listening and other forms of feedback. Effective communication.
• When two people interact, they put themselves into each other’s shoes, try to perceive the world as the other person perceives it, try
to predict how the other will respond. Interaction involves reciprocal role-taking, the mutual employment of empathetic skills. The
goal of interaction is the merger of self and other, a complete ability to anticipate, predict, and behave in accordance with the joint
needs of self and other.
• To more fully understand the complexity of the communication process
• We need to now what does 3 way hand check means
• Sender encode MSG  TX Path  receiver Decode MSG
• Sender Receive feedback to be acknowledge to complete understanding
Communication among People
Communication Channels

Managers have a choice of many channels through which to communicate to

other managers or employees depending on the nature of the message.
• Discuss a problem face-to-face.
• Make a telephone call.
• Send an e-mail write a memo or letter.
• Put an item in a newsletter.
The Hierarchy of Channel Richness
Channel richness is the amount of information that can be transmitted during
a communication episode.
• The capacity of an information channel is influenced by three characteristics:
(1) the ability to handle multiple cues simultaneously.
(2) the ability to facilitate rapid, two-way feedback.
(3) the ability to establish a personal focus for the communication.
n channels
Selecting the Appropriate Channel
It is important for managers to understand that each communication channel
has advantages and disadvantages and that each can be an effective means of
communication in the appropriate circumstances.

Channel selection depends whether the message is routine or nonroutine

• Nonroutine messages typically are ambiguous, concern novel events, and involve great
potential for misunderstanding. They often are characterized by time pressure and surprise.
Managers can communicate nonroutine messages effectively by selecting rich channels
• Routine messages are simple and straightforward. They convey data or statistics or simply
put into words what managers already agree on and understand. Routine messages can be
efficiently communicated through a channel lower in richness, such as e-mail
Types Of Communications
• Communicating to Persuade and Influence Others:
To persuade and influence, managers must communicate frequently and
easily with others. Yet some people find interpersonal communication experiences
unrewarding or difficult and thus tend to avoid situations where communication is

• Nonverbal Communication: refers to messages sent through human actions and

behaviors rather than through words. Most managers are astonished to learn that
words themselves carry little meaning. A significant portion of the shared understanding from communication comes from
the nonverbal messages of facial expression, voice, mannerisms, posture, and dress.
Nonverbal communication occurs mostly face to face. One researcher found
three sources of communication cues during face-to-face communication: the verbal,
which are the actual spoken words; the vocal, which include the pitch, tone, and timbre of a person’s voice and facial
Types Of Communications

Listening: of the most important tools of manager communication is listening, both to employees and
Also, its The skill of receiving messages to accurately grasp facts and feelings to interpret the genuine
But here in this item we have 2 differ between the Good and the Poor Listener and the below table
shows the difference between both of them.
Poor Listener
• You're not asking questions.
• You're doing most of the talking.
• You don't paraphrase to show your
• You're multitasking while in a conversation
• You don't reassure the speaker of your interest
Good Listener
• They’re fully present.
• They don’t listen to respond.
• They react in the moment.
• They don’t jump to give advice.
• They never interrupt
organizational communication

Formal Communication Channels

A communication channel that flows within the

chain of command or task responsibility defined by
the organization.
Downward Communication
• Communicating new strategies and goals provides
information about specific targets and expected
of goals and
behaviors. It gives direction for lower levels of the
• These directives indicate how to do a specific task
Job instructions
and how the job relates to other organizational
and rationale
• These messages define the organization’s policies,
Procedures and
rules, regulations, benefits, and structural
Performance • These messages appraise how well individuals and
feedback departments are doing their jobs

• These messages are designed to motivate

Indoctrination employees to adopt the company’s mission and
cultural values and to participate in special
ceremonies, such as picnics and United Way
Upward Communication

• These messages describe serious problems with and exceptions to routine performance in order to
Problems and exceptions
make senior managers aware of difficulties

Suggestions for improvement • These messages are ideas for improving task-related procedures to increase quality or efficiency

• These messages include periodic reports that inform management how individuals and departments
Performance reports.
are performing
• These messages are employee complaints and conflicts that travel up the hierarchy for a hearing and
Grievances and disputes
possible resolution

Financial and accounting • These messages pertain to costs, accounts receivable, sales volume, anticipated profits, return on
information investment, and other matters of interest to senior manager

Horizontal communication

Intradepartmental • These messages take place among members of the same

problem solving department and concern task accomplishment

Interdepartmental • Interdepartmental messages facilitate the accomplishment of joint

coordination projects or tasks
• These messages are designed to share information among teams
Change initiatives and
and departments that can help the organization change, grow, and
Team Communication Channels
Especial type of horizontal communication is communicating in
Centralized network
team members must communicate through one individual to solve
problems or make decisions.
 achieved faster solutions for simple problems.
 simple problems. Members could simply pass relevant information to
a central person for a decision.
Decentralized network
Individuals can communicate freely with other team members.
members process information equally among themselves until all agree
on a decision.
For more complex problems, the decentralized communication
network was faster Because all necessary information was not restricted
to one person, a pooling of information through widespread
communications provided greater input into the decision.
Decentralized communications were slower for simple problems
because information was passed among individuals until someone
finally put the pieces together and solved the problem.
Communicating during
turbulent times
•Communication becomes even more important than before. Four primary skills for
communicating in a crisis Managers have to develop:
•1. Maintain your focus.
•Good crisis communicators don’t allow themselves to be overwhelmed by the situation.
Calmness and listening become more important than ever. Managers also learn to tailor
their communications to reflect hope and optimism at the same time they acknowledge the
current difficulties
•2. Be visible.
•Many managers underestimate just how important their presence is during a crisis, people
need to feel that someone is in control. A manager’s job is to step out immediately, both to
reassure employees and respond to public concerns. Face-to-face communication with
employees is crucial for letting people know that managers care about them and what
they’re going through.
Communicating during turbulent times

3. Get the awful truth out.

• Effective managers gather as much information as they can, do their best to determine
the facts, and tell the truth to employees and the public as soon as possible. Getting
the truth out quickly prevents rumors and misunderstandings.
4. Communicate a vision for the future.
• People need to feel that they have something to work for and look forward to.
Moments of crisis present opportunities for managers to communicate a vision of a
better future and unite people toward common goals.
Communicating during turbulent
Essential ideas have to be considered by managers in the different hierarchal levels in
order to develop crisis communication skills for communicating with both employees
and the public in exceptionally challenging circumstances.

1. Open communication:
Means sharing all types of information throughout the company, across all functional and
hierarchical levels. Open communication runs counter to the traditional flow of selective
information downward from supervisors to subordinates. By breaking down conventional
hierarchical barriers to communication, the organization can gain the benefit of all
employees’ ideas.

2. Dialogue:
Is a group communication process in which people together create a stream of shared
meaning that enables them to understand each other and share a unified vision.

3. Feedback and learning:

Occurs when managers use evaluation and communication to help individuals and the
organization learn and improve, successful managers focus their feedback to help develop
the capacities of subordinates, and they encourage critical feedback from employee
Communicating during turbulent times
•How can managers communicate during turbulence?

• Four essential steps will secure effective communication during turbulence :

1. Determine who needs to know what
Lean on technology, especially for larger organizations allows your company to consistently
and clearly communicate with staff.
Demonstrate your values to your staff, there is no better time than a critical issue to “show
not tell” how important your staff are to your organization.
Include the whole organization, and make sure that all teams are aligned.
2. Refine your messaging
• Try to deliver a clear message with a definite, not vague meaning.
3. Focus on the values,
• Demonstrate the company values during these crises , “show not tell”.
4. Evaluate throughout the process,
• Evaluate how you’re doing through surveys, engagement reviews and responses.
•Means noise
•During the process of
communication, there may be
some faults which prevent
message from reaching. some of
these defects are in medium,
tools which we use for
communication language,
natural of person.
•Barriers to communication can
be of many kinds
Individual Barriers
refer to the elements within the individual’s
own self which pose a hurdle from within
the individual’s communication both in
sending and receiving messages due to
many elements such as Fear, stress, and
experiences that an individual goes through

1-Interpersonal barriers
include problems with
emotions and perceptions held
by employees
 Self-centered attitude

 Self-image
 Selective perception
 Filtering
 Resistance to change
 Low emotional state
 Closed mind
happen due to different situations that form the semantic

 Unclear message
 Faulty translations
 Specialists’ language
 Unclassified assumptions
 Symbols with different meaning

3-Sending inconsistent cues

between verbal and nonverbal communications can confuse a
receiver and negatively influence the way an oral message is

if you smile when you sympathetically give bad news, your motives
may be suspected.
Organizational barriers
hinder effective communication between the members of the organization.
These barriers pertain to hierarchical factors—problems with structures or systems in place in an organization, such
as inefficient information systems, lack of supervision or training, lack of clarity in roles and responsibilities, and other
deficiencies in organizational design which make it unclear and confusing to know who to communicate with.

1-status and power differences

•Low-power people may be reluctant to pass bad news up the hierarchy, thus giving the wrong
impression to upper levels. High-power people may not pay attention or may think that low-status
people have little to contribute
2-Differences across departments
•differences across departments in terms of needs and goals interfere with communications. Each
department perceives problems in its own terms.
Example:- The production department is concerned with production efficiency whereas the marketing
department’s goal is to get the product to the customer in a hurry.
3-Absence of formal channels
- Organizations must put in place adequate upward, downward, and horizontal communication
in the form of employee surveys, open-door policies, newsletters, memos, task forces, and
liaison personnel. Without these formal channels, the organization cannot communicate as a

4-The communication flow

- - may not fit the team’s or organization’s task. If a centralized communication structure is used
for nonroutine tasks, not enough information will be circulated to solve problems.
- The organization, department, or team is most efficient when the amount of communication
flowing among employees fits the task

5- Poor coordination
- is a damaging condition to effective communication so that different parts of the organization
are working in isolation and not knowing or understanding what other parts are doing.
- -Top executives are out of touch with lower levels, or departments and divisions are so poorly
coordinated that people do not understand how the system works together as a whole.
Managers can design the organization so as to encourage positive, effective
communications. Designing involves both individual skills and organizational actions

Individual Skills
1-active listening is the most important individual skill that means asking questions, showing interest,
and occasionally paraphrasing what the speaker has said to ensure accurate interpretation.
2- individuals should select the appropriate channel for the message, A complicated message should be
sent through a rich channel, such as face-to-face
3-senders and receivers should make a special effort to understand each other’s perspective
4-management by wandering around Managers must be willing to get out of the office and check
communications with others.
Organizational Actions
1- create a climate of trust and openness. Open communication and dialogue can encourage people to
communicate honestly with one another.
2-managers should develop and use formal information channels in all directions.
3-managers should encourage the use of multiple channels, including both formal and informal
4-the structure should fit communication needs. An organization can be designed to use teams, task
forces, project managers, or a matrix structure as needed to facilitate the horizontal flow of information
for coordination and problem solving
5- use feed back to encourage two-way communication and check understanding
Manager’s Solution

• Manager communication is a topic that needs much more attention than

it currently gets. The way managers communicate with employees has a
significant impact on how employees feel about their job, teammates,
leaders and the company they work for.
Manager Communication Defined
Manager communication is the communication between managers and their employees. In today’s world
where employees expect open, transparent, timely and relevant information flow in the workplace, managers
need to be ready to take their employee communication strategies to a whole new level.

Effective communication skills

are the most in-demand skills a manager can have. Inefficient manager communication leads to employee
disengagement and low productivity.
7 Ways to Improve Manager

1. Communicate frequently and be specific

Frequent, clear and specific manager communication is what sets up
employees for success. Therefore, managers should avoid irregular and vague
communication with their employees.
2. Make communication as transparent as possible
Employees want transparency and they want to be involved. Managers are the
ones responsible to drive employee engagement through transparent and
honest communication.
3. Be approachable, personal and authentic
A good manager is easy to engage, approach and communicate with. The most
effective manager communications are those that connect with and build
strong relationships with the audience.
7 Ways to Improve Manager
4. Communicate in real-time
Younger generations are used to communicating in real-time. Strong
manager communication strategy is the one in which managers are aware
of this new trend and understand employees’ need to communicate with
ease and in a timely manner.
5. Make sure you reach everyone
Making sure that important information reaches the right employees at the
right time is the crucial part of every manager communication strategy.
6. Build relationships with your teams
Building strong manager-employee relationships through effective
workplace communication drives more employee motivation, engagement
and retention.

7. Forget about one-way and top-down communication

Managers need to do a better job in supporting two-way conversations
and making employees feel like they can speak up and engage in daily
2 Main Reasons to Improve Manager Communication

1-Employee motivation

When employees feel like they are the part of daily company conversations and updates, they are more likely to be motivated to
perform better at work and achieve their goals.
The feeling of being left out from important company happenings is one of the main reason for low motivation and engagement
levels in the workplace.
With proper communication, managers can significantly improve their employees’ motivation which results in higher levels of
engagement and productivity.

2- Employee engagement

Good manager communication is a great way to boost your employee engagement.

When employees are informed about important company updates and aligned with the company’s vision and goals, they are more
likely to feel engaged and stay longer with the company. Therefore, manager communication has a direct impact on employee
Thank you

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