Acid Rain Secondary School PowerPoint Presentation
Acid Rain Secondary School PowerPoint Presentation
Acid Rain Secondary School PowerPoint Presentation
- Acid
the waxy
the chemistry
of soil
(allows leaching of toxins to occur)
- This reduces plants’ ability to survive winter,
drought and their ability to reproduce
Effects of Acid Rain
• Human Health
- Can cause harmful effects to the cardiac
and respiratory systems
- Toxins leaching into environment (i.e.
mercury) can be absorbed by the crops we
harvest, the livestock we consume, and the
fish we eat.
In the year 2010, the public health benefits of the Acid Rain Program
(implemented to reduce acidic emission levels) were estimated to be
valued at $50 billion annually in the U.S.A., due to decreased mortality,
hospital admissions, and emergency room visits.
Bioaccumulation, or the uptake of toxin (i.e. PCBs) occurring at one
Effects of Acid Rain on
trophic level, is taking place at each level of the food chain. (i.e.
Aquatic Ecosystems
fish eats many worms and toxin builds up in that fish’s fatty
tissues) Good indicator
Biomagnification, or the increase of toxin species for acid
the fatty
lowers of each
the successive
pH of water in lakes,rain rivers,
streams occurs
the way up the food
chain! The top predator (eagle) contains
Low pHtoxin
most canwhile
causeeachthe leaching
of the lowest of toxic metals, such
as mercury,
(plankton) contain iron &amount
a small aluminum into the water
of toxin.
• Acidic pH can cause a disappearance of crustaceans,
insects, mollusks & decomposing bacteria, a build-up
of debris on lake bottoms, deformities in young fish,
failure of fish and amphibian eggs to hatch, etc.
• Animals higher on food chain lose food sources, bio-
accumulation/bio-amplification of toxins occurs
• Limestone helps to “buffer” the effects of acid rain,
but areas with granite bedrock (i.e. Canadian Shield)
have little buffering ability! Calcium that was
present in these ecosystems is severely depleted!
What is Acid Rain?
Rain has a natural pH of 5.6
This is due to CO2 mixing with water to
form carbonic acid in the atmosphere,
lowering rainwater’s pH from 7 to 5.6.
Acid precipitation is any precipitation
with a pH less than 5.6.
So What Causes Acid Rain?
Our Bad Guys …
Natural Sources of SO2
in the Atmosphere
Forest Fires
Sea Spray
Volcanic Emissions
Non- Natural Sources of SO2
in the Atmosphere
Chemical Reactions
Many metals (i.e.: nickel) occur in nature as sulphide ores. To
convert them to free metals, the ores are smelted using heat,
and sulfur is released as SO2.
2 NiS + 3 O2 2 NiO + SO2
Before After
scrubber scrubber
Decomposition of
Organic Materials
Volcanic Emissions
Non-Natural Sources of NOx
in the Atmosphere
Chemical Reactions
• Nitrogen to Nitric Acid
Nitrogen given off by automobiles is released
to the air in the form of NOx
NOx in the atmosphere mixes with water
vapour to form nitric acid. The speed of these
oxidation reactions can increase if sunlight is
The critical load is the highest level of acid rain that an ecosystem can receive over the
long term that won’t result in harmful effects to the environment (the load the
environment can tolerate and keep pH levels above 6). The colours in the map
represent the maximum load the area can tolerate (see scale at upper left). The
numbers in the map show the amount of sulphate presently precipitating on these
So why are some areas
affected more than
others by acid rain?
Soils and bedrock determine an ecosystems ability to
tolerate high levels of acid precipitation.
Remember the Scrubbers? Industry uses calcium
carbonate (limestone) to remove sulphates from their
emissions. People learned to do this from nature!
Soils containing limestone have a greater “buffering
capacity” or ability to absorb the H+ cations that
cause acidity. Soils/bedrock with little limestone
(like the granite on the Canadian Shield) cannot
absorb any H+ cations, so the environment becomes
acidic quickly.
Question: Acid Rain Sensitive
Lake Environment or Not?
This lake has a limestone substrate (bottom) that
acts as a buffer to acid precipitation. Note the
healthy emergent vegetation along the shoreline
Bothlittle algae
lakes mayisbepresent.
sensitive to acidification depending
on the amount of acid precipitation they receive, but the
granite soil based lake is less able to cope with acid
This Canadian Shield lake has been damaged by acid
precipitation. Note its banks have little if any
vegetation. Algae coats the bottom and no lifeforms
are present. This lake is located in the Temagami area
of Northern Ontario, where granite bedrock and soils
allow no buffering of acid precipitation.
Here’s the problem!
Acid Precipitation is being
dumped onto our Canadian
Sensitive Areas!
Note typical
Expression of
Shock and Horror
With the reductions in emissions, pH
seems to be improving … but not as
well as we’d expect!
Changes in pH of Precipitation
It looks like things are improving with
So Why Haven’t pH levels Improved?
levels are
still a
and may
increase in
How can we reduce nitrogen
• Cleaner-burning engines
• “Hybrid” vehicles
• Cleaner fuels – i.e. gasoline that emits
90% less SO2 and NOx
• Alternative fuels – ethanol, methanol etc.
• NOx emission controls for vehicles and
the Harley of the new Millennium?
• More eco-friendly transportation
Are ecosystems able to recover
from Acid Rain?
• Yes! Southern Ontario has seen improved water quality and pH
levels, but waters in the Canadian Shield have shown little
• Challenges We Face
Sensitive Areas - Drought and dry weather cause release of
sulphates accumulated in soil. These sulphates are washed into
aquatic environments when precipitation does occur, further
depleting calcium levels in ecosystems already low in calcium.
The U.S.A. will meet their S02 and NOx emission target levels
set out in the 1991 agreement, but scientists estimate a further
reduction of 75% is necessary to protect our Sensitive Canadian
Shield waters which are prone to acidification
Factors that Affect pH of
Water and Soils Today
• Calcium that was present in Sensitive Areas is
now used up! Many fundamental organisms in
the food chain (like Daphnia which is a
Keystone Species) require calcium to develop!
Therefore, even though lake acidity levels
are slowly improving, ecosystems are not. It
will take much time, study, effort and
Ecosystems are based on keystone life-forms
like thisemission controls
Daphnia, which to allow
require calcium to nature to
exist. Its simple … no calcium, no ecosystem!
The End Result … hopefully
It’s up to us!
Help Conserve Our Natural Resources!
© Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority 2016
No part of this presentation is to be copied or shared without permission.
Monitoring Acid Rain
• Canadian Air and Precipitation Monitoring Network (CAPMoN)
Monitoring Acid Rain Here
at Longwoods
• Precipitation Collection
Teflon Nylon