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• According to building material promotion council(BMPTC), India generates an estimated
150 millions tones of construction and demolition waste every year.
• Official recycling capacity is 6500 tones per day (TPD)-just about one percent of total
• This approach aims to decrease the environmental impact of concrete by reusing
demolished concrete as an aggregate.
• By substituting a portion of traditional coarse aggregate with RCA ,it reduces the demand
for virgin materials.
• By using RCA, it minimizes landfill waste.
S.no Topic Author Publication Materials Test conducted Conclusion
&year of journal used/replaced

1. Recycled concrete
aggregates and
seddik meddah,
MDPI Normal Portland
cement, river sand ,
specific gravity ,water
absorption, fineness
• It is concluded that using up to 30% of the RCA
indicated no significant negative impact on the key
their influences on Ali al-harthy and RCA at a percentage of modulus, compressive mechanical and durability properties of the RCA-
performances of Mohamed 0,30,50,100. strength, modulus of concretes, even some strength enhancement was
low and normal A.Ismail -2020 elasticity, flexural observed up to 50% replacement ratio, especially
strength concrete. strength, split tensile for C25/30 concrete grade.
strength, porosity, • RCA into concrete has reduced the compressive,
carbonation, sulphate flexural and tensile splitting strengths, and the
resistance and chloride elastic modulus of the RCA concrete. This
penetration. reduction was proportional to the RCA content in
the concrete.

2. Utilization of
Research gate • Cement,
• Fine aggregate,
• compressive
• From the above investigations it can be hence
concluded that the optimum replacement for this
concrete waste as a Rajshekhar.S3 , • Coarse aggregate, • flexural strength, particular mix for high strength concrete is
coarse Aggregate in Suraj PS4 , • Recycled aggregate, • split tensile 30%.Up to this replacement good compressive
concrete Neetu.S5-2022 • Admixture – Super strength. strength can be achieved using recycled
plasticizer Conplast aggregates.
SP 430, • Beyond this replacement the strength acquired
• Water reduces gradually and does not cross the target
strength and in order to overcome this problem,
suitable adjustment in mix design is required.
S.no Topic Author Publication Materials Test conducted Conclusion
&year of journal used/replaced

3. Study of the
Xuan Hung Vu,
Trong Cuong Vo,
Research gate •

Compressive strength
The compressive strength decreased slightly when using
10% recycled aggregates and significantly when using
Strength of Concrete Van Tien Phan- • Coarse Aggregates 20%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the 20%
with 2021 • Recycled coarse replacement rate is not appropriate. The results showed
Partial Replacement aggregates that using recycled aggregates at a rate of 10% is an
of Recycled Coarse optimal solution.

4. Behaviour of Waste
Concrete Debris in
Suraj Shah 1 ,
Saurav Shrestha2 ,
Research gate •

Fine aggregate
Coarse aggregate
• Compression test
• Flexural test
The optimum amount of replacement in percentage is
15%, which have made about10% of increment in above-
Concrete. Sujan Maharjan 3 • Cement mentioned strength. We have conducted macro level
and Nishma Karki • Debris (35 years old) test by replacement of fine aggregate only, it can be
4-2019 more accurate if we are able to test the concrete by
varying grain size, varying water cement ratio, and
modifying properties of waste concrete.

5. Replacement of
aggregate by c & d
Saurabh Singh1,
Dr. Gaurav
Research gate-

natural sand,
• Impact Strength Test
• Crushing Strength Test
• The value of the compressive strength is found to be
maximum at 30% replacement of the aggregates by
waste concrete Sancheti2-2019 Research Journal of • coarse aggregate, • Specific Gravity Test the recycled aggregates. At 20% replacement of
Engineering and • demolished concrete • Compressive Strength coarse aggregate compressive strength is decreased,
Technology (IRJET) waste Test the problem can be overcome by adding mineral
• Split Tensile Strength admixture.
Test • The Flexural strength and splitting tensile strength of
• Flexural Strength Test all three sets of replaced concrete is decreasing as
proportion of recycled aggregates increased.
S.no Topic Author Publication Materials Test conducted Conclusion
&year of journal used/replaced

6. Mechanical
properties of
Chaocan Zheng⁎,
Cong Lou, Geng
Science direct-
• NCA(natural coarse
• specific gravity
• water absorption
• For C25 grade concrete the compressive strength of
the concrete with RBA is close to that of the concrete
recycled concrete Du, Xiaozhen Li, • RCA(recycled concrete • Compressive strength with RCA. The 28-day compressive strength of the
with demolished Zhiwu Liu, Liqin Li- aggregate) test concrete drops only by 7.2% or 11% when the NCA is
waste concrete 2018 • RBA(recycled brick • Bulk density completely replaced with RCA or RBA.
aggregate and clay aggregate) • For C50 grade concrete there is a remarkable
brick aggregate. difference between the compressive strengths of the
concrete with RCA and RBA. The 28-day compressive
strength of the concrete drops by 9.6% or 13% when
the NCA is completely replaced with RCA or RBA.

7. Concrete using
recycled aggregates
Dr. K. Ramadevi,
Dr. R. Chitra-2017
Research gate-

C&D waste
Recycled aggregate
• Compressive Strength
• In this study it is found that there is not much
variation in strength between ordinary concrete and
Journal of Civil • Split Tensile Strength 30% replaced aggregate concrete, which proves the
Engineering and Test previous works.
Technology (IJCIET) • Flexural Strength Test • when the percentage of aggregate replaced increases
there is a constant increase instrengths, which is a
controversy to the previous works.

8. Replacement of
Natural Aggregate
Harshit Varshney-
Research gate-
RCA(recycled concrete
• Specific gravity
• Fineness modulus
• It is observed that the compressive strength reduces
with increase of RCA but 50% replacement of NA
With Demolition International • Compressive strength giving a suitable result. It’s showing a little difference
Waste as Aggregate Journal of Jaipur test in compressive strength with 50%.
National University • partial replacement with natural aggregate in
· construction industry tends to prevent environment.
• It also minimizes the cost of the construction.
• Recycling of demolition wastes have been found to a
suitable solution to the problems of dumping
thousands of tons of debris
S.no Topic Author Publication Materials Test conducted Conclusion
&year of journal used/replaced

9. Demolished waste as
coarse aggregate in
Mohd Monish1,
Vikas Srivastava1,
Research gate •

Demolished waste
• Compression test
• fineness modulus
• Recycled aggregate concrete may be an alternative to
the conventional concrete.
concrete V.C. Agarwal1, P.K. • Fine aggregate • Soundness test • Water required producing the same workability
Mehta2 and • Coarse aggregate increases with the increase in the percentage of
Rakesh Kumar2- • Water demolished waste.
2013 • Up to 30% replacement of coarse aggregate with
recycled aggregate concrete was comparable to
conventional concrete.
• Up to 30% of coarse aggregate replaced by
demolished waste gave strength closer to the strength
of plain concrete cubes and strength retention is in
the range of 86.84-94.74% as compared to
conventional concrete

10. Effect of partial

replacement of
S. Muthu
Lakshmi1* & R. R.
Research gate • Concrete debris
• compressive strength,
• flexural strength,
• Compressive strength of concrete with RFA was found
to be higher than that of concrete with RCA.
aggregates by Nivedhitha2-2012 RFA • split tensile strength. • Tensile strength of concrete with RCA was found to be
Recycled concrete • Portland pozzolana higher than that of concrete with RFA.
debris on strength of cement • Flexural strength of recycled concrete was found to be
concrete lower than that of PCC and was found to be
decreasing with increasing percentage of recycled

11. A study on
demolished concrete
Ajit M. Kadam 1
Rohan B. Patil2,
Research Journal of
• Demolished concrete
• Specific gravity of
• The compressive strength of demolished aggregate
concrete is 10% lower for 20% replacement and 30%
waste as partial Harshal R Jadhav3, Engineering and • Cement • Crushing value of lower for 25%replacement by natural aggregate
replacement Aditya S. Jadhav 4 Technology (IRJET) • Fine aggregate aggregate concrete.
Of coarse aggregate Aditya Y. • Coarse aggregate • Fineness modulus • The cost of demolished aggregate concrete is less as
in concrete Salunkhe5 • Water • Compressive strength compaired to ordinary concrete.
Kanipnath G.
S.no Topic Author Publication Materials Test conducted Conclusion
&year of journal used/replaced

12. Use of demolished

concrete waste in
SSRG International
Journal of Civil
• Demolished concrete

Specific Gravity
Water Absorption
• Demolished aggregate posses relatively lower bulk
crushing, density and impact standards and higher
partial h Dubey2, Lavkesh Engineering (SSRG- • Cement • Bulk Density water absorption as compared to natural aggregate.
replacement of Yadav3, Jitendra IJCE) • Fine aggregate • Crushing and Impact • The compressive strength of demolished aggregate
coarse aggregate in Kumar4, Abhishek • Coarse aggregate Values concrete is relatively lower up to 15% than natural
concrete kumar5 , • Water • compressive strength. aggregate concrete.
Mahipal Singh6- • Using demolished aggregate concrete as a base
2016 material for roadways reduce the pollution involved in
trucking material.

13. Experimental
Investigation on
Kamesh Bhise,
Kapil Maurya, Asst.
Journal of
• Ordinary Portland
cement 53 grade
• Impact strength test
• Specific gravity test
• The test values of compressive strength for 10% and
15% of demolished concrete aggregates are near to
Partial Prof Anu Murali, Engineering • Fine aggregates • Compressive strength the value of standard concrete or conventional
Replacement of Krishna Research & • Coarse aggregates test of Concrete concrete.
Coarse Aggregates Choudhary-2020 Technology (IJERT) • Recycled aggregates • Beyond this replacement, the strength acquired
by reduces gradually and does not cross the target
Demolished strength and to overcome this problem, a suitable
Concrete adjustment in mix design is required.
• From cost analysis, when 10% replacement of coarse
aggregate is done with demolished come down at
least by 1%.

14. Use of Demolished

Concrete Waste in
Rakesh B J1 , C R
Journal of Research

Fine aggregate
• Specific Gravity
• Water Absorption
• The test values of compressive strength 25% & 50% of
demolished concrete aggregates are near to the value
Partial Replacement Prashanth D N3 , in Engineering and • Coarse aggregate • Compressive strength of standard concrete.
of Coarse Aggregate Amithgowda4 , Science (IJRES) • Recycled aggregate test of Concrete • the optimum replacement for this particular mix for
in Concrete Akashkumar • Water high strength concrete is in b/w 25% to 50% up to this
V K5 , Shashikumar replacement good compressive strength can be
N V6 Padmashree achieved.
C N7,-2023 • With the increase of 100% replacement of course
aggregates the workability of decrease.
S.no Topic Author Publication Materials Test conducted Conclusion
&year of journal used/replaced

15. Partial Replacement

of Course Aggregate
K. Lochan Sai Teja,
M. Surya Teja, V.
Journal of Advance
• Demolished waste • Compressive strength
• Demolished aggregate possess relatively lower bulk
crushing, density and impact standards and higher
with Demolished Gokulnath-2018 Research, Ideas water absorption as compared to natural aggregate.
Waste along with and Innovations in • Tests conducted on demolished aggregates and
Adding of Admixture Technology results compared with natural coarse aggregates are
satisfactory as per IS 2386.
• The compressive strength of demolished aggregate
concrete is relatively lower up to 15% than natural
aggregate concrete

16. Study of partial

replacement of
Lakhbir Singh1,
*Arjun Kumar1,
Journal of
• Ordinary portland
• Specific gravity
• Compressive strength
• By adding 10% silica fume, there is large amount of
increase in strength after 7, 14 and 28 days
cement by silica Anil Singh2-2016 Advanced Research • Coarse aggregate of concrete respectively. The Compressive strength and split
fume. • Fine aggregate • Split tensile strength tensile strength tends to increase with increase
• Water percentages of silica fume in the mix and decreases
• Silica fume after 10% replacement.
• The optimum strength of cube is gain at 10%
replacement for all 7, 14 and 28 days respectively.
1. To increase Durability performance:
• Employing proper concrete mix design with additives like silica fume or fly ash
• Ensuring adequate concrete cover for reinforcement and
• Applying protective coatings or sealants can all help enhance resistance to chemical attacks.
2. To increase strength of concrete:
• Optimized Mix Design
• Use of Supplementary Cementitious Materials
• Proper Curing
• Reducing Water Content
• Aggregate Quality
• Admixtures
• Proper Placement and Compaction
3. To increase workability of concrete:
By reducing water content to increase strength, workability of concrete is affected. To increase the workability superplasticizers
are added to the concrete.
• Superplasticizers are high-range water reducers commonly used in concrete mixes to enhance various performance.
• They improve the workability of concrete without increasing water content.
• Superplasticizers can significantly improve the strength, durability, and finishing characteristics of concrete.
• By reducing the water-to-cement ratio, they enhance the concrete's mechanical properties, such as compressive strength, without
compromising its workability.
Several types of superplasticizers are available in the market. Some common ones include:
Sulfonated Naphthalene Formaldehyde (SNF)
Sulfonated Melamine Formaldehyde (SMF)
Polycarboxylate Ether (PCE)
Modified Lignosulfonates
To control water absorption of recycled concrete aggregate:
The water absorption behavior of recycled concrete aggregate(RCA) is slightly higher than the natural aggregates. To control
the water absorption behavior here are some approaches
Surface treatment: pre-coating or treating the surface of RCA particles with certain materials, such as coatings or sealants, to
reduce their ability to absorb water. This treatment can help limit the interaction between the aggregate and water.
Pre-wetting: pre-saturating the RCA before use in concrete mixes can help mitigate its water absorption during the mixing
process. This process involves soaking the aggregate to a certain level of moisture saturation before blending it with other concrete
Mix design adjustments: modifying the concrete mix design by adjusting the proportions of water, cement, and other additives
to compensate for the higher water absorption of RCA. This adjustment aims to maintain the desired workability and strength of
the concrete while accommodating the characteristics of the recycled aggregate.
Optimized gradation: utilizing a well-graded mixture of RCA particles to optimize the overall void content and reduce the total
water absorption capacity of the concrete mix.
Quality control in processing: ensuring proper processing and handling of RCA during production to minimize the presence of
contaminants or excess old mortar attached to the aggregate, which can contribute to higher water absorption.
The aim of replacing Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) with natural aggregate in
construction projects is primarily driven by sustainability objectives and environmental
considerations. Here are the key aims:
1.Resource Conservation
2.Waste Reduction
3.Environmental Preservation
4.Economic Efficiency
5.Sustainable Construction
The objective of partially replacing coarse aggregate with RCA in concrete mixes is
driven by a balance between sustainability and maintaining structural performance. Some
key objective include:
1.Promote the use of recycled materials in construction to reduce the demand for natural resources.
2.Minimize the volume of construction and demolition waste sent to landfills.
3.Reducing overall material costs and disposal expenses associated with construction waste.
4.The behavior and performance of concrete mixes with varying proportions of RCA to ensure that
the partially replaced aggregates meet or exceed required strength and durability criteria.

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