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Chapter 1

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The Advent of A

National Hero
❖ spoke over 20 languages
❖a hero and political martyr
❖many-splendored genius
❖a man with many talents

❖ Physician (ophthalmic
He graduate in an ophthalmologic
college in Spain. He treated
several patients not only eye
❖ Poet
Rizal wrote over 35 poems including his
famous Mi Ultimo Adios.

❖ Historian
His annotation of Antonio de
Morga's Sucesos de las Islas
Filipinas entitled him as one.
❖ Farmer - Businessman
He had a partner in Dapitan in the
Abaca business there (1892 - 1896)

❖ Sculptor
His works of his father and of Father
Guerrico, S.J. typified his sculptural

“The Triumph of Science Over

❖ Cartographer
He drew maps of Dapitan, The Philippines and other
places he visited.

❖ Bibliophile
He had a big library and brought many books abroad.

❖ Philologist
He loved of learning and literature is unequalled.
❖ Philosopher
Rizal not only loved wisdom but also regulated his life
and enjoyed calmness of the life at all times.

❖ Humorist
He had a great sense of humor. There are many
humorous incidents in the Noli Me Tangere and El

❖ Traveler
He travelled around the world three times.
❖ Sportsman
He fenced with European and Juan Luna and other friends
in Europe. He played chess and bear several Germans and
European friends and acquaintances. He could shoot a
target 20 meters away.

❖ Rizal is also a dramatist, essayist, novelist, architect,

painter, educator, linguist, musician, naturalist,
ethnologist, surveyor, engineer, economist, geographer,
grammarian, folklorist, translator, inventor, magician,
satirist, polemicist and a prophet.
The Birth of a Hero
Jose Rizal was born on the moonlit night of
Wednesday, June 19, 1861 in the lakeshore town of
Calamba, Laguna Province, Philippines.

Father Rufino Collantes who was a Batangueño

baptized him in the Catholic church on June 22, 1861.
Father Pedro Casanas, a native of Calamba and close
friend of Rizal family is his godfather.

“Jose”was chosen by his mother who was a devotee

of the Christian saint San Jose (St. Joseph)
“Take good care of this child, for someday he will
become a great man.”
Lieutenant-General Jose Lemery a former senator
of Spain (member of the upper chamber of the Spanish
Cortes). He governed the Philippines from February 2, 1861
to July 7, 1862.

June 19,1861, he sent an official dispatch to the

Ministry of War and the Ministry of Ultramar in Madrid,
denouncing Sultan Pulalun of Sulu and several powerful
Moro datus for fraternizing with a British consul.
Lieutenant-General Jose Lemery achievements
1. Fostering the cultivation of cotton in the provinces.
2. Establishing the politico-military governments in the
Visayas and in Mindanao.
Rizal's Parents
Francisco Mercado Rizal
❖ Rizal's father
❖ born in Biñan, Laguna on May 11, 1818
❖ studied Latin and Philosophy at the College of San Jose
in Manila
❖ became a tenant-farmer of the Dominician-owned
❖ died on January 5, 1898 in Manila
❖ “a model of fathers”
Doña Teodora Alonso Realonda
❖ Rizal's mother
❖ born in Manila on November 8, 1826.
❖ educated at the College of Santa Rosa.
❖ died in Manila on August 16, 1911
❖ “My family has never been patriotic for money. If the
government has plenty of funds and does not know
what to do with them, better reduce taxes.”
The Rizal Children
1. Saturnina (1850 - 1913)
✔ Nickname: Neneng
✔ Married Manuel T. Hidalgo of Tanawan, Batangas.

2. Paciano (1851 - 1930)

✔ joined Philippine Revolution and became a combat
✔ he retired to his farm in Los Baños
✔ died April 13, 1930
✔ 2 children by his mistress Severina Decena
3. Narcisa (1852 - 1939)
✔ Nickname: Sisa
✔ Married Antonio Lopez (nephew of Father Leoncio
Lopez) a school teacher of Morong

4. Olimpia (1855 - 1887)

✔ Nickname: Ypia
✔ Married Silvestre Ubaldo, a telegraph operator from
5. Lucia (1857 - 1919)
✔ Married Mariano Herbosa of Calamba (nephew of Father
✔ Her husband died of cholera in 1889 and was denied
Christian burial because he was a brother-in-law of Dr.
Jose Rizal

6. Maria (1859 - 1945)

✔ Nickname: Biang
✔ Married Daniel Faustino Cruz of Biñan, Laguna
7. Jose (1861 - 1896)
✔ Nickname: Pepe
✔ during his exile in Dapitan he lived with Josephine
Bracken (Irish girl from Hong Kong)
✔ he had a son by Bracken, but this baby boy died a few
hours after birth.
✔ Rizal named him “Francisco” after his father and buried
him in Dapitan
8. Concepcion (1862 - 1865)
✔ Nickname: Concha
✔ died of sickness at the age of 3
✔ Jose Rizal's first sorrow in life.

9. Josefa (1865 - 1945)

✔ Nickname: Panggoy
✔ died an old maid at the age of 80

10. Trinidad (1868 - 1951)

✔ Nickname: Trining
✔ died an old maid at the age of 83
11. Soledad (1870 - 1929)
✔ Nickname: Choleng
✔ Married Pantaleon Quintero of Calamba
Rizal always called his sisters Dona or Senora (if
married) and Senorita (if single).

Rizal's relation with his only brother Paciano who

was 10 years his senior, was more than that of younger to
older brother.

Rizal respected him and greatly valued his

sagacious advice. He immortalized him in his first novel
Noli Me Tangere as the wise Pilosopo Tasio.
In a letter to Blumentritt, written in London on June
23, 1888, he regarded Paciano as the “most noble of
Filipinos” and “though an Indio, more generous and noble
than all the Spaniards put together”

And in a subsequent letter also written to

Blumentritt and dated London, October 12, 1888, he
spoke of his beloved older brother, as follows: “He is
much finer and more serious than I am; he is bigger and
more slim; he is not so dark; his nose is fine, beautiful and
sharp; but he is bow-legged.”
Rizal's Ancestry
Jose Rizal was a product of the mixture of
 Negrito
 Indonesian
 Malay
 Chinese
 Japanese
 Spanish
He was called “The Great Malayan”
Paternal Side
Domingo Lamco
 great-great grandfather
 a chinese immigrant from the Fukien city of
 arrived in Manila about 1690
 became a Christian
 married to a well-to-do Chinese Christian girl of
Manila named Ines de la Rosa
 took the surname “Mercado” in 1731
Francisco Mercado
 son of Domingo Mercado and Ines de la Rosa
 great grandfather
 resided in Biñan, Laguna
 married to a Chinese-Filipino mestiza, Cirila
 elected as gobernadorcillo of the town.
Juan Mercado
 one of the sons of Francisco Mercado and Cirila
 grandfather
 married to Cirila Alejandro, a Chinese-Filipino
 elected as gobernadorcillo of Biñan
 13 children, the youngest being Francisco Mercado
(Rizal's father)
Francisco Mercado
 youngest son of Juan and Cirila
 Rizal's father
 Lost his fatherat the age of 8
 studied Latin and Philosophy in the College of
San Jose in Manila
 met and fell in love with Teodora Alonso
Realonda, a student in the College of Santa Rosa
 they married on June 28, 1848
 settled in Calamba
 they engaged in farming and business and reared a
big family
Maternal Side
 Lakan-Dula - last native king of Tondo

Eugenio Ursua
 great-great grandfather
 Japanese ancestry
 married a Filipina named Benigna (unknown
 daughter of Eugenio and Benigna
 married Manuel de Quintos, a Filipino-Chinese
lawyer from Pangasinan

 one of the daughters of Atty. Quintos and Regina
 married Lorenzo Alberto Alonso, a prominent
Spanish-Filipino mestizo of Biñan
 5 children named Narcisa, Teodora (Rizal's
mother), Gregorio, Manuel, and Jose.
The Surname Rizal
In 1731, Domingo Lamco adopted the
surname“Mercado” which means “market”

In 1849, Gov. Gen. Narciso Claveria ordered all

Filipinos to adopt Spanish surnames.

Their second surname (Rizal) was given by a

Spanish alcalde mayor of Laguna, who was a family
Originally “Ricial” in Spanish means “green

It was prophetic according to Ambassador Leon

Ma. Guerrero: “a field where wheat, cut while still
green, sprouts again.

Only Jose used the surname Rizal until 1891.

The Rizal Home
 a two-storey building (rectangular in shape)
 built of adobe stones and hard-woods
 roofted with red tiles
A Good and Middle-Class Family
 they belonged to the principalia
 honest and hard work and frugal living, Rizal's
parents were able to live well.
 they harvestede, corn and sugarcane
 they raised pigs, chickens and turkeys in their
 Dona Teodora managed a general goods store and
operated a small-mill and a home-made ham press
 they were able to bulda large stone house.
 owned a carjuahe (carriage)
 had a private library with more than 1,000 books
and considered as the largest library in Calamba
 Francisco and Teodora sen their children to the
colleges in Manila
 they participated prominently in all social and
religious affairs in the community.
 they were gracious hosts to all visitors ang
guests (friars, Spanish officials and Filipino
friends) during town fiestas and holidays.
Home Life of the Rizals
 simple, contented and happy family life
 believed in the maxim: “Spare the rod and spoil
the child
 they heard mass every day most especially when
Sundays and Christians holidays
 they prayed together daily at home (Angelus at
sunset and the Rosary before retiring to bed at
 every after the family prayer, all the children
kissed the hands of their parents.

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