Gas Welding
Gas Welding
Gas Welding
relative slow
It can be applied to a wide variety
of manufacturing and
Since the source of heat and of
For joining thin materials.
For joining most ferrous and non –
ferrous metal
In automotive and air craft industries
The basic equipments used to carry
out gas welding are
◦Acetylene Cylinder
◦Oxygen Cylinder
◦Pressure regulator
Hose and hose fitting
Welding torch
Spark lighter
Spindle key
Acetylene cylinders are used for storing
dissolved acetylene. It is not safe to store
acetylene in cylinder above one atmospheric
So acetylene cylinders are filled with acetone.
sodium chloride
Aluminum and its alloys – potassium
available at hand .
Do not pick up hot jobs or object
Use goggle with non-flammable
lenses and flame
If the welding is to be stopped for a
Cylinders should be stored in a well
valve or cylinder
Use the correct pressure regulator for a gas.
A pressure regulator shall be used, only at
The expansion and contraction of material is
The molten pool is better visible, thus it gives
1. Improper pressure
2. Faulty mixing chamber
3. Overheating of the torch
To obtain the best uses from equipment ,
it should be kept clean in good condition
and in safe working order, it should also
be tested and checked at regular intervals,
when any small fault can be quickly
rectified before the need for extensive
repairs become necessary.
Failureto overhaul the be equipments
regularly may results in torches,
hoses, gas connections etc being used
in dangerous and wasteful conditions.