2) Infusions
As in preparing tea, infusions use dried or fresh herbs. Pour
hot water into plant material and allow to stand while tightly
covered, stand for 10 min; strain; drink hot or iced and cold.
Infusions usually prepared fresh for the day's use.
3) Pills (Honey Pills)
Pills can be made by mixing thoroughly dry and powdered drug
with equal quantity of honey (or syrup of cane sugar) cooked to
bright red syrup.
The moment the mixture starts to cool off, it can be rolled to
desired tubular strands and cut into small pieces. Air dry the
pieces of pills in a clean place and bottle them neatly.
4) Powder
With a mortar and pestle, the well-dried plant materials are
crushed and ground well-dried plant materials into a fine
uniform powder; store in clean bottles.
Powdered drugs should be as fine as possible so as to ensure
faster solubility.
5) Alcoholic Decoction (Tinctures)
Place the botanical extracts or plant materials (powdered, fresh
or dried) in 40% to 60% proof alcohol (some use 70-80%), one
part herb to 5 parts distilled spirits and keep in an airtight
container (25 gms of material in 600 cc of spirits).
Stir or shake the mixture at least once a day, infusing for a period
of 4 weeks.
Alcohol extracts preserves the essential ingredients for the
longest possible time. Strain and store in an airtight dark glass jar.
Dosages are usually 5-20 drops, added to water or taken directly.
6) Tablets
Powder the drug material thoroughly.
If high drug concentration is desired, a thick concentrated
solution of drug used.
In making tablet, a sufficient amount of starch or rice paste is
added to the mixture and is forcefully mixed and kneaded by
Make small globular tablets out of the kneaded paste-like
Spontaneous tablet-making devises (i.e., molds) may be
constructed from wood or metal
7) Syrups
Dissolve 850 gms of cane sugar in 450 mL of boiling water.
Wait till sugar dissolve
Apply more heat, filter with degreasing cotton, then add more
water up to 1000 mL.
Place the drug material in water and boil, remove the residual
solids afterwards (generally, every mL of the decoction fluid
contains 1 gm of the concentrated drug).
Add the decoction fluid to the syrup in a 1:1 proportion.
If the syrup is not to be added, the decoction should be
treated with sufficient amount of fungicide, like benzoic acid
8) Ointments
Make 1 pt of infusion or decoction, strain and set liquid aside. Pour
3 oz of oil into a pan, add 3 oz of lard fat, a drop of tincture of
benzoin for every oz of base, and add the liquid.
Boil until the water has evaporated and slowly add beeswax or
cocoa butter.
9) Poultice or Paste
Grind, crush or pound the plant material (dried or preferably fresh)
with a little oil, water, molasses or honey.
Spread on a square of warm cloth or banana trunk, and applied to
skin. The crushed plant can also be boiled for a few mins to achieve
a pulp.
The material is applied directly to the affected areas. They are
usually more potent than compresses.
10) Compresses
An infusion or decoction is used to soak a warm cloth (linen or
muslin) or banana trunk and placed on the affected area.
They are usually milder than poultices.
11) Juice
Pound fresh plant materials and filter through a fine piece of
cloth or just squeeze the plant parts to extract the juice.
1) Technology:
Although modern technologies are available in the
preparation of herbal medicines, such technologies can affect
the potency of the preparations. Therefore, specific
techniques indicated in ancient textbooks must be evaluated.
For example, the drying of herbs in a shade has advantages,
since this presents photo-destruction of some active
principles. In the preparation of Arista, 48 days are required
for fermentation without addition of organisms to speed up
the fermentation process.
2) Skilled person:
In herbal medicine processing, the requirement of skilled
persons is mandatory.
For example, there are no documented recipe on the
preparation of Avaleha. Only a few skilled persons know
how to do it.
3) Time: Following is the required time for various preparations:
6) Cost of production:
The cost of production varies according to the following
reasons: collection costs, processing costs, packing costs,
taxes etc.
Adhatoda (Acanthaceae)
Ammi (Apiaceae)
Bacopa (Scrophulariaceae)
Cedrus (Pinaceae)
Diospyros (Meliaceae)
Hibiscus (Malraceas)
Ophiorhiza (Rubiaceae)
Sesbania (Papilionaceae)
Trifolium (Papilionaceae)
Zea (Poaceae)
Xanthium (Asteraceae)
Vicia (Papilionaceae))
The system is based on respect for, and efforts in, gaining awareness of
the spiritual dimension of all creatures and the inorganic environment.