Chapter 03
Chapter 03
Chapter 03
Macroergonomic Methods
Assessing Work System
Woodward Suggests:
unit (3), mass (4),process (6)
• Unit production firms had low complexity with little line and staff differentia
tion and widely defined role responsibilities. Both formalization and centralization were low.
High formalization and centralization apparently were not feasible
because of the custom-made, nonroutine nature of the work.
• Mass production units had high complexity with clear line and staff differentiation and
narrowly defined role responsibilities. Formalization and centralization both were high. Low
skilled workers.
• Process production units had high vertical differentiation with little line and
staff differentiation and widely defined role responsibilities. Formalization and
centralization both were low. High formalization and centralized control were
not needed because of the heavily automated, inherently tightly controlled nature
of process technology.
Perrow: Knowledge-Based Technology
“Technology as the action one performs on an object in order to change the object”
• task variability: ‘exceptions’
• task analyzability: the ‘how’ of searching
– "well defined“ (logic) to "ill defined (experience)
Perrow: Knowledge-Based Technology
Routine technologies Few exceptions mass high formalization and
+ defined procedures production centralization
Mediating banks, post offices, and rules, regulations, and low complexity and
utility ompanies, standard operating high formalization
Cultural Diversity
• decentralizing decision making to allow greater employee control over their work
environment and related policies and procedures.
• participatory ergonomics in designing or modifying work systems
• Women tend to modify work systems and jobs so as to allow for greater social interaction.
• Encourage work system changes that enable more flexible work hours
Personnel Subsystem Implications
let's assume that the technological subsystem falls into Perrow's "routine" category, the
personnel subsystem jobs call for a high level of professionalism, and the external environment
has moderately low complexity. Weighting these three