The document defines heart failure and discusses its epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical features, investigations, management, and cor pulmonale. Heart failure results from impaired ventricular filling or ejection and leads to symptoms like dyspnea and fatigue. It affects millions worldwide and risk increases with age.
The document defines heart failure and discusses its epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical features, investigations, management, and cor pulmonale. Heart failure results from impaired ventricular filling or ejection and leads to symptoms like dyspnea and fatigue. It affects millions worldwide and risk increases with age.
The document defines heart failure and discusses its epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical features, investigations, management, and cor pulmonale. Heart failure results from impaired ventricular filling or ejection and leads to symptoms like dyspnea and fatigue. It affects millions worldwide and risk increases with age.
The document defines heart failure and discusses its epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, clinical features, investigations, management, and cor pulmonale. Heart failure results from impaired ventricular filling or ejection and leads to symptoms like dyspnea and fatigue. It affects millions worldwide and risk increases with age.
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INTERNIST, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE) OUTLINE • DEFINITION • ETIOLOGY • PATHOPHYSIOLOGY • CLINICAL FEATURES • INVESTIGATIONS • MANAGEMENT DEFINITION • a complex clinical syndrome that results from structural or functional impairment of ventricular filling or ejection of blood, which in turn leads to the cardinal clinical symptoms of dyspnea and fatigue and signs of HF, namely edema and rales. EPIDEMIOLOGY • HF is a burgeoning problem worldwide, with more than 20 million people affected. • The overall prevalence of HF in the adult population in developed countries is 2%. • HF prevalence follows an exponential pattern, rising with age, and affects 6–10% of people over age 65. • relative incidence of HF is lower in women than in men, yet women constitute at least one-half the cases of HF because of longer life expectancy. • Very little is known about the prevalence or risk of developing HF in emerging nations because of the lack of population-based studies in those countries. • Rheumatic heart disease remains a major cause of HF in Africa and Asia, especially in the young. • Hypertension is an important cause of HF in the African and African-American populations • Chagas’ disease is still a major cause of HF in South America. • Anemia is a frequent concomitant factor in HF in many developing nations. • As developing nations undergo socioeconomic development, the epidemiology of HF is becoming similar to that of Western Europe and North America, with CAD emerging as the single most common cause of HF. ETIOLOGY • approximately one-half of patients who develop HF have a normal or preserved EF (EF ≥50%). ETIOLOGY Classification of Heart Failure
ACCF/AHA Stages of HF NYHA Functional Classification
A At high risk for HF but without structural None heart disease or symptoms of HF. B Structural heart disease but without signs I No limitation of physical activity. or symptoms of HF. Ordinary physical activity does not cause symptoms of HF. C Structural heart disease with prior or I No limitation of physical activity. current symptoms of HF. Ordinary physical activity does not cause symptoms of HF. II Slight limitation of physical activity. Comfortable at rest, but ordinary physical activity results in symptoms of HF. III Marked limitation of physical activity. Comfortable at rest, but less than ordinary activity causes symptoms of HF. IV Unable to carry on any physical activity D Refractory HF requiring specialized without symptoms of HF, or symptoms of interventions. HF at rest. ACUITY OF PRESENTATION • ADHF • CHRONIC HF PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Pathogenesis of heart failure with a depressed EF Activation of neurohormonal systems in HF Overview of Left Ventricular Remodeling COUNTERACTING NEUROHORMONES Left Ventricular Remodeling • changes in LV mass, volume, and shape and the composition of the heart that occur after cardiac injury and/or abnormal hemodynamic loading conditions. • may contribute independently to the progression of HF by virtue of the mechanical burdens. • In addition to the increase in LV end-diastolic volume, LV wall thinning occurs as the left ventricle begins to dilate. • increase in wall thinning, along with the increase in afterload created by LV dilation, leads to a functional afterload mismatch that may contribute further to a decrease in stroke volume. PATHOGENESIS OF HFpEF • understanding of the mechanisms that contribute to the development of HF with a preserved EF is still evolving. • diastolic dysfunction was thought to be the only responsible mechanism • additional extracardiac mechanisms may be important - increased vascular stiffness - impaired renal function. CLINICAL FEATURES • FATIGUE • DYSPNEA • ORTHOPNEA • PND • Cheyne-Stokes respiration Other Symptoms • Gastrointestinal symptoms - Anorexia, nausea, and early satiety associated with abdominal pain and fullness are common • right upper-quadrant pain. • Cerebral symptoms such as confusion, disorientation, and sleep and mood disturbances may be observed in patients with severe HF. • Nocturia is common in HF and may contribute to insomnia PHYSICAL EXAMINATION • General Appearance and Vital Signs • Jugular Veins • Pulmonary Examination • Cardiac Examination • Abdomen • Extremities • Cardiac cachexia .> Diagnostic investigations • complete blood count, • urinalysis, • serum electrolytes (including calcium and magnesium) • blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, glucose, • fasting lipid profile, • liver function tests, and • thyroid-stimulating hormone. ECG • The ECG can be used firstly as a screening test to assess the likelihood of HF and the need for subsequent echocardiography to confirm or refute a diagnosis. • It is unusual for a patient with HF to have a normal ECG, so it is a good tool to rule out HF. • The ECG abnormalities reported in HF are all non- specific, and relatively common in older patients. • The specificity of an abnormal ECG is relatively poor (around 60% at best). - Electrocardiographic abnormalities in patients with HF include: • pathological Q waves • left bundle branch block • left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) • atrial fibrillation • non-specific ST and/or T-wave changes. BNP or N-terminal pro-B-type Natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) - useful to support clinical judgment for the diagnosis of acutely decompensated HF, especially in the setting of uncertainty for the diagnosis. -In ambulatory patients with dyspnea, measurement of BNP or (NT-proBNP) is useful to support clinical decision making regarding the diagnosis of HF, especially in the setting of clinical uncertainty. - useful for establishing prognosis or disease severity in chronic HF & ADHF. • can be useful to achieve optimal dosing of GDMT in select clinically euvolemic patients followed in a well-structured HF disease management program. Causes for Elevated Natriuretic Peptide Levels Cardiac Noncardiac Heart failure, including RV Advancing age syndromes Anemia Acute coronary syndrome Renal failure Heart muscle disease, including Pulmonary causes: obstructive LVH sleep apnea, severe pneumonia, Valvular heart disease pulmonary hypertension Pericardial disease Critical illness Atrial fibrillation Bacterial sepsis Myocarditis Severe burns Cardiac surgery Toxic-metabolic insults, including Cardioversion cancer chemotherapy and envenomation Chest x-ray • to assess - heart size - pulmonary congestion • to detect alternative cardiac, pulmonary, and other diseases that may cause or contribute to the patients’ symptoms 2 -dimensional echocardiogram with Doppler - should be performed during initial evaluation of patients presenting with HF to assess • Ventricular function & size • Wall thickness • Wall motion • Valve function OTHER Investigations • Noninvasive imaging to detect myocardial ischemia and viability is reasonable in HF and CAD • Radionuclide ventriculography • MRI Invasive Evaluation • Monitoring with a pulmonary artery catheter should be performed in patients with respiratory distress or impaired systemic perfusion when clinical assessment is inadequate • When coronary ischemia may be contributing to HF, coronary arteriography is reasonable • Endomyocardial biopsy can be useful in patients with HF when a specific diagnosis is suspected that would influence therapy. COR PULMONALE DEFINITION • often referred to as pulmonary heart disease, can be defined as altered RV structure and/or function in the context of chronic lung disease and is triggered by the onset of pulmonary hypertension. • Although RV dysfunction is also an important sequela of HFpEF and HFrEF, this is not considered as cor pulmonale. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND BASIC MECHANISMS • Although many conditions can lead to cor pulmonale, the common pathophysiologic mechanism is pulmonary hypertension that is sufficient to alter RV structure (i.e., dilation with or without hypertrophy) and function. • In the setting of parenchymal lung diseases, primary pulmonary vascular disorders, or chronic (alveolar) hypoxia, the circulatory bed undergoes varying degrees of vascular remodeling, vasoconstriction, and destruction. • As a result, pulmonary artery pressures and RV afterload increase, setting the stage for cor pulmonale ETIOLOGY CLINICAL FEATURES • Respiratory symptoms • Features of right sided heart failure Diagnosis • Echocardiography • BNP ,NT pro-BNP • ECG • CXR • CT SCAN of lungs & vasculature • Ventilation -Perfusion lung scan • Spirometry and lung volumes • Arterial blood gases ACUTE DECOMPENSATED HEART FAILURE DEFINITION of ADHF • the new onset or recurrence of symptoms and signs of heart failure requiring urgent or emergent therapy and resulting in seeking unscheduled care or hospitalization. • many patients may have a more subacute course. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY of AHF • AHF is not a single disease but a heterogeneous clinical syndrome. • pathophysiology is- - complex and highly variable - many overlapping pathogenic mechanisms that may be operative in a given clinical scenario to a greater or lesser degree Pathophysiologic Framework • consider AHF as the result of the interaction of - Underlying substrate - Initiating mechanisms or triggers - Amplifying mechanisms HEMODYNAMIC PROFILE Investigations in ADHF MOST CONSISTENT PROGNOSTIC MARKERS inADHF • BLOOD PRESSURE • BUN • BNP & NT – BNP MANAGEMENT OF HEART FAILURE • Distinctive phenotypes of presentation with diverse management targets exemplify the vast syndrome of heart failure. • These range from 1. chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) 2.heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) 3.acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) 4.advanced heart failure. MANAGEMENT of Acute Decompensated Heart Failure (ADHF) GOALS OF TREATMENT in ADHF ALGORITHM FOR ADHF MANAGEMENT TRIAGE FOR FURTHER CARE - hospitalization is recommended for patients with • evidence of severe decompensated heart failure, including hypotension • worsening renal function • Altered mentation • dyspnea at rest associated with either tachypnea or hypoxemia (oxygen saturation <90%) • Hemodynamically significant arrhythmia • acute coronary syndromes - Hospitalization should be considered • in patients with worsened congestion, even in the absence of dyspnea and often reflected by significant weight gain (≥5 kg), other signs or symptoms of pulmonary or systemic congestion • newly diagnosed heart failure • complications of heart failure therapy (such as electrolyte disturbances, frequent implantable cardioverter-defibrillator [ICD] firings) • other associated comorbid conditions Oxygen therapy and ventilatory support
• If oxygen saturation [SaO2] <90%), oxygen
administration is recommended. • Patients may require NIV or Mechanical ventlation PHARMACOTHERAPY for Acute Decompensated Heart Failure • LOOP DIURETICS • VASODILATORS • INOTROPS & INODILATORS • VASOPRESSORS Intravenous loop diuretics • symptomatic patients with objective evidence of congestion consistent with pulmonary or systemic venous hypertension or edema should receive urgent diuretic therapy for rapid relief of dyspnea. • Initial therapy typically consists of a bolus injection with a dose between 1 and 2.5 times the patient’s oral loop diuretic dose for patients on chronic diuretic therapy • Mainstay of treatment in AHF • No good data regarding accurate dosing in AHF. Typical doses of Diuretics in ADHF VASODILATORS • In the absence of hypotension, vasodilators play an important role in the initial therapy of patients with pulmonary edema and poor oxygenation. NITRATES Inotropes and Inodilators • increase cardiac output through cAMP-mediated inotropy and reduce PCWP through vasodilation. • retrospective data from both registries and trials of AHF patients suggest that even the short term use (hours to few days) of intravenous inotropes is associated with ; - significant side effects such as hypotension, atrial or ventricular arrhythmias - an increase in in-hospital and possibly long-term mortality. INOTROPIC & VASOPRESSOR AGENTS INHOSPITAL PATIENT MONITORING DISCHARGE CRITEREA HEART FAILURE WITH REDUCED EJECTION FRACTION Pharmacologic Therapy & Target Doses in Heart Failure with Reduced EF NEUROHORMONAL ANTAGONISM • ACEI • BETA BLOCKERS • ALDOSTERONE ANTAGONISM ACEI • Meta-analyses suggest a 23% reduction in mortality and a 35% reduction in the combination endpoint of mortality and hospitalizations for heart failure in patients treated with ACEIs. Beta Blockers • Patients treated with beta blockers provide a further 35% reduction in mortality on top of the benefit provided by ACEIs alone. Dose and Outcome • A trial has indicated that higher tolerated doses of ACEIs achieve greater reduction in hospitalizations without materially improving survival. • Beta blockers demonstrate a dose-dependent improvement in cardiac function and reductions in mortality and hospitalizations. • in the absence of symptoms to suggest hypotension (fatigue and dizziness), pharmacotherapy may be up- titrated every 2 weeks in hemodynamically stable and euvolemic ambulatory patients as tolerated. MINERALOCORTICOID ANTAGONISTS • associated with a reduction in mortality in all stages of symptomatic NYHA class II to IV HFrEF. • Elevated aldosterone levels promote sodium retention, electrolyte imbalance, and endothelial dysfunction and may directly contribute to myocardial fibrosis. • The selective agent eplerenone (tested in NYHA class II and post– myocardial infarction heart failure) and the nonselective antagonist spironolactone (tested in NYHA class III and IV heart failure) reduce mortality and hospitalizations, with significant reductions in sudden cardiac death (SCD). • Hyperkalemia and worsening renal function are concerns, especially in patients with underlying chronic kidney disease, and renal ARTERIOVENOUS VASODILATION • The combination of hydralazine and nitrates has been demonstrated to improve survival in HFrEF. • Hydralazine reduces systemic vascular resistance and induces arterial vasodilatation by affecting intracellular calcium kinetics; nitrates are transformed in smooth muscle cells into nitric oxide, which stimulates cGMP production and consequent arterial-venous vasodilation. • This combination improves survival, but not to the magnitude evidenced by ACEIs or ARBs. • is preferred as a disease- modifying approach in individuals with HFrEF unable to tolerate RAAS–based therapy • A trial conducted in self-identified African Americans, the African-American Heart Failure Trial (A-Heft), studied a fixed dose of isosorbide dinitrate with hydralazine in patients with advanced symptoms of HFrEF who were receiving standard background therapy. • The study demonstrated benefit in survival and hospitalization recidivism in the treatment group. • Adherence to this regimen is limited by the thrice- daily dosing schedule. CARDIAC RESYNCHRONIZATION THERAPY • Non synchronous contraction between the walls of the left ventricle (intraventricular) or between the ventricular chambers (interventricular) impairs systolic function, decreases mechanical efficiency of contraction, and adversely affects ventricular filling • Mechanical dyssynchrony results in an increase in wall stress and worsens functional mitral regurgitation. • The single most important association of extent of dyssynchrony is a widened QRS interval on the surface electrocardiogram, particularly in the presence of a left bundle branch block pattern SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH PREVENTION IN HEART FAILURE • SCD due to ventricular arrhythmias is the mode of death in approximately half of patients with heart failure and is particularly proportionally prevalent in HFrEF patients with early stages of the disease. • Patients who survive an episode of SCD are considered to be at very high risk and qualify for placement of an implantable cardioverterdefibrillator (ICD). • Although primary prevention is challenging, the degree of residual left ventricular dysfunction despite optimal medical therapy (≤35%) to allow for adequate remodeling and the underlying etiology (post–myocardial infarction or ischemic cardiomyopathy) are the two single most important risk markers for stratification of need and benefit. Indications for ICD • patients with NYHA class II or III symptoms of heart failure and an LVEF <35%, irrespective of etiology of heart failure, are appropriate candidates for ICD prophylactic therapy. • patients with a myocardial infarction and optimal medical therapy with residual LVEF ≤30% (even when asymptomatic). EXERCISE • The Heart Failure: A Controlled Trial Investigating Outcomes of Exercise Training (HF-ACTION) study investigated short-term (3- month) and long-term (12-month) effects of a supervised exercise training program in patients with moderate HFrEF. • Exercise was safe, improved patients’ sense of well-being, and correlated with a trend toward mortality reduction. • Maximal changes in 6-minute walk distance were evident at 3 months with significant improvements in cardiopulmonary exercise time and peak oxygen consumption persisting at 12 months. • Therefore, exercise training is recommended as an adjunctive treatment in patients with heart failure. TREATMENTS WITH UNPROVEN BENEFIT
• ANTI – INFLAMMATION AGENTS • STATINS • ANTICOAGULATION AND ANTIPLATELET THERAPY • FISH OIL • MICRONUTRIENTS • ENHANCED EXTERNAL COUNTERPULSATION (EECP) ADVANCED THERAPIES • Cardiac Transplantation • Prolonged Assisted Circulation TREATMENT OF HFpEF • Long term treatments that change the outcome not yet available. • Treatment of underlying etiology.