Sensation 1
Sensation 1
Sensation 1
Most of our behavior is dependent upon what our senses tell
us.Vision,hearing,taste,smell and touch are the so-called five senses. The
functioning of the five senses is called sensation. Sensation are purely the
result of physical stimuli operating on our nervous system.
Definition: A mental process ( Such as seeing,hearing,smelling) resulting
from the immediate external stimulation of a sense organ often as
distinguished from a conscious awareness of the sensory process.
Sensory process
Physical energy
Transduction at receptor
Receptor potentials
Generator potentials
Nerve impulses
Pattern of nerve activity in the nervous system
Characteristics of sensation
• Intensity: Within each modality sensations vary in intensity from low to
high.Thus we experience mild pain or severe pain.
• Absolute threshold: For any sensation to be aroused the stimulus ( light,sound,
touch etc) must have a minimum intensity,called absolute threshold.
• Difference threshold: just as there must be a certain minimum amount of
stimulation to evoke a sensory experience,so there must also be a certain
magnitude of difference between two stimuli before one can be distinguished
from the other.
Types of sensation
• Skin sensation: There are four categories of sensation which can be grouped under skin
sensation. They are pain, pressure,cold,warmth.The sensitivity of the skin varies for each
sensation and with the area of the body.
Cutaneous disorder /Factual disorder: They include loss of sensation of pressure,warmth,cold
and pain.
Smell and taste: Smell and taste sensations are closely related. The nerve receptors for smell
are located in the lining of the upper nasal passages. The sensation of tastes called gustation gives
us four basic tasts-sweet,sour,salt and bitter.
Olfactory and Gustatory Disorders: Olfactory disorders include sensitivity to orders or absence
of recognition of certain orders and taste disorder consists of loss of taste for certain substances
Vision: The retina of each eye contains receptors cells responsible for vision. There are
two receptor cells in retina called rods and cones and these cells are responsible for vision.
Visual disorder: The common visual disorder are myopia(near sightedness),hyperopia(Far
• Hearing: The sense organ for hearing is the ear which changes the sound
waves into nerve impules.Hearing plays an important role in the
understanding of spoken language.
Auditory defects: Hearing can be impaired by injuries, tonsils etc.
Varying degrees of deafness
Deafness to certain specific tones