CH 4 Fuel
CH 4 Fuel
CH 4 Fuel
Chapter 4. Fuels
Introduction :
Internal combustion engine can be operated on
different kind of fuels including liquid , gaseous, and
even solid materials. The character of the fuels used may
have considerable influence on the design, output ,
efficiency of fuel consumption, reliability and
durability of the engine. Therefor , more research has
been carried out in this field than in any other aspect of
engine development.
Over 99% of the worlds internal combustion engines
use liquid fuels derived from petroleum and some countries
use similar fuels derived by hydrogenation of coal.
(ix) Tar and Asphalt. Tar and asphalt are solid or semi-solid
undistilled products of petroleum.
A. Volatility
Knocking Characteristics)
C. Heat of Combustion
D. Heat of Evaporation
F. Safely
Factors that causes detonation:
a. The shape of combustion chamber
b. The relative position of the spark plug in case of petrol
c. The chemical nature of the fuel
e. The rate of combustion of that portion the fuel first ignite. This
portion of the fuel in heating up, compresses the remaining
unburnt fuel, thus producing the condition of auto ignition to
The following are the chief effects due to
a. A loud pulsating noise accompanied by vibration of the
b. An increase of heat lost to the surface of combustion
c. An increase in Carbon deposits.
Sulfur Content
Sulfur is contained in crude oil and some remains in the
A good fuel must possess low sulphur content
to experience detonation.
Octane rating is a measure of the fuel’s ability to resist
A test engine is used to determine the octane of a fuel
Various dopes or additives are mixed with petrol to achieve desirable properties. These maybe
a. Benzole
b. Ethyl Alcohol
I. Present Fuels.
a. Gasoline or Petrol
a. Alcohol
b. Benzol
c. hydrogen
1. Gasoline or Petrol
followed by refining process. The composition is not fixed. These are prepared
antiknock qualities
It contains mainly butane and propane and is also used as engine fuel. The
1. Alcohol
- Ethyl Alcohol is mainly used as a fuel. It has high anti knock rating ( above 100) and is
used as blending agent. It has Low calorific value ( 27,000 KJ/Kg) and higher cost per
2. Benzol
- It is obtained by distillation of coal. It has very high octane number( above 115) and is
valuable blending component. But it has high freezing and not suitable for uses in
3. Hydrogen
b. Viscosity
c. Heat of combustion
d. Volatility
e. Cleanliness
f. Non corrosiveness
Ignition Quality
The term ignition quality is used to cover loosely the ignition temperature vs. delay
characteristics of fuel when used in engine. Good ignition quality means short delay
angle at given speed , compression ratio, air inlet and jacket temperature.
Diesel fuel is injected into the combustion chamber. High viscosity fuel is not finely
atomized and requires more injection pressure. The injection pressure and the degree
The pressure of the sulphur in the diesel fuel reduces the self ignition temperature of
the fuel. The injected fuel starts burning at a lower temperature in the combustion
chamber. On the other hand high sulphur increases wear due to acidic corrosion and
Diesel fuel must be volatile at the cylinder temperature. If volatility of fuel is less, it
burns only partially and leave carbon particles. These carbon particles in the cylinder
The fuel should be free from water and sediments. These can damage the
Ignition Lag
A fuel particle takes a certain time to ignite after injection into the
combustion chamber. The time interval is called ignition lag. Lesser the
The ignition lag of diesel fuel can result in sudden and rapid ignition of accumulated fuel in
the combustion chamber. This causes knock in CI Engine . The ignition quality of diesel is
Cetane number- is the percentage of cetane over the mixture of cetane and methyl
naphthalene. For example if the cetane number of diesel fuel is assigned to be 85 that
means the mixture has 85% cetane and 15% methyl naphthalene.
Dopes or Additives for CI Engine Fuels:
Cetane number of diesel fuel can be improved by mixing some additives into the
fuel. They decrease the ignition lag and maximum pressure of the cycle and
increase the cetane number.
Most Common Additives for Diesel Fuel are:
1. Ethyl Nitrate
2. Isoamyl Nitrate
3. Methyl cetane
4. Butyl Peroxide
5. Acetone peroxide
Diesel OIL
Diesel oil is widely used as fuel for CI engines because of low cost and
Higher Thermal efficiency. The cost of diesel is less than that of gasoline
Alternative Fuels
There are rapid depletion of petroleum fuels ( Petrol , Diesel oil) creating
alternative fuels. Alcohols have been found to be main fuels which can
gasification of coal.
Or lignite and also municipal wastes. Ethyl alcohol can be produced by fermentation of carbohydrates such as
sugarcane, corn and potatoes. Brazil, Cuba and Philippines are using alcohol as motor fuel for a long period.
1. Pure alcohol