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Anaphy Report

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Hamstring muscle- are essential for knee

flexion, hip extension and over all lower
body stability.

The hamstrings are a group of muscles

located on the back of the thigh. They are
important for various movements of the hip
and knee joints and play a significant role
in activities such as walking, running,
jumping, and bending the knee.
Gluteus medius is the The flexors of the hip are a group of muscles
strong extensor of the responsible for flexing the hip joint, which involves
hip bringing the thigh bone (femur) closer to the torso or
bending the torso towards the thigh. These muscles are
crucial for various movements such as walking,
running, climbing stairs, and lifting the leg
Abdactor of the hip

Tensor fasciea latae m. Gluteus profundus m. Gluteus superficialis

This muscles are essential for balance, stability injury

prevention and can improve overall lower body function.
Adductors and rotators of the hips

m. gracilis m. pectineus m. adductor m. quadratus femuris

Muscle acting on the Stifle

One of the largest muscle,

the m. quadriceps femores
Muscle acting on the hock
Extensors of the hock

m. Gastrocnemeus muscle located in the

posterior (back) region of the lower leg. It
forms the bulk of the calf and is easily visible
and palpable.

The flexor digitorum superficialis muscle is

located in the anterior (front) compartment of
the forearm. It runs along the underside of the
Flexors of the hock

m. Tibialis cranialis The peroneus longus muscle is located

The tibialis anterior muscle is on the lateral side of the leg.
situated on the front of the leg, The peroneus brevis muscle is located
just below the knee and running alongside the peroneus longus muscle in the
down the shinbone (tibia lateral compartment of the leg
Muscles acting on the digit
Extensor of the digit
 m. extensor digitorum lateralis
 m. extensor digitorum lateralis

Flexor of the digit

 Superficial digital flexor

 Deep digital flexor mm.
Muscle of the Head
Muscle for mastication- are those that have attachment to the mandible and whose
contraction produce the jaw movement associated with chewing

The masseter muscle is a large, thick muscle located

on each side of the face, covering the angle of the
mandible (lower jaw).
The digastric muscle is involved in various
movements of the hyoid bone and the mandible

The temporalis muscle is a fan-shaped muscle located

on each side of the head, covering the temporal bone.
Muscular of facial expresion
The muscle that moves the skin and appendages of the face and the
head are the mimetic muscle.

m. Orbicularis oculi m. Orbicularis oris m. buccinato

Muscle of the trunk and neck

The longissimus muscle lies lateral to the spinalis and is the

largest and longest muscle of the erector spinae group.

The iliocostalis muscle is the most lateral (farthest from the

spine) of the erector spinae muscles.

The spinalis muscle is the most medial (closest to the spine)

of the erector spinae muscles.
Erector Spinae Group (Iliocostalis, Longissimus, Spinalis)
These deep back muscles run along the spine and are primarily responsible for extending
the vertebral column (backward bending) and maintaining upright posture. They provide
stability to the spine and control movements such as bending forward (flexion) and
bending sideways (lateral flexion).
Rectus capitis. It originates from the posterior tubercle of
the atlas (C1 vertebra) and inserts into the medial part of the
inferior nuchal line of the occipital bone .

Longus capitis. The longus capitis muscle is located deep in the

anterior neck. It originates from the anterior tubercles of the
transverse processes of the third to sixth cervical vertebrae and
inserts into the inferior surface of the basilar part of the occipital

Obliquus Capitis Inferior and inferior. This muscle

also originates from the transverse process of the atlas (C1
vertebra) and inserts into the occipital bone between the
superior and inferior nuchal lines
Flexor of the vertebral column

The sternohyoid muscle is also a The sternothyroid muscle is a thin,

strap-like muscle located in the anterior The sternocleidomastoid muscle is a
strap-like muscle located in the
neck. It lies deep to the large, superficial muscle that runs
anterior neck. It lies deep to both
sternocleidomastoid muscle and extends diagonally across the side of the neck.
the sternocleidomastoid and
sternothyroid muscles. vertically along the front of the throat.
The longus colli and longus
capitis muscle is situated in
the anterior portion of the
neck, running along the
vertebral column (spine).
Abdominal muscle
The external oblique muscles are located on the sides of
the abdomen, forming the outermost layer of the lateral
abdominal wall.

The internal oblique muscles lie underneath the external

obliques, forming the intermediate layer of the lateral
abdominal wall.

The transversus abdominis muscle is the deepest of the

abdominal muscles, located underneath the internal
The cremaster muscle plays a crucial role in
maintaining the optimal temperature and
positioning of the testes for sperm
production and overall reproductive health
in males.
Muscle respiratory
The external intercostal muscles are located
between the ribs in the intercostal spaces.

The internal intercostal muscles are also situated

between the ribs in the intercostal spaces, deep to the
external intercostal muscles.
Extensor of the Hip Flexor of the Hip Adductor and Rotators of the Hip

• m. biceps femoris • m. iliacus • m. gracilis

• m. semimembranous • m. psoas major and minor • m. pectineus

• m. semitendinosus • iliopsoas • m. adductor

• m. glutiobiceps • m. sartorius • m. quadratus femoris

• m. gluteus medius • m. rectus femoris • m. internal & external obturator mascle

• m. tensor fasciae latae
Abductor of the hip

• m. gluteus profundus

• m. gluteus superficialis
Muscle acting on the stifle Muscle acting on the hock

Extensors of the stifle Extensors of the Hock

• m. quadraceps femoris • m. gastrocnemius

• m. rectos femoris • Superficial digital flexor m

• m. vastus medialis

• m. vastus intermedius Extensors of the Hock

• m. vastus lateralis • m. tibialis cranialis

• Peroneal muscle
Flexor of the stifle

• m. popliteus
Muscle acting on the Digit

Extensors of the Digit

• Long digital extensor muscle

• Lateral digital extensor muscle

Flexor of the digit

• Superfacial and deep digital flexor mm.

• m. vastus lateralis
Muscle of Facial expression or mimetic muscle Other muscle of the head

• Articular muscle • m. extra ocular muscle

• m. orbicularis oculi (surround the palpebral fissure) • m. intrinsic and extrinsic

• m. orbicularis oris • m. genioglossus

• m. bucinator Muscle of Mastication • m. hyoglossus

• m. temporalis • m. mylohyoideus
• m. masseter

• Pterygoid muscles

• m. digastricus
Extensor of the vertebral column Flexor of the vertebral column

• Epaxial muscles • m. complexus • m. sternocephalicus

• m. erector spainae • m. rhomboideus • m. sternothyroideus

• m. longissimus • Rectus capitis • m. sternohyoideus

• Transversospinalis system • Obliquus capitis • m. longus colli

• Iliocostalis system • Iigamentum nuchae • m. longus capitis

• m. splenius

Abdominal Muscle Muscle of Respiration

• Enternal & external abdominal oblique • Enternal & external intercostal mm.

• transversus abdominis muscle

• m. cremaster • The diaphragm is the chief muscle of respiration.

• m. rectus abdominis

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