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Ref Seminar

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USAT Referee Development Program Seminar

Rev. 11 5/11/11

Todays Agenda
Competition Rules
USAT Referee Development Program Fundamentals of Refereeing Competition Basics Corner Judge Duties and Responsibilities Prohibited Acts Referee Duties and Responsibilities Junior Competition Rules TA Duties and Responsibilities Video Replay Other Things You Should Know

05/02/12 2

Todays Agenda
Poomsae Judging
USAT traditional poomsae Sport (WTF competition-style) poomsae

Hand Signals Practice Scoring Practice Match Practice

Questions and Answers Written Exam

05/02/12 3

Referee Development Program

To develop USAT Referees at all levels

through education, standardization and practical application.

To certify and promote referees using a

systematic approach based on participation and merit.

To ensure a fair competition environment for

athletes in pursuit of competitive excellence.

05/02/12 4

Section 1:

Fundamentals of Refereeing

05/02/12 5

What is the referees job?

From WTFs Foundations of Refereeing: There are general principles which the referee in any sport must fully understand and adhere to. These principles: Protect the integrity of the competition process. Protect the physical safety and the trust of the competitors.

05/02/12 6

Referee responsibilities
Number One responsibility is the safety of the competitors. The referee is there to ensure fair play, and manage the competition fairly. This enables both players to perform at the best of their ability.

05/02/12 7

Remember Three Fundamentals!

Safety Fairness Common sense
Everything you do as a referee relates back to these basic principles.

05/02/12 8

Qualities of a Good Referee

Integrity Confidence Decisiveness Consistency Calmness under pressure Thorough knowledge of the Competition Rules In-depth understanding of the evolving game Wisdom and experience to apply the Competition

Rules correctly
Strong sense of motivation
05/02/12 9

More Qualities of a Good Referee

Excellent communication skills Ability to observe whats happening Respect for

Players Coaches Tournament staff volunteers, medical, security, Organizing Committee Fellow referees
Sense of teamwork Good physical condition

05/02/12 10

Developing Ring Presence

Good physical presentation Grooming Attire Attitude (see Qualities) Physical poise Posture Balance Graceful movement Precise hand signals Focus Authoritative voice

05/02/12 11

Game Day!
Dressed for the occasion
Black suit, white shirt, red tie (Team Trials) Official USAT Referee Polo shirt (Qualifiers and
National events)

White TKD or athletic shoes No watches or jewelry in the ring

Well-groomed Well-rested no late-nights until after the event On time even better, early No cell phones in the ring!

05/02/12 12

Section 2:

Competition Basics

05/02/12 13

The Competition Area (3 Judges)

05/02/12 14

Protective Equipment
Head Protector (must be white,
or color must match hogu)

Chest Guard Groin Guard (worn inside Dobok) Forearm Protector Shin/Instep Protector (also
required with LaJust Sensor Socks)

Mouth Guard (any color) WTF-approved Gloves (14-17 and 18-32 Black Belt divisions,
optional for others; white, or color must match hogu; half-fingered)

05/02/12 15

Protective Equipment
Knee Pads Elbow Pads Female Groin Guard Female Breast Guard

05/02/12 16

Things to Look for at Inspection

All mandatory protective equipment Approved sensing socks (if using PSS) Properly fitting chest guard Dobok clean and in good repair White V-neck Black trim V-neck for Black Belts only No tape allowed on uniform (Exception: taping pants leg
with electronic sensor)

Head protector in good repair

No cracks, tape, pictures, writing, etc. Appropriate belt White, Yellow, Green, Blue, Red, Red & Black, or Black Stripes are allowed

05/02/12 17

Inspection (continued)
Fingernails and toenails clipped Long hair tied back so it wont get in the way No glasses or sport goggles no exceptions! No jewelry including ear studs, nose rings, eyebrow rings, etc. No metallic or hard objects in the hair No unauthorized padding or taping (maximum of two
layers of tape, except for injury)

No metallic or hard plastic braces No do-rags or anything else on head

religious scarf or head covering)


Pants legs taped with LaJust socks or tucked into sock not tucked into shin protector

05/02/12 18

Duration of the Contest

Three rounds of two minutes each, with oneminute rest period between rounds. Round duration and rest periods may be changed for specific competitions (i.e., shorter rounds for
juniors or color belts).

In case of a tie score at end of the 3rd round, there will be an overtime round after the rest period.

05/02/12 19

Weigh-In Procedures
Contestants weigh-in the day prior to competition
USAT-certified referee must do the weigh-in.

Competitors are allowed two tries to make weight, within the time limit.
A second test scale should be provided.

Contestant must show current USAT ID card.

May be required to show proof of citizenship.

Weigh in is done in the official V-neck uniform.

Separate weigh-in locations for male and female If a contestant wishes, weigh-in may be done in

underpants for male and underpants and bra for female contestants. Under NO circumstances may an athlete weigh-in nude!

05/02/12 20

Section 3:

Corner Judge Duties and Responsibilities

05/02/12 21

Corner Judge Duties

Corner judges and the referee are a team, and work together to get it right.

05/02/12 22

Corner Judge Basics

Judges score points by pressing buttons on an electronic scoring device.
Device may be in the form of individual hand

grips, or a single box.

A judge must clearly understand:

Criteria for a valid point (i.e., permitted techniques,

and legal scoring areas). When to award a point, and when not to award a point.

Electronic scoring isnt difficultbut it does take practice!

05/02/12 23

Look Sharp In the Corner

Sit properly comfortable, good posture, feet on floor, no legs crossed. Focus only on your match, get in the zone. Stand when necessary to get a better view of the action.

05/02/12 24

Manual Electronic Scoring

LaJust PSS uses a single box.

Top buttons award head kicks. Large center buttons (Technical Point) are pressed for valid turn. Small buttons (not shown here) are pressed to award punches. Red is ALWAYS in the left hand! Blue is ALWAYS in the right hand! The top button is pressed to award points to the head; the trigger or side button ispressed to award points to the body. If the system cant accommodate it, referee stops action to award the additional point for turning kicks.

If you have two controllers (and no electronic hogu)

05/02/12 25

Electronic Body Protectors

Electronic Protector & Scoring Systems (PSS) such as the LaJust system used by USAT automatically record points to the body. Corner judges press to score:
Head kicks Turning kicks to the body Turning kicks to the head Punches Usually, tournament organizers or volunteers do this, but referees should learn how to do it. Referee supervises a single test kick to verify the system is working.

Hogus must be registered before each match.

05/02/12 26

When you make a mistake...

Everyone presses the wrong button occasionally. When you make a mistake, immediately press the correct button. If you see that your error may have resulted in a noscore, or a score for the wrong player, stand up immediately to get the referees attention. When one judge stands, all stand!
The referee will call the judges together to sort it out. When asked, state what happened (Yes, head kick for Blue. Or, No, I didnt score on that last exchange.) Just the facts, no involved discussion.

05/02/12 27

Permitted Techniques
Fist techniques: Delivering punches using the tightly clenched fist, without regard to trajectory. Foot techniques: Delivering kicks by using any part of the foot below the ankle bone.

The front part of the tightly clenched fist no backfists, hammer fists, knife hands, ridge hands, chicken beaks, or anything other than a straight or reverse punch. Any type of foot technique is allowed.

05/02/12 28

Permitted Areas
Trunk: Attack by fist and foot techniques on the areas covered by the trunk protector are permitted. Attack to the spine, however, is not permitted. Head: This is the area above the collar bone. Only foot techniques are permitted.
Entire trunk protector is a legal attacking area but only the colored area is a legal scoring area. Includes flanks, but not the spine itself.

05/02/12 29

When Is a Point Scored?

Points shall be awarded when permitted techniques are delivered accurately and powerfully to the legal scoring areas.
Accurately: A legal attacking technique, contacting the

opponent within the designated limits of a legal target area. Powerfully: Sufficient power is demonstrated by the impact of the strike.

A point is recorded when two of three judges press for the same player within a window of one second. In a four-judge system, three of four are required to confirm a score.
05/02/12 30

Accuracy and Power

Unless electronic chest protectors are used, accuracy and power are determined solely by the judges. Criteria for power and accuracy is a sliding scale must be adjusted for the various weight classes and belt levels.
A body technique typically requires more power than a

head technique. Look for more power from heavyweights, less from fin weights. Look for greater power from black belts; be more generous with white or yellow belts. Head techniques: not brushes or touches.

05/02/12 31

Valid Points
One point for a successful punch or kick to the trunk protector. Two points for a valid turning kick to the trunk protector. Three points for a successful attack to the head. Four points for a valid turning kick to the head.

Note: With the exception of the 4-point turning kick to head, these scoring standards now also apply under Junior Safety Rules.

05/02/12 32

When Not to Score

Points should not be awarded when they are the result of prohibited acts. Some common examples:
Holding the opponent while kicking Pushing and then kicking Attack after Kal-yeo (break) Attacking a fallen opponent Clearly outside the Boundary Line

Dont second-guess the referee; however, when its an obvious infraction dont score it. If in doubt, go ahead and score it, and let the referee decide.

05/02/12 33

Section 4:

Prohibited Acts

05/02/12 34

Why Do We Need Penalties?

Objectives in establishing the prohibited acts and penalties:
To protect the contestants. To ensure fair contest management. To encourage appropriate or ideal


05/02/12 35

Two Kinds of Penalties

Kyong-go (Half-Point Warning) two Kyong-go penalties result in a point added to the opponents score.
A single odd Kyong-go has no effect on the score. Less serious infractions.

Gam-jeom (Full-Point Deduction) results in a single point being added to the opponents score.
These are more serious.

05/02/12 36

Administering Penalties
Kyong-go and Gam-jeom penalties are counted in the total score of the three rounds. If a player receives any combination of Kyonggo and Gam-jeom penalties that add up to four points, that player is declared loser by penalties. The referee declares Shi-gan to stop match time while administering penalties.

05/02/12 37

Punitive Disqualification
In the event of a really flagrant, deliberate violation, you dont have to wait for the penalties to add up to disqualify the competitor.
When the contestant or coach ignores or violates the basic principles of conduct in Taekwondo competition, the fundamental principles of the Competition Rules, or refuses to comply with the referees directives. In particular, if the contestant shows the intention to injure or commit a flagrant violation in spite of the referees cautionary directives, the contestant must imme-diately be declared loser by referees punitive declaration.

05/02/12 38

Kyong-go Penalties
a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Crossing the Boundary Line Avoiding or delaying the match Falling down Grabbing, holding or pushing the opponent Attacking below the waist Butting or attacking with knee Hitting the opponents face with the hand Uttering undesirable remarks or any misconduct on the part of a contestant or a coach i. Lifting the knee to avoid a valid attack or impede the progress of an attack

05/02/12 39

a. Crossing the Boundary Line

When both feet of a player fully cross the Boundary Line. If the the player is pushed out, the opposing player gets the penalty. If both feet of both players go out, both should be penalized. With one foot out, a player can still score as long as his body is within the vertical plane of the Boundary Line. The referee must be alert, and call Kal-yeo immediately when a player crosses the Boundary Line.

05/02/12 40

b. Avoiding or delaying the match

Stalling or running away with no intention of attacking. Distinguish intentional avoidance from tactical defense. 10-Second Rule
Players have about five seconds to set up. If no action, the referee gives Fight command. If there is no activity within 10 seconds after the

command, Kyong-go is given to the contestant who moved backwards. Kyong-go can be given to both players if they were equally inactive.

05/02/12 41

b. Avoiding or delaying the match

Turning the back to avoid the opponents attack.
Distinguish between tactical action and avoiding.

Includes evading the opponents attack by bending below waist level or crouching. Kyong-go may also be given when a player asks the referee to stop the match for any reason.
To adjust protective equipment. Ask coach to request video replay.

05/02/12 42

b. Avoiding or delaying the match

Pretending injury
Exaggerating injury or indicating pain in a body

part not subjected to a blow for the purpose of demonstrating the opponents action as a violation.
Exaggerating pain for the purpose of elapsing the

match time.

Referee gives indication to continue the match to

the contestant two times in five-second intervals. Unless the contestant resumes the match, referee gives Kyong-go penalty.

05/02/12 43

c. Falling down
Must be intentional.
Intentional is defined as showing no will to

remain standing. Repeated falling may be deemed intentional.

Falling down while exchanging techniques is not penalized. Falling down when performing jumping or spinning techniques penalty should be given for repeated falling, or when a player shows no intention to remain standing. Slips or stumbles are not penalized.

05/02/12 44

d. Grabbing, holding or pushing...

Grabbing any part of the opponents body, uniform or protective equipment with the hands. Grabbing the foot or leg, or hooking either one on top of the forearm. Holding or pressing the opponents shoulder with the hand or arm, or hooking the opponents body with the arm to hinder the opponents motion. Pushing to displace the opponents balance for the purpose of gaining an advantage in attacking. Pushing to hinder the opponents attack or hinder the normal execution of technique. Pushing with the palm, elbow, shoulder, trunk or head, etc.
05/02/12 45

e. Attacking below the waist

Intentional attack on any part below the waist including butt shots. If caused by the recipient in the course of an exchange of techniques, no penalty is given. Strong kicking or stamping actions to any part of the thigh, knee or shin for the purpose of interfering with the opponents technique.
Example: cut kick to the leg or lower body.

05/02/12 46

f. Butting or attacking with knee

Intentional head butting or attacking with the knee when in close proximity to the opponent. No penalty for inadvertent contact as the result of technical exchange.
When opponent rushes in abruptly at the moment

a kick is being executed. As the result of a discrepancy in distance in attacking.

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g. Hitting opponents face with hand

Unintentionally hitting the opponents face with the hand (fist), wrist, arm, or elbow.
An intentional attack to face with the hand is a

Gam-Jeom penalty, regardless of degree of severity.

Unavoidable actions due to the opponents carelessness such as excessively lowering the head or carelessly turning the body are not penalized. Always give either a Kyong-go or Gam-jeom for a hand to the head. Don't let it go.

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h. Undesirable remarks, etc.

Any actions interfering with the progress of the contest. Any action or behavior severely criticizing the referees decision or any match officiating. Physical or verbal behavior insulting the opposing contestant or the coach. Loud or excessive coaching. The coach leaves the 1m x 1m Coachs Zone. Player or coach behavior that is not within normally acceptable limits.

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h. Undesirable remarks (continued)

Determining the degree of illegality and whether to issue a Kyong-go or Gam-jeom is at the referees discretion. Multiple instances of the same offense can escalate to Gam-jeom. When infraction occurs during the rest period, the referee immediately declares the penalty, and it is applied in the next round.

05/02/12 50

i. Lifting the knee...

Lifting the knee to avoid a valid attack or impede the progress of an attack. Lifting the knee in order to kick is not penalized.

05/02/12 51

Gam-jeom Penalties
a. Attacking the opponent after Kal-yeo b. Attacking the fallen opponent c. Throwing down the opponent by grabbing or hooking the attacking foot in the air or by pushing the opponent with the hand d. Intentionally attacking the opponents face with the hand e. A coach or contestant interrupting the progress of the match f. Violent or extreme remarks or behavior on the part of a contestant or a coach g. Intentionally attempting to manipulate the scoring system or increase sensitivity of the sensing socks

05/02/12 52

a. Attacking after Kal-yeo

Intentionally attacking the opponent after Kal-yeo regardless of the degree of impact. Gam-jeom should also be given if a contestant pretends to attack the opponent after Kal-yeo.

05/02/12 53

b. Attacking the fallen opponent

Fallen: when any part of the players body, other than the soles of the feet, touches the floor. A falling player is still subject to legitimate attack, and may be at risk so the referee must be alert to step in with Kal-yeo.

05/02/12 54

c. Throwing down the opponent...

Interfering with the opponents attack by grappling the opponents kicking foot in the air or pushing the opponent with the hand. Must be distinguished from Kyong-go pushing penalty.
Was player actually thrown down or severely off-


05/02/12 55

d. Intentionally attacking face...

The key criterion for deciding whether an attack to the face with the hand is a Kyong-go or a Gamjeom is intentionality, not severity of injury. Determination of intentionality:
When the starting point of the fist attack was over

the shoulder When the fist attack was made upward When the attack was made in a close distance for the purpose of causing an injury, not as a part of technical exchanges

05/02/12 56

e. Interrupting progress of match...

When a coach leaves the designated coachs mark during the match creating a disturbance, or intentionally leaves the competition area. When a coach goes around the competition area with a purpose of interfering with the progress of the match or protesting against the referees decision. When a coach or a contestant threatens the refereeing officials or infringes on the refereeing officials authority. When a coach or a contestant protests in an illegal way and interrupts the progress of the match. If violation occurs during the rest period, referee declares Gam-jeom immediately.
05/02/12 57

f. Violent or extreme remarks...

See Kyong-go penalties, sub-article j. Youll know it when you see it!

05/02/12 58

g. Manipulating scoring system...

Before each round, referee checks whether any attempts were made to:
Manipulate the scoring system Increase sensitivity of the sensing socks Any other tampering

If there is intentional manipulation, the referee may give a Gam-jeom penalty. Depending on the seriousness of the violation, referee may declare the violating competitor the loser by penalty.

05/02/12 59

Section 5:

Referee Duties and Responsibilities

05/02/12 60

Referee Responsibilities
Has control over the match, and protects the safety of the competitors. Declares Shi-jak, Keu-man, Kal-yeo, Kyesok and Kye-shi, winner and loser, deduction of points, warnings and retiring. If an Inspection Desk is not in use, the referee inspects the contestants safety equipment, dobok, metallic articles, etc. Chung first, and then Hong.
Sometimes, inspection is done at ring-side by

other officials. In this case, the referee neednt inspect again.

05/02/12 61

More Referee Responsibilities

Has the right to make decisions independently in accordance with the rules. The referee does not award points. In the case of a scoreless overtime round, the decision of Superiority is made by the referee and the corner judges.

05/02/12 62

Nine ways to win

1. Win by Knock-out (KO)
After a legitimate technique, the opponent cannot

demonstrate the will to resume the contest by the count of Yeo-dul.

1. Win by Referee Stops Contest (RSC)

When the referee or doctor determines that a

player cannot continue, even after a one minute recovery period. When a contestant disregards the referees command to continue. In case of a severe mismatch, where the referee feels a player may be in danger if the match continues.

05/02/12 63

Nine ways to win (continued)

3. Win by final score (PTF)
Winning player scores more points than the


3. Win by Point Gap (PTG)

When there is a 12-point difference at the

completion of the second round, or at any time during the third round.

3. Win by Sudden Death (SDP) 4. Win by Superiority (SUP)

Winner decided according to Rules of


05/02/12 64

Nine ways to win (continued)

7. Win by withdrawal (WDR)
Player withdraws from the match due to injury or

other reasons. Player does not resume the match after the rest period or fails to respond to the call to begin the match. Coach throws in the towel.

7. Win by disqualification (DSQ)

Player fails to make weight or loses contestant

status before the competition begins.

05/02/12 65

Nine ways to win (continued)

9. Win by referees punitive declaration
When a player accumulates a total of four

deduction points Kyong-go and/or Gam-jeom, in any combination. Referee declares player the loser as a result of flagrant refusal to obey the competition rules or comply with referees order.

05/02/12 66

Overtime Round
If the score is tied at the end of the final round, the match goes to an overtime round.
First score (or total of one full deduction point)

decides the winner.

To initiate the overtime round:

Referee sends the contestants back to their

respective coaches using the same hand gesture as at the end of a round. Referee begins the 4th round with Joon-Bi and Shi-Jak after the usual rest period.
Contestants do not bow again.

05/02/12 67

If neither player scores in the overtime round, the winner is decided by Superiority. Superiority is based on which player showed greater initiative.

Overtime round only not the whole match!

Initiative is judged by these criteria in order:

Technical dominance of an opponent through

aggressive match management. A greater number of techniques executed. The use of more advanced techniques, both in difficulty and complexity. Display of a better competition manner.

05/02/12 68

Superiority Card

Be sure to have a Superiority Card and pen with you before the match begins.

05/02/12 69

Procedure for Superiority

At the end of the overtime round, the referee takes two steps back, and says Woo-se ki-rok. The corner judges complete their cards, and present them to the referee. The referee completes his/her own card, records the result, has the players bow, and declares the winner. With three corner judges, if there is a 2-2 tie, whichever player the the referee voted for is the winner. With four corner judges, the winner is decided by simple majority, with each judge and the referee having one vote. The referee turns the cards over to the T.A.

05/02/12 70

Definition: When a contestant is knocked to the floor or is staggered or unable to respond adequately to the requirements of the match due to a legal technique.
When any part of the body other than the sole of the

foot touches the floor due to the force of the opponents permitted technique. When a contestant is staggered and shows no intention or ability to continue. When the referee judges that, in the interest of safety, the contest cannot continue as the result of a contestant being struck by a permitted technique. Any situation where as the result of legal contact it would be dangerous to continue or when there is any question about the safety of a contestant.
05/02/12 71

Knock-Down Procedure
Declare Kal-yeo (break). Keep the attacker away from the downed player. Check player condition, call doctor if necessary. Count at one-second intervals.
Ha-nah, Duhl, Seht, Neht, Da-seot, Yeo-seot, Il-gop,

Yeo-dul, A-hop, Yeol.

You can call for the doctor while youre counting. Continue to count, even if match time has expired.

You MUST count to eight even if the player is ready to continue before then.

05/02/12 72

Knock-Down Procedure
Player demonstrates will to continue by standing in fighting position, fists up.
Must be alert and ready to go. Look closely, make sure.

Dont spend additional time confirming the competitors recovery after counting to Yeo-dul check them while youre counting. Resume the contest by declaring Kye-sok (continue).

05/02/12 73

Knock-Down Procedure
If a player clearly recovers before the count of Yeodul and expresses the will to resume, but still needs medical treatment...
Resume the match by declaring Kye-shi (injury time-

out) and proceed accordingly.

If downed player cannot demonstrate the will to resume the contest by the count of Yeo-dul (eight), continue counting: A-hop, Yeol. Once you count past eight, the game is over. You must finish the count and declare a Knock-Out.

05/02/12 74

Both Players Knocked Down

If both players are knocked down, continue counting as long as one of the contestants has not sufficiently recovered. If neither player recovers by the count of Yeo-dul, winner is decided based on the match score before the knock-down.

05/02/12 75

Kye-shi: Injury Time-Out

The referee stops the match by declaring Kal-yeo, and orders the Recorder to suspend the time by announcing Kye-shi (60-second suspension). The referee may call for the doctor, and the player is allowed one minute to receive first aid. It is the decision of the referee, after consulting with the doctor, whether or not it is possible for the contestant to resume the match. While the player is receiving medical treatment or is in the process of recovering, 40 seconds after the declaration of Kye-shi, the referee begins to loudly announce the passage of time in five second intervals saying, 40 seconds, 45 seconds, etc.

05/02/12 76

Kye-shi: Injury Time-Out

If the player is unable or unwilling to resume the match after one minute...
If the injury was caused by a legal action, accidental

contact, (or no contact)injured player loses.

If the injury was caused by an illegal action

penalized by Kyong-go injured player loses.

If the injury was caused by an illegal action

penalized by Gam-jeom player causing the injury loses.

05/02/12 77

Kye-shi: Injury Time-Out

Resume the match by declaring Kye-sok (continue). If the player clearly indicates the intention to proceed, but treatment is required and the doctor is unavailable, or if a bit of additional treatment is necessary, the referee can choose to suspend the one-minute time limit.
This is done by declaring Shi-gan (time) before the 60

seconds have elapsed.

If both of the contestants are injured and unable to continue the match after one minute, the winner is decided based the match score before the injuries occurred.

05/02/12 78

Shi-gan: Non-Injury Time Out

When you need to suspend the match for something other than an injury, you declare Shi-gan (time). Examples: to declare a penalty, repair equipment, confer with judges, etc. There is no time limit for a Shi-gan time-out; the duration is entirely at the discretion of the referee. Resume the match by declaring Kye-sok (continue).

05/02/12 79

Uncontrollable Circumstances
If uncontrollable circumstances force you to end a match prematurely...
If the match is suspended after the end of the

second round, results are determined according to the match score at the time of suspension.
If the match is suspended before the end of the

second round, a full three-round rematch should be conducted.

In this type of situation, follow the directions of the

Tournament Committee.

05/02/12 80

Section 6:

Junior Competition Rules

05/02/12 81

No Head Contact
Ages 7 & Under (All Belts) Ages 11 & Under (Color Belts)
Any technique which contacts the head area which does not cause any injury, will be given a warning by the referee (Kyong-go).
A penalty may also be given for intentional or repeated,

careless attacks to the head area, even if no contact is made.

Any technique, which causes injury to the head area will result in a one-point deduction by the referee (Gam-jeom).
Even in the absence of visible injury, the referee

may decide the contact is excessive and penalize with Gam-jeom.

05/02/12 82

No Head Contact
Ages 7 & Under (All Belts) Ages 11 & Under (Color Belts)
If the competitor cannot continue because of the injury to the head area, the attacker will be disqualified. Inability to continue because of fright, crying or loss of will following a kick to the head which did not cause injury does not constitute grounds for disqualification of the attacker. Turning Kicks: Successful turning kicks to the body will be awarded two points in all Junior sparring divisions.

05/02/12 83

Junior Safety Rules

Ages 8 11 (Black Belts) Ages 12 13 (All Belts) Ages 14 17 (Color Belts)
Competitors are allowed to kick to the head. However:
The kick must be light contact with appropriate control,

without causing any injury or excessive contact.

A competitor who executes a successful technique (light contact, no injury) will be awarded three points. Turning Kicks: Successful turning kicks to the body will be awarded two points in all Junior sparring divisions.

05/02/12 84

Junior Safety Rules

Ages 8 11 (Black Belts) Ages 12 13 (All Belts) Ages 14 17 (Color Belts)
A competitor who executes a kick to the face which results in a minor injury shall receive a Gam-jeom penalty.
Minor injury is defined as abrasion or bleeding caused by

non-excessive contact.
Even in the absence of visible injury, the referee may

decide the contact is excessive.

The referee, with or without the doctor, has sole

responsibility for determining if the abrasion or bleeding is a minor injury, and if the attack is excessive.

05/02/12 85

Junior Safety Rules

Ages 8 11 (Black Belts) Ages 12 13 (All Belts) Ages 14 17 (Color Belts)
A competitor who executes a kick to the face which results in the inability of the opponent to continue sparring because of injury shall be disqualified. Inability to continue because of fright, crying or loss of will following a legal kick to the head which did not cause injury does not constitute grounds for disqualification of the attacker.

05/02/12 86

Junior Safety Rules

Ages 8 11 (Black Belts) Ages 12 13 (All Belts) Ages 14 17 (Color Belts)
8-Count: Under Junior Competition Rules, the referee should NOT give an 8-count for ANY technique even a legal one to the head area.
If a kick to the head is powerful enough to warrant an 8-

count, it is considered excessive, and should be given a Gam-Jeom penalty.

The referee can and should begin an 8-count for a legal kick to the trunk area that results in a knockdown condition.

05/02/12 87

Nationals and Qualifiers

05/02/12 88

Adult Competition Rules

14 17 Year Old Black Belts Senior Division (All Belts)
Adult rules apply

05/02/12 89

Section 7:

Technical Assistant (T.A.)

05/02/12 90

Technical Assistant (T.A.) Duties

Senior-level referee who serves as team leader for the referee and judges in a ring. Answers to the Referee Chairman for the overall performance of the rings referee team. Mentors, coaches, guides and supports the referees serving in that ring.
May also do referee and corner judge evaluations.

Assigns referees and supervises ring assignments and rotation. Takes care of tournament paperwork.
T.A. paper and match sheets. Referee assignment sheet.

05/02/12 91

Technical Assistant (T.A.) Duties

Works closely with the Computer Operator and ring volunteers.
Makes sure start time, penalties, time-outs, etc. are

correctly recorded.

Doesnt micro-manage, but in critical situations makes sure that the referee team gets it right.
Only steps in when necessary, but does step in if


Reviews Superiority Cards for accuracy. Anticipates and handles situations before they become problems.

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Technical Assistant (T.A.) Duties

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Section 8:

Video Replay and Protests

05/02/12 94

Competition Supervisory Board

The Competition Supervisory Board adjudicates protests and corrects misjudgments if necessary. May summon the refereeing officials for confirmation of events.
Video tapes will not be admitted as evidence. If summoned, answer ONLY whats asked, and stick

strictly to the FACTS.

Competition Supervisory Board may also take disciplinary action against the officials committing the infraction. May recommend that the Referee Director replace referees or judges.

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Video Replay
Used For National Team Trials and for certain other USAT competitions (where possible and/or feasible). Appeal is limited to errors in factual judgment such as impact of striking, severity of an action or conduct, intention, timing of an act in relation to a declaration or area. Each ring has one Review Jury consisting of an experienced International Referee.
Preferably with at least 1st Class IR qualification. Technical Assistant may also serve as the Review Jury.

Review Jury reviews the instant replay with a second reviewer selected by USAT CEO, and informs the referee of the decision.

05/02/12 96

Video Replay Procedure

If there is an objection to a judgment of the refereeing officials, the coach can request an immediate video replay. Referee declares Kal-yeo, returns the players to their marks, and approaches the coach.
Coach gives the referee a card.

Referee returns to the Referees Mark, holds the card up with the right hand and declares, Chung, video replay, or Hong, video replay. The referee approaches the Review Jury and briefly explains the coachs request.

05/02/12 97

Video Replay Procedure

A second appointed reviewer reviews the video replay with the Review Jury.
Decision must be made within two minutes. If Review Jury and appointed reviewer cant reach a

decision, the Referee Chairman makes the final determination. Reviewers cannot be of the same state or training affiliation as either contestant.

After review, the Review Jury informs the referee of the final decision Accepted or Rejected If the appeal is accepted, the referee returns the card to the coach. If rejected, the referee keeps the card and continues the match.

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Video Replay Procedure

In a single match, a coach may appeal as many times as he/she wishes, as long as each appeal is upheld by the Review Jury. If an appeal is denied, the coach loses the right to any further appeal in that match. There is no limit on the total number of successful appeals a coach may make per contestant in a single championship. Based on the size and level of the championship, the Organizing Committee may decide the number of appeal quota between one (1) and three (3) per player per championship.

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Video Replay Procedure

The decision of the Review Jury is final.
No further appeals on that issue will be accepted during

or after the match.

Exception: Errors in determining the match results,

mistakes in calculating the match score or misidentifying a contestant.

In such instances, an official protest can be submitted

according to the Protest Procedure.

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Video Replay Procedure

05/02/12 101

Protest Procedure After the Match

Protest must be filed within 10 minutes after the match by a certified coach representing the athlete. Protest application is submitted to the Event Director, along with non-refundable fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00). Official, field of play decisions made during and at the end of the contest are final and not negotiable. When Video Replay is in use, only errors in determining the match results, etc. may be protested.

05/02/12 102

Protest Procedure After the Match

Treatment of the decision:
Errors in determining the match results, mistakes in

calculating the match score or misidentifying a contestant shall result in the decision being reversed.
If the referee made a clear error in applying the

Competition Rules, the outcome of the error shall be corrected and the referee may be admonished or face sanction.
When the Board decides that there was a clear error

in judging the facts, such as the impact of striking, severity of action or conduct, intention, timing of an act in relation to a declaration or area, the decision shall not be changed and the official(s) seen to have made the error may be admonished or sanctioned.

05/02/12 103

Coach Decorum
One coach may accompany the contestant to the competition ring when the contestants name is called to compete. The coach must meet all USAT Coaching program requirements to be eligible to coach. The coach must observe the USAT decorum code, the rules and regulations of the Organizing Committee, and the rules of the tournament.
Violators of these rules and regulations may have their

coaching privileges canceled by the USAT and face additional sanction.

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Coach Decorum
During the competition, coaches are required to remain seated and NOT allowed to move about the ring during competition.
The coach may not enter the ring during a competition. If his/her contestant is injured during a contest, the

coach must wait for the referee to declare Kal-yeo and give permission before leaving the coachs chair. The coach should wait for the doctor to arrive before touching his/her contestant.

Coach should look and act professional at all times. Dress Code: No hats, no slippers or flip-flops, no jeans.

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Section 9:

Other Things You Should Know

05/02/12 106

Referee Code of Conduct

As a Referee, I will enforce the current Competition Rules in a fair and impartial

manner, showing no favoritism to one competitor over another competitor.

Competitor safety is of the utmost concern as I perform my duties as Referee. I will conduct myself as a professional in all of my actions during a competition

I will not accept favors of any kind in return for my actions as a Referee. I will maintain proper physical conditioning in order to be able to perform my

duties and responsibilities as a Referee.

I will accept critiques from supervisors in order to improve my abilities as a

I am an ambassador for Taekwondo and, as such, I must perform my duties in a

firm and professional manner, using tact and diplomacy as needed.

I will limit my contact with competitors and coaches during the course of any

tournament to basic greetings and shall not dine or socialize with participating competitors and coaches during the course of any tournament.

05/02/12 107

Matters Not Specifically Covered

Matters related to the competition will be decided through consensus by the refereeing officials of the pertinent contest.

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Words of Wisdom
No public comments about a particular match ever!
The walls have ears, and Loose lips sink ships. Only discuss match specifics in a closed room with the

Referee Chairman, T.A. and/or other referees involved with that match. A casual comment like, Dang, I should have scored that last head kick! can and usually will come back to bite you.

Dont let anyone into your ring without your invitation.

Includes coaches, tournament staff.

Keep your ring area tidy for safety, as well as for appearance.

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Section 10:

Poomsae Judging

05/02/12 110

USAT Poomsae Competition

Only poomsae officially recognized by the Kukkiwon / WTF.
Taegeuk color belt forms; no Palgue Koryo through Hansu Black Belt forms,

depending on division

No funky-colored belts only white, yellow, green, blue, red, red/black, and black

05/02/12 111

Transitioning to WTF Poomsae

USAT is working to raise the overall level of poomsae competition. In 2011 USAT poomsae for all belts ranks and ages will be competed according to WTF standards.
Referees need to know the poomsae! (Do you?) USAT Poomsae Seminars will teach technical

criteria and how to judge. Poomsae certification is fully integrated into USAT referee curriculum.

Certified Poomsae IRs and certified USAT referees will conduct Poomsae Team Trials.
05/02/12 112

Poomsae Judging Criteria

Accuracy of Poomsae Technique
Accuracy of basic movements Details of each Poomsae

Skill a. Accuracy of range of movement (0.5 1.0) b. Balance (0.0 - 1.0)* c. Speed, acceleration, power (0.5 - 1.0) Expression a. Strength, speed, rhythm, fluidity (0.5 1.0) b. Expression of energy (0.5 - 1.0)
05/02/12 113

Poomsae Judging Procedure

Two scores are added together
Technical (0.0 to maximum of 5.0

points) Presentation (2.0 to maximum of 5.0 points)

Technical score
Major Deduction (0.5 points) Serious mistake e.g., wrong action or stance, no kihap or kihap in wrong place, not returning to starting point, etc. Minor Deduction (0.1 points)

Small technical errors e.g., slight loss of balance, foot position not-quite-right, etc.

05/02/12 114

Poomsae Judging Procedure

Technical Score
Technical deductions are scored as they

occur (electronically or by paper). Technical score is calculated (or posted) when the poomsae is finished.

Presentation Score
Judges consider the entire poomsae when

scoring the five presentation categories. Judges award scores of 0.5 to 1.0 in four presentation categories; balance score can go down to 0.0.
1.0 is perfect, and is rarely awarded.
05/02/12 115

Poomsae Score Sheet Example

05/02/12 116

Poomsae Score Sheet Detail

05/02/12 117

Poomsae General Principles

Natural, relaxed stepping with a steady pace, rhythmic and lyrical; not robotic. Generally sharp, complete execution referred to as Volume of Movement. Each poom may be composed of one or more individual actions.

05/02/12 118

General Principles, continued

Low (Arae) is below the waist.
Blocks and strikes to this area start from above

the shoulder.

Middle (Momtong) is between the waist and the top of the shoulders.
Blocks and strikes to this area should start from

between the eyes and waist.

High (Olgul) is above the shoulders to the top of the head.

Blocks and strikes to this area should start at or

below the waist.

05/02/12 119

General Principles, continued

Feet should not move in an inward-to-outward swinging or sine wave motion. Head should not bob up and down between stances. Transitions between movements should be on the balls of the feet. No audible breathing or hissing. Hands and feet should complete their movement at the same time. All poomsae begin and end in the same spot.

05/02/12 120

General Principles, continued

Outside to inside techniques end at the centerline of the body. Inside to outside techniques end at the outer edge of the body. Blocks are performed with the blocking hand starting on the outside; strikes starting on the inside. Fists should be closed (or open) during the entire movement. Fist and wrist should be straight, not bent up or down.

05/02/12 121

General Principles Stances

Consistent, based on body dimensions; angle of knee/leg is clearly defined; a few examples below:

05/02/12 122

General Principles Kicking

Kicking is always to a target the face unless otherwise specified. Front kicks and round kicks are performed with the ball of the foot. Side kicks are performed with the blade of the foot.
Hips must be rotated so foot is at least parallel to

the floor; its okay if toes point slightly downward.

Every kick must have proper range of movement:

Chamber Full extension Retraction

05/02/12 123

Poomsae Judging Proficiency

To become a competent poomsae judge, you have to:
Know (not necessarily perform) the correct

execution of all basic techniques, moves and stances Know the correct order of techniques for each poomsae Understand the correct timing, rhythm and phrasing of the movements and pooms of each poomsae Independently study all of the above in published texts, videos and online resources

05/02/12 124

Sport Poomsae Reference Books

The Textbook of Taekwondo Poomsae, Kukkiwon (Book and DVD)

The Explanation of Taekwondo Poomsae

Available from:

Vision USA, Inc., http://www.mykick.com

05/02/12 125

Useful Video Resources

Kukkiwon Standard Taekwondo Poomsae (Volume 1-6)

Dartfish WTF Standard Taekwondo Poomsae

05/02/12 126

Lots of Excellent Web Resources

Search: WTF World Poomsae Championships, etc.

05/02/12 127

WTF World Poomsae Championships, and other events

05/02/12 128

Section 11:

Whats Next?

05/02/12 129

Whats Next?
As a corner judge, you need to have a basic understanding of the Competition Rules, especially those that are referenced in this course.
Get a copy of the complete USAT Competition Rules. Read them through from time to time especially

before competitions.
Observe the application of the rules in competitions you

Ask an experienced referee to explain anything that

may be unclear to you.

05/02/12 130

Whats Next?
If you want to venture into the center of the ring, you need to have a thorough understanding of the Competition Rules and match management procedures.
Attend a USAT-sanctioned referee seminar. Study the Competition Rules diligently. Referee at as many USAT events as possible. Practice, practice, practice!

Repeat #1, 2, 3 and 4, above.

05/02/12 131

A Well-Marked Path
D, C, B and A levels (two steps each level) Earn promotion by attending seminars and referee

camps, and participating in recognized events.

As you advance, youll be invited to Qualifiers,

then Juniors, then Nationals and eventually, Team Trials.

World Taekwondo Federation

Recommended USAT A-level Referees can

become International Referees

3rd Class, 2nd Class, 1st Class, Special Class

05/02/12 132

Your Referee Development Team

USAT Referee Chairman

John Seiber jcseiber@aol.com

Regional Vice-Chairs

Seung Hwan Kim (Southeast) kimskick7777@yahoo.com Anne Ku (West) anneku99@gmail.com Jim Montgomery (Northeast) jmont@shore.net Bernard Robinson (East Central) BRobinson@networkingtech.com Ron Rose (Midwest) Rosekicks@comcast.net

05/02/12 133

Your Referee Development Team

Poomsae Coordinators

Raymond Hsu rayhsu2004@yahoo.com Victoria Serbin mamaserb@aol.com

USAT Membership Services Manager

Amanda Rubin Amanda.Rubin@usa-taekwondo.us

05/02/12 134

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