CH 6 Tissues 1
CH 6 Tissues 1
CH 6 Tissues 1
Class IX
Sub: Science
Chapter: Tissue
Malathi M, Science Facilitator
Students will able to:
1. Define tissue and differentiate it from cell.
2. Differentiate between plant and animal tissue.
3. Classify, explain, compare and differentiate
various types of plant tissue like meristematic
simple permanent and complex permanent
tissue on the basis of structure ,location and
4. Identify, explain, classify and describe the function of
different type of animal tissues like epithelial,
connective, muscular, nervous tissue and draw their
5. Expected skill development: Skill developing scientific
vocabulary ,critical thinking and comprehension of
6. Development of creativity, reasoning, analytical skill
and accuracy of diagrams.
• Tissue –Definition
• Are plant and animals made up of same types of tissues?
• Plant tissue
• Meristematic tissue
• Permanent tissue- simple and complex permanent tissue
• Animal tissues
• Epithelial tissue
• Connective tissue
• Muscular tissue And Nervous tissue
• What is a cell?
• What are unicellular organism?
• What are multicellular organisms?
• Does multicellular organisms are made up of
same types of cells?
• What is the organization of multicellular
Tissue: A group of cells that are similar in structure
and work together to perform a particular function.
• Examples:- In plants vascular tissue Xylem and phloem
Conduct food and water are example of tissue.
• In animals Muscles contracts and relax to cause movements
are examples of tissue.
Difference between plant and animal
Plant Tissues Animal Tissues
Plants do not move. Animals moves from one place to
Plants required less energy another .
Animals required more energy
than plants.
Most of the tissue provide them Their tissues are the ones that can
support and structural strength. support movement.
Difference between plant and animal
Plant Tissues Animal Tissues
Most of tissues are dead in plants Most tissues in them are living. So
as they can provide mechanical they can move and perform
strength easily and required less several functions.
Difference between plant and animal
Plant Tissues Animal Tissues
Only certain parts of the plant Growth in animals is uniform
can grow. The tissues present and not only in certain regions
in such regions divide of the body.
themselves and form new
The structure of plant tissues The organs and organ systems
is not very specialized as in animals are highly
compared to animals developed
Plant tissues
Meristematic Permanent
(cells divide) (cells do not divide)
• Contains elongated living cells irregularly thickened at the corners.
• Intercellular space is less.
• Provide flexibility and mechanical support to leaves and stem and
allow easy bending without break.
• Found in leaf stalks below the epidermis.
• Consist of long, narrow, thick walled dead cell.
• Cell wall contains lignin which act as cement and harden them.
• Intercellular space absent.
• It provide strength and rigidity to plant and make them hard and stiff.
• Present around vascular bundles, in leaf veins, in the hard covering of
seed, husk of coconut and nuts.
• It is outermost protective layer of plant parts.
• It is usually made up of single layer of flat cells without inter cellular
spaces. Outer and side walls are thicker.
• On aerial parts epidermal cells secretes waxy water resistant layer
called cuticle. Which prevent loss of water , injury and invasion of
• Plants of dry habitats have thick epidermis and thick waxy
layer of cutin on their outer surface.
• Epidermal cells of root have root hairs which increase the
surface area.
• As plants grow older epidermis is replaced by secondary meristem.
• It divide and form cells on both side.
• Cells of on outside cut of from this layer and form several layer thick
cork or bark.
• Cells of cork are dead, without intercellular spaces and have
chemical suberin in their walls.
• Stomata are small pores in the epidermis of leaf.
• Stomata are enclosed by two kidney shaped guard cells.
• They help in exchange of gases with the atmosphere.
• Transpiration also occur through it.
• They are made up of more than one type of
• Xylem and phloem are examples.
• Both are conducting tissue and form vascular
• They made possible survival of vascular plant in
terrestrial environment.
• It consist of tracheids, vessels, xylem fibre and
xylem parenchyma.
• Contains thick cell walls.
• Except xylem parenchyma all are dead Cells.
• Xylem fibre are provide support.
• Parenchyma store food and do sidewise
• Tracheids and vessels are tubular structure
which conduct water and minerals vertically.
• Made up of four elements sieve tubes,
companion cells, phloem fibres and
phloem parenchyma.
• Except phloem fibre all are living cells.
• Sieve tubes are tubular cells with
perforated walls.
• Phloem transport food.
• Phloem transport is bidirectional.
• What is the unique feature of meristem?
• What are different types of permanent tissues?
• Name the dead elements of xylem and phloem.
• Name the protective tissue present in plants.
• State the characteristics of cells of epidermis.
• Name the chemical present in cork.
Epithelial tissue (Epithelium)
• It is the covering or protective tissue of animals.
• Made up of tightly packed cell which form
continuous layer with no intercellular spaces .
• Separated from underlying tissue by fibrous
basement membrane.
• The permeability of epithelial cells regulate the
exchange of material between body and
Types of epithelium
Type of Characteristics Location Function
Squamous Cells are thin and Lungs alveoli, Protection
epithelium flat. Blood Vessels, Exchange of substances
Oesophagus between blood and
Lining of mouth cells and at alveoli