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Asds Mobile Dimancom 2024

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1st Mobile DIMANCOM

March 12 to 15, 2024


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Revised RPMS Timeline for SY 2023–2024
RPMS Cycle Task/Activity Tools Person/s Schedule
Phase Responsible

Start of EOSY n/a n/a May 31, 2024


Review and Mandatory 30-day n/a n/a June 1 – 30, 2024
Evaluation Vacation of

Performance IPCRF Teacher’s Ratee, Rater, July 1 – 12, 2024

Assessment of Portfolio Approving
Teachers Authority
Revised RPMS Timeline for SY 2023–2024)
RPMS Cycle Task/Activity Tools Person/s Schedule
Phase Responsible
Finalization of
Individual IPCRF – IDP Raters
Development Plan

PHASE IV Submission of e-IPCRF (Excel-based Ratees

Performance IPCRF to Raters tool) for SY 2023-2024
Review and Uploading of eIPCRF Accomplished e- July 1 – 12,
Evaluation through the eIPCRF IPCRF (Excel-based Ratees and 2024
System tool) for SY 2023-2024 Raters

eIPCRF Consolidation
System (online

IPCRF Data Accomplished IPCRF Raters

Collection to with complete
Schools Division signature
SY 2023 – 2024

Cycle of
KRA 1 – Leading Strategically MOVs

Objective 1 1. Accepted SIP/AIP

2.Minutes of meeting in the development
Engage school community of SIP/AIP
in the development, 3.Copy of policies reviewed
implementation of school 4. Minutes of meeting in the conduct
plans, and undertake policy of policy review
implementation and review 5% 5. Attendance Sheet
in the school utilizing 6. PIR highlighting PPAs
learner voice to ensure that implemented by school community
operations (as reflected in 6. Transmittal on the
SIP/AIP), aligned with submission of policy recommendation
national and local laws, 7. List of
regulations and issuances. recommended policies

OPCRF SY 2023-2024
KRA 1 – Leading Strategically

Objective 2 MOVs

Utilize relevant research 1. Approved concept paper on innovation

findings in facilitating data- 2. Research/ Innovation
driven and evidence-based 5% Utilization Report
innovations and programs 3. Accomplishment Report
to improve school

OPCRF SY 2023-2024
KRA 1 – Leading MOVs
Contextualized Monitoring and Evaluation Tools:
Objective 3 a. Reading

Design b. Numeracy
c. Academic Performance
supplemental 5% d. Scientific Literacy
monitoring and e. TLE/EPP
evaluation tools to f. Attendance
promote learner g. Performance Task
achievement h. Others

1. Accomplished contextualized M & E Tools
2. Report showing increased in learner
3. Program Implementation Review and Plan

OPCRF SY 2023-2024
KRA 2 – Managing School Operation and Resources
Objective 4 MOVs
Exhibit efficient and effective Quality
practices in the management of Certificate of accuracy on the
staff, finances, school facilities, following:
and records consistently adhering 1. eBEIS 4. SFs
to policies, guidelines and 2. LIS 5. PPE Inventory
issuances in allocation, 5% 3. NSBI 6. Liquidation
procurement, disbursement and
liquidation aligned with school plan, Timeliness
guidelines and issuance on 1. Transmittals stamped received
acquisition, recording, utilization, 2. Acknowledgment receipt or
repair and maintenance, storage certificate
and disposal

OPCRF SY 2023-2024
KRA 2 – Managing School
Operation and Resources MOVs
Objective 5 1.Contingency Plan
2. Student-led hazard mapping result
Work with the wider school 3. eDRRM
community in managing 4.SWM Accomplishment Report
school safety for disaster 5% 5.Tree Growing Narrative Report
preparedness, mitigation and 6. Brigada Eskwela Report
resiliency to maintain 7. Clean, maintained, hazard free
continuous delivery of school grounds
instruction. Timeliness
1. Transmittals stamped received by
record section or program owners
OPCRF SY 2023-2024
KRA 2 – Managing School MOVs
Operation and Resources Quality
Presented the following:
1. CPP Implementation
Objective 6 2. Anti-Bullying/Cyber bullying Report
3. Journal of Good Deeds
Identify emerging 4. PSS
5. Mental Health in School Setting/Social &
opportunities and
Emotional Learning
challenges in 5% 6. GAD
addressing the needs 7. Homeroom Guidance
of learners, school 8. Children At Risk and In Conflict with the
personnel and other Law
stakeholders. 9. Student Empowerment Program (Clubs,
organizations )
10. Community Engagement ( GPTA , Alumni,
External Stakeholders
OPCRF SY 2023-2024
KRA 2 – Managing School MOVs
Operation and Resources Efficiency
Complete files of the following:
1. CPP
2. Anti-Bullying/Cyber bullying Report
Objective 6
3. Journal of Good Deeds
Identify emerging 4. PSS
5. Mental Health in School Setting/Social & Emotional
opportunities and Learning
challenges in 5% 6. GAD
7. Homeroom Guidance
addressing the needs 8. Children At Risk and In Conflict w/ the Law
of learners, school
personnel and other 9. Student Empowerment Program (Clubs,
stakeholders. 10. Community Engagement ( GPTA , Alumni, External

1. Transmittals stamped received by records section or
OPCRF SY 2023-2024
KRA 33 –– Focusing
Focusing on
on MOVs
Teaching and
and Learning
Learning Quality
Main MOV: School Instructional Supervisory Plan
Objective 7 and PPAs Completion Report
Engage and collaborate with Supporting MOVs
school personnel such as master 1. Convergence Plan and Accomplishment Report in
teachers, head teachers and the Provision of Technical Assistance
department heads in providing 2. Technical Assistance and Coaching Plan on
technical assistance in the teaching and learning process
3. Conformed TA and Coaching Form
conduct of school-based review,
contextualization and
20% 4. PMCF-STAR
implementation on learning and 5. Tracking of DLLs/DLPs
teaching standard and 6. Coaching Journal Report
pedagogies within and across 7. Coaching Request Form
learning areas to improve their 8. LAC Sessions Documentation (Summary of LAC
teaching practice using validated Conducted, topic discussed, date, participants,
feedbacks obtained from learners, remarks)
parents and other stakeholders to 9. Learning Facilitator/Learning Partner Agreement
help teachers to improve their Form
OPCRF SY 2023-2024
KRA 33 –– Focusing
Focusing on
on MOVs
Teaching and
and Learning
Objective 7 1. Activity Completion Report (ACR) on the
Engage and collaborate with conduct of school-based review,
school personnel such as master contextualization and implementation on
teachers, head teachers and learning and teaching standard and
department heads in providing pedagogies within and across learning
technical assistance in the
conduct of school-based review,
contextualization and
20% 2. TA Coaching Plan
implementation on learning and
teaching standard and Timeliness
pedagogies within and across 3. School Instructional Supervisory Plan and
learning areas to improve their
teaching practice using validated
Programs/Projects/Activities Completion
feedbacks obtained from learners, Report
parents and other stakeholders to 4. Transmittal stamped received
help teachers to improve their
OPCRF SY 2023-2024
KRA 33 –– Focusing
Focusing on
on MOVs
Teaching and
and Learning
Learning Quality
1. M&E Report showing improved learners’ performance as an outcome
Objective 8 for the implementation of the data-based interventions
2. Accomplished GROWTH Model of Coaching and mentoring fellow
school heads in sustaining learner achievement and in attaining other
Engage the wider school performance indicators to promote accountability within and beyond
community in developing data- school contexts
3. School Assessment Scheme
based interventions to sustain 4. Result of Phil-IRI, CRLA, EGMA, RMA (Pre and post) with analysis
learner achievement and attain report
5. Alpha and Beta copies of summative or performance assessment with
other performance indicators
summary in all subject areas or grade level
and work with personnel 6. School-based literacy and numeracy assessment
7. Evidence of conducted technical assistance for teachers (TA Plan,
involved in evaluating teachers' Accomplished TA Tool)
use of learning assessment 8. Evidences of conducted interventions (RAPID Tru SIKAP de Sibugay,
National Learning Camp)/innovations on assessment, quarterly
tools, strategies and results assessment report submitted through the PSDS
consistent with curriculum 9. Continuous Improvement (CI) Project/school-initiated projects
completed focusing on Learning Interventions to Improve Learners’
requirements to ensure Performance
accountability in achieving 10. PMCF/supervisory reports or other TA reports supported with COT
with summary of ratings of identified teachers needing TA on learning
higher learning outcomes. assessment
11. List of teachers needing TA on Learning assessment (Target vs.
Accomplishment) supported by COT, PMCF or other relevant tools
OPCRF SY 2023-2024
KRA 33 –– Focusing
Focusing on
on MOVs
Teaching and
and Learning
Learning Timeliness
1. M&E Report showing improved learners’ performance as an outcome
Objective 8 for the implementation of the data-based interventions
2. Accomplished GROWTH Model of Coaching and mentoring fellow
school heads in sustaining learner achievement and in attaining other
Engage the wider school performance indicators to promote accountability within and beyond
community in developing data- school contexts
3. School Assessment Scheme
based interventions to sustain 4. Result of Phil-IRI, CRLA, EGMA, RMA (Pre and post) with analysis
learner achievement and attain report
5. Alpha and Beta copies of summative or performance assessment with
other performance indicators
summary in all subject areas or grade level
and work with personnel 6. School-based literacy and numeracy assessment
7. Evidence of conducted technical assistance for teachers (TA Plan,
involved in evaluating teachers' Accomplished TA Tool)
use of learning assessment 8. Evidences of conducted interventions (RAPID Tru SIKAP de Sibugay,
National Learning Camp)/innovations on assessment, quarterly
tools, strategies and results assessment report submitted through the PSDS
consistent with curriculum 9. Continuous Improvement (CI) Project/school-initiated projects
completed focusing on Learning Interventions to Improve Learners’
requirements to ensure Performance
accountability in achieving 10. PMCF/supervisory reports or other TA reports supported with COT
with summary of ratings of identified teachers needing TA on learning
higher learning outcomes. assessment
11. List of teachers needing TA on Learning assessment (Target vs.
Accomplishment) supported by COT, PMCF or other relevant tools
OPCRF SY 2023-2024
KRA 3 – Focusing on
Teaching and Learning
Objective 8
Engage the wider school
community in developing data-
based interventions to sustain Timeliness
learner achievement and attain 1. School Instructional
other performance indicators
and work with personnel
20% Supervisory Plan and
involved in evaluating teachers'
use of learning assessment Completion Report
tools, strategies and results 2. Transmittal stamped
consistent with curriculum received
requirements to ensure
accountability in achieving
higher learning outcomes.

OPCRF SY 2023-2024
KRA 3 – Focusing on MOVs
Teaching and Learning Quality
1. Validated reports on Child Safety measures in
Objective 9 the school (Physical Facilities/PPE Inventory
Engage the wider school 2. Report on WinS Program, School Based
community in developing data- Feeding program and other relevant
based interventions to sustain programs/activities for the promotion of
learner achievement and attain learners’ well-being
other performance indicators
and work with personnel
10% 3. Guidance programs, and other relevant
records (Mental Health Activities, positive
involved in evaluating teachers' discipline activities of school)
use of learning assessment 4. Tracking on the implementation of Journal of
tools, strategies and results Good Deeds
5. Report on Brigada Eskwela Program, Adopt-A-
consistent with curriculum
School Program, Gulayan sa Paaralan, DPDS,
requirements to ensure
School Instructional Supervisory Plan and
accountability in achieving Programs/Projects/Activities Completion
higher learning outcomes. Report

OPCRF SY 2023-2024
KRA 3 – Focusing on
Teaching and Learning
Objective 9
Engage the wider school
community in developing data-
based interventions to sustain Timeliness
learner achievement and attain 1. School Instructional Supervisory
other performance indicators
and work with personnel
10% Plan and
involved in evaluating teachers'
Completion Report
use of learning assessment
tools, strategies and results
2. Transmittal stamped received
consistent with curriculum
requirements to ensure
accountability in achieving
higher learning outcomes.

OPCRF SY 2023-2024
KRA 4 – Developing Self
and Others
Objective 10 1. School consolidated PDPs

Model exemplary 2. Copy of professional and personal

leadership, serve as development plan
learning resource, lead 3%
in organizing Efficiency
3. Accomplishment reports
professional networks
for professional Timeliness
development. 4. Accomplishment Reports

OPCRF SY 2023-2024
KRA 4 – Developing Self MOVs
and Others 1. System Generated TNA Result
Objective 11 2. Consolidated School Professional
Development Plan (IPCRF Part IV)
implementation of school 3. ILAC Plan
rewards and recognition 4. Analysis of classroom observation
system to advocate 2% report
general welfare of school 5. Training Resource Package
personnel with support
6. Certificate of Attendance to Training/s
from wider school
community for sustaining Efficiency
exemplary performance 7. LAC Accomplishment Report
8. Training Completion Report
and or continued support.
9. LAC Accomplishment SY 2023-2024
KRA 4 – Developing Self MOVs
and Others 1. List of PRAISE committee
2. Received Designation Orders with Roles &
Objective 12 Functions
Exhibit exemplary practice 3. PRAISE Committee Accomplishment Report

in the efficient and effective 4. List of teachers due for step increment
implementation of the
performance management 5% 5. List of teacher qualified for
system to ensure career 6. List of teacher with processed step increment
advancement for individual and with reclassified/converted item

school personnel, and to 7. Copy of a program reflecting the list of

sustain improved office awardees
performance. 8. List of group of stakeholders supporting the
9. Deed of donations or acknowledgment receipts
Timeliness OPCRF SY 2023-2024
KRA 5 – Building MOVs
Connections Quality
1. AIP that integrated stakeholders’ participation

2. MOU or any statements of commitment as

Objective 13 support from the different groups of
Exhibit exemplary skills in
strengthening in internal Efficiency
and external stakeholders 2% 3. Deed of Donation & Acceptance (aligned to
PPAs indicated in the plan)
to sustain an enabling and 4. Pictures
supportive environment for 5. Attendance sheet of various volunteers of
different school activities conducted
6. Accomplishment Report that reflected the target
date and actual conduct of the activities

OPCRF SY 2023-2024
KRA 5 – Building MOVs
Connections Quality
1. Approved action plans of the following:
Objective 14 - PTA - Teachers
Engage the wider school - SSG/SPG - Clubs
community in promoting
inclusive practices, such as Efficiency
gender sensitivity, physical 1% 2. Consolidated report of the
implementation of the plans which
and mental health reflected rate of accomplishments with
awareness and culture supporting documents
responsiveness, to
strengthen awareness, Timeliness
acceptance and respect. 3. Consolidated report on the target date
of implementation versus actual conduct
of activities with supporting documents
OPCRF SY 2023-2024
KRA 5 – Building MOVs
Objective 15 1. GAD Plan & Accomplishment
2. PSS Accomplishment Report
Exhibit exemplary skills in
communicating effectively in speaking
and in writing to teachers, learners, Efficiency
parents and other stakeholders to 3. Copy of implementation report with
supporting documents that shows rate
facilitate information sharing,
collaboration and support, and to 1% of accomplishment
ensure positive use of communication
platforms within and beyond the Timeliness
school, lead the community, including
4. Report on the target date of
parents, alumni, authorities, industries
and other stakeholders, in creating implementation versus actual conduct
collaborative actions in solving of activities with supporting documents
complex issues on learner
development, as well as school and
community improvement.
OPCRF SY 2023-2024
Plus Factor
1. Designation Order
2. Training Matrix with invitation and
3. Certificate of Recognition/Appreciation

4. Memorandum

OPCRF SY 2023-2024
Learn to say “thank you” in a new language.

Give someone a “high five.”

Compliment someone.

is the

key to excellence.
President CEO


COO VP Marketing

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