Computer Languages
Computer Languages
Computer Languages
Ms. Ruqiya
Computer Languages
How do you think we communicate with a computer?
A computer cannot understand any commands that you
may give in English or in any other language.
It has its own set of instructions for communication, or
what we call computer languages.
The user of a computer must be able to communicate with
it. That means, he must be able to give the computer
commands and understand the output that the computer
This is possible due to the invention of computer
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("Hello World!");
return 0;
Object-Oriented Languages
3. Natural language
a) compilers
b) interpreters
c) assemblers
d) all of these
Q) A computer software that transforms assembly
language to machine language is known as a
a) compiler
b) interpreter
c) assembler
d) none of these
Q) The symbols used in an assembly language are
a) Codes
b) Mnemonics
c) assembler
d) all of the above
Q) A language which is close to that used within the
computer is–
a) high level language
b) assembly language
c) low level language
d) all of the above